The Collegeport Chronicle

Collegeport,   Matagorda County , Texas

August 4, 1910

The Bay City business College has an excellent faculty and gives thorough courses at moderate rates of tuition and the most liberal terms that we know of. The college is now taking out a new charter under the laws of Texas . Local capital has bought out the Chicago interests that controlled it at first, and now the college will be better than ever.

Something New in Town.

            It’s those safe deposit boxes at the Collegeport State Bank. Don’t forget, we want you to come in and see them. You can rent one for $1.50 per year. Collegeport State Bank


President, W. H. Travis,

Vice-President, L. E. Liggett,

Secretary, Harry Austin Clapp,

Director, M. L. Herbage,


House, H. A. Clapp, Chairman,

Entertainment, E. S. Darling, Chairman

Publicity and Promotion, M. A. Travis, Chairman

Transportation, W. H. Travis, Chairman,

Civic Improvement, E. C. Van Ness, Chairman,

Political, H. N. Sholl, chairman,

Municipal Government, L. E. Liggett, Chairman,

Games and Sports, J. D. Evans, Chairman,

Regular meetings the second and fourth Friday evenings of each month at Hotel Collegeport at eight o’clock .

Address communications to the Secretary, Collegeport Texas .


The Foundation of the New Church and School Building is About Ready for the Carpenters.

             Next Sunday at 5 o’clock the corner stone of the new church and school building will be laid with fitting ceremonies. The building is to be arranged in an L shape, fronting south for the school entrance.

            Wm. Pfeiffer, the local cement man has completed the cement work and has also prepared a corner stone which will be laid on Sunday containing a lead box in which will be deposited many records of interest to the generations to come.

            The program will be held  in the evening at 5 o’clock , and the program will consist of music, and addresses by speakers from Bay City and Palacios.

            Following is the program.

              1. Music.

  2. Prayer.

  3. Music.

  4. Address by Hon. T. H. Lewis, of Bay City .

  6. Address by Rev. J. H. Bristor, of Palacios.

  7. Reading the list of contents of the cornerstone. Hon. H. P. Sicks.

  8. Laying the corner stone, M. A. Travis.

  9. Music.

10. Financial statement by chairman building committee. Burton D. Hurd.

            11. Doxology and Benediction


            On Saturday evening Messrs. J. B. McCain, C. H. Judin, J. D. Evans and G. A. Lake engaged the E-Z for a trip to the pass to fish for tarpon. They returned on Sunday with two fine specimens, one measuring five feet nine inches landed by Mr. McCain, at the other measuring three feet nine inches, _____ of Mr. Lake. It took three [quarters] of an hour to land each of the _____fine sport was enjoyed______ fact the fishermen _______ well exhausted before [the] victims were willing to give themselves up. A large number of others were hooked, one of them measuring even larger than those landed. One monster, according to the enthusiastic sports went up in the air to a dizzy height and came down so dangerously near the boat that they lost control of it. In all, sixteen were hooked and there were plenty more to be seen.

            The tarpon is said to be the sportiest fish afloat and this recreation is sure to have many enthusiastic followers among our citizens and tourists. A large number of the citizens viewed the fish upon the wharf, and pictures were taken of them to send to friends in other places.

            The fishermen speak very highly of E. A. Sugg as a conductor of fishing party and recommend him to others.


The trustees of the Collegeport school district have concluded, on account of the limited amount of available school funds, to entrust the high school department to the University for the year. The University management consented to take care of the matter in connection with the regular academy department.

            If fifteen or more students enroll, the cost of tuition per month will be less than it will be should the number be less than this. Those wishing their children to enter the high school this year should at once address W. H. Travis of the University.

We are asked if a person in a gig, or wagon is required by law to turn out of the road to allow an auto to pass, if going in the same direction.

The law requires the driver of the team to give half the road just as he must do in passing another team or auto. He is required by the law to turn to the right and the autoist must turn to the left. If he fails to give half the road in either case he is liable for any damages that may result and a fine. If there is ample room to pass and the road is smooth the average autoist does not object to turning entirely out of the road to pass, but there are farmers who stubbornly refuse to give even half the road when there is no chance for auto to get by. Such will learn more of the law to their sorrow if they persist in their contrariness.—Traier Star-Clipper.

Bring Your Laundry Here.

            My basket goes out every Wednesday morning, returning Friday evening. I can assure you good work reasonable prices and courteous treatment.

            M. F. Bonner 1st door west of postoffice.


Three bay front lots joining boulevard at reasonable prices. Terms, one third down and balance in two equal annual payments. For particulars, see C. H. Judin.

Publicity envelopes, 40 cents per hundred.

Town Topics


Copyright 2005 - Present by Carol Sue Gibbs
All rights reserved

Apr. 7, 2005
Apr. 7, 2005