1910 Van Vleck Newspaper Columns

Van Vleck


James Fox visited friends in Austin last week.

Miss Sallie Gregory is visiting in Wharton with relatives this week.

Mrs. D. O'Connell went to Houston Monday, returning Tuesday accompanied by her sister, Miss Abbie Johnson.

Mrs. A. W. White is on the sick list this week.

W. A. Thomasson was a Bay City visitor Wednesday.

Mrs. F. Allen returned from Houston, where she has been visiting relatives.

Raymond Talcott returned from Joliet, Ill., Sunday.

Dan O'Connell went to Galveston on Friday last.

F. H. McMahon has been attending court in Bay City this week.

Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Bomba and children were Bay City visitors one day this week.

Messrs. Frank and Kenan Gregory and J. P. Blackwell were visitors to Palacios Sunday.

The Matagorda County Tribune, June 28, 1910

Van Vleck


F. S. Crews of Caney was a visitor here Monday.

Miss Abbie Johnson is the guest of Mrs. A. W. White of Bay City this week.

Mr. Snodgrass of Houston was in our town Monday.

Archie Rainey left for La Ward Sunday, where he is to visit his aunt of that place.

Mr. Fields of Bay City was here Monday transacting business.

Mr. Launer Blair of Don Tol was a visitor here Sunday.

J. H. Rainey is on the sick list this week.

Mrs. A. E. Miller of Bay City is the guest of her sister, Mrs. D. A. Bomba of this place.

H. Libby of Alvin is visiting his brother, George Libby, of this place this week.

The Ladies' Sewing Society is to meet with Mrs. Raymond Talcott Thursday.

Mr. Cob of Bay City was in our town Monday transacting business.

Mrs. Will Head of Bay City was the guest of Mr. A. Head and family this week.

M. O'Connell's new house is almost completed.

Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Bomba were called to Bay City Tuesday to be with Mr. Shoultz who is sick there.

Mr. Keig of Lockhart, Ill., is here the guest of R. Talcott.

Dr. Dougall and wife from Joliett, Ill., are visiting their son, Wm. Dougall of this place.

Mr. Wm. Green of Eagle Lake is here the guest of J. R. Meadows and family.

The Matagorda County Tribune, October 28, 1910

Van Vleck


G. Gale of West Columbia was over Sunday, the guest of his brother, Z. Gale, and family.

Mr. Hamel was in Bay City Monday transacting business.

Church service was held here Sunday morning by Rev. J. W. McMahon.

J. Faickney and family and Mrs. Perkins of Angleton were over Sundaying with R. F. Faickney and family.

Miss Sallie Gregory returned from Wharton, Sunday, after a few days visit here.

M. O'Connell was a passenger to Palacios Monday.

W. A. Thomasson was in Bay City Monday.

W. L. Reedy was in town Monday on business.

Misses Abbie Johnson and Annie Rainey were in Bay City shopping on Wednesday.

The Ladies Sewing Club met with Mrs. A. C. Fox Friday.

Mrs. M. O'Connell was in Bay City Saturday shopping.

Mrs. W. L. Reedy was in town Friday the guest of Mrs. N. E. Trumbull.

Miss Ethel Talcott of Joliet, Ill., is down, the guest of her brothers, Ray and Clarence Talcott.

Misses Hackney and Bates of Caney were up to League Sunday night.

Mrs. N. E. Trumbull was in Bay City the guest of Mrs. W. L. Beedy Saturday.

D. A. Bomba and family left Thursday for Moore, Texas, to spend Christmas with his parents.

The Matagorda County Tribune, December 16, 1910

Van Vleck


Dan O'Connell and family of San Antonio are down spending the holidays with M. O'Connell and family.

Mrs. Brown and children of El Campo are down, the guests of her brother, F. H. McMahon and family.

F. Prell of Pledger is down the guest of R. J. Meadows and family.

Calvin Rainey was a Bay City visitor Monday.

A. Shoultz and family were in Bay City shopping Monday.

R. Carter of Pledger spent Christmas with R. J. Meadows.

Mrs. Talcott and little daughter Percy of Joliet, Ill., is down, the guest of her sons, Ray and Clarence Talcott.

I. W. Beedy was in town Monday.

Mr. Henry Gupton of Iago and Miss Eula Meadows of this place were quietly married Sunday, December 25th, at 11 a.m. Miss Eula was one of our most popular young ladies and Mr. Gupton is of sterling worth. Their many friends congratulate them and wish them a long and happy life.

Tom Rainey was in Bay City transacting business Monday.

R. F. Faickney and family are spending Christmas in Columbia this week.

F. S. Crews of Caney was in town Saturday.

Z. Gayle and family are in Columbia this week.

Elliott Johnston was in Bay City Monday.

Robert Fox returned from Houston, where he has been attending the Massey business college, to spend the holidays with home folks.

W. J. Shelton and Sam Gregory were in Bay City Sunday.

The Matagorda County Tribune, December 30, 1910


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