
Andrew C Taylor
Civil War Pension Application

Sent for by Sharon Pierce, and typed by Elaine Nall Bay.

Reproduced From the Holdings of the Texas State Archives

FORM No. 1 Amended
October 1, 1902

13036 DEAD
Name of Applicant, DEAD
Andrew C. Taylor
Rains County
Post office Emory, Texas
Comptrollers File No. 13036
I have carefully examined the within application for
pension, together with the proof in support thereof, and
I recommend that the application be
this Sep 1? 1907 day of ____
A.D. _____.
E.A. Bolmes
Chief Pension Clerk
I hereby __________the within application for
pension, this SEP 1? 1907 day of _________ A.D. _______
J.W. Stephens, Comptroller
No Application Rejected by County Judge or County Commissioners
Should be Forwarded to Comptroller

FORM No. 1. Amended October 1, 1902

APPLICATION of Indigent Soldier or Sailor of the late Confederacy for pension under the Act of May 12, 1899. Hereafter use no other blank but this.

County of Rains}
To the Honorable County Judge of Rains County, Texas.

Your Petitioner, Andrew C. Taylor respectfully represents that he is a resident citizen of Rains County, in the state of Texas, and that he makes this application for the purpose of obtaining a pension under the act passed by the Twenty-sixth Legislature of the State of Texas, and approved May 12, A.D. 1899, the same being an act entitled "An act to carry into effect the amendment to the Constitution of the State of Texas, providing that aid may be granted to disabled and dependent Confederate soldiers, sailors, and their widows under certain conditions, and to make an appropriation therefor," and I do solemnly
swear that the answers I have given to the following questions are true.

NOTE Applicant must make answer to all of the following questions, and such answers must be written out plainly in ink.

Q. What is your name? Answer Andrew Carrall Taylor
Q. What is your age? Answer 60 years of age
Q. In what County do you reside? Answer Rains County Texas
Q. How long have you resided in said County and what is your post office address: Answer I have lived in Rains County six months, my P.O. is Emory, Texas
Q. Have you applied for a pension under the Confederate Pension Law
heretofore, and been rejected? if so, state when and where. Answer no
Q. What is your occupation if able to engage in one? Answer Farmer
Q. What is your physical condition? Answer not good
Q. If your physical condition is such that you are unable by your own
labor to earn a support, state what caused such disability. Answer Exposure in Army of Confederacy
Q. In what State was your command originally organized? Answer Arkansas
Q. How long did you serve? Give date of enlistment and discharge. Answer Enlisted in January 1862 served until May 1865
Q. What was the name or letter of your company and name or number of your regiment? Answer Company C. 17th Ark regiment Discharged at Marshall Texas May 1865 Co. C 21st ---------
Q. State whether you served in the infantry, artillery, calvry, or the navy. Answer Infantry
Q. State whether or not you have received any pension or veteran donation land certificate under any previous law, and if you answer in the affirmative state what pension or veteran donation land certificate you have received. Answer no
Q. What real and personal property do you now own, and what is the
present value of such property? Give list of such property and value.
Answer no real estate
One wagon $10.00
2 mules (old) $100.00
Q. What property, and what was the value thereof, have you sold or
conveyed within two years prior to the date of this application? Answer none
Q. What estate has your wife in her own right, real and personal, and what is its value? Answer none
Q. What income, if any, do you receive? Answer none
Q. Are you in indigent circumstances; that is, are you in actual want, and destitute of property and means of subsistence? Answer Yes
Q. Are you unable by your labor to earn a support? Answer yes
Q. Have you transferred to others any property of value of any kind for
the purpose of becoming a beneficiary under this law? Answer no
Q. Did you ever desert the Confederacy? Answer No
Q. Have you been continuously since the first day of January, 1880, a
bona fide resident citizen of this state? Answer Yes continuously since 1871
Q.If you originally enlisted in the Confederate service from the State of Texas, were you at the date of the passage of this act, a bona fide resident citizen of the State of Texas. Answer A citizen of Texas since 1871

Wherefore your petitioner prays that his application for pension be approved and that such other proceedings be had in the premises as are required by law.
(Signature of Applicant) A.C. Taylor
Sworn to and subscribed before me this 20 day of March A.D. 1907
W.H. Clendenin
County Judge, Rains County, Texas

(Note-There must be at least two creditable witnesses.)

County of Rains} Before me W.H. Clendenin County Judge of Rains County, State of Texas, on this day personally appeared A.C. Taylor W.P. Harrison & J.A. Fitzgerald who are personally known to me to be credible citizens, who being by me duly sworn on oath, state that they personally know A.C. Taylor the above named applicant for a pension, and that the said A.C. Taylor is unable to support enlisted in the service of the Confederacy, and performed the duties of a soldier (or sailor) as claimed by him in the above and foregoing application, and that they further know that he, the said applicant, is unable to support himself by labor of any sort.
(Signature of Witness) W.P. Harrison
(Signature of Witness) J.A. Fitzgerald

Sworn to and subscribed before me this 20 day of March A.D. 1907
W.H. Clendenin
County Judge Rains County, Texas.


County of Rains} Before me W.H. Clendenin County Judge of Rains County, State of Texas, on this day personally appeared P.H. Pirtle M.D., who is a reputable practicing physician of this County, who being by me duly sworn on oath, states that he has carefully and thoroughly examined A.C. Taylor applicant for a pension, and finds him laboring under the following disabilities which render him unable to labor at any work or calling sufficient to earn a support for himself: Rheumatism cardiac hypertrophy and artirio sclerocis
(Signature of Physician)P.H. Pirtle
Sworn to and subscribed before me this 27 day of April A.D. 1907
W.H. Clendenin
County Judge Rains County, State of Texas.


County of Rains} I, W.H. Clendenin County Judge of Rains County, State of Texas, do hereby certify that on the 27 of April A.D. 1907, before me came to be heard the application of A.C. Taylor for a pension under the Confederate Pension Law of this State, approved May 12, A.D. 1899; that the answers of said applicant to the questions propounded were made under oath as the same appear in writing in the foregoing application; that the affidavits of the witnesses who are credible citizens were made before me the same hereinbefore appear, and that the foregoing affidavit of Doctor P.H. Pirtle who is a reputable practicing physician of this county, was made before me. I also certify that the said applicant A.C. Taylor is not an inmate of the Texas Confederate Home, nor otherwise disqualified under the provision of Section 12, of the Confederate Pension Law. I further certify that after considering all the proceedings had before me relative to the said application for a pension by the said A.C. Taylor I find the said applicant is lawfully entitled to the pension provided by the Confederate Pension Law of this State, and I hereby approve said application.
Witness my hand and seal of office at Emory Texas this 27 day of
April A.D. 1907
W.H. Clendenin
County Judge, Rains County, State of Texas.


County of Rains} We, the undersigned members of the Commissioners Court of Rains County, Texas, do hereby certify that the foregoing application of A.C. Taylor for a pension, together with the proof in support thereof, was duly submitted by Hon W.H. Clendenin County Judge of this Rains County, to the Commissioners of this Rains County, at a regular term thereof on the 14 day of May A.D. 1907, and after a careful consideration of the same we find the said applicant is lawfully entitled to the pension provided for by the Confederate Pension Law of this State, and we hereby approve said application. Witness our hands and seal of office at Emory Texas this 14 day of May A.D. 1907.
(Signature of Commissioners)
W.D. Peeples C. Hudson W.H. Horsley L.J. King

Interrogatories to Witnesses in Pension Claims

A.C. Taylor
Applicant for Confederate Pension

Pending in the Honorable Commissioners Court of Rains County, Texas before the Honorable County Judge of said County.

The Honorable County Judge of Rains County, Texas, will please take notice that, five days after the service hereof, applicant herein will apply to the Clerk of the County Court of said County and State for a commission to take the depositions of D.H. Rushing and H.S. Taylor, who reside in the County of Pope in the State of Arkansas in answer to the following interrogatories and such cross-interrogatories as may be propounded by the County Judge of said County, which will be read in evidence upon the hearing of applicants claim for pension in behalf of applicant; said testimony is material and indispensable to applicant in furnished the required proof to his claim for a pension under the Act of May 12, 1899, the application for which is now pending before the Honorable County Judge, and the facts necessary and required to be proven under the provisions of said Act, applicant believes can not be proven by any witnesses residing in the County of Rains and State of Texas, of which he is a bona fide resident.

A.C. Taylor
(Applicant Attorney&.for Applicant


Direct Interrogatories to be Propounded to the Witness&&&
D.H, Rushing and H.S. Taylor
Int. 1. What is your name? Age? Present place of residence and postoffice address?
Int. 2. Do you personally know, or did you at any time know Andrew C. Taylor, who is an applicant for pension under Act of May 12, 1899?
Int. 3. How long have you know the said A.C. Taylor, applicant for pension, and when and where did you first know him?
Int. 4. Do you personally know that the said A.C. Taylor applicant for pension, enlisted in the service of the Confederacy, and performed the duties of a soldier or a sailor?
Int. 5. Do you personally know in what company and regiment the said A.C. Taylor, applicant, enlisted and served in the Confederate army? When? And the time of service? If you personally knew and so have stated that he enlisted and served in the Confederate navy, then state: When? Where? And how long he so served.
Int. 6. Do you further know that A.C. Taylor, the said applicant for pension, is unable to support himself by labor of any sort?


Cross Interrogatories

To be Propounded to D.H. Rushing and H.S. Taylor
Cross Interrogatory 1. If in answer to the foregoing direct interrogatories you have stated that you personally know or did know said applicant, and that you know that he enlisted in the service of the Confederacy and performed the duties of a soldier or sailor, and having named the company and regiment in which applicant so enlisted and served, the please state fully what is your source of such knowledge. And state whether or not you know or at any time you knew of any other soldier or sailor by the name of A.C. Taylor, serving in the same company or regiment in which you say the said applicant, A.C. Taylor enlisted, or if you have stated that said applicant enlisted and served in the navy of the Confederacy, then state whether or not you know any other sailor of the same name as said A.C. Taylor, applicant serving in the same command.
If you say that you so knew other soldiers or sailors of the same name of applicants, then can you and how do you identify and locate the one from the other or others?
Cross Inst. 2. Are you positively certain that said A.C. Taylor, applicant for pension, is the identical person serving as testified by you?
Cross. Int. 3. If you have answered Direct Interrogatory No. 6 in the affirmative, then please state your source of knowledge or information. Is not this your answer simply based on conjecture?
Cross Inst. 4. Do you know whether or not the said A.C. Taylor, applicant for pension, ever deserted the service in the Confederate army or navy?


The State of Texas
County of Rains
I, W.H. Clendenin, County Judge of said County, in said State, do hereby waive a copy of interrogatories, notice, time and issuance of commission, and it is hereby agreed that the answers to the hereinabove direct and cross interrogatories of the said herein named witnesses may be attached hereto.
W.H. Clendenin
County Judge Rains County, Texas
A.C. Taylor
(Applicant) Attorney&.for Applicant


Deposition in Pension Claim, with Caption and Certificates

A.C. Taylor
Applicant for Confederate Pension

In Re Applicant for Confederate Pension
Under Act May 12, 1899, pending in County Commissioners Court of Rains County, Texas, before the Honorable County Judge of said county.

Answers and depositions of (1) D.H. Rushing, Dover, Pope Co., Ark
H.S. Taylor London Pope Co. Ark
Age. D.H. Rushing 64 years H.S. Taylor 64 years
To the accompanying interrogations (2) and cross interrogations propounded to them in the above entitled cause taken before (3) M.H. Baird in accordance with the accompanying (5) Commission waived.
To the first interrogatory the said D.H. Rushing and H.S. Taylor
Witness, answers. D.H Rushing of Dover Pope Co. Ark age 64 years. H.S. Taylor of London Pope Co. Ark. Age 64 years.

Int. no. 2. We both know Andrew C. Taylor.

Int. no. 3. We have both known him from childhood, and resided in the same community in Pope County Ark. Up to the time that he moved from this state to Texas about the year 1872.

Int. no. 4. We do personally know that he enlisted in the service of the Confederacy and performed the duties of a soldier.

Into. No.5 He enlisted in Co. C. 21st Regt. Arkansas Infantry in Johnson County Arkansas on or about August 1861 And served until the close of the Civil War.

Int. no.6. Not having known the applicant A.C. Taylor for several years, we are unable to answer.

Cross Interrogatories
Cross Int. no1. We were both in the same command with applicant A.C. Taylor. D.H. Rushing in the same regiment and H.S. Taylor in the same company and we know that no other soldier of the same name as Andrew C. Taylor served in said command.

Cross Int. no.2 We are certain that since A.C. Taylor is the identical person serving as testified by us.

Cross Int. no.4 We both know that since A.C. Taylor served as a Confederate soldier during the Civil War and that he never deserted the Confederate Service.

Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 8 day of April, 1907.
D.H. Rushing
H.S. Taylor

The State of Texas Arkansas
County of Pope
I, M.H. Baird Notary Public do hereby certify that D.H. Rushing and H.S. Taylor are personally known to me to be credible citizens of said County and State, and that the foregoing answers of D.H. Rushing and H.S. Taylor, the witnesses before named, and ______________, whose names appear signed to the foregoing deposition, were made before me, and were sworn to and subscribed before me, by said witness (4) respectively.
Given under my hand and official seal, this the 8 day of April, 1907
(L.S.) M.H. Baird
Notary Public


Comptrollers Department
State of Texas
Aug 29, 1907

To the Adjutant General
To the Military secretary,
War Department,
Washington, D.C.
Dear Sir:
I have the honor to request the military record of Andrew C. Taylor who is reported to have enlisted in Company C, 17th Regiment Arkansas Infantry in the service of the Confederate States army.
Purpose: The person above named is an applicant for a Confederate pension granted by this State, and I desire to verify his proof of service.
Very respectfully,
J.S. Stephens, Comptroller
Address: The Adjutant General
War Department, Washington, D.C.

The Adjutant Generals Office
Washington September 10, 1907

Respectfully returned to the
State of Texas,
The records show that Andrew C. Taylor was enlisted in Company C, 17th Arkansas Infantry, C.S.A., which became Company C, 21st Arkansas Infantry, C.S.A. On the muster roll of the company dated February 28, 1863 (latest on file), he is reported as a corporal present.
The records of prisoners of war show him captured at Big Black Bridge May 17, 1863, and confined at Camp Morton, Indiana, whence he was sent to Fort Delaware. He was exchanged December 25, 1863. Nothing later has been found of record relative to this soldier.
F.C. Ainsworth
The Adjutant General

Mortuary Warrant Account
Alba, Texas, June 14, 1921
To J.H. English Dr.
WRITE ADDRESS PLAINLY __________________________________________

Account of Death of Pensioner No. 13036, County Wood Rains
Pensioners Name in full A.C. Taylor
Account must be itemized but Mortuary Warrant will not be issued for more than Thirty Dollars.

Coffin 30.00

The above account for Thirty Dollars is just, due and unpaid.
J.H. English
Sworn to and subscribed before me this 14 day of June 1921
B.H. Wooten
Notary Public, Wood County, Texas

Application for Mortuary Warrant

State of Texas
County of Wood
I, J.H. English, do hereby certify that I am the person to whom is entrusted the paying of the accounts and indebtedness of the late A.C. Taylor, who was a pensioner of the State of Texas, and whose file number is 13036 and whose original county is Rains.
The said pensioner A.C. Taylor, died on the 15 day of May 1921 in near the town of Alba, County of Wood, Texas.
The pensioner died in the home of Foy Taylor, who was related to the pensioner as son.
That the warrant, which application is hereby made for shall be applied to paying all or part of the expenses incurred by the said pensioner A.C. Taylor.
I further certify that the warrant for the current quarter has not been cashed by the pensioner, to the best of my knowledge and belief.
I am related to the pensioner as (Friend) friend and that my home is in the town of Alba, County of Wood, State of Texas, that my postoffice address is Alba Tx
Signed J.H. English

Before me B.H. Wooten Notary Public in and for the County of Wood, State of Texas, personally appeared J.H. English, who being by me duly sworn did certify to, and sign the foregoing statement.
(Seal of Office) B.H. Wooten, Notary Public
in and for Wood, Texas
I, J.H. English, do certify that I am undertaker in the town of Alba, County of Wood, State of Texas that I had charge of furnished coffin the body of A.C. Taylor, who died in near the town of Alba, County of Wood, State of Texas on the 15 day of May 1921. That said body was prepared for burial by me I furnished --------- on the 15 day of May 1921. That said body was buried in the Pilgrims Rest Cemetery, which is located in the County of Rains, State of Texas and that I am of the opinion that warrant herein applied for should be issued to the said J.H. English, who makes the foregoing application.
Signed J.H. English, Undertaker


Certificate of Physician

I, _____________________________, do certify that I am a practicing physician, and that I attended ____________________________ in his last illness, and am of the opinion that his ailments were ______________________________________________________________________
These people had no doctor J.H. English
I further certify that I am of the opinion that the Mortuary Warrant above requests should be issued in the name of the aforementioned applicant, in accordance with Act passed by the Thirty-fifth Legislature, and approved March 2, 1917.
Signed __________________________________________
Physicians Address _____________________________

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