Box Elder County is in the northwest corner of Utah
and includes the northern part of the Great Salt Lake,
and the Great Salt Lake Desert.
Besides the Promontory, Raft and Grouse Creek mountains,
and the Pilot Range, the land includes farmlands, ranges
and desert.
Permanent white settlement began in 1851 and in 1856 Box Elder County was fromed from part of Weber County.

Hampton Ford Stage Station Collinston, UT
Collinston is an unincorporated community and is mentioned as the approximate location where Captain John C Fremont crossed the Bear River in 1843.
Hampton Ford Stage Stop was established on the Bear River near Collinston by Benjamin Y Hampton and William S Godbe in 1853.

Street View of Corinne, UT
Corinne is located in southeastern Box Elder County, on the west side of the Bear River. It is the last town on the river before it enters the marsh complexes leading to the Great Salt Lake.
Named by one of the founders (General J A Williamson) for his fourteen-year-old daughter, Corinne was designed to be the freight-transfer point for the shipment of goods and supplies to the mining towns of western Montana along the Montana Trail.
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