Historic Palacios Photos
B. Y. P. U. Encampment - Texas Baptist Encampment

Historical Marker
                    Texas Baptist Encampment


Panoramic Picture of BYPU Grounds

B. Y. P. U. Grounds - Palacios Tex.


Palacios Campers
This photo doesn't say it was taken at the B. Y. P. U., but early campers participated in a more "roughing it" experience than they do today.

B. Y. P. U. Tabernacle - 1912

B. Y. P. U. - The Landing Wharf - Palacios, Texas

Sims Cottage - B. Y. P. U. - Palacios, Texas
Standing: Mabel Hamill, Effie Williams, Ann Athens, A. R. Leckie, Miss Pearl Morton, Barbara Hawkins,
Louise Leckie, Eula McDonald, J. M. Sims, Mrs. Sims, Jane Alsup, Mrs. Williams
Seated: Millie Leckie, Margaret Leckie, Frank Hurley, Jr., Fay Hurley

Encampment early bathhouse

B. Y. P. U. Palacios, Tex. - Livingston Dorm

Encampment Fish Pond

Dr. John L. Hill, Denny Carley, Barbara Slone Briscoe - c1955



Copyright 2017 - Present by Carol Sue Gibbs
All rights reserved

Jan. 20, 2017
Jan. 20, 2017