Historic Accommodations in Matagorda County, Texas


Enjoy your stay at one of these hotels or bed & breakfasts when you
visit  Matagorda County. Click the title link to visit their websites.


Hotel Blessing
128 10th Street
28°52’17.20”N      96°13’18.68”W
(361) 588-9579

Hotel Blessing celebrated its centennial
on December 1, 2007.
In addition to overnight accommodations, the Hotel Blessing Coffee Shop is open
for lunch everyday of the year except Christmas.


Luther Hotel
408 South Bay Boulevard
28°41’58.43”N      95°12’57.32”W
Currently Closed

The "The Palace of Palacios" was built over 100 years ago and
offers visitors a view of Tres Palacios Bay.


Peaceful Pelican B & B
317 East Bay Boulevard
28°42'9.17"N      96°12'33.20"W
888) 972-0317

Built in 1910 on the bay front in Palacios,
the Peaceful Pelican was the site
of the Palacios Preparatory School,
1910 - 1918.     History



Stanley-Fisher House B & B
107 St. Mary Street
28°41’16.14”N      95°58’21.62”W
(979) 863-2920

Stay in the restored home of Samuel Rhoads Fisher which was built
in 1832 during the days before
the Texas Republic.   History