1915 Van Vleck Newspaper Columns



Bob Janson of Iago was a guest of S. M. Gupton and family this week.

A. Lincoln made a visit to Wharton Wednesday.

N. E. Trumbull was a Bay City visitor Tuesday.

Mrs. D. A. Bomba and children returned home from Bay City Sunday where they have been the past month, Mrs. Bomba being under a doctor's treatment.

Phil Gupton of West Columbia is the guest of his brother, C. M. Gupton.

Mrs. G. W. Segrest, left for Placedo Wednesday where she will be guest of friends for the week end.

A. Lincoln transacted business in Bay City Monday.

R. F. Faickney was a business visitor in Bay City Tuesday.

Mr. Simons of Bay City was a caller here Monday.

Mrs. S. F. Thomasson and son, Walter, attended the funeral of Bessie Walker at Bay City Thursday, Miss Walker being a niece of Mrs. Thomasson's.

Miss Sallie Gregory left Thursday guest of friends.

Mrs. J. O. Springer and daughter, Nellie, left Thursday for their new home at Iago.

Walter Harris of Gainesmore was in on a visit Thursday.

W. A. Arnold of Bay City passed through our city Thursday.

H. S. Rainey was a business visitor in Bay City Wednesday.

Mrs. A. Miller of Bay City is the guest of her sister, Mrs. D. A. Bomba, this week.

Mrs. R. F. Faickney returned from Angleton where she has been for the past few weeks.

The Matagorda County Tribune, March 5, 1915


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