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Tullos Family

From: LaNoy Collins golffer4@mercury.net
Subject: TULLOS, Willoughby      b. ca 1831 MS;     d. ca 1890 Trinity County, Texas
Date: Mon, 9 Mar 1998

This is the father of Willoughby James Tullos.

About 1859 Willoughby Tullos, his wife Nancy and their children, Mary Jane, Nancy Ann, Albert, Steven and the youngest Willoughby James (1857-1909) gathered their possessions into a covered wagon. They traveled with a train of eight wagons from Simpson county, Mississippi to Trinity county, Texas.

On October 10th, 1860, twins were born. David and Jackson (Jackson's grave marker states 1861) at Sumpter, Texas. David married Ann J. Ainsworth and Jackson married Mary Robbins and on her death Jackson married her sister, Louisa Jane Robbins. One more addition was a daughter, Sarah born in 1866. She married W.G. Simms and then married John L. Ainsworth.

When war broke out, the father, Willoughby Tullos, enlisted on the 20th of March 1862, in Company A, Gould's Battalion, Texas Calvary. Willoughby Tullos and Nancy were divorced and he married Rachel Powell and had another family. I do not have any information on the second family. Willoughby and Nancy both died in the 1890's in Texas.

Their son Willoughby James (1857-1909) married Samantha Caroline Ainsworth (1860-1952) on Aug 26, 1880 in Groveton, Texas. Samantha was the daughter of John Levin Ainsworth (1832-1917) and Samantha C. Maness (1840-1895). The Ainsworths married December 14, 1857 in the home of Hiram and Lucinda Maness, in Trinity County, Texas.

Only information I have on the Maness family is that they came from McNairy County, Tn.

During the war John L. Ainsworth enlisted in Company G, 22nd Texas Infantry. He left his family in care of his father-in-law, Hiram Maness. Hiram was murdered while plowing in his field on April 12, 1864. When John heard about Hirams death he came home to avenge it. He looked for the murderer until he became satisfied that justice had been done, then he returned to the Army. Willoughby James (1857-1909) and Samantha Caroline Ainsworth (1860-1952) had six children that I can find:

1. Nancy married Jim Rains
2. John W. married Ada Barton
3. Callie married Edgar Pruitt
4. David married Georgie Simmons
5. Steve (Dock) married Bertha Simmons
6. Mary Louise died at age six in 1908

Looking for information on the children of Willoughby Tullos and their children.

Trinity County Burials     Tullos, Cemetery                  dates

Jack (Jackson) Bennett                                Oct 10, 1861-Dec 22, 1942

Louisa Jane Bennett                                     Sept 1, 1873-Oct 13, 1942


Willouby Calvary                                         no dates


Steve J. Ellis Prairie                                      1816-1890

Nancy Ellis Prairie                                        1816-1886
Wife of Steve J. Tullos


Willoughby Jr.                         New Church   no dates
Co A. 6 Bn Tex Cav C.S.A.                          2 markers


I have the Trinity county, Texas cemeteries book if you need a lookup. Hope all this helps and
if I can be of further help let me know.

Good Hunting

"In prosperity our friends know us; in adversity we know our friends"

LaNoy Collins golffer4@mercury.net


Have a nice day.

Researching: Ainsworth (SC, Ky, Ms. Tx.) Bateman (NC, Tn, Tx.)
Brown ( TN) Collins (NC, SC, Ky, Tx.) Jones (Va, NC, Tx)
Martin (Al, Ms, Tx) Patterson (Va) Pearre (Md, Tn )

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