Rains County TX

Squire J Coker
Civil War Pension Application


Sent for by Sharon Pierce, typed by Elaine Nall Bay.


Reproduced From the Holdings of the Texas State Archives

FORM No. 1
Name of Applicant,
Squire J. Coker
Rains County
Post office Emory, Texas
Comptrollers File No. 3387
I have carefully examined the within application for
pension, together with the proof in support thereof, and
I recommend that the application be
this 9 day of Oct
A.D. 1899.
Wm. J. Smith
Pension Clerk
I hereby disapproved the within application for
pension, this 9th day of October A.D. 1899
R.W. Finley, Comptroller
No Application Rejected by County Judge or County Commissioners
Should be Forwarded to Comptroller

FORM No. 1

APPLICATION of Indigent Soldier or Sailor of the late Confederacy for pension under the Act of May 12, 1899.

County of Rains}
To the Honorable County Judge of Rains County, Texas.

Your Petitioner, Squire J. Coker respectfully represents that he is a resident citizen of Rains County, in the state of Texas, and that he makes this application for the purpose of obtaining a pension under the act passed by the Twenty-sixth Legislature of the State of Texas, and approved May 12, A.D. 1899, the same being an act entitled "An act to carry into effect the amendment to the Constitution of the State of Texas, providing that aid may be granted to disabled and dependent Confederate soldiers, sailors, and their widows under certain conditions, and to make an appropriation therefor," and I do solemnly
swear that the answers I have given to the following questions are true.

NOTE Applicant must make answer to all of the following questions, and such answers must be written out plainly in ink.

Q. What is your name? Answer Squire J. Coker
Q. What is your age? Answer 66 years
Q. In what County do you reside? Answer Rains County
Q. How long have you resided in said County and what is your post office address: Answer 9 years. P.O. Address Emory, Texas
Q. Have you applied for a pension under the Confederate Pension Law
heretofore, and been rejected? if so, state when and where. Answer no
Q. What is your occupation if able to engage in one? Answer Farmer when able.
Q. What is your physical condition? Answer verry bad
Q. If your physical condition is such that you are unable by your own
labor to earn a support, state what caused such disability. Answer Rufature, Kidnie Trouble & Brights Disease
Q. State in what company and regiment you enlisted in the Confederate army, and the time of your service? Answer First Texas & Partison Rangers Company C, 3 years
Q. If you served in the Confederate navy state when and where and the time of your service. Answer never done any servise in navy
Q. State whether or not you have received any pension or veteran donation land certificate under any previous law, and if you answer in the affirmative state what pension or veteran donation land certificate you have received. Answer no
Q. What real and personal property do you now own, and what is the
present value of such property? Give list of such property and value.
Answer 100 acres of land valued $400.00 with a vendors lean for $200.00 against said land
One mule value $20.00
The above covers all property both real & Personal owned by me.
Q. What property, and what was the value thereof, have you sold or
conveyed within two years prior to the date of this application? Answer none
Q. What income, if any, do you receive? Answer none
Q. Are you in indigent circumstances; that is, are you in actual want, and destitute of property and means of subsistence? Answer Yes except as above --------
Q. Are you unable by your labor to earn a support? Answer yes
Q. Have you transferred to others any property of value of any kind for
the purpose of becoming a beneficiary under this law? Answer no
Q. Did you ever desert the Confederacy? Answer No
Q. Have you been continuously since the first day of January, 1880, a
bona fide resident citizen of this state? Answer Yes

Wherefore your petitioner prays that his application for pension be approved and that such other proceedings be had in the premises as are required by law.
(Signature of Applicant) S.J. Coker
Sworn to and subscribed before me this 24 day of June A.D. 1899
Jas. A. Boyd
County Judge, Rains County, Texas

(Note-There must be at least two creditable witnesses.)

County of Rains} Before me Jas. A. Boyd County Judge of Rains County, State of Texas, on this day personally appeared Mabry Wafer I.C. Alexander who are personally known to me to be credible citizens, who being by me duly sworn on oath, state that they personally know S.J. Coker the above named applicant for a pension, and that the said S.J. Coker is unable to support enlisted in the service of the Confederacy, and performed the duties of a soldier (or sailor) as claimed by him in the above and foregoing application, and that they further know that he, the said applicant, is unable to support himself by labor of any sort.
(Signature of Witness) Mabry Wafer
(Signature of Witness) I.C. Alexander

Sworn to and subscribed before me this 24 day of June A.D. 1899
Jas. A. Boyd
County Judge Rains County, Texas.


County of Rains} Before me Jas A. Boyd County Judge of Rains County, State of Texas, on this day personally appeared Dr. W.A. Duffy, who is a reputable practicing physician of this County, wh0 being by me duly sworn on oath, states that he has carefully and thoroughly examined S. J. Coker applicant for a pension, and finds him laboring under the following disabilities which render him unable to labor at any work or calling sufficient to earn a support for himself: Large Abdominal Hernia. He also complains of pain in legs and back.
(Signature of Physician) W.A. Duffey, M.D.
Sworn to and subscribed before me this 24 day of June A.D. 1899.
Jas. A. Boyd
County Judge Judge County, State of Texas.


County of Rains} I, Jas. A. Boyd County Judge of Rains County, State of Texas, do hereby certify that on the 24 of June A.D. 1899, before me came to be heard the application of S. J. Coker for a pension under the Confederate Pension Law of this State, approved May 12, A.D. 1899; that the answers of said applicant to the questions propounded were made under oath as before me as the same hereinbefore appear, and that the foregoing affidavits of Doctor W.A. Duffy who is a reputable practicing physician of this county. I also certify that the said applicant S. J. Coker is not an inmate of the Texas Confederate Home, nor otherwise disqualified under the provision of Section 12, of the Confederate Pension Law. I further certify that after considering all the proceedings had before me relative to the said application for a pension by the said S. J. Coker I find the said applicant is lawfully entitled to the pension provided by the Confederate Pension Law of this State, and I hereby approve said application.
Witness my hand and seal of office at Emory Texas this 24 day of
June A.D. 1899
Jas. A. Boyd
County Judge, Rains County, State of Texas.


County of Rains} We, the undersigned members of the Commissioners Court of Rains County, Texas, do hereby certify that the foregoing application of S. J. Coker for a pension, together with the proof in support thereof, was duly submitted by Hon Jas. A. Boyd County Judge of this Rains County, to the Commissioners of this Rains County, at a regular term thereof on the 15 day of August A.D. 1899, and after a careful consideration of the same we find the said applicant is lawfully entitled to the pension provided for by the Confederate Pension Law of this State, and we hereby approve said application. Witness our hands and seal of office at Emory this 15 day of August A.D. 1899.
(Signature of Commissioners)
L.M. Vincent W. W. Garrett J.A. Abercrombie W.M. Kitching

The State of Texas
County of Rains Emory, Texas
Oct 9, 1899

Hon. R.------,
Austin, Texas

Dear Sir
I write you to know why S.J. Cokers claim for pension was rejected. He is verry old and descriped not able to work atall. And has no property except one House. Has purchased 100 acres of land in the Timber not worth more than $300.00 with vendors lien notes covering the land will loose the land at the next term of District Court of Rains County. He is a verry high toned honorable man. And if any man or woman in Texas is entitled to a pension S.J. Coker is that man. IF he fails to get his Pension The County in a short time will be compelled to care for him. Is it patriotic to humiliate him. I think there must have been an over sight some where. Please answer yours to Serve.
Jas. A. Boyd

Pension Commissioner Emory, Texas August 7, 1918
Austin, Texas

Dear sir: -
S.J. Coker who was a confederate veteran and drawing a pension as such, his claim having been approved from this county, died on the 4th day of August 1918, leaving his wife Mrs. Elizabeth Coker as his survivor.
We desire to apply for a Mortuary Warrant to defray his burial expenses. Please send me the necessary blank forms and affidavits to make proof to secure this warrant.
We desire also to make application for his wife for a pension as the widow of such Soldier, please send us the necessary papers to make this application. The County Judge informs us that he does not have any of these forms.
Thanking you for your attention to this matter, I am,
Yours Very Truly,
J.W. Coker

August 9, 1918

Mr. J.W. Coker,
Emory, Texas
Dear sir: -
I have your letter of the 7th inst. in which you advise me of the death of S.J. Coker who was a pensioner from Rains County.
I am sending you herewith blanks to be used in making claim for the mortuary warrant of Thirty Dollars which the state allows for burial expenses; also a widows application blank for the widow to use in making application for a pension.
Yours truly,
J.C. Jones
Commissioner of Pensions

Copy filed


J.W. Coker
3387 Rains
Confederate Pension Fund
Correct, for the sum of $30.00
Charge to Confederate Pension Fund
J.C. Jones, Commissioner of Pensions


In accordance with Law passed by Thirty-fifth Legislature of Texas in Regular Session
Emory Texas, August 14th 1918

To J.W. Coker Dr.
WRITE ADDRESS PLAINLY __________________________________
Account of Death of Pensioner No. 3387, County Rains
Pensioners Name in full S.J. Coker
One coffin, purchased of Fitzgerald & Dowell $40.00
One burial robe 12.50

To above account for Fifty Two and 50/100 $30.00 Dollars
Is just, due and unpaid.
J.W. Coker
Died 8-4-18
Last warrant 5-31-18
J.C. Jones, Comm

Sworn to and subscribed before me this 14 day of August 1918
O.H. Rodes
Notary Public, County Judge Rains County, Texas


County of Rains) I, J.W. Coker do hereby certify that I am the person to whom is entrusted the paying of the accounts and indebtedness of the late S.J. Coker, who was a pensioner of the State of Texas, and whose file number is 3387 and whose original county is Rains.
The said pensioner S.J. Coker, died on the 4th day of August, 1918, in the town of Emory, County of Rains, Texas.
The pensioner died in the home of J.W. Coker who was related to the pensions as son.
That the warrant which application is hereby made for, shall be applied to paying all or part of the expenses incurred by the said pensions S.J. Coker.
I further certify that the warrant for the current quarter has not been cashed by the pensioner, to the best of my knowledge and belief.
I am related to the pensioner as (Friend) Son and that my home is in the town of Emory, County of Rains, State of Texas, that my postoffice address is Emory, Texas.
(signed) J.W. Coker
Before me O.H. Rodes, County Judge in and for the County of Rains, State of Texas, personally appeared J.W. Coker, who being by me duly sworn did certify to and sign the foregoing statement.
(Seal of Office)
O.H. Rodes
County Judge in and for Rains Co., Texas

I, J.A. Fitzgerald, do certify that I am an undertaker in the town of Emory, County of Rains, State of Texas, that I had charge furnished casket for the body of S.J. Coker, who died in the town of Emory, County of Rains, State of Texas, on the 4th day of August, 1918. That said body was prepared for burial by me on the ______ day of _______, 191__. That said body was buried in the Henrys Chapel Cemetery, which is located in the County of Rains, State of Texas, and that I am of the opinion that warrant herein applied for, should be issued to the said J.W. Coker who makes the foregoing application
(Signed) Dowell & Fitzgerald


I, P.W. Pearson, do certify that I am a practicing physician and that I attended S.J. Coker in his last illness and am of the opinion that his ailments were apoplexy.
I further certify that I am of the opinion that the Mortuary Warrant above requests should be issued in the name of the aforementioned applicant, in accordance with Act passed by the Thirty-fifth Legislature, and approved ____________, 1917.
Signed P.W. Pearson
Physicians Address Emory, Texas

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