Palacios Beacon, October 5, 1917

Palacios Beacon, August 9, 1918

Hotel Palacios Sold

A deal of some magnitude was consummated when Mr. C. W. Hess last week sold the Hotel Palacios with its spacious grounds to Mr. Ben Ehlers of Gonzales. This hotel has the finest location on the Texas coast and should be full to overflowing summer and winter. Mr. Ehlers has moved his family here and we bespeak for them a pleasant and prosperous sojourn in our city. Mr. Hess is not leaving Palacios but expects to engage in business here.

Palacios Beacon, December 5, 1919



Copyright 2012 - Present by Jack Findley
All rights reserved

Jul. 21, 2012
Jul. 21, 2012