Rains County, Texas

Daniel Mooring Vs Jane Mooring


District Court Minutes, vol. 1/pg. 29
Case #22
Daniel Mooring vs. Jane Mooring
April 3, 1880
Divorce granted

Petitioners charges:
Daniel Mooring lived in Rains Co. for more than six months at the time of suit.
Jane Mooring resides in Hopkins Emory Texas
Defendant claims that on September 25, 1873 he & Jane Mooring were married in Hopkins County, Texas and lived together as husband and wife from said date until November 20, 1875 when Jane Mooring, without any cause, voluntarily left petitioner and went of with another man, to-wit: ______________ Dixon and has lived ever since with said Dixon in adultery.

Petitioner claims that the said Jane Mooring left with the intention of abandonment. Petitioner also alleges that while he and the Defendant lived together as man and wife, he made a jovial and affectionate husband and endeavored to discharge all duties incumbent on him.

Petitioner also claims that there is no community estate belonging to Petitioner and Defendant.

April 2, 1880
Dan Mooring and E.B. Davis, together or separately, agreed to pay all costs or fees accrued in the case.

To the Sheriff of Hopkins County:
Summon Jane Mooring to appear at District Court of Rains County in Emory on the 12th Monday after the 1st Monday in January 1880.
Executed March 19, 1880 by deliverance to Defendant in person.---H.G. Smith, Deputy, Hopkins Co.

Execution of Papers - $1.50
Sheriff travels - $1.50
Total - $3.10

