Confederate Marker Dedications
Samuel Jackson Mangum & Josiah Mangum

Confederate Veterans Memorial Day
Saturday, April 26, 2008







Red Bluff Cemetery



Thompson Cemetery









April 26, 2008                     2:00 p.m.



Samuel Jackson Mangum

January 1, 1836 - May 11, 1891

Red Bluff Cemetery
Bay City, Matagorda County, Texas

Sam enlisted in the Confederate Army on November 9, 1861 at Brazoria, Texas, agreeing to serve for the duration of the war.  His officer of enlistment was A. J. Rugeley.  Sam was issued a horse valued at $80 and given $20 worth of equipment.  Sam served in various units, primarily Rueben R. Brown's mounted regiment, 35th Texas Cavalry, company G and in the 13th Texas volunteers of Colonel Joseph Bates, 2nd company G & 1st company I (Melton's Squad) of Lt. Elijah G. Melton.  Sam maintained the rank of private throughout his service.  Company G of the 35th Texas Cavalry was organized May 24, 1862 and nicknamed the "Brazoria Rangers".  They were mainly stationed at Camp Wharton, although company G was usually at Camp Sidney Johnston.  The 35th was originally the 12th Cavalry Battalion.


The 35th (Brown's) Cavalry Regiment was organized with 927 men in October, 1863, by consolidating the 12th (Brown's) Cavalry Battalion and Roundtree's Texas Cavalry Battalions. The unit served in the Trans-Mississippi Department and in January, 1864, contained 29 officers and 409 men. It skirmished in Texas and was on scouting duty along the coast. On June 2, 1865, it was included in the Confederate surrender. The field officers at that time were Colonel Reuben R. Brown, Lieutenant Colonel Samuel W. Perkins, and Major Lee C. Roundtree.


Muster roles show him on sick furlough May 30 through June 3, 1862 and on sick leave in Montgomery County in October, 1864. 


Sam surrendered along with the Tran Mississippi Department commanded by General E. Kirby Smith to Major General E. R. S. Canby, commander of the West Mississippi Division of the U.S. Army.  Sam was given a 'Parole of Honor' in exchange for his signed agreement to no longer serve in the Confederate Army or aid any enemies of the U.S.  This document was signed by his mark, 'X', on July 17, 1865.  [It should be noted that Samuel could sign his name.  Many CSA veterans refused to sign their names to Union or Federal Reconstruction documents and apparently Sam was no exception.]


(Service information copied from National Archive microfilm roll #169, Records of the Adjutant Generals Office and the Index to Compiled Service Records of Confederate Soldiers Who Served in Organizations from the State of Texas, roll #227-23, MAN-McCL)


Josiah “Joseph” Mangum

April 21, 1827 - November 13, 1882

Thompson Cemetery
Bay City, Matagorda County, Texas

Joseph enlisted in the Confederate army in Matagorda County, Texas near Camp Winston on December 21, 1861.  His enlistment officer was A. J. Rugeley for Lt. Elijah G. Melton's squad, Company G (Brazoria Rangers) of the Bates Regiment in the 13th Texas Volunteers.  He was issued a horse valued at $150 and $20 of equipment.  The 13th Texas Volunteers included 2 companies of cavalry, 2 companies of artillery and 6 infantry companies.  Joseph also served in the 2nd Texas division (Herbert's) when the 13th was reassigned to the 2nd in September, 1864.  His rank was corporal.


Muster roles for June 22, 1862 show him sick in Matagorda,  as "unable for duty", but the leave was not approved.  He was not paid through October since he was listed as absent without leave.  Records show him back in service by 1863, although he was discharged on February 4, 1863 "on account of being over age".  Joseph is buried in Thompson cemetery in Matagorda County, Texas according to a published CSA veteran records volume.


(Service information copied from the Index to Compiled Service Records of Confederate Soldiers Who Served in Organizations from the State of Texas, roll #227-23, MAN-McCL)



On behalf of E. S. Rugeley UDC Chapter 542, I would like to welcome you, both Mangum family members and friends to these marker dedications. This project began a year and a half ago when Mike Cox, great-grandson of Samuel Mangum, emailed me to make a correction in some information on our website. He offered to send Confederate information on those from the Mangum family who had served. In September, 2006, his email read "Josiah Mangum is buried in the Thompson cemetery. I have been told he does not have a proper marker.  Assuming his grave can be located, do you know the procedure to get a military marker placed for his CSA service?" Samuel Jackson Mangum's grave was also unmarked, so today is the culmination of that request.

It is appropriate that we honor these men today as April 26th is Confederate Veterans Memorial Day. From sea to shining sea we link hearts, minds and spirits to honor faithful veterans whose resting places have been previously unknown, unmarked or neglected. May our hearts be lifted up to the Lord as we have the invocation.

O, Lord, we thank you for those who have gone before us, whose service has enriched our lives today. We remember especially the lives of Samuel Jackson Mangum and Josiah Mangum. We thank you for the members of their family who are here today as a legacy of their lives. We ask your blessings on this program as we honor them. In Jesus' name, Amen.


“I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America

and to the Republic for which it stands; one nation, under God, indivisible,
with Liberty and Justice for all.”



“Honor the Texas flag, I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas,

one state under God, one and indivisible.”



“I salute the Confederate flag with affection, reverence and undying remembrance.”

Nothing is ended until it is forgotten. That which is held in memory still endures and is real. We are grateful for the records of the past which bring inspiration and courage. We are appreciative of the lessons taught by Memorials to events and deeds of long ago. We pray that our lives may always be patterned to give such devotion and service as did our forefathers of this great Southland. We the members of the E. S. RUGELEY CHAPTER, UNITED DAUGHTERS OF THE CONFEDERACY, now dedicate this marker in grateful recognition--of the noble service of SAMUEL JACKSON MANGUM & JOSIAH "JOSEPH" MANGUM, Confederate Heroes of Matagorda County, Texas.

May this marker be blessed. May it remind all who pause not only of the noble deeds of these Confederate Heroes, but of the continuing need for unselfish service. From this moment of dedication, we trust there may come inspiration for broader vision and finer service.


Not for fame or fortune;

Not for place or rank;

Not lured by ambition;

Or goaded by necessity;

But in simple

Obedience to duty

As they understood it,

These men suffered all,

Sacrificed all

Dared all--and died.


Who Will Tend Their Graves ?

Who will tend their graves? Who will watch over their mortal remains? Who will make sure faithful soldiers are remembered?

As we would not be forgotten when we are gone, let us not forget.

Let us honor the sacrifices of the confederate soldiers. They walked dusty trails in the heat of the summer and muddy rutted roads when it rained. They huddled closely in their trenches and nearly froze during that terrible winter at Petersburg . Without proper food and clothing, in sickness and in health, they fought even when all seemed lost.

We will remember the cause for which they stood. From the red clay fields of Georgia to the hills of Virginia and North Carolina they fought for the rights of the states to govern their own affairs. From west Texas to the palmettos of South Carolina they stood for hearth and home. They fought for their rights as their forefathers did in the first American Revolution.

Today, we also remember the faith that sustained them. Many came from godly homes and churches. The Bible was their textbook and their prayer books were well worn.

They all fought and many died as good soldiers of Jesus Christ. Let us never forget their faith.


We also remember the homes from which they came. They had fathers and mothers, sisters and brothers, sweethearts and wives, and little ones who never knew their daddies. Each night at suppertime the vacant chair daily reminded them how great was their loss.


If those who lie mute in their graves could speak, they might say: Thank you, friends, for finding my mortal remains. Thank you for caring enough to honor my comrades and me. I see you now with hearts joined across America with prayers on your lips and each of us in your hearts. How can we thank you?

TRIBUTES (See information above about each soldier compiled by Mike Cox.)

We want to thank Mike Cox for his quest to mark the graves of these soldiers so they will be remembered by all.

Scott & Pam Evans, owners of the Red Bluff property, have enthusiastically joined this project and we are grateful to them for allowing this remembrance.

St. Mark's Episcopal Church now owns the property on which Thompson Cemetery is located. When I met with their board a year and a half ago, they graciously granted permission to add a marker for Josiah Mangum. One of the board members made the statement "If I were buried in an unmarked grave, I would hope someone would care enough to place a marker for me." Today we are showing that we care. Their minister, Rev. Susan Kennard, had planned to participate today, but was called out of town. Since the fence at Thompson Cemetery encloses only the graves which were marked, Mr. Mangum's marker will be placed at the foot of the graves on the right. It is placed outside the fence for today so it would be visible to everyone.

Kenneth Thames, Philip H. Parker VFW Post 2438, not only placed the order for the markers, but took care of the details of having the markers set at both sites.

Philip H. Parker VFW Post 2438 has provided the funds to pay for the marker settings.

The markers arrived a year ago and Taylor Bros. Funeral Home provided storage for them all that time.

Many of our UDC members had other obligations and could not be here today. I want to thank Jackie and Donna for all they have done. Donna composed and printed the programs as well providing refreshments. Jackie provided the wreath for our ceremony. Their dedication to UDC and their experience is invaluable.

May we go from this place, O Lord, with a strong determination to shoulder our share of the responsibilities in memorializing those who have gone before. Through Christ, our Savior, we pray. Amen


Copyright 2008 - Present by
E. S Rugeley Chapter 542 United Daughters of the Confederacy
All rights reserved

April 29, 2008
May 18, 2008