
Mrs. M J Hughey
Civil War Widow's Pension Application


Sent for by Sharon Pierce, and typed by Elaine Nall Bay.

Reproduced From the Holdings of the Texas State Archives

Dead FORM B Dead
Widows Application
for a Pension

The Commissioner of Pensions reserves the
right to call for additional testimony if he
deems it necessary

Name of Applicant
Mrs. M.J. Hughey
Rains County
Postoffice Point, Texas. R.F.D. #3
Filed Nov 26, 1915
Approved Dec 3, 1915
Pension allowed from Mar 1, 1916
Rejected __________________________
J.C. Jones, Commissioner of Pensions



The State of Texas
County of Rains
I, Mrs. M.J. Hughey, do hereby make application to the Commissioner of Pensions for a pensions, to be granted me under the Act passed by the Thirty-first Legislature of the State of Texas, and approved April 7, A.D. 1913, on the following grounds:
I am the widow of T.M. Hughey, deceased, who departed this life on the 22nd day of November, A.D. 1907, in the county of Rains, in the State of Texas.
I have not remarried since the death of my said husband, and I do solemnly swear that I was never divorced from my said husband, and that I never voluntarily abandoned him during his life, but remained his true, faithful and lawful wife up to the date of his death. I was married to him on the 1st day of February, A.D. 1865, in the county of Fayette, in the State of Georgia.
My husband, the said T.M. Hughey, enlisted and served in the military service of the Confederate States during the war between the States of the United States, and that he did not desert the Confederate Service. I have been a resident of the State of Texas since prior to January 1, A.D. 1900, and have been continuously since a citizen of the State of Texas. I do further state that I do not receive from any source whatever money or other means of support amounting in value to the sum of $300.00 per annum, nor do I own in my own right, nor does anyone hold in trust for my benefit or use, estate or property, either real, personal or mixed, either in fee or for life, of the value of one thousand dollars, exclusive of the home of the value of not over $1,000.00; nor do I receive any aid or pension from any other State, or from the United States, or from any other source, and I do further state that the answers given to the following questions are true:
1. What is your age? 67 years old
2. Where were you born? Campbell CO., Georgia
3. How long have you resided in the State of Texas? 48 years
4. How long have you resided in the county of your present residence? And what is your postoffice address? 44 years, Point Rains Co Texas R.F.D. #3
5. What was your husbands full name? Thomas Madison Hughey
6. What was the date of his death? Nov. 22nd, 1907
7. In what State was your husbands command originally organized? Georgia
8. How long did your husband serve? If known to you, give date of enlistment and discharge. 4 years enlisted During 1861. Came home in May 1865
9. What was the name or letter of the company, or name or number of the battalion, regiment or battery of artillery in which your husband served? If he was transferred from one branch of service to another, give time of transfer, description of command and time of service. Co. D, 44th Ga, Doles Brig. Stonewall Jacksons Corps.
10. Name branch of service in which your husband served, whether infantry, cavalry, artillery or the navy, or if commissioned as an officer by the President, his rank and line of duty, or if detailed for special service, under the law of conscription, the nature of such service, and time of service. Infantry. Private
11. Have you transferred to other any property of any kind for the purpose of becoming a beneficiary under the law? NO
Wherefore your petitioner prays that her application for a pension be approved and such other proceedings be had in the premises as are required by law.
(Signature of applicant) M.J. Hughey
Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 20th day of November A.D. 1915.
J.B. Allred
(Seal) County Judge Rains County, Texas



(Note-There must be at least two creditable witnesses.)

County of Rains}
Before me J.B. Allred County Judge of Rains County, State of Texas, on this day personally appeared O.E. McAdams & Eugie Lynch, who are personally known to me to be credible citizens, who being by me duly sworn on oath, state that they personally know that Mrs. M.J. Hughey, applicant for a pension as a widow of T.M. Hughey, deceased, is in truth and fact the widow of T.M. Hughey, deceased; that they personally know that she has not remarried since the death of her husband, for whose service in the army she claims a pensions, and that they have no interest in this claim.
(Signature of Witness) O.E. McAdams
(Signature of Witness) Eugie Lynch

Sworn to and subscribed before me this 20th day of November A.D. 1915
(seal) J.B. Allred
County Judge Rains County, Texas



(Note-There must be at least two creditable witnesses.)

County of Rains}
Before me J.B. Allred, County Judge of Rains County, State of Texas, on this day personally appeared J.W. Humphrey & O.E. McAdams, who are personally known to me to be credible citizens, who, being by me duly sworn on oath, state that they personally know the above-named applicant for pension, and that they personally know that the said Mrs. M.J. Hughey has been a bona fide resident citizen of the State of Texas since prior to January 1, A.D. 1900, and that they have no interest in this claim.
(Signature of Witness) J.W. Humphrey
(Signature of Witness) O.E. McAdams

Sworn to and subscribed before me this 20th day of November A.D. 1915
J.B. Allred


(If possible, the two witnesses should have served with the applicants husband in the army, and if so, let them, or either of them, state it in their oath; also any information regarding the army service of applicants husband.)

County of Rains}

Before me J.B. Allred, County Judge of Rains County, State of Texas, on this day personally appeared Mrs. M.J. Hughey, who are personally known to me to be credible citizens, who, being by me duly sworn on oath, state that they are personally acquainted with the foregoing applicant and that the facts set forth and statements made in her application are correct and true, to the best of their knowledge and belief, and that they have no interest in this claim. And further make oath to the following facts touching the service of the applicants husband in the Confederate Army: (State fully your source of knowledge.)__________________________________________________________

County of Rains}

Before me the undersigned authority, this day personally Mrs. M.J. Hughey, widow of Mr. T.M. Hughey, and well known to be to be a credible person, who after being by me duly sworn, states that she has made diligent search and inquiry, for some her deceased husbands comrades who served with him the said T.M. Hughey, but that she failed to find any of them, and that she believes they are all dead.
M.J. Hughey
Sworn to before me this November 29th, 1915.
J.M. Allred, Co Judge Rains County Texas.


I, E.E. English, State and County Assessor in the County of Rains, State of Texas, do certify that Mrs. M.J. Hughey, whose name is signed to the foregoing application for a pension, under the Act of the 33rd Legislature, approved April 7, A.D. 1913, is charged on the land and personal property rolls of said county, in her name, or the name of a trustee, with estate, real, personal and mixed, at the assessed value of NO dollars.
Given under my hand, this 23 day of November, A.D. 1915
E.E. English, State and County Assessor



Nov. 20th, 1915
Emory, Texas
Mr. J.C. Jones, Commissioner,
Austin, Texas
Dear Sir:
I enclose application of Mrs. Hughey, for pension, who have known nearly all my life, and I am sure she is deserving, and I hope you can approve her application.
Yours truly,
J.B. Allred
Co Judge Rains Co Texas


Office of
Commissioner of Pensions
State of Texas
Austin J.C. Jones, Commissioner
To the Adjutant General
War Department,
Washington, D.C.

Dear Sir:
I have the honor to request the military record of T.M. Hughey who is reported to have enlisted in Company D, 44 Ga Infantry, Doles Brigade in the service of the Confederate States army.
Purpose: The widow of person above named is an applicant for a Confederate pension granted by the State, and I desire to verify his proof of service.
Very respectfully,
J.C. Jones, Commissioner of Pensions

Application for Mortuary Warrant

State of Texas
County of Wood
I, A.A. Hughey, do hereby certify that I am the person to whom is entrusted the paying of the accounts and indebtedness of the late Mrs. M.J. Hughey, who was a pensioner of the State of Texas, and whose file number was 32255 and whose original county is Rains.
The said pensioner Mrs. M.J. Hughey, died on the 3rd day of October 1935 in the town of Emory, Point, County of Rains, Texas. The pensioner died in the home of G.W. Woodson, who was related to the pensioner as son-in-law.
That the warrant, which application is hereby made for shall be applied to paying all or part of the funeral expenses incurred by the said pensioner Mrs. M.J. Hughey.
I further certify that the warrant for the current month has not been cashed by the pensioner, to the best of my knowledge and belief.
I am related to the pensioner as son that my postoffice address is R.F.D. #1 Box #100 Point, Texas.
Signed A.A. Hughey
Sworn to before me this 14 day of October, 1935.
O.H. Rodes
Notary Public in and for Rains State of Texas

Must return before
40 days expires from
date of Pensioners death

We, Bass and Elliott by Joe C. Bass, do certify that I am undertaker in the town of Lone Oak, County of Hunt, State of Texas that I had charge of the body of Mrs. M.J. Hughey, who died in the town of Point, County of Rains, State of Texas on the 3rd day of Oct. 1935. That said body was prepared for burial by me on the 3rd day of Oct. 1935, and that I am of the opinion that warrant herein applied for should be issued to the said A.A. Hughey (her son), who makes the foregoing application.
Signed Bass & Eliott
By J.S. Bass, Undertaker

Certificate of Physician

I, J.S.H. Allen, do certify that I am a practicing physician, and that I attended Mrs. M.J. Hughey in her last illness, and am of the opinion that his ailments were Cardiaonal dso-
These people had no doctor J.H. English
I further certify that I am of the opinion that the Mortuary Warrant above requested should be issued in the name of the applicant, in accordance with Act passed by the Thirty-eighth Legislature, and approved March 2, 1923.
Signed J.S.H. Allen
Physicians Address Emory, Tx

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