1912 Van Vleck Newspaper Columns



D. A. Bomba made a business trip to Bay City one day this week.

Miss Pauline Bell returned from Wharton Sunday, where she has been visiting friends.

J. H. Rainey was a business visitor in Bay City Monday.

Miss Edith King and Sadie Fox returned to their home in Stockdale after a pleasant visit with friends here.

Misses Nettie and Erma Bird returned to their home in Waco Friday.

M. O'Connell and family were visitors in Bay City Sunday.

S. H. Gregory of Hasima was a visitor here over Sunday.

Mrs. T. Collins and Miss Annie Laurie Rainey were shoppers in Bay City Wednesday.

Miss Ella Lockwood of Manor is the guest of her sister, Mrs. P. B. Scoggins.

Mr. and Mrs. W. Kahle were visitors in Bay City last Saturday.

W. M. Williamson was in Van Vleck selling pianos Monday.

H. Condiff of Marlin was here, on business Monday.

Miss Bardie Turner and brother of El Campo are the guests of their aunt, Mrs. P. B. Scoggins.

Judge Barber of By City was in our town Monday.

Quite a lot of drummers are seen on the streets this week.

T. Sweeney of Sweeney is a business visitor here this week.

R. F. Faickney was a Caney visitor Tuesday.

Dr. Bouldin made a professional call in Van Vleck Monday.

The Matagorda County Tribune, September 6, 1912



W. A. Matthews and wife of Caney were visitors here Sunday.

D. A. Bomba and family are in Houston this week.

F. M. Gregory and son, Keenan, were business visitors in Bay City Wednesday.

W. Thommasson was transacting business in Bay City Tuesday.

J. H. Rainey made Bay City a business visit Thursday.

Mrs. T. Collins and children of Bay City were visitors here Wednesday.

Miss Ola Rainey is the guest of Misses Harper in Victoria this week.

Rev. C. S. Ramsey held services at the home of J. H. Rainey Sunday on account of the school house being full of lumber. Mr. Ramsey was with us for the last time. He returns to the Seminary the first of October. We regret to lose him and we hope to have him with us again soon.

Rob. Carter of Pledger is the guest of J. R. Meadows this week.

Mrs. S. P. Johnson and son, Phillip, were visitors in Bay City one day this week.

G. J. Rainey was the guest of J. C. McNeill in Brazoria Friday.

W. W. Bouldin was in our town Tuesday.

R. F. Faickney was thrown from his horse one day last week and thought to be seriously hurt. But we heard later he was improving rapidly at the Rugeley house in Bay City. We are glad to hear the good news.

A. Rainey was a visitor in Victoria Friday returning on the excursion to that place Saturday.

Miss Ella Lockwood returned to her home in Manor Monday.

W. B. Scoggins is in Manor this week the guest of relatives.

The Matagorda County Tribune, September 13, 1912



Miss Sallie Gregory and brother, Kenan, were visitors in Bay City one day this week.

R. F. Faickney was over from Bay City attending to his business this week.

Miss Ola Rainey returned from Victoria Saturday, where she has been the guest of the Misses Hoopers.

C. S. Sisk was a business visitor here Saturday last.

Mrs. Hurley and Ziegenhals of Bay City were guests of Miss Annie Laurie Rainey Saturday.

F. H. McMahon was transacting business in Bay City Tuesday.

Sam Gregory of Hasima was over Sunday among friends.

Miss Hattie Harper of Bay City is the guest of Mrs. E. Stahl and family.

D. A. Bomba and family have been on the sick list this week.

T. Collins of Bay City was transacting business here Wednesday.

Mrs. W. Bell and Miss Pauline Bell...

[paper torn]

Mrs. R. Talcott has gone north to visit her family.

Mrs. W. Beedy and Mrs. Geo. Holmes were shoppers in Bay City Monday.

The Matagorda County Tribune, September 27, 1912



Mrs. W. O.? Urim of Wharton was the guest of Mrs. and Miss Bell the past week.

Mrs. Collins of Bay City spent Sunday afternoon with friends here.

Mr. Russell Williams of Palacios was visiting friends here Sunday.

Mr. Marston Johnson has returned from the Philippines and his many many friends were glad to welcome him home.

Mr. W. H. Bell was in Bay City Sunday on business.

Calvin Rainey went to Bay City Saturday on business.

Mrs. W. H. Bell left Saturday for El Paso and other points to be gone a month.

Mr. Coffman of Abilene spent several days here on business this week.

Mr. Archie Rainey and sister, Miss Annie, left Friday for La Ward to be gone for several days.

Mr. Sam Gregory, recently in business at Hasima, has moved to Van Vleck to assist in Faickney's store.

Mr. S. P. Johnson and son made a business call to Bay City last Saturday.

Messrs. D. A. and Joe Bomba attended church in Bay City Sunday.

School opened Monday with a fair attendance with Miss Burnett as teacher. They had to begin school in the old school house, as the new one is not completed, but will soon be.

Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Johnson attended church in Bay City Sunday.

Mrs. Mike O'Connell and little son and daughter left Wednesday for San Antonio to be gone several weeks.

Quite a crowd of Caney people were seen here Sunday.

Mr. Frank Johnson made a business call in Bay City Monday.

Several families have moved here in the last few days. We are glad to welcome them to our little town.

Misses Madge and Margaret Matthews were up from Caney Saturday morning.

The Matagorda County Tribune, October 25, 1912




Mrs. R. F. Faickney, after a long stay in Angleton, returned home Saturday accompanied by Mrs. John Faickney.

Misses Abbie Johnson and Ola Rainey were in Bay City Thursday.

Miss Rosena Montier from Caney was here Sunday morning.

Mesdames R. F. and John Faickney and Miss Pauline Bell were shopping in Bay City Monday.

Mesdames J. H. Rainey and Barnett were shopping in Bay City Monday.

Mrs. Walter Harris of Gainesmore was visiting friends here Friday.

Cal and Tom Rainey made a business call in Bay City Tuesday.

Miss Eva Brown of El Campo is the guest of Mrs. F. H. McMahon.

Mr. W. L. Beedy was in Bay City Thursday.

Mr. J. H. Rainey made a business call in Bay City Monday.

Misses Pauline Hall, Abbie Johnson and Ola Rainey, accompanied by Mr. Frank Johnson, attended Presbyterian church in Bay City Sunday.

Mrs. D. A. Bomba and children returned Sunday afternoon from Bay City after a few days' visit there.

The Matagorda County Tribune, November 1, 1912


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