Rains County, Texas

Civil War Vet Visits


June 5, 1925
Well Pleased with Old Soldiers Home

Mr.. D.E. Darnell formerly of Grand Saline but now an inmate of the Old Soldiers Home at Austin, is here for a visit with the Hughey family of the Woosley community, and was a pleasant caller at this office Tuesday afternoon. Mr. Darnell is well pleased with the treatment accorded the old soldiers in the home and speaks very highly of it. He has been there nine months and says the treatment is just fine in fact, he says he likes it better than any home he has ever had. They are furnished everything they need in the&and are permitted to come and go at will and to amuse themselves in any way and to go over to Austin at any time they want to. Mr. Darnell will be 81 years old in October. He said there were 370 in the home at the present time. Thirty-six have died since the first of January, and when he left there were 66 in the hospital. The old grey line is getting thinner and thinner all the time. Mr. Darnell will leave here about the 26th for Atlanta, Ga., for a visit, and one thing he says he is looking forward to is a visit to the soldiers home there. Says he wants to see how they treat the old soldiers there. The home secured passes for him, both going and returning, and though it may be his last vacation he says he is looking forward to the company of that city.

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