Seth W. Corse, a pioneer of Collegeport, passed away Wednesday night, December 15, 1943, at the home of Mrs. Chas. E. Duller in Blessing, with whom he had resided for the past seven years.
Mr. Corse was born at Montgomery, Vermont, January 31, 1860, and was
married to Minnie L. Keeler For over twenty years he was engaged in the photograph business in Montpelier, Vermont, and moved to Texas during the fall of 1910, settling in Collegeport, where he served as postmaster for several years. He was a member of the Presbyterian Church at Collegeport and always took an active interest in any project for the betterment of Collegeport or for the County. He is survived by two daughters, Lena C. Duller of Blessing, Texas, and Gertrude Pearl Putnam of San Antonio, Texas, one granddaughter, Mrs. Chas. M. Walton, Jr., of Mission, Texas, one nephew, Edgar B. Corse of Greensburg, Kansas, and several nieces. Funeral services were held Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Duller, Rev. G. F. Gillespie officiating, with burial in the Palacios Cemetery. Palacios Beacon, December 23, 1943
The shade of sorrow was drawn across our community Monday and all mourn the passing of one of our most prominent figures. No person can live in a community twenty-two years and all that time be an important figure in every civic work and not be missed and mourned. Minnie L. Keeler was born in Montpelier, Vt., March 2, 1862. Seth W. Corse was born in the northern part of the same state close to the Canadian border. Time passed and they met, loved and were married October 15, 1885. For some twenty years, they made their home in Montpelier and finally removed to Collegeport where they have since resided. For forty-seven years, Minnie and Seth have together walked the paths of life. Roses richly laden with the perfume of joy and happiness have been plucked along the path. Thorns have pricked at times as a reminder that life is not all pleasure, but the path widened, flowers grew more abundantly, the perfume of the joy and peace that comes with the fading years was theirs in an abundant measure and so this day when Seth Corse has come to the parting of the way, he may truly say that in the possession of this woman and his life with her God has been lavish in His blessings. All I can say after a friendship lasting all these years is a prayer that God will receive into His loving care the soul of Minnie and that He will watch over and hold close and enrich the soul of Seth who is left to finish the journey. This union was blessed with four children, but two of them passed away early in life. The two daughters living are Mrs. Charles E. Duller (Lena) of Blessing and Mrs. Major Lincoln Putman (Pearl) of the U. S. army stationed at Manila, P. I. Ever since coming to this community, Mrs. Corse has been an active participant in every civic movement. She was a charter member of the Woman's Club and served several terms as president. Past president of the County Federation of Women's Clubs, delegate to the district conventions and delegate of the state conventions. She was one of the women who organized the club library and was faithful in her interest in that work until her last day. She was also active in church and Sunday School work. Several years ago, President Coolidge appointed her postmaster of the local office and as such has given us splendid postal service. Always a leader in these efforts, she was ever ready to advise with her associates and act as the majority deemed best for the community. With the passing of Minnie L. Corse, this community has lost a dependable leader, so no wonder that we all mourn. The funeral service was held in Blessing at the home of Mrs. Charles Duller, with Reverend Ray of Palacios reading the service. The only music was the singing of her favorite song Tennyson's "Crossing the Bar." This was at her request. Something like forty autos brought friends from all portions of the county and they came with hearts filled with sorrow and sympathy. Interment was in the Palacios cemetery. Requiscat in peace.
"Such souls Mrs. Seth W. Corse, of Collegeport, Dies Mrs. Minnie L. Corse, age 70 years, 4 months, 23 days, died at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Chas. E. Duller, at Blessing, Texas, Monday, at 2 p. m. She is survived by her husband, Mr. Seth W. Corse, of Collegeport, Texas, two daughters, Mrs. Chas. E. Duller, of Blessing, Texas, and Mrs. L. F. Putman of the Philippine Islands. Mrs. Corse was born March 2, 1862, in Montpelier, Vermont, where she grew to womanhood. She was married to Seth W. Corse, Oct. 15th, 1885. The family moved to Collegeport, Texas, November, 1910, where she has since resided. She at all times took active interest in the affairs of the community, even after her health was impaired. She was president of the Matagorda County Federation of Women's Clubs for two years, and an officer in her home Club numerous times. Funeral services were held Tuesday at 2 p. m., at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Duller, at Blessing. Rev. Carrol B. Ray of Palacios, officiating, with a beautiful song service by Rev. Morrow of Collegeport. The pallbearers were J. D. Evans, Chas. Isom, Carl Boeker, M. V. Batchelder, L. E. Liggett and Jack Holsworth. Interment was in Palacios Cemetery, under direction of Palacios Funeral Home.
Palacios Beacon, July 28, 1932 |
Montpelier A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Corse last Friday.—Burlington Weekly Free Press, Burlington, Vermont, May 11, 1888 Harry, the two-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Corse, died last Saturday morning and was buried at 5 P. M. the same day Mrs. Corse is also dangerously ill.
Argus and Patriot,
Montpelier, Vermont, June 4, 1890 |
Funeral services for Mrs. Lena Corse Duller, 59, of Blessing were held Monday at Taylor Brothers Funeral Home with the Rev. E. F. Deutsch officiating and burial in Palacios Cemetery.
Mrs. Duller, who had been in ill health for several weeks, was a resident of Matagorda County for 38 years.
She is survived by three daughters, Mrs. Johnnie McKelvey of Bay City, Mrs. Jep Smith of Ingram; a son, Charles S. Duller of Tulsa, Okla.; and a sister, Mrs. Pearl Putnam of San Antonio.
October 7, 1948
Mrs. Lena C. Duller
Burial services for Mrs. Lena Corse Duller were held in the Palacios cemetery Monday, October 4, following funeral rites in the Taylor Brothers Funeral Home in Bay City, with the Rev. E. F. Deutsch officiating. Mrs. Duller was a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Seth Corse of Collegeport and had been a resident of Matagorda County 38 years. Blessing was her home for many years where she was an active worker in church and civic organizations. She had been an employee of the Southern States Construction Company for a number of years and a host of friends are saddened by her untimely death.
Palacios Beacon, October 14, 1948
April 10, 1927 20 Years Ago - C. E. Duller, of Blessing, and Miss Lena Corse were married at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Corse in Collegeport.--Palacios Beacon, April 17, 1947
Charles Ethan Duller, age 62
years, 9 months and 18 days, who was stricken with a heart
attack, expired at his family residence in Blessing Wednesday
evening at 7:30. |
Rachel, the six-year-old daughter of Mrs. and Mrs. S. W. Corse, died Saturday after a painful illness from typhoid fever about three weeks’ duration. The funeral will be held from the house on Corse street at 2:30 Monday afternoon, Rev. C. O. Judkins officiating. The burial will be in Green Mount Cemetery.
Barre Evening Telegram,
Barre, Vermont, November 19, 1900 |
Married May 27, 1918 |
Dr. Putnam was born October 3, 1892 in Rome, New York to Frank L. Putnam and Marie Jordan Putnam. He practiced in Blessing c 1917-1918. He was in Blessing by March, 1917 and left upon his marriage on May 27, 1918. He registered for the World War I draft on June 2, 1917 in Matagorda County. His address was recorded as 87 Drew Ave, Houston. He was born in Rome, New York. He was a single physician with no dependents. His physical description was medium height, slender build, gray eyes and light hair. On May 27, 1918, Dr. Putnam married Gertrude Pearl Corse (April 16, 1899 - October 3, 1991), daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Corse, and they had a daughter, Jean L. born c 1921.
1910 Census - Houston, Harris County, Texas 1921 - Stationed in El Paso, Texas
July 5, 1924 - Putnam family returned to San
Francisco from Manila, Philippines on the ship, Thomas.
1930 Census - Fort Sill Military Reservation.
Lawton Township, Comanche County, Oklahoma May 1, 1942 - Lincoln F. Putnam from M. C. Fort Sam Houston to Balboa Heights May 25, 1942 - Salt Lake Tribune, Lincoln F. Putnam M. C., Fort Sam Houston to Panama Canal Dept. revoked
1942 - The 8th Evacuation Hospital was activated on August 19,
1942, under the command of Lieutenant Colonel Lincoln F. Putnam, who
had been the commanding officer of the 3d Evacuation Hospital.
March 31, 1972 - Colonel Lincoln Frank Putnam died at Brooke General Hospital at Fort Sam Houston in San Antonio. He had retired in 1945 and had been living about 25 miles northwest of downtown San Antonio in Grey Forest, Texas, Route 15, Box 214C. He was buried at Arlington National Cemetery - Find A Grave page
Gertrude died on October 3, 1991 in San Antonio,
Bexar County, Texas. |
Collegeport, Texas, May 28.―On Monday evening, May 27, at 9 o’clock at the First Church of Collegeport, the many friends of one of the town’s fairest daughters filled the church to its doors to witness the marriage ceremony of Miss Gertrude Pearl Corse, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Corse, and Dr. Lincoln F. Putnam of Houston, Texas, 1st lieutenant, 7th Cavalry, U. S. A. The church was artistically decorated with hundreds of roses and ferns intermingled with stars and stripes; the alter banked with white roses, was draped with a large flag and over which hung a white wedding bell of cape jasmine. Preceding the ceremony, Miss Elmina Sparks sang “Because” and as Mrs. E. C. Van Ness struck the first notes of Lohengrin’s Wedding March, the ribbon bearers, Merle Campbell, Mary Louise Clapp, Helen Duckworth and Virginia Moore, were followed by the ushers, Misses Miriam and Ruth Glasser, Anna Van Ness and Elmina Sparks, all in white organdy. Miss Lena Corse was lovely in white organdy as maid of honor, walking alone, her arms filled with American Beauty roses. The groom entered from the vestry with his friend, Mr. A. L. Hershberger of La Porte, preceded by Rev. Murray A. Travis. The bride with her father presented a picture of fairy loveliness as she approached the alter her arms clasping a cluster of Marguerite daises, dressed in a simple net gown, enveloped in a wedding veil that is an heirloom and which was serving the fourth bride in the family. The groom was immaculate and soldierly in his dress uniform and the ring ceremony was pronounced by the pastor of the First Church, Rev. M. A. Travis, this being the first wedding ever performed in the church. After the ceremony, the bride’s mother, Mrs. S. W. Corse, was a charming hostess to the bridal party and out-of-town guests at the Corse home, where the many gifts were displayed, glass, silver, linens, etc., and after refreshment the bride, attired in a handsome going-away suit of blue and white, tossed her bouquet into the arms of Miss Elmina Sparks, and was whirled away by automobile to Bay City, where they boarded the train for Houston, the home of Lieutenant Putnam’s parents, after which the happy couple will go to El Paso where will follow many good wishes from Collegeport friends and from Blessing where Dr. Putnam has been living the past year.
County Tribune, May 31, 1918 |
Capt. and Mrs. Lincoln Putnam drove here from Denver where he has been stationed at Fort Logan. He has been transferred to Fort Sill where he will report at the end of his furlough. Mrs. Putnam will be remembered as Pearl Corse, one of our early time girls. Their little daughter (was little once) Gene is with them and all are having an enjoyable time with the Corse family. The Daily Tribune, July 16, 1929 Major and Mrs. Putman are visiting Mrs. Putnam's parents Mrs. and Mrs. Corse for a few weeks. Major Putman is stationed at Fort Sill Oklahoma. The Daily Tribune, August 25, 1931 Major and Mrs. Lincoln Putnam, who have been visiting the latter's parents Mr. and Mrs. Seth Corse, are due to sail from San Francisco May 7, for Manila where the major will be stationed for three years. They are accompanied by their daughter, Miss Jean. The Matagorda County Tribune, Thursday, April 28, 1932
Major and Mrs. Putnam, who have been visiting the
latter's father Mr. S. W. Corse for the past month, will leave for
Washington, D. C., first of the week.
The Matagorda
County Tribune,
Thursday, July 25, 1935 |
Vermont Watchman and State Journal, April 9, 1902 |
Copyright 2024 -
Present by the Corse Family & source contributors |
Created Apr. 19, 2024 |
Updated Apr. 19, 2024 |