1911 Van Vleck Newspaper Columns

Van Vleck


Postmaster Faickney of West Columbia returned home Friday after a few days visit with son, R. F. Faickney of this place.

F. M. Gregory and F. H. McMahon were Bay City visitors Monday.

R. M. Winston of Bay City was in town transacting business Monday.

Archie Rainey returned Monday from Burr after a pleasant visit with friends there.

J. H. Rainey was a Bay City visitor Monday.

Geo. McMahon of El Campo is down the guest of his brother, F. H. McMahon of this place.

M. O'Connell and W. A. Thomasson were In Bay City Monday transacting business.

Mrs. M. E. Trumbull went to Bay City Sunday to attend church there.

A. C. Fox and family returned from Hawkinsville Monday afternoon after a few days visit with friends there.

W. M. Holland and wife of Bay City were in town the guests of friends of this place.

R. Carter of Pledger was down Sunday, the guest of R. J. Meadows and others.

Quite a number of Caney people were up to the League meeting Sunday night. Among them were Misses Matthews, Hackney, Bates, and Mesdames Matthews and Kilbride.

D. A. Bomba and family were the guests of A. E. Miller of Bay City Sunday.

Wm. Showaker was in Bay City on Monday.

Mr. Sam Gregory and Miss Rena Trumbull were visitors at the Bay City League Sunday evening.

Mrs. Thornton of Pledger is down, the guest of R. J. Meadows and family.

The Matagorda County Tribune, January 13, 1911

Van Vleck


Mrs. D. H. Allen and daughter Mrs. W. Meggison of Biloxi, Miss., left for Edna after a few days visit with her son F. Allen of this place.

N E. Trumbull returned home from Chicago after a few weeks visit with relatives there. He was glad to get back to the Sunny South.

Calvin Rainey was home from the Rio Grande country spending a few days with home folks.

L. Blair of Rowanville spent Sunday with friends here.

B. Scoggins made a business trip to Bay City Monday.

F. Allen returned from Yoakum after transacting business there a few days this week.

D. A. Bomba made a business trip to Bay City Monday.

Archie Rainey left for Brownsville Monday where he intends to begin work.

Mrs. H. A. Talcott left Tuesday for Houston on a business trip.

The Matagorda County Tribune, January 27, 1911

Van Vleck


Max Brown was in Bay City Sunday the guest of friends.

C. Rainey returned to Brownsville after a few days visit with home folks.

Elliott Johnston made a business trip to Bay City Monday.

R. F. Faickney was in Bay City transacting business Monday.

Mrs. C. E. Barnett and children of Bay City were over Sunday the guests of friends of this place.

D. A. Bomba and family were Bay City visitors Sunday.

J. H. Rainey was in Bay City on Monday.

Drummer Schream of Galveston was in town.

After a sudden illness, Miss Ada White, the bright and pretty daughter of A. W. Wade, died at her home in Bay City on Sunday, January 27, at 6:30 p.m. Deceased was but fourteen years of age. She had many friends who mourn her loss and extend their sympathy to her bereaved ones.

The Matagorda County Tribune, February 3, 1911

Van Vleck


Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Faickney are in Columbia this week visiting relatives.

Miss Sallie Gregory left Saturday for Wharton to visit friends and relatives.

Mrs. A. C. Fox and daughter Sadie were in Bay City one day last week.

J. H. Rainey was in Bay City Monday transacting business.

D. A. Bomba and family were Bay City visitors Sunday.

S. H. Gregory was a passenger to Wharton Friday.

Miss Annie Laurie Rainey and sister, Miss Ola, made a flying trip to Bay City between trains Saturday.

Mr. Vincent Culver was in Van Vleck among his old friends once more on Sunday.

L. W. Blair made a business trip to Bay City Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. F. Allen made a business trip to Bay City one day last week.

Mrs. N. E. Trumbull and daughter, Miss Rena, were Bay City visitors on Monday.

W. L. Beedy and family of Bay City were over one day last week, the guests of N. E. Trumbull and family.

Rev. L. E. Selfridge of Bay City held services here Sunday which were enjoyed by all.

The Matagorda County Tribune, February 17, 1911

Van Vleck


Miss Nettye Colbert was a Bay City visitor Thursday.

Mrs. S. F. Thomasson returned from San Antonio, where she had been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Boyd.

Miss Gussie Thomasson and her brother Walter attended service at Caney Sunday.

Messrs. Elliott Johnson and Will Showaker were also Caney visitors Sunday.

Miss Willie Mae Colbert of Buckeye [and] Nettye were in Bay City shopping Saturday.

Little Miss Lucile Bomba is on the sick list this week.

Miss Abbie Johnson and Miss Ola Rainey were visiting in Bay City Thursday.

Miss Willie Mae Colbert of Buckeye after spending a few days with her sister, Miss Nettye, returned to Buckeye Sunday.

Miss Annie Rainey left Thursday for Kerrville to visit relatives there.

Mr. Mike O'Connell was in Bay City Saturday on business.

Mrs. R. F. Faickney returned from Columbus after quite a stay with relatives there.

Mr. Arch Rainey returned from La Ward Monday where he has been visiting friends.

Services were held here Sunday by Rev. McMahon and was enjoyed by all who attended.

The Ladies' Sewing Circle is to meet at Mrs. F. Allen's Friday.

The Matagorda County Tribune, March 3, 1911

Van Vleck


Miss Nettie Colbert has returned from Buckeye where she has been visiting her sister.

Misses Johnson and Ola Rainey were Bay City visitors Saturday.

Miss Ada Spivey of Hawkinsville was visiting Miss Sadie Fox a few days last week.

Messrs. Tom and Cal Hainey [Rainey?] were on Caney last Sunday.

The Epworth League held its semi-annual meeting and elected the following officers for the next six months: Mr. Clarence Talcott, president; Miss Ola Rainey, vice-president; Miss Nettye Colbert, secretary.

Miss Willie Mae Colbert, who has been teaching the Buckeye school, is visiting her sister, Miss Nettye.

Mr. Lem Blair of Rowanville was in town Saturday.

The young people of Van Vleck enjoyed a most delightful dance last Wednesday night, given by the young men of this place.

Misses Ada Spivey and Sadie Fox were in Bay City Saturday.

The members of the Sewing Circle are invited to meet in the home of Mrs. F. M. Gregory Friday afternoon.

Miss Bettye Gayle of Columbia has returned home after a visit to her sister, Mrs. R. F. Faickney.

Mrs. Diggs has returned to Angleton after a visit to Mrs. Faickney.

Mr. and Mrs. Bomba spent Sunday in Bay City with relatives.

Mrs. Faickney is in Columbia on a visit.

Messrs. Will Showaker and ____ney were rabbit hunting on Caney Monday.

Mr. J. H. Rainey was in Bay City on business Saturday.

The Matagorda County Tribune, April 7, 1911

Van Vleck


Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Faickney and little daughter returned from Columbia Sunday after a few days visit with relatives.

Mr. M. O'Connell was a Bay City visitor Saturday.

There was a linen shower given to Miss Ola Rainey on Wednesday afternoon in honor of Miss Edith Fox who was recently married to R. E. Pridgen of Thomaston. The pretty home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Rainey was beautifully decorated in ferns, roses and wild flowers of every hue. The bride received quite a number of pieces of linen. Refreshments of cream and cake were served. It was a late hour when the guests took their departure.

Mrs. R. E. Pridgen left Monday for her future home in Oakland.

The school children and parents enjoyed a picnic held on Hardeman creek last Friday.

There was a special Easter service at the school house Easter Sunday by the Epworth League.

Mr. and Mrs. John Faickney of Angleton were over in their car Sunday.

Miss Willie Mae Colbert, who has been visiting her sister left Monday for a visit to friends in Palacios.

Mrs. M. O'Connell and family left Tuesday for San Antonio to attend the fair.

Miss Abbie Johnson left for San Antonio Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Fox were in Bay City Friday.

Mr. Clarence Talcott was in Bay City on business Wednesday afternoon.

Mr. Louis Hirsch of Houston was visiting our merchants Tuesday.

Miss Gussie Thomasson left for San Antonio to attend the fair.

Mr. Cal Rainey was a Bay City visitor Monday.

Messrs. Elliott Johnson, Will Showaker and Cal Rainey attended Easter services at Caney.

The Matagorda County Tribune, April 14, 1911

Van Vleck


Mrs. F. Allan and baby left Tuesday for Houston, where they will visit relatives.

Miss Nettye Colbert left Saturday for her home in Brenham.

R. Q. Ward, of Blessing, was the guest of J. H. Rainey and family Friday and returning home Saturday.

Mrs. R. F. Faickney returned from Columbia Friday after a pleasant visit with relatives there.

Sam Gregory made a business call in Bay City Tuesday.

Mrs. A. C. Fox and daughter were in Bay City shopping Monday.

Calvin Rainey and sister, Miss Ola, were on Caney calling Tuesday.

R. M. Winston and family passed through our town Wednesday.

Dr. W. W. Bouldin was called to see Mr. John Hardeman who is very sick. Mr. Hardeman has returned to live in Van Vleck and his old friends are glad to welcome him back.

Miss Florence Trumbull and Mr. Clarence Talcott were quietly married at the bride's home Monday afternoon at one o'clock. The bride is a charming young lady and the groom is of sterling worth. Those present at the wedding were only relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Talcott left on the Brownsville for Houston, Chicago and other places to be gone several months. Their many friends congratulate them and wish them a long and happy life.

School let out on Friday and was celebrated with a picnic, which was enjoyed by all.

Miss Mattie Grace, of Burr, was down visiting friends Friday and Saturday.

J. H. Rainey was in Bay City transacting business Tuesday.

The Matagorda County Tribune, May 26, 1911


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