Rains County, Texas Seed Tick School
1911 Singing School (1987 photo contributed by Minnie Plunk, printed originally in 26
May 1966 Rains Co. LEADER)
Tom Deaton - teacher
(among some of the students in the photo are: )
Adams, Claudia Fuston, Austin Panter, Joe Rainwater, Edna
Adams, Maggie Fuston, Louis Panter, Valla Rainwater, Effie
Childers, Ade Hebisen, Lillie Plunk, Milton Spence, Callie
Chiders, Held Jobe, Grandma Plunk, Polk Spence, Topsie
Childers, Lethie Magee, Mrs. Prather, Frank Taylor, Dick
Childers, Walter Magee, Bunyon Prather, George Taylor, Edd
Coker, Betty Magee, Otis Prather, Grandpa Teer, Fannie
Coker, Boonis Magee, Seffie Prather, Janie Teer, Ida
Coker, Buck Panter, Collie Prather, Mag Turner, Birdie
Coker, Pearl Panter, Grady Prather, Mollie Turner, Ed
Deaton, Ike Panter, India Prather, Ruby Turner, Victoria
Varnon, Forney1912 or 1913 ("Looking Back..." photo, 12 May 1988)
Miss Jessie Adams, Mrs. Bridges, Mrs. Doyle : teachers
Adams, Earl Doyle, Cloie Magee, Seppie
Allen, Ben Ellison, Pink's girl Magee, Willie
Allen, Mac Fowler, Bessie McCillium, Winnie
Allen, Zelma Gatlin, Hallie Panter, Collie
Allen, Zola Gatlin, Herbert Panter, Grady
Bridges, Hattie Gatlin, Ione Robertson, Pearl
Childers, Ade Gatlin, Jack Shultz, Marvin
Childers, Hedrin Jenkins, Elsie's brother Wolf, Willie
Cross, Glover Jones, Elsie