Matagorda County Soldiers of World War II

100th Anniversary Edition of the Matagorda County Tribune
August 23, 1945
These photos are from a newspaper from the Matagorda County Museum. The edition is laminated and some photos will have defects due to the lamination or folds in the papers.
Kenneth O'Connell
Ray O'Connell
Frank James Osborne
A. B. Penland
Gene Penland
Glenn H. Penland
Ray Lee Penland
Robert C. Penland
William M. Penny
H. C. Perry
A. B. Pier
Norris G. Pier
Lee Mudge Pierce
Ben F. B. Powell
George L. Prince
Johnny M. Ralston
Claude A. Rasmussen
George E. Ratliff
B. B. Rhodes
Thomas W. Rhodes
Hal M. Robbins


Hosea W. Robbins
T. W. Roberts
Harold A. Robin
J. L. Robin


Cody R. Rutherford
Charles N. Ryman


Ira E. Ryman
Joe D. Ryman


Billie Jean Sanford
Hamilton Savage Jr.
Charles T. Schaedel Jr.
John Schmerber Jr.
Earl Frank Sedlacek
George Richardson Sewell
Gordon Lee Shaffer
Lawrence O. Shaffer
Robert L. Shaw
Huss Shearer
S. W. Shearer


Copyright 2013 - Present by Carol Sue Gibbs
All rights reserved

May 26, 2013
May 26, 2013