Matagorda County's Participation in WWI

Courtesy of Shirley L. Brown


Bay City has done her part in the soldier game now being played by Uncle Sam and both the regular army and the T.N.G. have gotten some good material from this place.

In the national officers’ training camp commissions in the regular army have been awarded to Sam V. LeTulle, 1st lieutenant, 7th Company; John Pierce Gaines, 2nd Lieutenant, 5th Company; Wm. B. Bates, 2nd lieutenant, 9th Company; James Perry Moore of Houston, who was commissioned captain in the 4th Company, is also a Bay City-raised boy.

In the National Guards, R. R. Lewis, who resigned the county judgeship, is captain of a machine gun company stationed at Pearsall. Former County Judge W. S. Holman is a major and V. C. Porter 1st lieutenant.

Gordon Lawson, captain of the Wharton Company, is also of this county.


      Henry Lee, who is a member of the naval reserve, has received orders to report at once to Houston. We understand Henry will leave tonight. The best wishes of Henry’s many friends here will be with him during his entire term of enlistment.

The Matagorda County Tribune, Friday, August 17, 1917


      Ralph Fox, son of A. E. Fox and grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fox, of this city, who was here last summer, enlisted in the navy at Galveston last February, and had four months training at Great Lakes, Ill., and from there went to New York where he entered the regular service. He has made at least one trip across the ocean, and on his return trip wrote his father from New York under date of the 8th inst. as follows:

      Dear Dad.―I am back again all O.K. Well, how is everybody at home? Are they drafting men at Palacios yet? We got to Liverpool on July 4th, and were there until the 21st. and were treated like kings.

      We took a large cargo. There was 32000 tons of freight worth $12,000,000 a distance of 3,200 miles. When we arrived in the war zone our engine broke down, and we were obliged to stand by the guns for twelve long hours. During the day we saw an English ship sink about four miles off our starboard bow. We thought our turn would come next, but to our surprise they paid no attention to us, and we went on our way rejoicing.

      We sail for France in a couple of days on the U. S. transport Occidente, one of the Morgan line boats, which carries some of the best gunners in the U. S. navy, and believe me everybody cannot get this kind of work. It takes a steady hand and a keen eye to do good work with these guns. Now don’t worry about me if I don’t write for a couple of months. I am hoping to get a furlough about the first of the year and will try to be home New Years.

      This is the life for me. Great grandpa was a soldier, and I am proud to be a U. S. sailor. I am sending two war pillow tops which will be a novelty there. I think they are great.

                                    Your loving son, Ralph O. Fox, U.S.N.

The Palacios Beacon, August 17, 1917


      Local Board for the County of Matagorda, State of Texas, Bay City, hereby certifies to District Board, Southern District, Houston, Texas, the following list of the names and addresses of persons who have been duly and legally called for the military service of the United States, and who have not been exempted or discharged.

Serial No.     Name                                      Address                                        Order No.

1282        Dupree Newsome                      Pledger, Texas                                   49

927          William K. Roberts                     Markham, Texas                                 56

194          U. L. Childs                                 Bay City, Texas                                   84

341          George DeWitt Fields               Palacios, Texas                                 142

1256        Hezekiah Wren                          Bay City, Texas                                  180

222          David Cornelius Cooper           Palacios, Texas                                 202

656          Alex Kiner                                   Markham, Texas                                221

784          James Morris                             Pledger, Texas                                     21

1146        Calvin Ward                               Palacios, Texas                                    59

772          John James Moll                        Bay City, Texas                                    72

983          Walter Scott                                Van Vleck, Texas                                77

332          Moses Farris                              Wadsworth, Texas                               81

675          Albert Henry Law                        Palacios, Texas                                   88

981          Edward R. Schroeder                Midfield, Texas                                  107

440          Britten Green                              Bay City, Texas                                  125

1032        Anthom Max Sparks                  Clemville, Texas                                 133

685          William D. Lee                            Wadsworth, Texas                             136

773          Layton Moore                              Bay City, Texas                                  185

519          Simuel Henderson                      Bay City, Texas                                  188

848          Frank Parker                               Bay City, Texas                                  230

The Daily Tribune, Wednesday, August 22, 1917



      The following-named persons are hereby notified that, pursuant to the act of congress approved May 18, 1917, they are called for military service of the United States by this local board.

      The serial number and the order number of each of such persons is shown below. They will report at the office of this local board for physical examination on the 26th, 27th and 28th of August, 1917, at 8 o’clock a.m.

      Any claim for exemption or discharge must be filed at the office of this local board on or before the seventh day after the date of posting of this notice.

      Your attention is called to the penalties for violation or evasion of the selective service law approved May 18, 1917, and the rules and regulations which may be consulted at this office.

The Daily Tribune, Wednesday, August 22, 1917

The names of those who must appear on August 26 are numbered from 231 to 255, inclusive.

Order  Serial

No.      No.

231   1118     Pierce Vandiver, Bay City

232   121       Donaciano Bostos, Bay City

233   221       Joe Cooper, Bay City

234   292       Leslie Hammon Duffy, Matagorda

235   822       Carl William Nelson, Palacios

236   504       Frank Hatchett, Wadsworth

237   1064     Bioney Stredic, Pledger

238   1205     Merity Williams, Pledger

239   1091     Henry Thomas, Gainesmore

240   470       Bonifacio Guzman, Bay City

241   312       Harry Edwards, Wadsworth

242   90         George Daniel Beaks, Bay City

243   191       Juan Chapa, Bay City


244   477       Ellis M. Hamill, Bay City

245   1187     Ed Williams, Bay City

246   1179     Wade Wilburn, Palacios

247   753       Lawrence Miller, Palacios

248   130       Noah Williams Boyd, Palacios

249   858       John Pena, Palacios

250   168       Will H. Butter, Wadsworth

251   1023     Charles Smith, Bay City

252   424       Harold S. Goodenough, Midfield

253   840       Carlos Ottino, Matagorda

254   1188     Louis H. Williams, Bay City

255   657       John James Kirby, Bay City


The names of those who must appear on August 27 are numbered from 256 to 280, inclusive.

256   175       Earl Calloway, Cedar Lane

257   300       Alberto Duran, Bay City

258   178       Clyde E. Deroch, Van Vleck

259   1240     Sam Woodward, Cedar Lake

260   524       Albert C. Herreth, Blessing

261   911       Douglas C. Revis, Van Vleck

262   1172     Eugene G. A. Whitfield, Van Vleck

263   532       Arthur Higgins, Bay City

264   1139     Hamilton D. Wallace, Bay City

265   1214     Levi Williams, Bay City

266   336       Frederick Fief, Citrusgrove

267   212       Joe Moore Coleman, Van Vleck

268   49         Newton Edward Arnold, Bay City


269   8           Vernice Homer Agnew, Buckeye

270   1160     Jules Wharton, Bay City

271   1192     Joe Williams, Bay City

272   305       Phillip Edison, Cedar Lane

273   1143     Harold Walton, Van Vleck

274   557       Fred B. Howard, Bay City

275   622       Jerry Jones, Markham

276   585       Samuel Jackson, Citrusgrove

277   1257     John Stanley Wright, Blessing

278   1077     Jolly L. Taylor, Bay City

279   781       James D. Morehead, Bay City

280   1035     John Spencer, Pledger


The names of those who must appear on August 28 are numbered from 281 to 305, inclusive.

281   958       Fred E. Ryman, Wadsworth

282   323       Charles A. Erickson, Bay City

283   857       Roy Joseph Peltier, Citrusgrove

284   963       Martin Salazar, Matagorda

285   438       DeWitt Talmadge Green, Bay City

286   878       Charles Francis Pine, Collegeport

287   1059     Edward Herman Steyer, Palacios

288   441       Enoch Green, Bay City

289   880       Morgan Plant, Bay City

290   357       Cyril Marion Foisey, Blessing

291   23         Ed. Allen, Clemville

292   1173     Sam Arthur Whitley, Bay City

293   331       Urie Emerson Fant, Blessing


294   1108     Donald Holland Travis, Palacios

295   492       Oscar Lancaster Harris, Palacios

296   1201     Joel Williams, Cedar Lake

297   565       Otto Eugene Hudson, Bay City

298   800       Thomas K. McCrosky, Bay City

299   1049     Milton Stapp, Cedar Lane

300   713       Wm. Buford Magee, Clemville

301   961       Clyde Ryman, Wadsworth

302   539       Simuel Hill, Bay City

303   349       Ernest Julius Fleer, Blessing

304   562       Thomas Hudgins, Bay City

305   501       George P. Hathaway, Clemville



Matagorda County Sends Ten Officers Instead of Six to Army

      In referring to the honors that have been conferred upon Matagorda County boys by the army department, The Tribune yesterday overlooked four very important appointments. One was that of Dr. T. C. Brooks, who is now captain of the Base Hospital at Deming, N. M.; another is Mark Fowler, now a lieutenant in the Quartermaster’s Department; Warner Stewart of Matagorda is first lieutenant in the Coast Artillery and V. C. Porter, first lieutenant in an infantry company, formerly of the Texas National Guards, but now federalized, making in all ten officers selected from the boys of our county.                          

The Matagorda County Tribune
, Friday, August 24, 1917


      Local board for the county of Matagorda hereby certifies that the following list of names of persons and their addresses who have been duly and legally called by said local board, exempted or discharged within the meaning of the rules and regulations prescribed by the president under the act of congress approved May 18, 1917:

The Daily Tribune, Wednesday, September 5, 1917


      David Armendariz, Bay City

      William Eugene Martin, Midfield

      Claude L. Cooke, Wadsworth

      Sam Beverly, Ashby

      Joe Cooper, Bay City

      Carl William Nelson, Palacios

      Frank Hatchett, Wadsworth

      Henry Thomas, Gainesmore

      Bonifacio Guzman, Bay City

      George Daniel Beaks, Bay City

      Lawrence Miller, Palacios

      H. S. Goodenough, Midfield

      Carlos Ottino, Matagorda

      John James Kirby, Bay City

      Alberto Duron, Bay City

      Albert C. Herreth, Blessing

      Eugene C. A. Whitfield, Van Vleck

      Joe Williams, Bay City

      James David Morehead, Bay City

      Sam Arthur Whitley, Bay City

      Oscar L. Harris, Palacios

      Wm. Bluford Magee, Clemville

      Almus J. Green, Bay City

      Guy W. Stulting, Palacios

      Randall R. Stevenson, Bay City

      Toney George, Bay City

      Frederick P. Robbins, Bay City

      Jasper Homer Wilborn, Palacios

      Christian Fabrygel, Markham

      Charles Alfred Erickson, Bay City

      William Griggs, Bay City

      Ira Meed Bowers, Blessing

      Elmer Martin Johnson, Bay City

      Joe Yeamans, Matagorda

      Boyd Kimble, Pledger

      Elwood Laurence Smith, Markham

      Ernest Braxton Hogg, Palacios

      Levin Milby, Palacios

      Arthur Jones, Pledger

      J. Kilrain Smith, Ashwood

      Joseph Edgar Barlow, Blessing

      Manley Floyd McGehee, Bay City

      John Plummer, Pledger

      Aubrey Lee Arnold, Bay City

      William Vern Allen, Pledger

      Frank Wylie Woolsey, Bay City

      Albert Williams, Bay City

      Granvel Daniels, Ashwood

      Ernest Henry Valigura, Midfield

      Malone Odom, Blessing

     Gregoria De Leon, Bay City

      Samuel Wilkerson, Van Vleck

      Allen Augustus Hudson, Bay City

      Kahaigi Yoshitome, Bay City

      John Arch Hogan, Bay City

      Calvin Woodard, Cedar Lake

      Arthur Moore, Markham

      Hannis Harkless, Cedar Lane

      Cornelius Hayes, Bay City

      Sandy Woodard, Sargent

      William Hayes, Bay City

      Christopher M. Boone, Bay City

      McGill V. Mangum, Bay City

      Lonnie Calvin Morris, Bay City

      Maxey Collins Sansing, Bay City

      Clarence Richard Phillips, Buckeye

      Forest Edward Dunbar, Matagorda

      Luther Frank McGraw, Palacios

      Jessie Austin, Cedar Lake

      Pearl Henry Adams, Blessing

      Pinkey Fletcher, Sargent

      Laurence Leo Pfrehm, Bay City

      Joseph Waldrop, Wadsworth

      John Robert Davis, Bay City

      Guy L. Fewell, Wadsworth

      Pedro Sloss, Bay City

      C. D. Sanders, Palacios

      Green Ford, Gainesmore

      Thomas G. Harris, Bay City

      Joseph Le Compte, Palacios

      Coyle Winborn, Midfield

      Robert Green Hough, Bay City

      Joseph Franklin Bruno, Bay City

      Jim Bouldin, Bay City

      Bert Ross Kelly, Buckeye

      Carlyle Robinson, Cedar Lane

      Nathan Mathews, Pledger

      Lee A. Ludington, Matagorda

      Earnest Morton Sweet, Collegeport

      Rodney Green Matthews, Bay City


      Local board for the county of Matagorda, hereby certifies to the following list of the names and addresses of persons who have been duly and legally called for military service of the United States and who have failed to appear and submit to examination, and who have not before been reported:

Theodore Julius Miller, Clemville; August 6, unknown, notice returned.

Charles V. Yeamans, Citrusgrove; August 6, reported joined army at San Antonio.

Ramon Gonzales, Wadsworth; August 6, unknown, notice returned.

Elbert Walker Gore, Markham; August 6, said to be located in New Mexico.

Jesus Alcala, Matagorda; August 6, unknown, notice returned.

Malcom Murphy Stagg, Palacios; August 6, reported that he had enlisted.

Joe Alexander, Clemville; August 6, said to have enlisted at Victoria.

William Bond Hood, Clemville; August 7, unknown, notice returned.

Elmira Herrera, Van Vleck; August 7, unknown, notice returned.

Thomas Herrera, Bay City; August 7, unknown, notice returned.

Elmer E. Kellogg, Palacios; August 7, hearing transferred under section 29, local board, Benton County, Arkansas, Centerton, Ark.

Joseph Keil, Palacios; August 7, unknown.

Milton Ora Walter, Palacios; August 7, unknown.

Santiago Rivera, Bay City; August 7, unknown, notice returned.

Gumecisdo Lopez, Bay City; August 7, unknown, notice returned.

George Franklin, Bay City; August 8, unknown, notice returned.

Mack Victor Walter, Palacios; August 8, unknown.

Walter S. Queen, Blessing, August 8, adjutant general reports in army.

Thomas Garcia, Van Vleck; August 8, unknown, notice returned.

Ronald S. Peltier, Citrusgrove; August 8, reported enlisted R. E. C. Houston.

Marvin Arthur Wickham, Palacios; August 8, mother reports enlisted.

Louis J. Woodruff, Blessing; August 8, said to have enlisted.

The Daily Tribune, Wednesday, September 5, 1917



And for Transportation to the Mobilization Camp at San Antonio, Texas

      The following named men are hereby ordered to report at the office of the local board for military duty and for transportation to a mobilization camp.

      The time they must report is 3 o’clock p.m. on Tuesday, September 4, 1917.

      Important Notice.―From the hour and date above named, the men herein shall be in the military service of the United States and subject to military law. Failure or unpunctuality in reporting are serious military offenses. Wilful failure to report with intention to evade military service constitutes desertion, which is a capital offense in time of war.

      The posting of this list in the office of the local board constitutes notice to each of the persons named herein that they are ordered to report at the hour, date and place named, and that from that hour they are in the military service of the United States.


            Joseph Gormez

            J. A. Ryberg

            Charles H. Lowe

           Henry Francis Sartwelle

           Ellis M. Hamill


The Matagorda County Tribune, Friday, September 7, 1917


Partial List of Men Selected for Military Services from Local Board for Matagorda County, Texas

      This list, from the date of its posting at the office of the local board, constitutes notice to those whose names are listed hereon, that they have been selected for military service, and charges them with an obligation to watch the bulletin board of the local board, and to hold themselves in readiness to report for military duty at the office of the local board at a date to be specified in a later notice to be posted at that office.

      Date of posting this notice at office of this local board―September 17.

      The following list of men, called for military service by the local board for the county of Matagorda, State of Texas, have been duly passed upon by the proper local and district board, and are hereby certified as selected for military service and not exempted or discharged:

The Daily Tribune, September 18, 1917


Order No.   Name                                         Red Ink No.        Address on Reg. Card

17               William Lawrence Hill                    536                   Markham, Texas

23               Leonard Emmett Blackburn         107                   Blessing, Texas

30               Andrew Jessen Jensen                 600                   Clemville, Texas

50               Charles D. McConnell                   797                   Palacios, Texas

53               Joseph Gormez                             432                   Palacios, Texas

56               William K. Roberts                        927                   Markham, Texas

58               Charlie Jepson                              601                   Bay City, Texas

69               John Doyle Jeter                           602                   Bay City, Texas

72               John James Moll                           772                   Bay City, Texas

197             Seymour Guy Hutchinson             576                   Collegeport, Texas

198             Christine Rodriguez                      944                   Bay City, Texas

202             David Cornelius Cooper              222                   Palacios, Texas

203             Ehler Reinke                                  906                   Bay City, Texas

204             Henry Hoffman Loos                     700                   Palacios, Texas

213             William A. Tolleson                     1101                   Palacios, Texas

214             Silas Carl Franz                             368                   Bay City, Texas

215             Henry F. Sartwelle                         974                   Palacios, Texas

219             Robert T. Smith                           1010                   Simpsonville, Texas

250             Will H. Butter                                  168                   Wadsworth, Texas

264             Hamilton D. Wallace                   1139                   Bay City, Texas

266             Frederick Fief                                336                   Citrus Grove, Texas

268             Newton Edward Arnold                   49                   Bay City, Texas

269             Vernice H. Agnew                             8                    Buckeye, Texas

281             Fred E. Ryman                              958                    Wadsworth, Texas

283             Roy Joseph Peltier                       857                    Citrus Grove, Texas

290             Cyril Marion Foisey                      357                    Blessing, Texas

293             Urie Emerson Fant                       331                    Blessing, Texas

297             Otto Eugene Hudson                    565                   Bay City, Texas

299             Milton Stapp                                1049                   Cedar Lane, Texas

301             Clyde Ryman                                 961                   Wadsworth, Texas

305             George Phillip Hathaway             501                   Clemville, Texas

75               Zimri J. Dickert                              280                   Simpsonville, Texas

79               Grover Cleveland Salley               966                  Clemville, Texas

96               John Gregersen                             452                  Bay City, Texas

97               Milam Miner Flournoy                    355                  Midfield, Texas

100             Henry Vaclavick                           1114                  Blessing, Texas

101             Leo Francis Kelly                           645                  Palacios, Texas

103             Roy Joice                                        620                  Cedar Lane, Texas

106             John Earnest Ambort                       31                  Van Vleck, Texas

107             Edward R. Shroeder                      981                  Midfield, Texas

109             Julius Maurice Porche                   882                  Collegeport, Texas

117             J. A. Ryburg                                  1276                  Shreveport, La.

123             Jeff Davis Hogan                           549                   Bay City, Texas

126             August Fritz Meier                         741                   Bay City, Texas

127             Calvin Arthur Sterry                     1054                  Matagorda, Texas

131             Roscoe Emmett Owens                841                  Bay City, Texas

133             Arthur Max Sparks                       1032                  Clemville, Texas

136             William D. Lee                                685                  Wadsworth, Texas

142             George DeWitt Fields                    341                  Palacios, Texas

147             Tom Kain                                         637                  Matagorda, Texas

150             Jason Humber                                 571                  Bay City, Texas

154             Willie Pike Flournoy                        356                  Midfield, Texas

156             Everett Suladie                             1067                  Clemville, Texas

157             Harvey Andrew Bowman               128                  Markham, Texas

168             Eddie Gillie Ryman                        957                  Wadsworth, Texas

170             John Ervin Fisher                           345                   Markham, Texas

184             George Stanley Gautreaux           388                   Bay City, Texas

185             Layton Moore                                 773                   Bay City, Texas

187             Hugh M. Gilmore                            406                   Bay City, Texas

196             Charles H. Lowe                            705                   Bay City, Texas



Immense Throng Gathered at Depot to Bid Boys Farewell

      Mothers, sisters, wives, sweethearts and friends gathered at the Southern Pacific depot this morning to bid an affectionate farewell to Matagorda County’s soldier boys who have been drafted for military service, and who entrained for Camp Travis, San Antonio.

      Those who have been drafted for this time and who left this morning are, as follows:

The Daily Tribune, Thursday, September 20, 1917


      Leonard Emmett Blackburn

      William Lawrence Hill

      Andrew Jessen Jensen

      Charles D. McConnell

      William K. Roberts

      Charlie Jepson

      John Doyle Jeter

      John James Moll

      Seymour Guy Hutchinson

      David Cornelius Cooper

      Ehler Reinke

      Henry Hoffman Loos

      Silas Carl Franz

      Robert T. Smith


      Will H. Butter

      Zimri J. Dickert

      Grover Cleveland Salley

      John Gregersen

      Milton O. Walter

      Milam Miner Flournoy

      Henry Vaclavick

      Leo Francis Kelly

      Roy Joice

      John Earnest Ambort

      Edward R. Shroeder

      Julius Maurice Porche

      Jeff Davis Hogan

      Calvin Arthur Sterry


      Roscoe Emmett Owens

      Arthur Max Sparks

      William D. Lee

      George DeWitt Fields

      Tom Kain

      Jason Humber

      Willie Pike Flournoy

      Everett Suladies

      Harvey Andrew Bowman

      Eddie Gillie Ryman

      John Ervin Fisher

      George Stanley Gautreaux

      Layton Moore

      Hugh M. Gilmore



Money or Package Must Be Ready Not Later Than Saturday

      The local Red Cross Society will receive Christmas packages for the soldiers not later than Saturday. Deliver same to the Parish House.

      The suggestions made by the American Red Cross Woman’s Bureau for the packages are as follows, and further instructions will be given you by members of the society:

List of Articles Suggested for Christmas Packets


Khaki-colored handkerchief, twenty-seven inches square, for container

Writing paper pad, about 7 to 10 inches




Book (in paper cover)

Scrapbook, home-made, containing a good short story, some jokes, etc

Knife, such as boy scouts use

Mirror, steel

Handkerchiefs, khaki-colored


Mouth organ

Electric torch


Playing cards

Mechanical puzzles (an assorted lot of twelve small mechanical puzzles can be bought at the rate of twelve for 50c)

Other games


Pipe and pipe cleaners

Cigarette papers

Water-tight match box

Chewing gum

Fruited, chocolate and other sweetened crackers, in original packages

Fruit cake

Preserved ginger

Salted nuts





Hard candy

Chocolate in tin foil


Red Cross checkerboard (this is a combination set of checkerboard, checkers, chessmen and dominoes made of heavy cardboard and can be purchased after October 15 for 5 cents apiece.)


      John Irvin Fisher, one of the soldier boys from Matagorda County, died at Camp Travis, San Antonio, at 3 a.m. Saturday, October 13. He was the son of Mr. Sidney Fisher, of this county, and will be buried here, the remains having arrived today. Young Fisher, at the time of his death was in his 29th year and left here a few weeks ago in perfect health.

      The Tribune was unable to learn the cause of this young man’s death, the company he belonged to or his position. We sympathize sincerely with the parents in the loss of their boy.

The Matagorda County Tribune, October 19, 1917



Also for Transportation to the Mobilization Camp at Camp Travis, Texas

      The following named men are hereby ordered to report at the office of this local board for military duty and for transportation to a mobilization camp.

      The time they must report is 3 o’clock p.m. on Monday, October 29, 1917.

      From the hour and date above named, the men herein shall be in the military service of the United States and subject to military law. Failure or unpunctuality in reporting are serious military offenses. Willful failure to report with intention to evade military service constitutes desertion, which is a capital offense in time of war.

      The posting of this list in the office of the local board constitutes notice to each of the persons named herein that they are ordered to report at the hour, date and place named, and that from that hour they are in the military service of the United States.

      Grant Pea, Hamp Morgan, Sam Law Jr., James Morris, Clem McHenry, Elry Edison, Dupree Newsome, Isaiah Tolson, Ira Johnson, Shelly Gee, David Miller, Travis Petteway, Moses Ferris, John Gale, U. L. Childs, James Washington, Oddie Fields, Willis Alexander, Sylvester Redic, Robert Hurd, Frank Lawson, Pleas Williams, James Carothers, James Austin, Britten Green, all colored.                                                         

The Daily Tribune
, Tuesday, October 30, 1917



From Tuesday’s Daily.

      Mason Magill, son of G. M. Magill, just as soon as he reached his 18th birthday and became eligible, joined the U. S. Marines and left at once for his training camp at Port Royal, South Carolina. Mason was attending Peacock Military School and living with his grandmother, Mrs. Patsy Rugeley, in San Antonio. His patriotism compelled his response to his country’s call. Within five days from his birthday he had volunteered, passed two examinations successfully and was on the road to his training camp. He left Thursday of last week.

The Matagorda County Tribune, Friday, November 16, 1917



      The following list of the patriotic boys from Palacios and surrounding territory who are giving their services to the United States for the period of the war, is furnished by Postmaster Clement, and he does not claim it to be completed.

      If you know of any others whose names do not appear here please hand the names in to Mr. Clement.

      Navy:―Erv Boyd, Carlton Crawford, Noble Parker, Wm. Butler, Harold Feather, Britton Laughter, Myron Moore, Donald Travis, Eldon Travis, Fred Harper, Roy Hendricks, Carl Shike, Henry Shike, R. A. Snedaker, Ralph Fox, Willie Galloway.

      Army:―R. Floyd Clement, H. H. Loos, Julius A. Cunningham, Glen Miller, Geo. Fields, Milt O. Walters, John Patton White, Chas. D. McConnell, Leo M. Kelley, D. C. Cooper, Guy Stullting, Morgan Stullting, Leon Martin, T. A. Tolleson, Marvin Wickham, W. B. Murray, Monroe Underwood, Joe Gomez, Gordon Lawson, Carl Swarengen, Calvin Ward, Willie Law, Carol Greenwood, Clarence Underwood, Henry Barnett, Jack Evans, Jessie Tompkins, Fred Dow, Ray Dow, Forrest Partain, Allen James, J. C. Stewart, Glen Hall, Walter Galliford, Henry Sartwelle.                                               

Palacios Beacon
, November 23, 1917



“With the Colors,” Nov. 14, 1917

Dear Father and Mother:

      I received your letter the other day and was glad to hear you both were well. I am having good health and enjoying myself all the time. We have been out to sea and have target practice often. I have developed into an expert “pointer” which will increase my salary about $8.00 per month. I have made “Excellent” in the Navy gun crew, which is considered quite an honor, and means four hits in four shots in 37 seconds. We have a fine crew and will go across in a short time―I believe, before Christmas.

      Therefore, if you do not hear from me for some time you may know that we have gone to some point across the water. Do not let that stop you from writing to me, for we will probably make the trip in thirty days.

      Tell mama to write to me often.

            Your Loving Son, Myron Moore                              

Palacios Beacon
, November 23, 1917



From Monday’s Daily.

      Capt. (Dr.) T. C. Brooks, who is now stationed at Deming, N.M., spent a few days in the city last week with his wife and children, but left Saturday, having been ordered to report in Chicago for the purpose of receiving instructions in bone surgery. Capt. Brooks is elated with the service and says it has been of lasting benefit to him. There are 26,000 soldiers at Deming and only 32 physicians. From the way Capt. Brooks talked the war department can use a largely increased number of doctors.                                
The Matagorda County Tribune
, Friday, November 23, 1917



      To be an artilleryman such as Uncle Sam demands means that a man must know and do a number of things that would seem difficult to the average layman.

      Among the Matagorda County men who are learning many interesting things in this branch of the service at Camp Travis are Privates W. K. Roberts of Markham, J. D. Jeter, Charles Jepson and John Moll of Bay City, Charlie McConnell of Palacios and Andrew Jensen of Clemville.

      Private Moll is acting corporal at present, and those that know him are pretty sure that he will earn his chevrons.

      Private Roberts is rapidly learning the mysteries of the kitchen, and no doubt will become a first-class cook soon.

      Private Jensen’s services are much in demand as a carpenter around the regiment, and he has added many conveniences in the way of shelves and racks.

The Matagorda County Tribune
, November 27, 1917



      The Headlight stated last week that so far as known, Vance Moore was the only Eagle Lake boy in France, but Mrs. Ellen Cherry of Bay City, formerly of Eagle Lake, writes the Headlight that her son, Will, left on the twentieth of October for France. He is with the marine corps, a member of the 97th Company, 6th Regiment, U.S.M.C., American Expeditionary Forces in France. Mrs. Cherry says: “All the son I have, I give to my country.” Will writes that he likes marine life and that he has met many fine boys, all of whom, he says, are anxious to get to France.—Eagle Lake Headlight.                    

The Matagorda County Tribune
, November 30, 1917



      Marvin Wickham came home Saturday to visit with his mother, Mrs. E. A. Wickham, for a few days before going “somewhere in France.” Marvin expected to be with the ambulance drivers but was transferred to the hospital corps as first aid. He is stationed at Fort Clark and the company has been pronounced ready for the front by the inspector. In a class of one hundred fifty, only ten of whom averaged ninety or better in the examinations, Marvin’s average was ninety-two. Marvin is an excellent boy in every sense of the word and every man is his well wisher.                                                           

Palacios Beacon
, November 30, 1917




From Friday’s Daily.

      Parker Robbins, of Matagorda, who is company clerk in Capt. R. R. Lewis’ machine gun company stationed at Fort Worth, has been enjoying a brief leave of absence with homefolks. Parker looks fine and is in the best of health. He is well pleased with everything connected with soldier life and reports Capt. Lewis in excellent health and spirits. He returned to his command today.                                                

The Matagorda County Tribune
, Friday, November 30, 1917



Mrs. W. D. Underwood.

Dear Mother and all at home:

      I have been transferred from the U.S.S. Alabama to the Kansas. You know I enlisted as a third class fireman, but while on the Alabama I made second class. I like the ship life fine as I feel so well and my work is not hard since I am on to it. I had just got out of the hospital at Charleston, S.C., when I went aboard the Alabama, had lost 12 pounds in weight while there, but have got that all back and gained more as my weight is now 175 pounds. I don’t know if I can go home Xmas or not. If I can’t I’ll send you folks a box, and mama if it wont trouble you too much please send me some oranges. I want them because they are from Palacios. I am sending you a picture of three of my shipmates and myself. Two of them are Texas boys and the other one is form Alabama. Tell all boys who knew me down there to write me. I sure love Palacios letters.

      Love to all at home,

            Your devoted son, Monroe Underwood, U.S.S. Kansas, P. M., New York

Palacios Beacon
, December 7, 1917



      Cliff Dodson, Ummie Eidman and “Ti” Cobb, all of Bay City, have joined the aviation service at Camp Ellingston, Houston, and left yesterday to take up their work of making the world safe for democracy. These are all three sturdy young men and will no doubt give an excellent account of themselves as soon as they can get into actual service.

      The Matagorda County Tribune, December 11, 1917



      Blessing, Texas. December 8.—William Dewey White, a member of company L, 143d infantry, stationed at Camp Bowie, Fort Worth, died from pneumonia and measles and was buried Friday at Hawley Cemetery near Blessing. Mr. White was the first one of those leaving Blessing to give up his life in the country’s service. His burial was attended by a large concourse of his friends who mourn in deep sympathy with his aged mother and father, five brothers and two sisters. Funeral services were conducted from the Baptist Church at Blessing.

The Matagorda County Tribune, December 14, 1917



Says French Women Are Beautiful and Mustachless Americans a Curiosity

      Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Hamill have received a very interesting letter from Ellis Hamill, who is “somewhere in France.” His parents even do not know where their boy is located.

      Ellis, however, writes interestingly and is already “stuck” on the beautiful French women, who are having considerable sport over the fact that the American soldiers are nearly all mustachless.

      The letter follows:

November 20, 1917.

Dear Mother:

      Well, you can say you have a little old boy with Uncle Sam in France, and more than pleased. We have everything for our own comfort, all comforts that could be afforded; all kinds of amusement furnished by the Y.M.C.A., besides the outdoor sports such as base ball, football, basket ball, etc., but I surely hope to be back home soon.

      This is a wonderful country―some of the prettiest scenery on earth; everything perfectly green; and what I mean it stays that way the year round. I expected to see some real cold weather, but it doesn’t get cold in this part of France. Not even cold enough to freeze; however, it is very damp. They have what they call the hundred days’ rain, starting this month and raining 100 days in succession, but we have plenty boots and rain coats, so can’t be bothered by a little thing like that.

      France certainly has some wonderful looking women, and they even fall for the American soldiers. How would you like to have a French queen in your home? Gee, but they make all manner of fun about us not wearing the mustache―they say it makes a person look neat and clean; however, I can’t agree with them.

      I could write quite an interesting epistle if I were allowed to write what I know, but of course you realize our condition, but will write as often as possible.

      Must close with love to all and remember I am continually thinking of all your folks.

                        Ellis.    Co. B., 26th Engrs., A.E.F., via. N.Y.

The Daily Tribune, Saturday, December 15, 1917



      Santa Claus, impersonated by Uncle Sam, put promotions in the army socks of 110 officers at Camp Bowie, Fort Worth, last week, among who to receive the promotion was Victor C. Whitfield, a former Bay City boy, and a brother of Mrs. W. C. Lloyd and Mrs. John R. Castleton, of this city.

      The friends of Mr. Whitfield are glad to know that he is now first lieutenant instead of second.                                        

The Matagorda County Tribune
, December 21, 1917



      Lieutenant Vernon King Hurd, who was commissioned provisional second lieutenant, Field Artillery, U.S.A. is 21 years old, and one of the youngest officers to receive a commission from the president previous to any military training.

      Lieutenant Hurd secured his commission in competitive examination with several hundred men from civil life and several thousand in the Regular Army, July 23, 1917. His general average of 88 per cent also entitled him to his first choice of service.

      His birthplace was Des Moines, Ia., but he has lived almost all his life in Texas. His early school life was spent in Bay City, in the private school of Dr. John T. Sloane, and one year with Professor Travis of Collegeport. In 1913 he graduated from an Eastern school for boys, Kingsley School, Essex Falls, N.J., from where he won second prize in scholarship, first cash gold prize for mathematics and a gold football from the athletic association.

      He continued his athletics during his first two years of college work at Rice Institute, and spent his last two years at the University of Minnesota, where he received his degree of bachelor of science in June, 1917. He is a member of the fraternity of Beta Theta Pi.

      He was commissioned provisional lieutenant, Field Artillery, U.S. A., October 26. He is the only son of Mr. and Mrs. Burton D. Hurd of Collegeport, who are expecting him to return to Texas for the holidays.           

The Matagorda County Tribune
, Friday, December 28, 1917


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