Trespalacios Newspaper Columns



Tres Palacios Items

By School Girl.

Ed. Yeamans was here Saturday.

Go to Palacios the Fourth of July.

A. Nelson and family went to Palacios Sunday.

J. L. Pybus has moved his family to Palacios.

Misses Lucy and Sallie Rowls were here Saturday.

Ross Baxter and Leslie Evans went to Markham Friday.

W. T. Kuykendall of Ashby was up here Monday, trading.

S. T. White and Mr. McCoy were here Monday, talking to friends.

Ben Wheeler of Matagorda was here last week, visiting friends.

Barney Smith of Bay City was here last week, visiting relatives.

Fred Pybus and Joseph went to El Campo Wednesday for freight.

Mrs. John Hicks and sister Sarah came up from Ashby Friday, trading.

Miss Louise Logan is visiting her sister, Mrs. D. A. Wheeler, this week.

George Duson and sisters of Palacios visited friends here one day last week.

J. L. Logan of Caranchua visited his daughter, Mrs. D. A. Wheeler, Tuesday.

John Bolling came over Wednesday after his cattle that he bought of Pybus Bros.

August Mosier hauled wood from here last week for the Palacios pumping plant.

Mrs. Joe Pybus and daughter, Miss Nannie, visited Mrs. Pearl Smith one day last week.

C. Wolf, J. P. Spoor, C. D. and D. A. Wheeler went to Bay City Friday to attend court.

John Gautreaux and wife came up from Cash’s creek to the store Saturday and went over to spend the night with their daughter and family.

Sam Yeamans passed through here Sunday evening en route to El Campo after Mrs. Annie Good who is coming to spend a while at W. D. Williams.

Matagorda County Tribune, June 26, 1903

Tres Palacios Items.

By School Girl.

Capt. Jno. F. Lewis was here Monday.

Cecil Jordan of Carancahua was in our midst Tuesday.

F. R. Pybus went to Edna Monday, returning Tuesday.

J. P. Spoor and family visited friends at Ashby Tuesday.

Frank Showaker of Ashby spent last week here with friends.

Scott Yeamans returned home Friday, after several months absence up north.

Misses Helen Cornelius and Lizzie Garner of Hawley were down trading Tuesday.

Rev. J. W. Hennessee went to Markham Saturday to fill his appointment there Sunday.

Allen Spoor was over from the river Wednesday and spent the night with relatives here.

David Baxter and daughter, Miss Clara, went to Bay City, Wednesday, returning same day.

Misses Mary and Nonie O’Brien of Edna are visiting friends and relatives here this week.

Mrs. Jim Wylie and Miss Ethel Wylie of Carancahua were here a few minutes one day last week.

Several wagons passed through Thursday from the Buckeye rice farm, en route to Midfields, after feed.

Mrs. S. T. White and Misses Minnie and Lizzie Phillips of Cash’s Creek were here shopping Monday.

Mrs. W. E. McSparran and daughter, Miss Alma, and son Roland of Hawley were in our vicinity Tuesday.

School Girl will try and fill her place in the dear old Tribune this week, after being absent three weeks.

W. C. Williams, of Bay City, was here Friday, going from here to Palacios, returning home Sunday.

Matagorda County Tribune, August 14, 1903

Tres Palacios Items.

By School Girl.

Barney Smith was here Saturday.

Abraham Smith of Hawley was here Saturday.

D. Baxter went to Bay City, Monday, on business.

Johnnie LeCompte was here Saturday with beef to sell.

G. E. Harris was over from Carancahua Tuesday, trading.

Jimmie Bruce of Matagorda was here Saturday on business.

J. E. Pierce and little son, Joshua, of Hawley, were down Monday.

Allen Spoor and sister, Miss Addie, visited relatives here Saturday.

J. P. Spoor and family spent Sunday night at Jim Magee’s, above Hawley.

Frank Showaker went to Bay City Friday on business, returning that evening.

Mrs. Flora Townsend of Salado visited her sister-in-law, Mrs. Mattie Spoor, last week.

The dance at Joseph Pybus’s, Tuesday night, was well attended and all spent an enjoyable time.

J. L. Pybus and wife and baby stopped a few minutes Wednesday morning on their way to Palacios.

Axel Nelson went to Palacios Sunday evening to begin work on David Baxter’s residence. We learn that there are a number of houses to be built there in a short while.

Mr. McMullen and daughter, Miss Lula, returned home Wednesday, after an extended visit to relatives here.

Rev. J. W. Henderson went to Louise Wednesday to begin his meeting there, which will continue until Monday.

Darrell Jordan of Hawley purchased a load of pears from Joseph Pybus Sr. and took them to El Campo to sell.

The box and ice-cream supper at David Baxter’s Friday night, was well attended and a neat little sum was realized for Ashby Chapel.

Floyd Lewis and Miss Susie Rogers of Cash’s Creek, and her friend, Miss Harper, of Bay City, passed through Saturday evening, en route to Ashby.

Matagorda County Tribune, August 21, 1903

Tres Palacios Items.

By School Girl.

Scott Yeamans of Cash’s Creek was here Monday.

D. A. Wheeler returned home Thursday from Port Lavaca.

Mrs. E. W. Baxter of Bay City is visiting her son, D. Baxter.

A. Nelson begins work on J. H. Logan’s store at Long Mott Monday.

G. E. Harris of Carancahua was here one day last week, after corn.

Miss Georgia Townsend of Salado is visiting J. P. Spoor and family.

Several young people from Ashby visited friends here Sunday evening.

Mrs. J. H. Logan and two daughters of Hawley were down trading Monday.

Matagorda County Tribune, August 29, 1903

Tres Palacios Items.

By John.

The recent rains seem to be interfering with the late watermelons and fall gardens.

We are sorry to learn that the once thriving town of Hawley will soon be no more.

Arthur Wheeler has moved to the new store building and will occupy the upper story.

Quite a number of the Ashby people pass back and forth to meet the train at Blessing.

Ernest Smith and Joe Nicholson, of Ashby, passed through here Tuesday with cattle, en route to Ashby.

Darrel Jordan has not been in our midst since Mr. Baxter moved. Wonder why he has not been back.

Johnnie Pierce camp up from the bay in his steamer Thursday after wood. He has made several trips up here lately.

David Baxter and his admirable family moved to Palacios on the 7th inst. They have left a number of friends who saw them go with much regret, but they are not so far but that they can some back to see us once in awhile, where a cordial welcome awaits them.

Frank Showaker and Ross Baxter were up from Palacios during last week, after the remainder of Mr. Baxter’s household goods.

The Ashby merchants, Smith & Son, must be doing a good business, judging from the amount of goods they haul through here.

Dawdy & Wheeler have been busy this week, hauling their goods from Midfields. They are now all ready for business, and all who are in need of things in their line are earnestly invited to call.

As the former correspondent has left us and will write for us no more, we will take up the good work and let the worthy readers of THE TRIBUNE know what is going on in our part of the world. It will not do with our present outlook to drop out of the columns and not keep up with the other villages and towns on this side of the river which are of less importance than we are. It is true, though, that in some respects this place looks as though it may soon become a place of the past.

The post office has been discontinued and our reliable merchant, David Baxter, has left for Palacios, where he will continue to sell goods. Other things may look as if fate was against us; but we take another look on the east side of the Trespalacios river, just above the iron bridge, and we see a nice two story building which has just been completed by Ernest Dawdy and Arthur Wheeler. They are filling their building with groceries. There are a great many other things that have taken on new life, which indicates that this place is not near dead. It is hoped and expected that the post office will soon be re-established and that we will soon be in our old standing with Uncle Sam and will be numbered with his pets.

Matagorda County Tribune, September 18, 1903

Tres Palacios Items.

By John.

Emmet Harris of Carancahua was in our midst last week.

When we get our post office Arthur Wheeler will give us our mail.

W. K. Keller was down from Hawley Monday getting pears of Jos. Pybus.

J. P. Spoor and family spent a day near the Colorado, visiting Bud Spoor last week.

Mrs. Pybus and two daughters and son attended church at Ashby Sunday.

Dawdy & Wheeler have been adding to their new building in the way of a gallery.

Henry Taylor and Miss Julia Cornelius of Hawley were visiting at Jos. Pybus’s Monday.

Mrs. Lula and Miss Helen Cornelius were in our community on business last Monday.

The mosquitoes took a lay off during the norther. We have been bothered with them here but very little.

Ben Wheeler and his sister, Miss May, attended the entertainment on Carancahua at Captain Rhodes’s.

Mrs. Townsend of Salado and her sister, Mrs. Magee of Hawley, spent a few days with J. P. Spoor and family last week.

Tom Poole has been making regular trips to Carancahua lately. It is thought that he has been getting his matrimonial fences up.

Axel Nelson had the misfortune to stick a nail in his foot while working on a building at Blessing. He suffered a great deal, but is now able to be at work again.

That norther last week reminded us of some other place than southern Texas. Coats and wraps for the last six months have been a burden, but last week they were not at all in the way.

We do not like to see anyone put out of a job, but we hope that the time will not be long until the mail will come over on the train. It is Monday and sometimes Tuesday before we can get THE TRIBUNE.

It is very likely that our new post office will soon be established, as a petition has been circulated to that effect. It is a great deal of trouble to have to go to Hawley or Ashby for our mail, and we hope that we may get Uncle Sam to restore our office.

Matagorda County Tribune, September 25, 1903

Tres Palacios Items.

By John.

Crit. Wheeler has been busy putting up hay.

Cecil Jordan is now foreman on Ernest Dawdy’s ranch.

Darrel Jordan has accepted a position with Crit. Wheeler.

Tom Poole has been busy putting up his winter’s supply of hay.

Johnnie Logan of Carancahua has been spending a few days in our midst.

Miss Addie Spoor of the Buckeye rice farm was visiting her uncle, J. P. Spoor.

Leslie Evans has been working on the rice farm near Markham for the last week or two.

Wheeler & Dawdy will soon put a new line of dry goods on their building in connection with their groceries.

Mrs. James Logan of Blessing and Miss Jessie Logan of Carancahua were stopping here the first of the week.

We could have a good school here if someone would get hold of it and work it up. Education is something that should not be neglected.

Since the mail carrier has to come by Blessing it will make his route a little longer to come by here, but we think we can prevail on him to do so.

Ernest Dawdy has made a success out of his butchering, so much so that he butchers every day now, the Buckeye rice farm being his principal buyer.

The writer is no prophet or prophetess either, but from the present indications there will be several weddings on this side of the river between now and Christmas.

Rev. Hennessee and J. P. Spoor made a business trip to Matagorda last week. J. P. S. says that it is the same old town it was a year ago, and that unless it gets a move on it we will soon go off and leave it.

It has not yet been decided whether the post office will assume the old name or get a new one. It is very likely that we will get a new name. Texas is so large we are afraid it will be hard to get a new name, judging from the way some of these new towns have had to rustle for a name. When we go to hunt for one it may be that they are all used up.

We haven’t a great deal of rice land here but we have land that if planted in the right thing will make more with less work than rice will. Mr. Pybus, on the west side of the creek, has a number of acres in pears. There has been an immense yield this year. He had sold several hundred bushels on the tree at seventy-five cents per bushel and has sent some to El Campo and other places, and then he had to turn his hogs into the orchard to eat them as they would fall off. He expected a boat from Port Lavaca or Galveston which he could have loaded very easily, but on account of the scarcity of boats he did not get any. With the transportation facilities we will have in the future, one hundred acres in pears will yield more clear money than several hundred acres of rice. Mr. Pybus’s trees have been bearing for several years and it has proven to be a success; it will be no experiment. His fruit has taken the premium at the Dallas fair, and his crop is finer this year than it has ever been before. We suppose people want to raise rice because of the work, worry, expense and mosquitoes there are in it.

Matagorda County Tribune, October 2, 1903

Tres Palacios Items.

By John.

We failed to appear last week, but that is no sign we are dead.

Ross and Stanley Baxter of Palacios were up on a business trip last week.

The house that was vacated by Mr. Nelson will be occupied by Crit. Wheeler.

J. P. Spoor has been assisting Lawson Jordan with his hay press near the Buckeye rice farm.

Hurrah for Fly-Up-the-Creek! We will now have the news from the other side of Midfields.

The winter birds are returning, but business is so urgent we haven’t time to bother them.

Someone who is fond of hunting could have a fine time with the wildcats and panthers in the creek bottoms.

Since the norther last week, we have cooled down somewhat. Our temperature now is something near normal.

Mrs. A. A. Duffy of Matagorda has been over on this side spending a week or two with her brother and sister.

From the way E. L. F. writes from Midfields, they must be strictly on the move, especially the north end of it.

Axel Nelson, who has been living on the Poole ranch, has moved to Palacios, where he will make his future home.

From the late maneuvers of Darrell Jordan, the Ashby correspondent may be mistaken about where Darrell’s interest is.

If Blessing wishes to make a town out of herself, she had better be represented in the columns of THE TRIBUNE, as that is the road to success.

Dawdy & Wheeler have now received almost a complete line of dry-goods, and their house is filled with the things that are necessary for man.

Wonder what is the matter with the Hawley writers? One of them seems to have disappeared altogether and the other one must be discouraged.

As there is but little prospect for a school here this winter. J. P. Spoor has secured the services of Prof. Osbourne to give his children private instruction.

We must have one of the healthiest places in southern Texas, as we have not had a serious case of sickness in this community for ever so long. It may be because we took care of ourselves.

The roads on this side are in excellent condition, but the bridges would be a great deal safer if some of the largest holes in them were covered up. The road overseer or some one else should take it upon themselves to repair them.

Matagorda County Tribune, October 16, 1903

Tres Palacios Items.

By John.

J. C. Wolf made a business trip to Ashby Thursday.

Mr. Milburn was seen going toward Ashby Saturday.

The Misses Pybus attended church at Ashby Sunday.

Prof. Osborne was visiting on the Colorado river Sunday.

That rain Thursday night changed the looks of things for the better.

Since the northers, the mosquitoes have about singing “rice” to us.

Capt. Lewis and son James of Ashby passed through here Saturday en route to Blessing.

J. P. Spoor has taken a lay off this week to nurse a bad cold which borders on la grippe.

We failed to get the names of those from this place who attended the ice cream supper at Ashby Friday night.

The winter birds are returning, but business is so urgent we haven’t time to bother them now. We will “make the feathers fly” after awhile.

Dawdy & Wheeler are gradually but surely building up a good trade. “Anything that is worth doing is worth doing right: and that is what they are doing.

Emmet Harris and Floyd Fleury, who have been working with Jordan’s hay press near the Buckeye rice farm, passed through here Sunday on their way home to spend a few minutes.

From the announcement made at Ashby Sunday, they surely expect a large attendance at the oyster supper there Friday night, the 30th inst. The supper will be for the benefit of the church, and since we come to think about it, the authorities on the subject tell us that it will be to that date two thousand nine hundred and seven years since Solomon dedicated his temple

From some cause the new post office here has been delayed. Probably it is because of a view to the establishing of a new system of star routes on this side of the river which will give better satisfaction. The way the mail reached this part of the county is not at all satisfactory. If the proper ones here would present out case to the authorities the necessary arrangements would be made at once. We can get our papers from Dallas and other places three days earlier than we can get our county papers, which are published the same day.

Matagorda County Tribune, October 23, 1903

Tres Palacios Items.

By Queen Sabe.

Dan O’Neal and Asa Yeamans were here Wednesday.

D. A. Wheeler and E. E. Dawdy spent Tuesday in Bay City.

Mrs. J. H. Logan of Blessing called on Mrs. C. D. Wheeler Tuesday.

W. E. Bell and family of Matagorda visited relatives here last week.

Mrs. Geo. B. Dixon of Houston is visiting her sister, Mrs. C. D. Wheeler.

Pleas. Dawdy and wife and Miss Sallie Rowls called by Wednesday evening.

C. D. Wheeler and S. J. Poole, Jr., went to El Campo Tuesday, returning Wednesday.

Ross and Stanley Baxter have been hauling wood from their home here to supply their wants at Palacios.

Born, to C. D. Wheeler and wife, Nov. 29th, a baby girl, known as Miss Leona Odile, at home from 3 to 6 p. m.

Tres Palacios post office will be supplied with train service from Blessing after the 7th inst. We will then receive our mail two days earlier than we do now, as supplied by the star route.

Several tramps of the vagabond type have been seen in and around here lately. They are a class of immigrants we do not appreciate, but they seem to be a necessary evil to all thriving communities.

Matagorda County Tribune, December 11, 1903


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All rights reserved

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