V Family of
Elgene Cornelius & Ananda Davis Van Ness


Elgene Cornelius Van Ness

Birth: September 15, 1863 Coldwater, Branch County, Michigan
Death: February 29, 1944 Shreveport, Caddo Parish, Louisiana
Buried: Mission Burial Park, San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas


Cornelius S. Van Ness (March 4, 1830 Yates, Orleans County, New York - September 18, 1875 Coldwater, Branch County, Michigan)
Phebe Ann Warren Van Ness (17 MAY 1828 Beekmantown, Clinton, New York - 28 APR 1912 Collegeport, Matagorda, Texas)


Warren Ephraim Van Ness
Birth: January 7, 1853  Newfane, Niagara, New York
Death: April 19, 1864
Coldwater, Branch, Michigan

William Elwin Van Ness
Birth: March 22, 1855 Coldwater, Branch, Michigan
Death: February 20, 1933 Sturgis, St. Joseph, Michigan

Edgar Delfred Van Ness
Birth: September 1, 1860  Coldwater, Branch, Michigan
Death: June 26, 1861  Coldwater, Branch, Michigan

Elgene Cornelius Van Ness

Louise Van Ness
Birth: August 30, 1867
Coldwater, Branch, Michigan USA
Death: November 9,
1945  Palacios, Matagorda, Texas USA

Jane Amanda Davis Van Ness
Birth: March 14, 1864 Coldwater, Branch, Michigan USA
Death: August 1, 1942  San Antonio, Bexar, Texas USA
Buried: Mission Burial Park, San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas

Anna Davis Van Ness
Birth: July 6, 1902  Michigan USA
Death August 6, 1981 Monroe, Ouachita Parrish, Louisiana USA
Buried Mulhearn Memorial Park Cemetery, Monroe, Ouachita Parish, Louisiana
Married: Clarence Charles Hermann (November 20, 1897 - May 21, 1979)
Daughter: Rebecca Van Ness Chudik (June 3, 1938 - September 10, 2015)

Residences of Elgene Cornelius Van Ness
1863 Coldwater, Branch County Missouri
April 26, 1910 - Matagorda, Texas
January 6, 1920 - San Antonio Ward 4, Bexar, Texas

At right: Elgene C. Van Ness   Photo courtesy of the Mopac House Foundation, Collegeport, Matagorda County, Texas

Early Leaders of the Federated Church (c1910)
(l-r George Welsby, Edward Leach, Elgene C. Van Ness, Frank Pine, Amanda Van Ness, Will Schubring, Arnold Livers,
Rev. Murray A. Travis, A. J. Palmer, John Carrick, Rena Travis, Thos. M. Clark, Mrs. John D. Evans, G. A. Duckworth

Photo courtesy of Robert D. Travis

Collegeport Federated Church

Special to The News.

Collegeport, Tex., Jan. 7.--The Federated Church of Collegeport has just moved into its new church building, a concrete edifice of the mission style, which cost some $3,500. The officers, just elected for its second year, are E. C. Van Ness, moderator; E. C. Hoffhines, recorder; Dr. E. Edwin Lipsitt, treasurer. The official board is known as the cabinet and consists of the officers, the members of the committees, the Sunday school superintendent and the president of the Y. P. B. C. E.

The standing committees are: Religious work, finance, music and social life. The pastor is Rev. M. A. Travis. The membership is composed of the following denominations: Methodist, Congregational, Presbyterian, Baptist, Disciples, Reformed Dutch, Lutheran and Universalist, and the among the regular attendants are Catholics and several other denominations.

The church articles are being printed in pamphlet form, and will be of interest to other of the smaller communities where the federated church should be organized.

Galveston Daily News, January 8, 1911

Sunday School.

In the fall of 1909, with the coming of more people, the school took on new life and settled in the university chapel a part of the activities of the First church. At this time E. G. Van Ness from Pontiac , Mich. , became its formal superintendent which office he still holds. Mr. Van Ness came fresh from Young Men’s Christian work, in which he had been a field secretary for twenty-two years.

Collegeport Chronicle, September 12, 1912

Hotel Collegeport is an elegant and modern hostelry under the splendid management of Mrs. O. B. Korn [Kone], ably assisted by Mr. E. C. Van Ness. This is a $2-a-day house and the guest gets his money's worth. Mrs. Korn not only makes a success of the hotel, but is active with Mrs. Hurd, Mrs. Smith and other public-spirited women of the town in promoting public welfare in the moral, religious and child life of the community.

The Matagorda News and Midcoast Farmer, Friday, September 12, 1913

...as my Mother Van Ness used to say, "When you speak, tell the truth, but it is not necessary to talk all the time." 

Matagorda County Tribune, June 10, 1927

Collegeport Woman's Club Holds Meeting


The regular monthly meeting of the Collegeport Woman's Club was held at the home of Mrs. Crane Thursday afternoon, August 12, with Mrs. Harry Austin Clapp in charge of the program. The usual business was transacted which included the resignation of Mrs. Oscar Vernon Chapin as secretary and the selection of Mrs. S. B. Sims to fill the vacancy. The special feature of the program was a paper on hymns prepared by Mrs. E. C. Van Ness who used to reside here. Mrs. Van Ness is now organist for the Central Christian Church, San Antonio, and secretary of the San Antonio Chapter of the Guild of American Organists.

(The paper Mrs. Van Ness read for the program is included in the original article.)

  Matagorda County Tribune, August 19, 1927

Collegeport Woman's Club Holds Meeting


The regular monthly meeting of the Collegeport Woman's Club was held at the home of Mrs. Crane Thursday afternoon, August 12, with Mrs. Harry Austin Clapp in charge of the program. The usual business was transacted which included the resignation of Mrs. Oscar Vernon Chapin as secretary and the selection of Mrs. S. B. Sims to fill the vacancy. The special feature of the program was a paper on hymns prepared by Mrs. E. C. Van Ness who used to reside here. Mrs. Van Ness is now organist for the Central Christian Church, San Antonio, and secretary of the San Antonio Chapter of the Guild of American Organists.

(The paper Mrs. Van Ness read for the program is included in the original article.)

  Matagorda County Tribune, August 19, 1927

Old timers will remember when Dena Hurd put on The District School, starring that wonderful English actress, Amanda Davis Van Ness. In this play Charley Judin fell into the well and Burton D. Hurd put eggs into the back pockets of Harry Clapp. Helen Holsworth was one of the pupils who was all the time asking the teacher, "Teacher, can I go out?" That was also a great production. If amateurs would only learn to direct their talk to the audience most of their stuff would go over but they always, as a rule, seem to think they are holding a private convention on the stage and talk to each other.

Matagorda County Tribune, October 7, 1927

Received a "Babygram" yesterday announcing the arrival of Anna Claire Herrmann at Dallas, October 27th, and weighing 8 1/2 pounds. This will mean little to some readers, but to the oldtimers it will mean that Anna Van Ness is now the mother of two girls.


First arrived Barbara Jane;

Now comes Anna Claire.

I wonder where

They got the name?


Sweet little Anna Claire,

Looking up with baby stare.

Remember I'm your Uncle Unc,

Your very own Rinky Dune!

--Fragments From Hack.

The Daily Tribune, November 6. 1928


By Harry Austin Clapp

The Jenny Wren Club will meet on Saturday at the home of Anna Van Ness on the corner of South Boulevard and Avenue O.

Matagorda County Tribune, March 4, 1930

Saturday night a wire informed us that Mrs. C. C. Hermann, Anna Van Ness, is the mother of a baby girl. This makes three beautiful girls that have come to Anna and she is one splendid mother. Mr. Hermann is treasurer of the Southwest Utilities Company which controls The Central Power and Light Company.

The Matagorda County Tribune, Thursday, March 10, 1932

Elgene Cornelius Van Ness


Jane Amanda Davis Van Ness




V Family of
Cornelius S. & Phoebe Ann Warren Van Ness

Louise Van Ness Clapp


married January 19, 1852 in Cassadaga, Chatauqua County, New York
Phebe Ann Warren Van Ness
In Coldwater by 1855 when William was born

Cornelius Van Ness

March 4, 1830 - Yates, Orleans County, New York
September 18, 1875, Branch County, Michigan
Buried Oak Grove Cemetery, Coldwater, Branch County, Michigan

Will No. 1703

In the Matter of the Estate of Cornelius Van Ness, Deceased, I Cornelius Van Ness of the City of Coldwater Branch County State of Michigan do make and declare this to be my last will and testament.

After all my just debts and funeral expenses are paid I give and bequeath all my estate real  personal and mixed to my beloved wife Phebe Ann Van Ness to have and to hold the same to her, her heirs and assigns forever.

2nd I hereby appoint the said Phebe Ann Van Ness sole executrix of this will - revoking all former wills by me made.

Witness my  hand and seal this 9th day of September A. S. 1875

Cornelius Van Ness  [Seal]

The above instrument was at the date thereof signed and declared by the said Cornelius Van Ness, as for his last will and testament in his presence and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses.

David Thomson Coldwater Mich.
Wm P  Warren Coldwater Mich

Death of C. S. Van Ness.

Died, in this city, on the 18th, inst., Cornelius S. Van Ness, aged 45 years. Mr. Van Ness was a native of Orleans county, N. Y., and became a resident of Coldwater 21 years ago. He was first employed by H. C. Lewis, in whose store he continued many years, evincing unusual business qualities and soon becoming noted for his enterprise and energy. In 1867 he became associated with Wm. R. Foster, under the firm of Foster & Van Ness, and purchased the store and business of the late J. B. Crippen; subsequently Mr. Foster retired, selling his interest to Mr. Sweet, the new firm being Van Ness, Sweet & Co. Mr. Van Ness' health became so much affected by his close application to business that he was finally obliged to retire from the firm, and for two years he turned his attention to farming; but his occupation proving too severe, in the spring of 1874 he resumed his old profession and opened a dry goods store at No. 16 Chicago street. About six months ago he was obliged to retire almost altogether from his active duties of life, and for the past two months he hoped and waited for the summons which was to silence him of his sufferings which he has borne so long and so patiently.

Mr. Van Ness was a man of unusual energy and was known by almost every farmer in Branch county, who will hear with sorrow of his death. He did much toward making Coldwater a great business mart, by inducing farmer to seek this place as a market for their produce, being always ready to pay the best prices for anything his customers might have to sell. Last year he...into the wheat trade, and as a consequence a larger amount of grain was passed through our warehouse than had been purchased before for the last five years. He took great interest in public affairs, he was an ardent republican and was by this party twice elected city collector. For six years he acted as trustee and treasurer of the Baptist Church of this city, and gave much of his time to advancing the interests of that body. A kind husband, an indulgent father and a good citizen--his loss will be severely felt by his family and the entire community. His funeral took place yesterday afternoon at the Baptist church with Masonic honors. A large concourse of citizens were in attendance, the dry goods stores closing and displaying the emblems of death.

A Card of Thanks

The family, relatives, and friends of Mr. C. Van Ness, desire to embrace the earliest opportunity to express their most hearty thanks to each and all of the neighbors and friends for their numberless acts of kindness and considerate attention during his sickness, and especially in the abundance of fruits and flowers, coming sometimes from unknown hands, and to the fraternity of Masons for their very unobtrusive, yet unceasing aid at the sick bed and at the funeral, and to the merchants and business men of this city for the unlooked for mark of respect and sympathy, in the tokens of mourning and closing of the many places of business during the funeral.

Phebe Ann Warren Van Ness

May 17, 1828 - Beekmantown, Clinton County, New York
April 28, 1912 - Collegeport, Matagorda County, Texas
Buried Oak Grove Cemetery, Coldwater, Branch County, Michigan

Phoebe A. Van Ness

Mrs. Phoebe A. Van Ness, mother of Mrs. H. A. Clapp and Mr. E. C. Van Ness of Collegeport, died at the home of Mr. Clapp in Collegeport Sunday night, having reached the advanced age of 84 years. Funeral services were held at the Episcopal church in Collegeport Monday, after which the remains were shipped to the former home of the deceased at Coldwater, Mich., for final interment. The remains were accompanied to Michigan by Mrs. Clapp. The bereaved families have many good friends in Palacios who sincere rely sympathize with them in this hour of sorrow.

Palacios Beacon, May, 3, 1912


By Harry Austin Clapp

Then there came into my life Phoebe Ann Warren Van Ness. She was born on the banks of Lake Champlain one hundred nine years ago. When I married her daughter, she became what is commonly known as my mother-in-law. Detesting that “in-law” ending, I discarded it soon as I found out that she was a wonderful woman and a real mother. That was what she was to me for the many years she lived with me. Left alone in the world with three children and little cash, she kept her family together, educated them, paid her way and developed the strong character which characterized her until death. She was a sweet, delicious, lovable bit of womanhood, with an abiding faith in God, the Bible and the Christians hope and belief in the promise of a finer life over there. The years she lived with me were rich in the daily devotion this mother gave to me. My own mother could not give greater loyalty nor more willing to make sacrifices for my security and happiness, than mother Van Ness. Old timers here remember her well and will bear out the statements I make.

Mother was filled with rich humor. She enjoyed fine jokes and used them herself, but always with dignity. When she passed over, I lost a second fine mother and always since that day she has been missed. All men have one mother, but not every man has been fortunate enough to have enjoyed the devotion of two such wonderful women.

The Matagorda County Tribune, Thursday, November 19, 1936


Warren Ephraim Van Ness
January 7, 1853 - Newfane, Niagara County, New York
April 19, 1864, Coldwater, Branch County, Michigan

William Elwin Van Ness
March 22, 1866 - Coldwater Branch County, Michigan
February 2, 1933 - Sturgis, St. Joseph County, Michigan
Buried Oak Lawn Cemetery - Sturgis, St. Joseph County, Michigan

Photo courtesy of Find A Grave Volunteer Anne #47805070

Edgar Delfred Van Ness
September 1, 1860 - Coldwater, Branch County, Michigan
June 26, 1861 - Coldwater, Branch County, Michigan

Elgene Cornelius Van Ness

Louise Van Ness Clapp


Copyright 2016 - Present by The Van Ness Family
All rights reserved

Jan. 5, 2015
Jan. 5, 2015