Rains County, Texas

Weddings - Pubished in the Rains County Leader
These are very early wedding announcements published in the Leader or other community newspapers.

Rains County Leader
Jan 3, 1908
Green - Thomas
Mr. Hassie Green of Emory, and Miss Mollie Lee Thomas, of Riley Springs, were united in the holy bonds of matrimony Sunday, December 22nd, Rev. J.L. Ross performing the ceremony. Miss Thomas has been teaching school in Oklahoma, and Mr. Green, accompanied by Rev. Ross and Miss Ruby Duffey of Emory, met the bride in Greenville on her return. The bride is well known here, having taught in the Emory public school, and is an accomplished and refined young lady. Hass is one of our leading young men, and his many friends join the Leader in wishing him and his life companion a happy and prosperous journey.

Rains County Leader
Feb 14, 1908
"Point Pointers, Feb 11, 1908"
At the residence of the bride's sister, Mrs. Charles Adams, Mr. J.W. Montgomery of Point, and Miss Roy Parks of Sulphur Springs, on Wednesday the 5th of Feb ruary, were united in the bonds of holy matrimony, Rev. Thos. Dement officiating. May their joys be deep as the ocean, and their sorrows as light as the foam. May they have many earthly possessions, and when they die heaven be their home. And still we hear the wedding bells ringing.---Pleaides.

Rains County Leader
Feb 27, 1908
Mr. Joe Wheeler and Miss Margaret Beatrice SHort of the Ginger neighborhood came up on the train Monday moring to get married. After satisfying County Clerk Fitzgerald of the eligibility, license were issued and they marched across the hall to 'Squire Adams' office, where they hymeneal knot was tied. The Leader wishes them much joy and happiness.

Rains County Leader
Feb 27, 1908
Mr. E.B. Billinger and Miss Ola Price were joined in the holy bonds of wedlock last Sunday eveing at Point, 'Squire C.G. Duncan performing the ceremony. Miss Ola is the daughter of Mr. W.T. Price, who lives 2 miles northwest of Emory, and is a charming and accomplished young lady. Mr. Billinger is to be congratulated on his selection. The Leader joins their friends in wishing useful and happy lives.

Rains County Leader
June 26, 1908
Romine - Elliott
Mr. J. Luther ROmine of Brashear and Miss Bettie Elliott of Emory, were united in the holy bonds of matrimony last Sunday morning, at the home of the bride's mother, Rev. J.A. Caraway performing the ceremony. Mr. Romine is a telegraph operator and is held in high estesem by his friends and acquaintances. Mrs. Romine was one of Emory's most charming and beautiful daughters and has the best wishes and congratulations of a host of friends. The happy young couple left o nthe 8:30 train Sunday morning for their future home at Brashear. The Leader joins their friends in wishing them happy and prosperous lives.

Rains County Leader
July 24, 1908
"Pilgrim Rest Items"
Last Thursday evening at 4 o'clock Mr. Ben Fitzgerald and Miss Nannie Bevers quietly drove to the residence of Rev. W.W. Garrett and were happily united in the holy bonds of wedlock, the above named gentleman officiating. The following persons accompanied the happy couple to the place of matrimony: Arthur Page and Miss Dollie Yandell, Julian Sells and Misses Effie Yandell and Florence Bevers, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Gillispie and W.E. Bevers. Miss Nannie is a very beautiful and highly accomplished young lady of this community. We congratulate Mr. Fitzgerald in winning such a one for a companion through life. May their's ever be peace and happiness.

Rains County Leader
August 21, 1908
Mr. G.C. Spence and Mrs. Nervie Braziel were married at the home of her father, Mr. F.M. Prather, in the Pilgrims Rest neighborhood, Monday night, Rev. W.W. Garrett performing the ceremony. The Leader wishes them successful and useful lives.

Rains County Leader
Oct 30, 1908
Johnson - Hendrix
On last Sunday evening standing on the front porch in the presence of hundreds of relatives and friends, Mr. C.M. Johnson and Miss Bessie Hendrix were married at the residence of the bride's father, 4 miles east of Emory. Mrs. Boss, as he is commonly called, is a very popular and high-toned young school teacher of Pilgrim Rest community, and Miss Bessie is the highly accomplished daughter of Mr. G.W. Hendrix. She is one of Pilgrim Rest' fairest jewels, and we congratulate Mr. Johnson in winning her as his companion through life. After the ceremony the happy young couple drove to the home of our friend. C.B. Johnson, father of the groom, where a nice supper was served.---A friend

Rains County Leader
November 6, 1908
Stuart - Cox
Mr. Leon Stuart and Miss Mamie Cox were married at the foot of Brushey bridge, near Smyrna, last Sunday evening, Rev. J.L. Ross officiating. They were accompanied by Mr. Jim Settle and Misses Iona Trumble and Eloise Stuart. Leon is the son of Prof. and Mrs. S.J. Stuart and the bride is the charming young daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.W> Cox. A host of warm friends join the Leader in congratulations and best wishes for long and happy lives.

Rains County Leader
Nov 27, 1908
Mr. E.A. Waren and Miss Ellen Alexander were united in the holy bonds of matrimony in Emory last Sunday evening, Rev. J.L. Ross performing the ceremony. Mr. Waren is one of Dunbar communitys best citizens and commands the respect of all who know him. Miss Ellen is the youngest daughter of the lamented I.C. Alexander, and a model young lady. The Leader joins their many friends in wishing them long lives and prosperity.

Rains County Leader
November 13, 1908
Mr. Pat Oliver, the accommodating lineman of the citizen's Telephone company of this pace, and Miss Ella Cooke of Miller Grove were married at the latter place last Sunday. Pat is an industrious and deserving young man and the Leader joins their friends in wishing him and his charming young bride happy and prosperous lives.

Rains County Leader
Dec 4, 1908
Mr. John McElroy and Miss Aldie Duffy, both of Emory, were Married at Greenville last Sunday, where Miss Aldie was at work in a telephone office. Mr. McElroy is at present engaged in the livery business here and is one of our leading young men. Miss Aldie is the 17-year-old daughter of the lamented Dr. W.A. Duffey, and is an amiable and beautiful young lady. The Leader joins with their many friends in wishing them long lives and happiness.

Dec 11, 1908
At the country home of the parents Sunday afternoon Sam Sparks and Miss Ethel HOrnbeck were united in marriage, Rev. Turner, officiating. Mr. Sparks is the eldest son of J.B. Sparks who lives north of town and is a young man who enjoys the confidence and esteem of all who know him. Mrs. Sparks is the accomplished daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A.S. Hornbeck who lives one ane one half miles west of town. These young folks are very popular and have a host of friends who wish them much joy and happiness through life. The Times extends to them congratulations and good wishes and hopes that for them life will be one long span of happiness and prosperity.---Texico (N.M.) Times

Mr. Kern Cutts of Hopkins county and Miss Estella Ingram were married Sunday, November 29th, at the home of the bride's parents, Mrs. and Mrs. F.M. Ingram, in the Dunbar neighborhood, REv. C.M. Martin performing the ceremony. The Leader joins with their friends in wishing them prosperity and happiness.

April 23, 1909
The editor and lady acknowledges with thanks in invitation which reads:
Mr. and Mrs. R.P. Etter request your presence at the marriage of their daughter, Ray, to Clarence A. Glass, at home Lone Oak, Texas, 8:30 oclock p.m., Thursday, April 29, 1909.
Clarence is our County and District Clerk and is a promising young man with exemplary habits, and Miss Ray is a charming and highly accomplished young woman. The Leader offers its heartiest congratulations in advance.

April 23, 1909
Rev. Milo Sullivan and Miss Ethel Rainwater were married last Monday in the Smyrna neighborhood, Rev. W.N. Jarrett performing the ceremony. We wish them much joy and happiness.

May 14, 1909
Woosley Happenings
A quite little wedding was consummated Sunday at 1:30 oclock when our friend and citizen Mr. Ed. Turner and Miss Clara Trimble were united in holy wedlock by our pastor, Rev. Thos. Dement, at the home of Mr. Sam Calloway. We bespeak for them a happy life together in Sailing oer lifes treacherous sea. The wedding party, consisting of the bride and groom and Mr. Lisha Trimble and Miss Annie Woodson, had their pictures made after the ceremony by one of our local amateur photographers.

May 21, 1909
Mr. John Prince of Wichita Falls and Miss Ora, the charming young 18-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E.B. Davis of Point, went to Wills Point Tuesday night and took the train for Dallas, where they were united in the holy bonds of matrimony. The groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Prince of Point, but is now making his home in Wichita Falls, where he is engaged in the railroad business. The bride is a beautiful and charming young lady, and the happy young couple have the congratulations and best wishes of a host of friends.

June 8, 1909
Mr. Moses Adams, who has been making his home in Emory the past few months with his son, Rev. W.W. Adams, hied himself away to Dallas Monday morning where he took unto himself a better half in the person of Mrs. Martha Cummings. They returned to Emory Tuesday evening and will remain here until next week, then they will go to Jacksonville, where they will make their future home. The Leader wishes them much joy.

June 8, 1909
Forest Williamson and Miss Johnnie Wallace were married at Cold Hill last Sunday. Miss Johnnie was formerly a resident of Emory and has many friends here who will wish them much success in their new relation. They will make their home in the Cold Hill neighborhood.

June 8, 1909
Boyd Dots
Last Sunday morning Lee Wright and Miss May Bell Hedgecoth were united in the holy bonds of matrimony in Quitman. They were accompanied by a number of relatives and friends, returning to the brides parents home, Mr. and Mrs. S.H. Hedgecoth of our community, where the fatted calf was killed and a large number of relatives and friends partook of the feast. We wish the happy young couple useful and happy lives.

June 8, 1909
Point News
Jesse Bennet of Alba and Miss Anna Burkhalter of this place were quietly married at this place Saturday evening. Mr. Bennet is a worthy young man and is highly respected by all who know him. Miss Burkhatler is a most charming young lady, and we congratulate the young man in winning her as his companion down the journey of life, which we trust will be one of joy and happiness.

July 16, 1909
Howard Grand and Miss Mary Hutchens were united in the holy bonds of matrimony last Sunday evening at the home of the brides parents, Mr. and Mrs. G.W. Hutchens, Squire W.O. Hebisen performing the ceremony. The Leader wishes them much joy and happiness.

July 2, 1909
Mr. Will Trimble and Miss Mary Hughes were united in the holy bonds of matrimony at the home of Mrs. G.R. Kimbrough near Point Sunday evening, Rev. R.D. Campbell performing the ceremony. Mr. Trimble is a son of M.W. Trimble and one of the most prominent young men in his neighborhood. Mrs. Trimble is the charming young daughter of Mr. D.E. Hughes and is highly respected by all who know her. For the present they will make their home with Mrs. Kimbrough. The Leader offers its best wishes and congratulations to the happy young couple for long and happy lives

July 30, 1909
Mr. Fred Glass and Miss Emma Williams were united in the holy bonds of wedlock Sunday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Horsley, Rev. R.G. Horsley officiating.

July 16, 1909
Hogansville Happenings
The wedding bells sounded their sweetest tone last Sunday evening. Alexander Williams and Miss Effie Yandel were happily united in the holy bonds of matrimony at the home of the grooms parents, Mr. and Mrs. Don Yandel. Alex is one of our leading young men and Miss Effie is one of the most promising and highly accomplished young belles of our community. Alex made a good selection in choosing her for his latter half. Bro. White performed the ceremony. A large crowd was present. Ye writer wishes them both much joy and happiness.

July 16, 1909
Pilgrim Rest Items
Sunday evening at the home of the brides parents, Mr. and Mrs. D.A.W. Yandel, Miss Effie Yandel and Alex Williams were happily united in the holy bonds of matrimony, in the presence of a large congregation, Rev. W.W. Garrett performing the ceremony. We congratulate Mr. Williams in winning for his companion such a beautiful and accomplished young lady. Mr. Williams is a citizen of Wood county and highly respected by all who know him. An excellent supper was served and all present partook of the bounties to their own satisfaction. May theirs ever be peace and happiness as they journey hand in hand through the turmoils of life

July 30, 1909
Last Wednesday evening Mr. Jim Ford and Miss Maude Terry drove down to the home of Squire G.W. Melton and were united in the sacred ties of holy matrimony, the above named gentleman performing the ceremony. Miss Maude is a very highly and accomplished young lady of this community and honored and loved by all who know her. Mr. Ford is a very estimable and promising young man of this community, and has many friends. We wish for them a long, happy and prosperous life

J.N. Braziel and Miss Lula Brooks of the Daugherty neighborhood drove over to Sulphur Springs Saturday where they were united in the holy bonds of matrimony. John is one of the leading young men of his neighborhood, and Miss Lula is a charming and beautiful young lady, and the Leader joins with their many friends in wishing them long and happy lives.

 August 14, 1909
Mr. and Mrs. Homer McCallon, who were married in Waco the 18th of this month, arrived in Emory on Thursday morning of last week. The following notice of the wedding appeared in the State Social News column of Sundays Dallas News:

In a quiet home wedding on Wednesday afternoon Homer F. McCallon of Emory led to the altar Miss Ola Elizabeth Wells, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wells of Washington Street, Rev. Dr. Barton of the First Baptist church officiating. There were no attendants except two little tots, Jane Dodd Moore and Winnifred Earl, who carried the ribbons down the staircase to the altar, where the minister met the bridal couple. Mr. and Mrs. McCallon left at once for their home in Emory.
The Leader joins with their many friends in wishing them long, prosperous and happy lives.

May 7, 1909
Colony Items
May 3, 1909
W.H. Milliron, Jr. and his bride have returned from their bridal tour in Washington and Oregon. We welcome this esteemable young couple to our community

Rains County Leader
Sept 17, 1909
Missionary Report...Mr. Will Voos and Miss Flora Bell McTaggett drove up and alighted from their buggy and told the missionary they had agreed to be made one, and as the preacher could not reasonably object he said the word that united their destinies for life. And the new married couple and preacher went down to the church and taken a part in the Sabbath school exercises....R.D. Campbell, Missionary.

Rains County Leader
Sept 24, 1909
Daugherty Dots (written for last week)
Sam Mitchell and Miss Alice Ratliff were happily joined in the holy bonds of matrimony last Sunday evening, in the Freedom community. Ye scribe joins with their friends in wishing them long and happy lives.

Rains County Leader
Oct 29, 1909
Pilgrim Rest Items
Also at the residence of the brides parents Sunday evening, Mr. Andy Harper of Arbala and Miss Marzee Horsley of this community were united in the holy bonds of matrimony, R.G. Horsley officiating. May the lives of each be long and happy and much prosperity abound.---

Sunday morning between 9 and 10 oclock Mr. Austin Mitchell and Miss Bessie Terry quietly drove down to Squire Meltons, all alone, and were pronounced man and wife by the above named gentleman, while sitting in the buggy.

Rains County Leader
October 29, 1909
Sheriff Morgan Weds
On last Thursday night, October the 21st, Sheriff George A. Morgan and Mrs. Exa Goff were united in the holy bonds of matrimony, Rev. C.M. Martin performing the ceremony. The ceremony was performed at the home of the brides mother, Mrs. Amanda Cooke, and was witnessed by seventy-five or one hundred friends. Sheriff Morgan is well known and very popular with the people of the county and has the warm congratulations of a host of friends. Mrs. Goff is one of the teachers of the Emory school, a Christian lady of highest worth, and is loved and respected by all who know her. The Leader congratulates this worthy couple and wishes them a pleasant journey through life.

Rains County Leader
Nov 12, 1909
Lawrence S. Lennon of the County Line neighborhood and Miss Lizzie Pippin of Point were united in the holy bonds of matrimony in the County Clerks office last Sunday evening, Rev. D.W. Garvin performing the ceremony. The Leader offers its warmest congratulations and best wishes for long and happy lives.

May 17, 1918
Married Tuesday Night
Mr. C.C. Chastain and Miss May Alexander were married Tuesday night at the home of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. G.W. Alexander in the presence of a few relatives and friends, Rev. Smith of the Christian Church performing the ceremony. The bride is one of the most charming and beautiful young ladies, having been born and reared to young womanhood in this county and one of the graduates of the Emory public school in 1917, while the groom is the son of Rev. and Mrs. G.W. Chastain of this city and one of our most promising young men. He has been called by Uncle Sam for military service and will leave for training camp at San Antonio next Tuesday. The Leader joins in wishing for them a happy reunion after the war is over and that their cup of happiness may be filled to over flowing

July 5, 1918
Emory Boy Marries
Lieut. Herbert Edwards put one by his friends last week by running off to Gatesville and capturing a young lady, Miss Margaret Glen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Royality of that city. Lieut. Edward's capture was not affected by the use of a sword and pistol, but the kind of arms it takes to make the Boches, be good, but the capture was made with only the assistance of Dan Cupid. Herbert is one of our most prominent and progressive young men, the son of Mr. and Mrs. W.F. Edwards of the city, while the bride is from one of the prominent families in Gatesville. A host of friends here join with the Leader in the most cordial congratulations.

July 5, 1918
Married Wednesday
Thomas E. Allen of McKinney is now in training in Camp Bowie and Miss Lou Alta Potts of Ginger vicinity were married Wednesday at the home of Rev. and Mrs. I. D. Teer in the Harmony community, Rev. Teer performing the ceremony. They left Wednesday for Camp Bowie followed by the best wishes of a host of friends

August 30, 1918
Rocky Point
The wedding bells are ringing despite of the war. Mr. Lee Harvey and Miss Vergie Herring and Mr. Willie Byram and Miss Bessie Shed were married last week. We sure hope them a long and pleasant journey down through the remainder of their present lives and that they might live such a clean life that when body and soul separate, the soul shall find peace and
comfort in heaven around the throne of God.

September 6, 1918
Rocky Point
Listen to the wedding bells. Again they are called on to ring, when Hass Byram steps up, gives the rope a pull and takes Miss Donnie Davis and they jump into the harness to run through life together. We all have the best wishes for them.
Since the above was written Charlie Mills has been weighed and found wanting - a wife-as he and Miss Ophelia Powers were married on Monday night.

September 27, 1918
Former Emory Boy Married
Leroy S. Buzby, formerly of this place was married in Greenville on September 2nd, to Miss Marie Carter of Quinlan. Roy was our telephone manager here for sometime and many of his friends will be glad to hear of his marriage. He was called for Military service several months ago and is now stationed at Camp Travis.

November 29, 1918
Married Sunday
Mr. Milton Forbis and Miss Sybil Smith were married at the home of the brides parents in Emory, Sunday, Rev. Allen pastor of the Methodist church officiating. The left Monday morning for Commerce, where they will make their home, accompanied by the best wishes of friends.

December 20, 1918
The wedding bells are still ringing. Mr. Schimsher and Miss Eppie Danley both popular young people from near Emory, were married at the home of the bride's aunt, Miss Lizzie Minchew in this neighborhood, before a large number of friends. They have a host of friends who will join ye scribes in wishing them a long and happy journey through life.

Dec 10, 1920
Cupid' Victims
It was the writer's pleasure to solemize the rite of matrimony between Mr. Truman Woods and Miss Cora Lee Robbins in County Clerk Middleton's office last Saturday. We did not wish them "Sunny skies, balmy winds and smooth sailing on the matrimonal sea" because we know there will be storms of trouble and sorrow; dark days of disappointment, adversity and misfortune and heart rending experiences that are common to all of earth's mortals. But we do wish them all of the happiness that may grow out of the true observance of the rights and duties of the marital relation and all the prosperity that may result from lives of industry and frugality. The sunshine of true love will brighten even sorrow's blackest cloud, make lighter the load of care and breach through the shadows of adversity's dark valley. May their names never appear in the divorce records of our country, but as they share the joys and sorrows, the pleasures and the pains, the successes and the failures of mortal life together, may the union into which they have entered grow stronger and stronger until in very truly they shall pass as one, into the valley of shadows and out into the great unknown leaving behind them a record of true companionship of noble citizenship and of uplifting lives, the memory of which among their neighbors, friends and loved ones shall be like "apples of gold in pictures of silver."
J.M. Spencer

May 29, 1925
J.N. Glidewell Married Sunday
Mr. J.N. Glidewell and Mrs. C.K. Anderson were united in marriage at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C.D. Hunt in Lone Oak Sunday afternoon, Rev. C.N. Smith, pastor of the Methodist church, performing the ceremony. Mr. Glidewell formerly lived in Emory and the bride in the Cody community both being well known to many of our readers, who will join with The Leader in wishing for them much happiness. They will make their home near Lone Oak.

June 5, 1925
Everette Harkey Weds Greenville Girl
Mr. Everette Harkey of this city and Miss Mackylee Turner of Greenville were united in marriage at Rockwall Saturday afternoon. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. S.D. Turner of Greenville and is a beautiful and accomplished young woman well worthy of the best things in life. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. L.H. Harkey, well known to most of our readers, a young man of high standing and ambitious disposition, and their many friends will join with The Leader in wishing for them much happiness and success as they tread the pathway of life together. They will be here for two months, and then will go to Fostoria, Ohio, where they will make their home. Mr. Harkey has accepted a position with the John B. Rogers Producing&.

Married Sunday
Justice G.W. Bellah&home of J.G. Bellahs daughter Sunday evening solemnized the rites of matrimony between Mr. Connie Porter and Miss Lallie Walker, both parties living in Greenville. They are both energetic, industrious and deserving young people and will make their way. In common with their many friends the writer tenders her congratulations and good wishes.

June 12, 1925
Smyrna News Items
The wedding bells are ringing. Hear them? Mr. Allen Workman and Miss Ellen Tatum surprised their many friends when they drove to Greenville and were happily married. We wish them a long and joyous wedded life filled with prosperity and success.

June 26, 1925
The Leader joins with friends in extending sympathy to our neighbors and friends, Dr. and Mrs. J.S.H. Allen, in the loss of their infant, which was born Sunday. Its remains were buried in the City Cemetery Monday, after funeral services were conducted at the home by Rev. J.C. Calhoun

Woosley News Items
Mr. Raymond White of Lone Oak and Miss Odetta Fitzgerald stole a march on their many friends Thursday night when they drove quietly to Dr. Coppedges at Lone Oak and were united in marriage. Odetta was one of the most charming young girls of this community. Raymond was one of the most prominent young men of Lone Oak. The writer joins with friends in wishing a long and happy life.

Miss Amis Honored
A shower honoring Miss Aletha Amis, who will become the bride of Alton W. Ashworth, was given Friday afternoon by Miss Nina Peeples at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Ballew. The home was artistically decorated with roses, cannas and other cut flowers. Miss Nina in a charming manner met the guests at the door and served delicious punch in the hall. Each participant registered and wrote their favorite recipe in the bride-elects beautiful cook book presented by Mrs. W.D. Peeples. Progressive 42 and various contests were engaged in. Mesdames Guy Sisk, E.M. Mason, Chas. Chambers and S.H. Hood were the champion players, making nine scores each, which necessitated the drawing of straws, and Mrs. S.H. Hood won the favor. Mesdames Edwin Brownrigg and Everett Harkey were contest winners. After the games and contest refreshing tea and other dainties were served, after which Miss Wever and Mrs. Hood played and sang the sentimental song, Whatll I Do, which was quite appropriate for the occasion. Last but not least the honored guest was ushered in where two baskets of gifts awaited her inspection. The many gifts were useful and beautiful and greatly admired by all. Miss Nina was assisted by Mesdames J.W. Ballew and Wicker Glass. A royal time was had each declared Miss Nina a wonderful hostess. Those present were: Mesdames E.M. Mason, Elmer Robertson, O.H. Rodes, P.W. Pearson, S.H. Hood, M.T. Wever, C.M. Nix, C.A. Southerland, J.A. Amis, Edwin Brownrigg, R.T. Pearson, H.D. Garrett, S.C. Duffey, O.C. Vincent, S.P. Cain, C.P. Henslee, W.D. Peeples, C.B. Chambers, Guy Sisk, L.H. Harkey, E.L. Harkey, C.R. Glass, W.R. Glass, Ada Duffey, C.B. Couch, E.B. Edwards, B.H. Hamilton, M. Saton, Quanah Boyd, Emma Clendenin, J.W. Ballew, T.N. Holiday, W.I. Glass and Missees Magdalyn Wever, Belle Vincent, Aletha Amis and Rosa Reeves.

A Unique Wedding
At a pretty home wedding held on the lawn at the residence of the brides parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.A. Amis, Miss Aletha Amis became the bride of Alton William Ashworth, at seven oclock Wednesday afternoon June 17th. Rev. M.B. Saxton of Caton officiated with the ring ceremony. The trellis covered with climbing honeysuckle, potted ferns and vases of gladiolus were grouped to form the altar. As the guests assembled on the lawn, delightful punch was served by Mrs.Tom Holiday, Misses Rodes, Lucile Johnson and Ida Johnson. Prior to the advent of the bridal party Miss Ilma Rodes sang At Dawning and Miss Juanita Amis, sister of the bride gave I Love You Truly as another prenuptial solo. Miss Magdalyn Wever accompanied the singers and played the bridal chorus from Lohengrins as the processional led by little Carolyn Glass dressed in rose georgette carried the ring in a white carnation and led the bridal party. Miss Nina Peeples, maid of honor, wore a dress of silk net over gold satin, trimmed with satin of rainbow hues, and Mr. Sam Amis attended the groom as best man. Little Virginia Peeples and Aline Mason wearing frocks of white and pink crepe de chine were flower girls. Ben Louis Melton in a suit of white was train bearer. The bride in all her beauty was gowned in white crepe de chine with veil of net and orange blossoms and carried a brides shower bouquet of white carnations and brides roses. After congratulations the bride presented her mother with her flowers. Miss Aletha received her high school education here and attended school in Denton and Commerce, afterwards finishing in the University of Colorado. She taught here and in Corsicana a number of years, and as a teacher, proved her efficiency. She is a charming woman in every respect. Her ideals are of the highest type and too much can not be said of her pure sweet life. The groom is a gentleman of sterling worth. He is a civil engineer and at present connected with the road building in Terrell, where they will make their home. We wish for this fine couple the smoothest sailing upon the matrimonial sea and a life of unalloyed bliss. The brides going away dress was a flat crepe with accessories to match. They left for Dallas and other points for a short trip. The out-of-town guests were Mr. C.W. Ashworth, father of the groom; Mrs. Ashworth, grandmother of the groom; Hazel Ashworth, sister of Canton; Miss Lucille Johnson of Cooper; Miss Iba Johnson of Commerce; Miss Beulah Rodes, who is attending school at Commerce; Mr. and Mrs. Willie Roan, Commerce; Mr. Edgar Hoover, Commerce.

Pretty Home Wedding Sunday
A pretty home wedding, around which has centered the most cordial interest of many friends, took place at 9 oclock Sunday morning, when Mr. and Mrs. Sim Beene gave in marriage their daughter, Opal, to Cornelius Crabb of Bonham. The wedding took place at 3406 Oneal street, and was witnessed only by the immediate members of the family. Rev. A.A. Duncan, pastor of the First Baptist Church officiated at the wedding service, using the ring ceremony. The bride was attired in a lovely dress of corn flower crepe canton with picture hat of same color, black satin slippers, and hose of the corn flower shade. She carried a colonial bouquet of sweetheart roses and lilies of the valley. Mrs. CRABB was born and reared in this city and is a graduate of Greenville High School. She is one of Greenvilles favored young women and particularly favored by all who know her. For the past year she has been connected with the firm of Naud Burnett and has filled the position with much credit and satisfaction. She has been prominent in church work, having taken a place as teacher in the First Baptist Sunday School. Mr. Crabb is manager of the Fashion Shoe Company of Bonham, and until removing to that city was connected with the same company here, where he made his home with the family of his aunt, Mrs. J.I. Holderness. Mr. and Mrs. Crabb left immediately for Bonham, where a new home had been furnished and ready for occupancy. Greenville Banner

July 3, 1925
A Beautiful Wedding
At 11 oclock a.m. last Thursday in Point, Texas, at the residence of Rev. Lockett Adair, Mr. R.E. Corzine and Miss Enard Rosetter were united in marriage in the presence of the family a few friends by Rev. J.C. Calhoun. Miss Rosetter is the stepdaughter of Rev. Adair and the young couple begin life happily, with the good wishes and prayers of many warm friends following them.

Jan 1, 1926
Popular Young Couple Marry
Cupid has been working full time during the past few days and the affects of the shots from his little bow is being made manifest by numerous weddings during the pre-holiday period. Among the numerous weddings was that of Robert Clements and Miss Ruth Hart, Preacher Shepherd tieing the nuptial knot at Tahoka last Friday night. It was known that these popular young people had been sweetheearts for some time, but even their most intimate friends did not think they contemplated matrimony and when they slipped away Friday evening and were made man and wife, it was a surprise to all. Mrs. Clements is the daughter of Rev. and Mrs. W.C. Hart and has lived in this section practically all her life and is loved by all who know her. Talented and educated she is capable of making home all that it should be for the lucky man who won her love. Mr. Clements came here a little more than a year ago from Emory, and since that time has been connected with the C.E. Ray tailoring business, and for a time was part owner of the cleaning and pressing department of that establishment. Bob proved himself a winner while in business for himself and he proved that he is a winner in gaining the confidence and love of the girl he married, all of which goes to show that he is going to be a winner in life's business world. These young people have the best wishes of a host of friends that their new venture may prove successful and that their path be strewn with flowers unto the end. Mr. and Mrs. Clements spent a few days at Colorado before returning to occupy the home that Mr. Clements had provided.---O'Donnell Index

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