First Annual County Fair and Fine Stock Show of Matagorda County was
formally opened Wednesday at 10-o’clock with a decorated floats
parade. The procession, headed by the National Rice Growers Band, formed
at the corner of Avenue G and Fifth street and proceeded around the
square, thence out Sixth street to the school house, returning to the
square along Fourth and Avenue G.
noon on the first day the exhibits were thrown open to the public and in
a short time every booth in all the departments was the center of an
interested and very much surprised throng of people. The agricultural,
horticultural and fruit exhibits were housed on the lower floor of the
City Hall, the second story being occupied by the ladies’ art exhibit.
The departments of animal husbandry and pet stock and poultry were
located in the Porter stables, two blocks away. The culinary display was
placed in the Moore-Sims building.
agricultural, art and culinary departments were beautifully decorated
and the exhibits were placed with an eye to the artistic effect as well
as convenience to the public. The animals and poultry were well housed
and their comfort carefully provided for by the committees and all
entries were placed to show to the best advantage possible.
deeply were the people concerned in the matter of the showing the county
would be able to make in this its first display of diversified products,
that the sports and the seductive attractions of the Joyway did not seem
to reduce the number of visitors to the various departments throughout
the four days. Every department was impartially favored, the ladies
flocking first to the art and culinary departments, but later visiting
the poultry and agricultural departments in large numbers. The fruit and
floral exhibits also came in for a large share of the admiration of the
fair sex.
of visitors from other states and sections of Texas spent hours among
the exhibits. Farmers from the interior looked with surprise upon the
samples of corn, oats, cotton, cane and other staples; dairymen and
stockmen looked long at the rice products exhibit and asked many
questions as to their feed value; fruit growers from everywhere marveled
at the unimpeachable evidence of the success of the citrus industry, and
truck growers saw enough to convince them that that industry is destined
to become one of the leading sources of wealth to this country. Down at
the stock show the visiting farmers saw living evidences of the great
possibilities in the way of stock farming and of the further fact that
the farmers of the county have at last come to appreciate their
opportunity. In the poultry department the crowd saw that the “poultry
craze”, though a very recent infection, has spread rapidly over the
county, and the purity of the strains of the birds shown indicated that
the craze has taken the intelligent course. In the culinary and art
departments were shown the highest order of evidence of the skill and
refined accomplishments of the ladies of the county.
brief, every department was a surprise; perhaps it were better to say
that it was a revelation. Not only did the exhibits as a whole prove a
most gratifying surprise to the public; they surpassed the hopes and
expectations of the most sanguine among the promoters of the Fair.
department was under the direction and management of Mr. C. M. Carter,
to whom the Fair management and the public is under immeasurable
obligations for the earnest interest and indefatigable enterprise and
industry he manifested in assembling and displaying the exhibits. He had
the hearty co-operation of a few of our most progressive farmers without
which even his untiring zeal could not have achieved so great success.
department was attractively arranged, every exhibit being shown in a way
which gave the visitors an excellent view and displayed its points to
the best possible advantage. Pretty and artistic decorations added to
the beauty of the surroundings and made most effective setting for the
contents of the booths.
is impossible to give here, as we should like to do, a full list of the
entrants, space forbidding. The following however is a complete list of
the premium awards:
E. Fry, best peck Irish potatoes; Kalile & Prasor, second prize.
A. Culver, best peck sweet potatoes; W. G. McDow, second.
J. Jinks, best dozen turnips; C. E. Matchett, second.
Richardson, best onions.
D. Culver, best egg plant; J. C. McDonald, second.
W. White, best red peppers.
Lowe, best bell peppers.
Fitzmaurice, best tomatoes; C. E. Eidman, second.
K. Ogden, best redish; D. Coston, second.
D. Hauser, best beets.
Ryman, best kershaw.
S. Holman, best watermelon.
Sutherland, best pumpkin.
K. Ogden, best squash.
N. Rogers, best gourd.
C. McDonald, second best beans.
W. Conger, best lettuce; Mrs. S. S. Moore, second.
S. Eidman, best mustard; P. R. Jinks, second.
W. Gilmore, best bloody batcher corn.
M. Gilmore, best yellow corn; Kalile & Praser, second.
Nance, best wonder corn.
R. Keller, best Taylor corn; Kalile & Prasor, second.
& Savage, best Tucpan; Kalile & Prasor, second.
E. Martin, best gourd.
D. Bortle, best broom corn; same second prize.
A. Ryman, best oats.
G. McDow, best peanuts.
G. McDow, best sorghum, baled.
the Bay City Rice Mill was awarded a special blue ribbon for its fine
display of rice and rice products.
special prize for best bushel of corn, $5.00, was awarded to J. A.
Blaize. |
this department, owing to the season, the exhibits were necessarily
limited in variety, consisting principally of citrus fruits. These were,
however, sufficient to form an impressive object lesson on the wonderful
possibilities of the county and to give a clear view of the certain
future magnitude of the citrus fruit industry in this section. Satsuma
and Dugat oranges, kumquats and persimmons were shown in great numbers
and the size and flavor of the fruit, together with the great
productivity of the trees as indicated by the clusters exhibited, were a
revelation to the majority of the visitors.
Among the notable exhibits here were a cluster of 21 Dugat
oranges on one bough from a tree in the yard of M. S. Perry of this
city, and a dozen large fruit from a Florida seedling tree on the
Hawkins ranch which was planted in 1854.
The large number of entries of these fruits indicated that the
citrus industry has already engaged the attention of numbers of our
citizens, and the exhibits at the Fair cannot fail to create new
interest in the industry on the part of all who viewed the fruit shown.
This department was in charge of Wm. Cash, to whom much credit is
due for the excellence of the displays. The awards were as follows:
Best half dozen Dugat oranges, E. E. Fry; second, D. P. Moore.
Best half dozen Satsumas, B. F. Powell; second, Gaines, Cobett
& Cash.
Best Florida seedling, J. B. Hawkins.
Best orange display, M. S. Perry; second Dr. P. E. Parker.
Best plate of kumquats, J. M. Stevens.
Best display of kumquats, J. M. Sims; second, D. P. Moore.
Best display of persimmons, J. E. Barnett; second, J. T. Lowe.
Best display of figs, W. R. France.
Best nursery stock, Palacios Nursery.
Best eucalyptus tree, J. C. Gibson; second, A. J. Head. |
This department represented the last born industry of the county,
the present being the first season that the growing of truck has been
tried on anything like a commercial scaled. That it is a husky and
promising youngster is sufficiently shown in the display booths to carry
conviction to the most skeptical of even the “old timers,” to whom
the idea of a “farm” of less than a few hundred acres at least sound
like a joke.
The variety of exhibits was almost as striking a feature of the
display as the size and quality of the products. Practically every
vegetable usually marketed in the spring was shown, gathered from the
fall crop of the same, and of a quality which proved beyond question
that this is in very truth a two-crop climate for everything which will
mature in less than half the year. The exhibits of fall Irsh potatoes
were especially noteworthy, the premium bushel of tubers grading high.
The large number of exhibitors in this department indicates that there
is a widespread movement toward truck growing in the county, though the
industry is of so recent inception.
B. E. Norvell was in charge of this department, and the
creditability of the display was largely due to his efforts. The premium
list will be found along with the agricultural list. |
The blue ribbon department of the Fair was that devoted to the
poultry, over which G. L. Berry presided. Mr. Berry, like Mr. C. M.
Carter in the agricultural department took personal pride in his work
and entered upon the task assigned him in the beginning with an
enthusiasm and energy which could not fail to bring success. And
“success” was written in large letters on the faces of all who
viewed the exhibit he got together.
The display here was probably the most surprising showing on the
fair grounds. There were 75 or 80 pens of birds which included almost
every popular breed of fowl. The strains were remarkably pure and
numbers of the birds scored exceptionally high, many of them having
taken first premiums at fairs in other states. The entries came from
every section of the county but the largest pens from point outside of
Bay City came from Blessing and were the property of Dr. Flickwir. J. H.
Nicholson of Ashby also had a number of beautiful birds, and he and Dr.
Flickwir carried off a large number of blue ribbons.
The fowls were scored by Mr. W. C. Lessing of the Texas Poultry
Journal, who declares that the exhibit as a whole would have been highly
creditable to a community in which the poultry growing industry is among
the recognized industries of the people. The scoring consumed over a
day’s time and was done with close care and attention. The list of
awards below gives an idea of the size of the display and the range of
the varieties of fowl shown.
The birds were caged in clean, new coops and were well cared for,
being watered and fed regularly. Mr. Berry gave personal attention to
every detail of the work and was in attendance almost every hour of the
day throughout the Fair. He has earned the plaudits of the Fair
management and the thanks of exhibitors and the general public by the
manner in which his department was conducted.
Following is a list of awards:
Best general exhibit, pen of S. L. Wyandottes and white leghorns,
J. H. Nicholson, Ashby.
Best boy’s exhibit, pen white leghorn by Perry Moore.
White Plymouth Rocks: Best pen, W. E. Green, second, A. H.
Flickwir; best cock, W. E. Green; best cockerel, best hen and best
pullet, Dr. A. H. Flickwir, Blessing.
Barred Plymouth Rocks: Best pen, P. Harper, second best, Chas.
LeSage; best cock, J. H. Castleton; best cockerel, P. Harper; best hen,
P. Harper; best pullet, H. B. Eidman.
Buff Rocks: Best pen, Chas. Dodd; best cockerel and best pullet,
Chas. Dodd.
Rhode Island Reds, rose comb:
W. H. Head carried off all the premiums for pen, cockerel, hen,
Single comb: Best pen, Sid Eidman, second, Mrs. J. R. Holman;
best cock, Ike Towell; best cockerel, R. F. Anderson; best pullet, Mrs.
J. B. Holman.
White Orpington: Best pen, Chas. Adams.
Buff Orpington: Best pen, Wm. Adams; second A. D. Barth.
White Wyandotte: Best pen, J. H. Nicholson; second, S. Eidman;
best cock, cockerel, hen and pullet, J. H. Nicholson of Ashby.
Buff Wyandotte: Best pen, cockerel and pullet, Mrs. L. A. Mather.
S. L. Wyandotte: Best pen, W. H. Poole; second, Prof. Williams;
best cock, J. H. Nicholson; best cockerel, W. H. Poole; best hen, J. H.
Nicholson; best pullet, W. H. Poole.
Brown Leghorn: Best pen, C. E. Buford.
White Leghorn: Best pen, Perry Moore.
Buff Leghorn: Best pen, T. O. Crockett.
Black Minorca, R. C.: Best pen, Prof. Williams.
Black Minorca, S. C.: Best pen, G. L. Berry.
Dark Brahma: Best pen, T. C. Morris.
Light Brahma: Best pen, Harry Osborne.
Bronze Turkey: Best pen, Will Norman; second pen, W. G. McDow;
best hen, Prof Williams; best gobbler, Will Norman.
Bantams: Best pen, class A, Harry Osborne; class B, Will
Eidelbach; class C, T. M. Tyler.
Ducks: Best pen, W. A. Matthews; second best, W. G. McDow, best
Pekin, McDow.
Belgian hares: Best pen, J. A. Dickey, second, Baker.
Welch Rabbits: Best pen, J. A. Dickey; second, Baker.
Pet Rabbits: Best pen, J. A. Dickey. |
While all the departments are attractive and interesting, the one
round which an air of substantiarility hovers is the stock show. A
seven-hundred pound hog is a pile of wealth all wrapped up in one hide
which will buy several chickens of ordinary kind and stacks of corn and
things of that sort. And a shoat five months old that tips the scales at
200 pounds looks like growing money mighty fast. There were just such
animals as this on exhibition this week, and besides them there were a
score or more others fully as good for their ages and breeds. The
animals shown were of the Berkshire, Poland China, Tamworth and Duroc
Jersey breeds, and every one was either registered or entitled to
registration. The pens were a center of attraction thruout the week.
Following is the list of awards:
Berkshires: Best pig, J. H. Nicholson of Ashby; second D.
Gilts under one year, J. H. Nicholson; second, W. G. McDow.
Best sow under 2 years, D. I. Porter; second, W. G. McDow.
Best sow any age, W. G. McDow.
Best boar any age, J. H. Nicholson.
Best boar under one year, W. G. McDow; second, McDow.
Duroc Jerseys: Best boar under 1 year, V. L. LeTulle; second, D.
I. Porter.
Best boar over one year and best sow any age, H. Cobb.
Tamworths: Best sow over 1 year, best sow under one year and best
boar under one year, E. L. Scott, Van Vleck.
Best boar under six months, D. I. Porter.
Horses: Best colt under 3 years, Sam Watkins; best colt under 2
years, Mr. Smith; best saddle colt, W. L. Beedy; best stallion, Frank
Wilson of El Campo; best jenny and colt, Jno. Thompson; best jack, Jno.
Matthews. |
This was without question one of the most intensely interesting
exhibits on the ground. It was one of the greatest of revelations, too,
for it exhibited not only a great amount of works of art, but many
pieces in the execution of which the artists wrought exceedingly well.
The exhibits came from all sections of the county, but by far the larger
part of them were the work of ladies of Bay City. The room was a solid
picture of artistic beauty, and it was arranged most tastefully by the
ladies in charge. Several hundred articles were submitted to the
inspection of the judges, and their task of selecting from among the
many excellent pieces those which were entitled to the premiums was one
which taxed their power of criticism to the utmost. The department was
crowded from early morning till late in the evening every day and
received much favorable commendation.
Besides the works of recent art on exhibit, there were quite a
number of relics shown, many of which were over 100 years old. Among the
antiquities of the most interesting character were the following
articles: A baby dress for applique work, which has been in the family
for over a century, and exhibited by Mrs. A. A. Moore.
A home spun and hand woven bed spread belonging to Mrs. H. L.
Rugeley, which was made by her mother in 1838.
A bed spread homespun and hand woven by Dr. Baxter Smith’s
grandmother in 1792.
A brocade silk dress worn by Dr. Smith’s mother in 1853.
A necklace and cross made from the Hair of Mrs. Moses Austin for
her only daughter, Emily Margaret Austin, and exhibited by Mrs. E. L.
A snuffbox which belonged to the only brother of Stephen F.
Austin, exhibited by Mrs. Perry.
A U. S. navy button worn by an officer under Commodore Perry on
the expedition to Japan, exhibited by the commodore’s lineal
descendant, Mrs. Emmett Perry.
A knee buckle worn by Stephen F. Austin, exhibited by Mrs. A. A.
A baby cap worn by the infant Stephen F. Austin, exhibited by
Mrs. A. A. Moore.
A sword and pistol used in the wars of 1812, the Mexican war and
between the states, exhibited by Dr. Smith.
An old English dish over 150 years old, exhibited by Mrs. B. A.
A German dish imported 100 years ago, exhibited by Mrs. Keller.
A fancy satin embroidered vest exhibited by Mrs. Sidney Pearson
and brought from the west Indies many years ago.
An autograph album belonging to J. H. Selkirk’s father and used
in 1838.
A black silk dress hand embroidered and worn by Mrs. H. L.
Rugeley’s Mother in 1850.
A cashmere shawl brought from Calcutta in 1850 and presented to
Dr. Smith’s mother by a U. S. naval officer.
A pitcher 100 years old exhibited by Mrs. J. E. Grace.
An interesting feature of the exhibits in this department was the
section devoted to the work of pupils of the High School. The awards in
this section were as follows:
Reed work: First premium, Eula Martin; second, William McKelvey.
Sixth grade: Addie Harrison 1st; Willie Mearns, 2nd.
5th grade: Chas. Burkholder 1st; Fred Wilson 2nd.
4th grade: Clarence Pile 1st; Louise Blake 2nd.
1st grade: No names.
2nd grade: Roy Zedler 1st; Hula Delk 2nd.
3rd grade: Mamie Ryman 1st; Laflin Foote 2nd.
The awards in the department proper were as follows:
Oil, Miss Gypsy Harper; pastel, Mrs. F. H. Jones; water color, Mrs. F.
H. Jones.
Fancy Work: White embroidery, Mrs. Jack Walker of Markham; second
prize, Mrs. Kilbride.
Color embroidery: Mrs. Burns of Blessing, first.
Hand made baby clothes: Mrs. N. M. Vogelsang, first.
Hand made laces: Point lace, Mrs. Solomon, Matagorda, first;
crochet, Mrs. Cora Stewart.
Special mention: Mrs. Kirk Moore, Mrs. Brasfield, in white
embroidery; Mrs. Solomon, drawn work; Mrs. Foster, Mr. Williams and Mrs.
Porter, in [omitted in paper].
Hand painted china: Mrs. Brasfield first prize; Mrs. Brasfield,
Pyrography: Mr. Lund of Midfield.
Best display of relics: Mrs. Dr. Baxter Smith.
Mesdames Hy. Rugeley, H. B. Eidman and J. C. Willis were in
charge of this department and the result of their industry, interest and
good taste was pleasing in the extreme. The department was a popular
feature and the ladies in charge deserve great credit for their efforts. |
The array of good things to eat in this department would have
cured the worst dyspeptic of his complaint or sent him to an untimely
grave through sheer chagrin and envy of those who could enjoy the good
things of life. The display was splendid in every respect, and proved
that the good housewives of Matagorda county have not failed to
cultivate a high degree of efficiency in the noble art of cooking while
acquiring an exceptional skill with the brush and needle. There were
about two hundred samples exhibited, which included every known kind of
preserve and jelly, pickle, canned vegetable and fruit, chow-chow, etc.,
and it was from first to last one of the most attractive of the
displays. The booth in the Moore-Sims grocery store had been tastily
decorated by the ladies in charge, and the committee remained faithfully
at its post throughout the Fair period. Among the notable exhibits here
was one consisting of twenty-four different kinds of jellies, preserves,
canned fruits and vegetables, catsup, chow-chow, etc., exhibited by Mrs.
E. E. Fry of Bay City. Another exhibit that attracted much attention was
that put up by Mr. Claude Zander, who resides on a farm south of Bay
City and which drew a first prize.
Following are the awards:
display of preserves, 24 different varieties, Mrs. E. E. Fry.
Largest display of breads, Mrs. Cope.
Largest loaf of bread, Mrs. Cope.
Best milk, Mrs. Mearns; second, R. J. Capps.
Best orange jam, Mrs. F. H. Jones; dewberry jam, second, Mrs.
Jellys: Apple, first prize, Mrs. W. E. Austin; quince, second,
Mrs. F. H. Jones; plum, third, Mrs. H. B. Eidman.
Catsups: Mrs. Julia LeTulle, first.
Chow-chow: Mrs. C. Langham 1st; Mrs. E. E. Fry, 2nd.
Sweet Pickles: Peaches–Mrs. J. R. Reynolds 1st; Mrs. Earl Moore
2nd; figs, Mrs. H. B. Eidman 1st; pears, Mrs. V. D. LeTulle 1st.
Sour Pickles: Cucumbers, 1st, Mr. Claude Xander; second, Mrs. V.
D. LeTulle; third, Mrs. G. Fullingame; peppers, 1st, Mrs. Kate Moore.
Bread: Mrs. Cope 1st; Mrs. M. McChesney 2nd; rolls, Mrs. F. H.
Jones 1st; Mrs. C. S. Eidman 2nd.
Coffee cake: Mrs. Cope 1st.
Cake: Mrs. G. Fullingame 1st.
Canned Fruits: Dewberries put up in 1907, Mrs. C. H. Williams
1st; peaches, Mrs. M. S. Perry 1st; plums, Mrs. E. E. Fry, second;
pears, Mrs. V. D. LeTulle 1st.
Canned Vegetables: Tomatoes, Mrs. C. H. Williams 1st; okra, Mrs.
C. H. Williams 1st; beans, Mr. Claude Xander 1st; tomato pulp, Mrs. E.
E. Fry second.
Preserves: Fig, Mrs. W. E. Austin 1st; Mrs. Ed Savage 2nd; Mrs.
H. B. Eidman, red ribbon. Peach, Mrs. Ed Savage 1st; Mrs. M. S. Perry
2nd; pear, Ms. Ed Savage 1st; tomatoes, Mrs. V. D. LeTulle 1st; plum,
Mrs. E. E. Fry, second; peach butter, Mrs. E. E. Fry, second.
The ladies in charge of this department were Mesdames C. L. de
Aubin, W. E. Austin, T. C. Brooks and S. S. Moore. The judges were
Mesdames Amos Lee, J. W. Todswer and C. E. Duller, the latter of
Blessing. |
Two pleasing features of the Fair were the parades of Thursday
and Friday. The first day’s parade was rather limited, owing to
several entries not being ready in time, but on Thursday over a score of
automobiles and a number of trade floats were in the line.
The procession on Thursday formed at the Tribune office and moved
around the square and east on Sixth street to the school house,
returning on Fourth.
Besides the autos there were floats by the Civic Club, I. Ditch,
Doubek & Hawkins, P. A. McLendon, Bay City Business College and
Huges & Son. The daintiest of those was that of the Civic Club,
which was done in the club colors, green and white, and carried a score
of pretty little Misses garbed in pure white. The trades float which
attracted most marked attention was that of P. A. McLendon, which was a
wagon loaded with a bale of cotton and a sack of feed and drawn by a
pair of cream ponies driven by Miss Bettie McLendon, the whole being
covered with lint cotton, including the dress and hat of the pretty
little driver. The Business College float was attractive and pretty.
Except a few autos which were modestly decked n colors of the Owl
Club, the only machine which was decorated was the splendid National 40
car belonging to W. L. McCamly. This car was a picture in white, the
wheels, chassis and tonneau being covered with white crysanthemums and
roses. It was driven by an immaculately attired chaffeur and was
occupied by five beautiful young ladies all attired in white. The auto
created more than a ripple of comment as it passed along the streets and
was decidedly one of the prettiest features of the parade.
The procession and program carried out by the school children on
Friday was the most interesting and delightful function of the Fair, and
was witnessed by practically the entire population of the town. Five
hundred children were formed in double file at the school house and led
by the National Rice Growers Band and under escort of a company of Boy
Scouts under command of Capt. Geo. Sutherland, proceeded west on Fourth
street to Avenue G, thence north on G to the square; thence east on
Sixth street to Avenue H, north on Avenue H to Seventh and then around
the square to the band stand, where they passed in review before Prest.
Poole, and the members of the school board, County Superintendent Lewis,
City Supt. Qureau and the officers of the Civic Club.
The company was then massed in front of the stand and sang a
patriotic song, after which addresses were delivered by Co. Supt. Lewis
and Judge W. M. Holland. Then following the class yells at the direction
of Supt. Qureau, each yell being given in perfect time and eliciting
prolonged applause from the crowd.
The children were then dismissed and given a holiday, much to
their surprise and pleasure.
The column of children was five blocks in length, and as each
grade passed the crowds it was cheered to the echo. No more impressive,
inspiring feature could have been devised than this, which gave to each
parent who witnessed it a throbbing heart of interest in the Fair as an
institution. |
The final and concluding feature of the Fair was the baby show,
which was held at the courthouse Saturday afternoon. As was expected, it
attracted much attention and the crowd that was present when the pretty
and lively little exhibits were put up for inspection filled the
courtroom. There were about fifty entries, every one of which was
entitled to a blue ribbon with a gold braid around it, but owing to the
lack of ribbons and other prizes, the judges were compelled to pick out
at random enough babies to dispose of the prizes and call them the
Following are the awards:
Six-month class: Girls: Ruby Louise Chambers, 4-months, 1st;
Sylvia Boney 6 weeks, 2nd. Boys: Jno. W. Gordon, 4 months, 1st; Joe
Steger, 6 months, 2nd.
Year-Old-class–Girls: Susie H. Rogers, 11 months, 1st; Mildred
Korn, 12 months, 2nd. Boys: Jno D. Rhodes, 9 months, 1st; Everett B.
Lewis, 9 months, 2nd.
Two-year class–Girls: Rachel Selfridge, 2 years, 1st; Eloine
Brunner, 16 months, second. Boys: Eugene Wilson, 20 months, 1st; Jas. E.
Scott, 22 months, 2nd.
Special class–Twins: Mrs. Dove. E. Dodd’s girls, Lora and
The first prizes awarded were solid gold pins, the second, red
The committee in charge of this function, of which Mrs. D. I.
Porter was chairman, wishes the judges to accept its sincere thanks for
their services and unselfish and downright heroism |
I wish to say to the Matagorda Co. Fair Association and the
people of the county that we cannot go too far in showing our
appreciation for the courtesy shown us by Mr. W. Lessing of Houston who
judged the poultry free of charge, a job which usually costs $50.00.
I hope you will join me in giving him a vote of thanks.
Copyright 2004 -
Present by Carol Sue Gibbs |
Created Jan. 6, 2005 |
Updated Jan. 6, 2005 |