Mrs. Savage came up from Matagorda the first of the week for a short stay with her daughter, Mrs. Jack Ellerkamp.

Miss Mary Dwyer, who is attending the Baptist Academy at Palacios, spent Thanksgiving with homefolks.

Miss Linie Stone of Bay City and friend, Miss Brigham of Columbus, spent Sunday with Mr. E. S. Stone and family.

Mrs. E. L. Stone entertained her Sunday school class Thanksgiving day with a candy stew. On account of the bad weather only a few were present, but all that did succeed in getting there seemed to enjoy the evening.

Mrs. C. E. Gibson and Miss William Conger spent Friday and Saturday with homefolks in Bay City.

Mr. and Mrs. Goodall returned Monday from a ten-days' visit to relatives in Halletsville.

Mr. Manning Green was a business visitor to Bay City Monday.

Mr. Bennie Ryman, who was married in Palacios on Wednesday night, returned home Sunday with his bride.

Miss Maude Poole spent Thanksgiving holidays with homefolks.

Matagorda County Tribune, December 4, 1914




On Friday, March 19th, the ladies of this little city gave a social at the public school building. Ice cream, hot chocolate and candy was served throughout the evening.

Miss Carlyen Stone presided over the chocolate table.

Miss Capps and Mrs. Gibson devoted their time and talents to dispensing candy to those who cared enough for "dulce" to buy 1.

Mrs. Stone sold cakes to hungry people.

Mrs. Shipman and Miss Conger furnished us with ice cream.

Near the close a cake was auctioned off for the most popular young lady. The friends of Miss Dwyer saw that she carried off the prize. Miss Inez Hollen ran a close second.

Then a box of home-made candy was auctioned off for the most popular young man. Mr. Joe Ottis was the proud recipient of this gift from his many friends.

A neat sum was realized for a most worthy cause.

The house was packed from the start and everyone doing all they could to make it a success.

The success was largely due to Mrs. C. M. Shipman's management and skill.

Mr. John Horn did his part as auctioneer. We are sure this accounts for him not getting the candy.

Mr. Harry Taylor spent his time and talents sitting on the cream table--talking.

Mr. Bob Benge spent time and money for candy for Mr. Williams to eat, but he would not eat candy--says he never does.

Several younger girls acted as waiters and tried to see who could sell the most.

Among the visitors noticed were--Mrs. Capps, Miss Capps, Mr. Moore, and Mr. Harry Jameson, all of Bay City .

Mr. Vernon Pentecost was a visitor at his mother's home Sunday from Beadle.

Messrs. Frank and Willie Craft were visitors Sunday.

Miss Hattie Stinson of Dobbin, Texas , a teacher in the public school of Conroe , was a visitor Sunday with Mrs. Stone and friends.

Mr. Vane Gibson and Mr. Frank Boyd of Lane City , were visitors Sunday.

Preaching by Rev. L. F. Hardy was well attended Sunday.

The Ladies of the "Pricilla" Cub had a pleasant meeting with Mrs. John Ottis. Chocolate, cream and cake were served.

We have a new business here, Seerden & Blair Grain Co., handling grain and feed. Mr. B. L. Blair is manager. We are glad to note this, for it means another new building for Wadsworth .

Dr. Henry Bradbrook, formerly of Cat Springs , Texas , is here now, and is thinking of locating here for the future. We are so healthy here, Doctor, that we cannot offer you any encouragement, but we are glad to have you to help build the city of Wadsworth . 


Matagorda County News and Midcoast Farmer, Bay City , Friday, March 26, 1915



The play "At the End of the Rainbow" given by the Dramatic Club was a great success. But owing to the bad weather they have decided to repeat it Monday night April 5th. The music will be furnished by the Bay City band. A good time there guaranteed. Everybody come.

The farmers are all ready to plant rice just as soon as the weather will permit. A bumper crop is expected.

Among the Wadsworth visitors Saturday and Sunday were Misses Erma Berg, Joe Berg, Cody Savage, Bess Phillips, and Mrs. Willie Williams and son from Matagorda and Miss Poole from Bay City .

Mr. F. L. Rugeley visited his people in Matagorda Sunday.

Miss Bertha Boyd of Matagorda visited her sister, Mrs. Henry Seerden, Saturday and Sunday, taking in the play Saturday night.

Mr. Willie Williams is out again. His wife returned to Matagorda Monday.

The boys are beginning on another ball team this year. They have a pretty good squad lined up and expect to have a strong team.

Matagorda County News and Midcoast Farmer, Bay City , April 2, 1915




The Commercial and Farmers' Institute Club met at regular session and elected officers for the coming year as follows: President: H. M. Seerden; vice president, Jos. Ottis; secretary, R. W. Benge; treasurer, H. L. Taylor.

The big celebration to be held at the large warehouse on the Fourth of July is well underway. Posters and bills will be out in a few days.

The exercises held at the public and Catholic schools Thursday and Friday nights were attended by large audiences who thoroughly enjoyed the splendid programs which were carefully prepared by our teachers. We are proud of our school and teachers and we believe we have one of the best schools in the State.

Miss Lottie Poole of Bay City visited her sister, Miss Maudis, during the closing days of school. Both returned home Saturday for a much needed vacation.

Mr. Harold Hagan went to Bay City to have the cast taken from his leg.

A sad accident occurred here Sunday when little Irene Davis fell from a horse, breaking her arm at the elbow. She is the little sister of Mrs. J. L. Lowe. She was immediately taken to the hospital at Bay City where she is getting along nicely.

Miss William left for her home in Bay City last Monday.

The motor boat "Grey Hound" took quite a large party to the dam in Lake Austin Sunday. Among those on board were Mr. and Mrs. Willie Williams, Miss Cartwell and Miss Conger; Messrs. Tom Schaefer, R. W. Benge and H. S. Taylor. A picnic dinner was fixed by the ladies and eaten near Mr. Poole's ranch. Everyone had a good time.

The Matagorda County Tribune, June 11, 1915





Everyone is happy over the fine rain which fell Tuesday. Crops are looking fine.

Miss William Conger was in town Monday.

Mrs. W. E. Williams of Matagorda has been in town for the past week.

Mr. A. H. Wadsworth was in town Monday on his way to Matagorda.

A big time is expected on the 3rd of July. Preparations are going forward at a rapid pace. There will be all kinds of amusements, among them will be dancing, horse races, broncho busting, good band music and plenty to eat and drink. A large crowd is expected and being prepared for.

Messrs. H. J. Jamison and E. B. Wells were in town Wednesday.

Mr. John Roach was in town Monday on business.

Mr. R. W. Benge, cashier of the bank, has been sick for the past few days.

On account of illness, Mr. C. E. Gibson has given up the postoffice. Mr. E. L. Stone has moved it to his store, next door. Mr. Gibson expected to leave for the West about July 1st.

Miss Cartmell left Wednesday for Lampasas Texas, where she will spend her vacation with friends and relatives.

Mr. A. H. Wadsworth has bought Mr. Gibson's stock of groceries and is moving it to his store.

The Matagorda County Tribune, June 18, 1915



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