Rains County, TexasDaugherty School
(some photos mentioned in this article have been lost--Can anyone help???)Daugherty School was located in the north central part of Rains County. From Hwy 69 and 19 intersection, travel Hwy. 19N for 0.3 mile. Turn left on F.M. 275. Go past Prairie Grove Church. Go over two bridges spanning Lake Fork Creek. At the stop sign on F.M. 275, continue north. The current Daugherty church is on right and Della Blanton Community Center is to the north of the church. The Daugherty schoolhouse was located exactly where the community center is located today.
In May 1899 the Daugherty community school became a part of the county school district and was given the title of Daugherty School, District #15. Ordered by the court that the following described territory be and the same is hereby established and declared a county school district of Rains County, Texas, under and by virtue of an act of the 26th Legislature requiring that several counties in this state be divided into school districts. Said district to be known as Daugherty School District No.15 meted and bounded as follows Beginning at the Hopkins County line near T.C. Spradlings; thence east with the county line to Garrett's Creek; thence with the same to Grant Alexander land line; with Grant Alexander land line to Lake Fork Creek; with Lake Fork Creek to Turkey Creek and with Turkey Creek to County Line District No. 3; with County Line District No. 3 to the place of beginning. (Rains County Commissioners Records, vol. 3.) 1898
Prof. J.R. Edmonds, teacher1909
Rains County Leader
Nov 12, 1909
School Report
The following is a report of the Daugherty school for the first month, commencing October 11th, and ending Nov. 4, 1909.
Number of pupils enrolled: boys 21, girls 18, total 31
Names of those present every day:
Clemmie Heeth
Charley Heeth
Cleon Spradling
Lev Spradling
Culver Childress
Hubbard Cain
Guy Holman
Della Holman
Alma Vanlandingham
Emma Vanlandingham
Nora Davis
Harlin Houston
Cletis Middleton
Although Daugherty has had a hard name the present school will compare favorably with the best in the county.---L. Cline, teacher1911-1912
Prof. Jim Craver (Rains County Leader, Jan 12, 1912)1912-1913
Prof. Mac McLain and assistant, Miss Callie Spence, there being something like 80 enrolled. ("Daugherty Items", Rains County Leader, March 21, 1913) Trustees elected - E.P. Vanlandingham, J.B. Davis, G.M. Houston1914......some students.
Nora Davis, Alma Vanlandingham, Annie Schrimsher, Balmy Lennon, Grace Davis, Frances Bruce, Viola Middleton,
Bess Coats, Bedie Lennon, Cordie Lennon, Emma Vanlandingham, Mittie Hall.Rains County Leader: Jan 1, 1915
Daugherty News: School is progressing nicely under the management of Prof. McClain and Miss Bessie Garrett.
Rains County Leader, May 28, 1915
Daugherty News
Our school closed Friday May 21st. Many hearts were made sad when the Song Goodbye to You All rang out resounded from time to time, but a sweet thought was entertained. It was, We shall all be here again after a few months vacation. Mr. Mack McClain taught a very successful term here and all the pupils loved him, especially the girls. We all wish him success in the future.1916-1917
Mr. Bird
Mis Cordie Lennon
75-100 students
(Rains County Leader, Nov 10, 1916)
teacher : Lewis McClain (2 Nov 1917 Rains Co. Leader)1917-1918
Mr. Lewis McClain (Rains County Leader, Oct 26, 1917)(photo contributed by Edna Nelson Collier)
Maudie O. Goddard (Nelson), second from left, back row
Dave Nabors, teacher1925-1926
Mr. Lewis McClain, Principal
Mrs. Irene McWilliams, Intermediate teacher
Miss Syble Nix, Primary teacher
(Rains County Leader, Dec 4, 1925)1926-1927
Mr. S.O. Spinks, Principal
Mr. Lev Spradling
Mrs. Jack Scott
(Rains County Leader, Dec 3, 1926)
Miss Marye Scott
Miss Annie Spradling
Mr. S.O. Spinks
(Rains County Leader, Nov. 1, 1929)*******************************
(photograph contributed by Ivetta Watts Hines) 1933
Boys' basketball team - S.O. Spinks, coach
Cooke, Truman Potts, Elmer
Freiberger, Dale Ratliff, Garland
Hines, Joe Sparks, Charlie
Hines, Robert
(Rains County Leader, February 3, 1933)The following is students listed in eligibility roll to enter the Rains County Interscholastic League Basketball Meet
which is to be held in the Emory "Cracker Box" on February 10 and 11.David Cain, 15
Alexander Hines, 17
Robert Hines, 18
Joe Hines, 15
Roland Gill, 16
Bedford Blanton, 14
Leo Jennings, 14
Perry Frieberger, 15
Dale Frieberger, 18
Treman Cooke, 16
Elmer Potts, 19
Jack Mahand, 14
Garland Ratliff, 181938-1939
Mr. S.O. Spinks
Bedford Blanton
Avis Grayson
(Rains County Leader, Oct 21, 1938)
Fred Groves, Bob Clifton, Willie Kerns - trustees********************************
(photograph contributed by Gwen Holman) 1942
4th & 5th grades - Gwendolyn Holman, teacher
Blanton, Wanda (Williams) Holman, Hilma (Rayshell)
Clifton, Buford Kerr, Claudette
Cooke, Olga Jean (Courtney) Middleton, Faye
Dougherty, Sammie Jo Oliver, Lillie Mae (Plunk)
Fitzgerald, Pauline (Turnipseed) Sparks, Carl
Freiberger, Wilma (Eibner) Tanton, Theo Rae (Mitchell)
Freiberger, Winfred Turnipseed, James1943-1944
Valeria Scott Groves, teacher grades 1-4
Gwen Freiberger Holman
Mr. Reed
Mrs. Cowan, cook
Nannie Pennebaker, cook
1st grade
Arthella Blanton, Dalton Tanton, Edward Hines, James Ratliff, Juanice Holman, Lillie Mae Oliver, Louis Potts
Ona Rose Bagley
2nd grade
Travis Turnipseed, Bill Gill, Bill Potts, Bobbie Daugherty
3rd grade
Quillie Clifton, Alline Coats, Pauline Coats, Wayne Turnipseed
4th grade
Georgia Potts, Pauline Fitzgerald, Wendell Wayne Barnett1944 -1945
Valeria Groves, teacher grades 1-3
Nannie Pennebaker, cook
1st grade
Bethena Lee Sparks, Betty Braziel, Diana Daugherty, James Henry Middleton, Joy Moore, Junior Potts
Loretta Potts, Peggy Ratliff
2nd grade
William Alvie Sparks, Bill Kearns, Bill Potts, Bobby Daugherty
3rd grade
Quillie Clifton, Travis Turnipseed, Arthella Blanton, Dalton Tanton, James Ratliff, James Turnipseed, John Edward Hines
Juanice Hollman, Lillie Mae Oliver, Louis Potts1948-1949
Valeria Scott Groves, teacher grades 1-4
Gwen Holman, Principal & teacher upper grades
Mrs. Luna kernes, cook
2nd grade
Doris Cooke, Gerald Blanton************************
(photograph contributed by Gwen Holman)
Mrs. Luna Kernes, teacher
Blanton, Arthella, age 13 Hines, Junior, age 7 Middleton, Zelma, age 6
Blanton, Gerald, age 5 Holman, Gwen, age 26 Moore, Bonnie, age 9
Coats, Avon, age 9 Holman, Juanice, age 12 Moore, Joy, age 12
Coats, Willouise, age 6 Kernes, Bill, age 12 Potts, Leroy, age 7
Dougherty, Erma Dale, age 6 Kernes, Oda Mae, age 10 Rhodes, Dalton, age 13
Dougherty, Norman, age 7 Middleton, Bobby, age 13 Rhodes, Prentice, age 10
Groves, Valeria, age 25 Middleton, Doris, age 8 Sparks, Bethena, age 12
Harris, Jarmon, age 7 Middleton, J.L., age 10 Sparks, Donald, age 9
Hines, Barbara, age 10 Middleton, Jackie, age 6 Sparks, Joann, age 7
Hines, John Edward, age 12 Middleton, James Henry, age 11 Sparks, Uleta, age 8
Sparks, William, age 11********************************* (no date given - July 21, 1998 "Looking Back..." photo)
coach - S.O. Spinks
Asbill, Ollie Mae Potts Gilliland, Mary Marie Vanlandingham Ratliff, Viola Potts
Easley, Frances Dougherty Potts Martin, Geneva Barnett Smith, Thelma Cooke
Douglas, Opal. Garrett Peterson, Jimmie Scott
Flower, Dollie Bruce Potts, Gladys DoughertyFaculty (through the years----see teacher list for pictures)
Bird, 1916 (Rains County Leader)
Blanton, Bedford
Blanton, Della
Blanton, Louis
Cooke, Ann Spradling
Cooke, Evelyn Braziel
Corbett, Irene
Fenter, Mary Scott
Garrette, Bedie
Garrette, Una Bell Gilley
Grayson, Avis
Groves, Valeria Scott, 1943-44, 1947-49
Holman, Gwen, 1948-49
Holman, Gwendolyn Freiberger
Jaggers, Leola
Jennings, Gladys Garrett
Jordan, Grady
Knowles, Elisha
Lennon, 1916 (Rains County Leader)
Lennon, Cordie, began in 1915
Lennon, Loyd
Martin, Mildred Holman
McClain, Lewis, 1917 (Rains County Leader)
Nabors, Dave
Owens, Eugene
Reed, Mr.
Skidmore, Velma Braziel
Spinks, S.O.
Spradling, Lev
Tanton, Mozell
Vincent, Pat
Vititow, Ester Lou
Ward, Grace Bruce
Watson, R.A. of Palestine, April 14, 1916 (Rains County Leader)
Williams, Bernice Scott
Yancey, Emogene FitzgeraldAdministration
Trustees as of October 26, 1917: J.S. Scott, J.R. Ratliff, J.N. Braziel
Early 1930's: Lev Spradling, PrincipalIt was reported in February 1925 that Grady Jordan was Principal and enrollment at Daugherty was 75 scholastics for winter of the 1924-1925 school year. (The Rains county Leader, February 27, 1925)
Faculty for the 1925-1926 school term was Mr. McClain, Principal, Mrs. Irene McWilliams, Intermediate teacher, and Miss Syble Nix, Primary teacher. (The Rains County Leader, December 4, 1925)
School was progressing nicely under the management of Mr. Spinks as Principal and Mr. Lev Spradling and Mrs. Jack Scott as assistants. (The Rains County Leader, December 3, 1926)
Miss Marye Scott of Woosley community, Miss Annie Spradling, and Mr. Spinks were the teaching staff at Daugherty for the 1929-1930 school year. School term opened October 14th. (The Rains County Leader, October 25 & November 1, 1929
1936 - 97
1937 - 91
1938 - 83
teachers were S.O. Spinks, Bedford Blanton, and Avis Grayson. (Rains County Leader, 21 Oct 1938.) Trustees were Fred Groves, Bob Clifton, Willie Kerns. (The Rains County Leader, September 23, 1938)
1939 - 41
Valeria Scott Groves taught at Daugherty in 1947-48; Mrs. Luna Kernes was the cook in the lunchroom. In1948-49 the enrollment increased and 2 teachers were employed, Valeria Scott Groves for grades 1-4 and Gwen Holman in the upper grades.
The Daugherty School began October 11, 1948, with Mrs. Gwen Holman as principal, Mrs. Valeria Groves as primary teacher and Mrs. Luna Kernes as cook. (The Rains County Leader, October 1, 1948)Deed Records volume 120, page 159
Rains County, TexasBe it resolved by the County Board of School Trustees, of Rains County, Texas, assembled in regular session at their usual meeting place in the city of Emory, a quorum of said Board being present and participating that: Whereas, Daugherty Common School District of Rains County, Texas, has been by this Board abolished and the school therein discontinued; and
Whereas the buildings now standing on the land herein described were erected principally, if not wholly, by donation of the people of the Daugherty Community and the lots donated for school purposes, and Whereas said buildings are needed by said Daugherty Ccommunity for religious and community purposes; Now, Therefore, We, the County Board of School Trustees of Rains County, Texas, do hereby authorize the sale of said lots together, with the buildings thereon to the said the Daugherty Community for and in consideration of the sum of $1 cash; and Whereas, said Community has designated Guy Holman, Fred Blanton and Charlie Sparks as Trustees to take title of said property in trust for said Daugherty community, it is ordered that deed of conveyance of said property be executed to said trustees, in trust for said Community. Be it further resolved that Jim McBride, President of the County Board of School Trustees, and Arthur Jones, Secretary to said Board, be, and they are hereby authorized and directed to execute a deed of conveyance, conveying said property to said trustees above named.
Resolution made & passed 13 April 1951 & appears in Board Minutes
Arthur Jones, County Judge witnessed 26 January 19521st tract: part of the James Garrett Survey
Beginning at a rock on the east side of the Emory and Sulphur Springs road; Thence east 76 varas, Thence north 76 varas;
Thence west 76 varas; Thence south with said road 76 varas to the place of beginning.
2nd tract:
(Book 52, page 72)
Beginning at the northeast corner of 1 acre of land deeded ---- Daugherty School;
Thence east 70 yards, a stake for corner; Thence south 140 yards to rock for corner; Thence west 70 yards to the southeast corner of the Daugherty Church lot; Thence north 140 yards to the place of beginning, containing 2 acres of land.
During the 1950s the old schoolhouse was used for church services while a new church building was being constructed. Back Home