Palacios Businesses |
Hudson's General Racket Store
H. M. Smith's - The Jeweler and Optician |
F. J. Powers ![]() Courtesy of Bobbie Dykes |
Foley Printing Co. and Stationery Department ![]()
Courtesy of Bobbie Dykes |
The Crescent Drug Store owned and operated by Mr. and Mrs. Jno. D. Bowden is one of the busiest and most popular places in the business district of Palacios. Dr. Bowden, O. D. has been a familiar figure in the business since 1913. At that time he purchased the business of Dr. Baldwin and has remained in the same business ever since, and as incredible as it may seem for a man of his versatile nature, Dr. Bowden has been in the same business twenty six years without changing businesses, branching out into another or forming a partnership. Aside from his business the City of Palacios has the good fortune of having him always ready and willing to donate his time. He has been Fire Chief the greater part of the time for twenty-five years and is the collector for the gas company. In addition to these things he finds time to be the ticket agent for the Bowen Bus Lines and is the United States Weather Bureau Display Man. He is a member of the Rotary Club and the Chamber of Commerce and takes a great interest in the civic life of Palacios. Mrs. Bowden, who assists Mr. Bowden in the store, is just naturally an active business person having been in public life a great many years. She has the distinction of having been the first woman Secretary of the Chamber of Commerce in the State of Texas. This position she held in San Saba where she resided before coming to Palacios at the time of her marriage to Dr. Bowden about four years ago. For several years Mrs. Bowden was Supervisor of Welfare Work in San Saba and her political activities include being Assistant Campaign Manager for Congressman South. Mrs. Bowden is one of those rare persons who have the capacity to diversify their live so that they not only have time for business but enjoy a great deal of the sports and social life and are able to be active in the civic and charitable projects of the community.
Palacios Beacon, October 19, 1939 |
The Marguerite and Genevieve Frock Shoppe is one of the most popular of the ladies ready-to-wear stores. They believe thoroughly in quality merchandise and make it a point to stock nothing else. They are familiar with the whims of the well dressed woman and know how discouraging it is to one who pays particular attention to attiring herself in the best and latest of fashions and with this thought it mind they select the most attractive numbers from many well known lines and do not duplicate. Marguerite Reiman and Genevieve Lowe are the two girls who own the shop are both products of Matagorda County. Marguerite was in the employ of D. P. Moore for seven years and Genevieve about five. About ten years ago they decided to incorporate their tangible assets and the intangible assets of their knowledge of merchandise and their pleasing personalities and open a business of their own. It proved a potent undertaking for the girls and a source of satisfaction to the women of the community. New Fall merchandise is now arriving and there are many varied and interesting selections to be found in this shop.
Palacios Beacon,
October 19, 1939 |
Issuing an invitation to the people of Palacios to inspect his new store, Philip Swortz, formerly of Raymondville but now the most recent addition to Palacios business circles, has announced a formal opening of his Guarantee Store for Saturday, March 7. “Although I have been operating for the past few weeks,” Mr. Swortz said, “I want to get some idea of the type of merchandise desired by the people of this community and purchase stocks which would please them before I held my Grand Opening. I believe that I have now secured the type of merchandise they want and would like to have them inspect it.” Mr. Swortz came to Palacios several months ago and secured a lease on the old Koontz building which he had remodeled to suit his own needs. The front was modernized and the interior completely redecorated and furnished. When the work was completed, he stocked it with merchandise from his former establishment in Raymondville and proceeded to operate the store while he studies the desires of the Palacios shoppers. As he found a demand for certain types and classes of merchandise. Mr. Swortz added them to his stock. He says that he has found the people of Palacios friendly, courteous and cooperative and he desires to become one of them. Always active in civic affairs, Mr. Swortz says that he intends to aid, in any way he can, any movement or program for the benefit of his new home town. In business his intention is to offer merchandise of the better class under well-known standard brand names at reasonable prices and to give the best possible service to his customers. His stock includes shoes for men, women and children, hats, ladies dresses, men’s trousers and shirts, piece goods, novelties and military supplies. As demands for new types of merchandise arise he intends to secure them for the convenience of his customers. “I believe in the future of Palacios,” Mr. Swortz said shortly after coming here, “and I want to share in that future and do my part to help built it.” An active worker in the Chamber of Commerce at Raymondville, Mr. Swortz has already joined the local organization. He was also active in the Kiwanis Club. Mrs. Swortz is dividing her time between Palacios and San Antonio where their nine year old daughter, Sara Marian, is attending school until the end of the school year.
Palacios Beacon, March 5, 1942 |
Membership in the Palacios Chamber of Commerce covers practically every business house and businessman in town, a membership list made public of Mrs. Gladys R. Niven, secretary, this week shows. With 105 members already signed there are but a few potential members upon whom a membership committee might call. Those who have not joined the organization so far, it is believed, are largely individuals not connected with any particular business. Individual or personal memberships, are being sought now, A. Rioux, president, declared, and many of those who have been seen have signified their intention to join. “Of course, we need the money these memberships bring,” Rioux said, “but the main purpose is to get them interested in the work we are trying to do. The Chamber of Commerce is a civic organization and is working for the benefit of ever body in town. It is their organization just as much as it is any other persons and they should take an interest and help us put over our program.” A list of those who are members at this time follows:
Palacios Beacon, April 2, 1942 |
The Koerber building at the corner of 4th and Main streets is the new home for the bus station, the change being made Monday. Mr. E. A. Starrett, who has been terminal manager the past two years will continue to be in charge and plans to operate a cold drink, ice cream and candy service in connection with the station. The Continental Trailways, formerly the Bowen Motor Coaches has served Palacios for the past ten years and its first office was located in the Crescent Drug Store, with John D. Bowden in charge. When Camp Hulen was selected as a training camp, the increase in business necessitated a change, and in April 1941, the station was moved into a new location on Main Street, built and arranged to better serve the traveling public at that time. It occupied the two central sections of a four-room brick and tile structure just completed by Mr. J. L. Pybus. At that time there was a daily schedule of twenty-two buses and besides direct routes to Houston, Corpus Christi, San Antonio, Victoria and El Campo, an hourly service was maintained to Camp Hulen for the convenience of the thousands of men who trained there and the hundreds of civilian employees. Jerry Marbury was agent, and a crew from 12 to 15 helpers employed. When training ceased and activities almost nil in the camp, bus service there was discontinued, the large quarters became another war casualty. Palacios continues to be provided with a splendid service, four buses to the east and north each day and three going to Corpus Christi and other towns in that direction. Mr. Starrett states, "The Continental Trailways have a fleet of 130 new buses. Nine of these have already been delivered. The Continental is the first bus company in the entire southwest to offer new postwar equipment to the traveling public. The new red and cream busses have air conditioning units, enunciator systems, radio, individual reading lamps, and thermostatic controlled temperature. These busses also have shatter proof, heat absorbing, non-glare safety glass in all windows." Palacios Beacon, April 11, 1946 |
A major business change took place Tuesday of this week when Paul Wyatt took over operations of the Capitol Drugs from Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Rowton. Mr. Wyatt will continue to sell drugs, have fountain service and coffee and will specialize in business men's lunches. Milton Rowton will continue to have his watch repair and jewelry shop in the building. Mr. and Mrs. Rowton, owners of the Capitol Drugs since January 6, 1946 when they purchased the store from J. G. Davis and J. G. Long, were bidding farewell and extending thanks to their friends and patrons this week. The store was first located in the southwest corner of the Capitol Theatre on Main Street and on the first of March 1952 moved across the street to the Ramsey building. In March 1957 the Rowtons purchased and moved into the Hillyer building on Commerce Street. The Rowtans will continue to make their home in Palacios and will operate the Capitol Drugs No. 2 in Blessing. Mr. Wyatt, who was sent to Camp Hulen in 1941, has considered Palacios his home ever since. He married Miss Hortense Langston of Francitas and they are the parents of one son. He has always been an active member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, having served the local post as commander. He operated the Cozy Cafe on Main Street for two years. Palacios Beacon, September 10, 1959
Ad Palacios Beacon, November 21, 1957 |
Muriel's ![]() Palacios Beacon, November 21, 1957 - Courtesy of the Holsworth Family Archives |
J. N. Rice Insurance Agency ![]() Palacios Beacon, November 21, 1957 - Courtesy of the Holsworth Family Archives |
R. J. Rogers Television and Radio Service ![]() Palacios Beacon, November 21, 1957 - Courtesy of the Holsworth Family Archives |
Y Cafe ![]() Palacios Beacon, November 21, 1957 - Courtesy of the Holsworth Family Archives |
Palacios Pharmacy - Woody Wilson ![]() Palacios Beacon, January 29, 1959 - Courtesy of the Holsworth Family Archives |
Friday and Saturday, September 11 and 12, are "Red Letter" days at the new Lewing Texaco Service Station, located on highway 35 between Glendale Courts and the "Y" Cafe. Monroe Lewing and his two sons, Jim and Jearl, will hold their formal opening on these two days. Door prizes will be awarded at 8:00 p. m. Saturday with the following prizes to be awarded: B. F. Goodrich tire, Westinghouse coffee maker, oil treated car rugs, Mason 2-speed mixer, grease job and a wash job. Texaco Fire-Chief hats will be given the kiddies along with cracker jacks and a cold drink for everyone. Palacios Beacon, September 10, 1959 |
Copyright 2006 -
Present by Carol Sue Gibbs |
Created Jun. 26, 2006 |
Updated Jan. 28, 2016 |