Rolph Marsh Chapter
of the American Revolution |
County, Texas
October 16, 1971

Benjamin Wightman
Benjamin Wightman
is the only Revolutionary War soldier buried in
Matagorda County, Texas.

Mary Rolph Marsh Chapter
Daughters of the American Revolution |
Written by Donna M. Johnson
A preliminary meeting for the purpose of organizing
a local chapter of the National Society Daughters of the American
Revolution (NSDAR or DAR) was held
August 9, 1971, at the
with 22 interested women present. Martha Moore was organizing regent for
the proposed local chapter. The purpose of the National Society DAR and
a brief history of the organization, which began in 1890, were
Saturday, October 16, 1971, members met at the home of Martha Moore for the organizing ceremonies.
Thus the Mary Rolph Marsh Chapter DAR in Bay City
had its beginning on this historic occasion.
The new chapter was named for a wife and mother of
the Revolutionary War period. Mary Rolph Marsh was the daughter of Judge
Henry Rolph and wife, Mary Connally, of
New Jersey. The wife of Daniel March and mother of eleven children was widowed by
1756, with four sons under 15 years of age. Three sons, all officers,
assisted in the establishment of American independence. One of these
sons, Captain Christopher Marsh, was the ancestor of the organizing
The 36 charter members of Mary Rolph Marsh chapter
Mesdames C.
L. Arnold (Sallie), R. E. Bellanfant, C. G. Bess
(Lois), E. L. Castleton (Louise), B. R. Cole (Maurine), H. W. Estill (Madge), G. D.
Everett (Elizabeth), Eaton Grisham, H. C. Ham (Thelma), M. T. Huebner
(Jean), J. W. Ingram (Keye), W. B. Jeter (Lorainne), C. E.
Lee (Nantie), W. C. Lloyd (Alberta), H. J. McAllister (Mary Belle), Elizabeth
McMahan, Harris Milner (Verda), Paul Norwood, A. H. Pontiff (Myrna), Gordon Richardson
(Jean), F. E. Ryman (Blanche), J. M. Ryman (Irma), Carl Salas (Sallie), Cary Smith,
Jr. (Esther),
Daryl Thompson (Julianne), J. G. Voss, A. H. Wadsworth (Lurline), J. F.
Woolsey (Sallie), J. A. Wyse (Verne),
Albert Younts (Mary), and Arthur Younts (Lois), and Misses Sharon Grisham, Ethel
Gusman, Martha Moore, Betty Jane Scott and Grace Selkirk.
Benjamin Wightman is the only Revolutionary soldier
buried in
County, and the chapter marked his grave in
with a bronze marker and held appropriate ceremonies on
June 14, 1972
Regents of the chapter have been: Martha Moore
(1971-73), Mary Belle Ingram (1973-75), Esther Smith (1975-76), Sallie
Salas (1976-78), Marcella Odom (1978-80), Jessica Jecmenek (1980-1982),
Donna Johnson (1982-85), Margaret G. Seerden (1985-88), Zula W. Atwood
(1988-91), Faye Vos (1991-93), Janet W. Hickl (1993-95), Jim B. Howze
(1995-97), Muriel T. Lawhon (1997-99), Rosanne R. Burgess (1999), Sally
V. Woolsey (1999-01), Janet W. Hickl (2001-03), Donna M. Johnson
(2003-2005), Freda K. Daniel (2005-2007), Sallie M. Salas (2007-2009),
Bobbie P. Gaspard (2009-2011), Sandra Steves (2011-1013) and Marjorie
Griffith (2013-2015).
The Mary Rolph Marsh Chapter strives to foster true
patriotism and love of
"God, Home and Country."
The objectives of this society are to perpetuate
the memory and spirit of the men and women who achieved American
independence. Any woman is eligible for membership in the local and
national society of DAR who is at least 18 years of age, and who is
descended from a man or woman who, with unfailing loyalty to the cause
of American Independence, served as a sailor, soldier, or civil officer
in one of the several colonies or states, or in the United Colonies or
states, or as a recognized patriot, or rendered material aid thereto;
provided the applicant is personally acceptable to the society. |
Bay House - Legacy
700 12th Street, Bay
City - 4:00 p. m.
Second Thursdays in Nov, Jan,
Feb, Apr
& May
Interested in
Becoming a Member of our organization?
Carol Sue Gibbs |
Revolutionary Ancestors
Aaron Adams, VT
Alexander, SC
Benjamin Barber, RI
Thomas Batson,
William Booker, VA
William Bowen, VA
Enos Byrd, NC
John Caldwell, VA
Joseph Carter,
Paul Chapin, MA
Silas Cook, Jr., NC
Keith Cornelius, SC
John Cowden, NC
Elisha Crowell, MA
John Daniel, VA
Louis De Blanc, LA
James Denby, NC
Joseph Downey,
James Ford Sr, VA
Shadrach Gibbs, SC
Patrick Gilmore,
Sr., NC
Peter Glasscock,
Jr., NC
Peter Glasscock,
Sr., VA
Daniel Gooch, NC
Joseph Gooch, NC
Thomas Green, VA
William Griggs, VA
John Michael
Hansel, VA
Joseph Hardin, NC
Justus Hinckel, Sr., VA
Samuel Hovey, CT
Jacob Jones, NC
Adam Kuykendall, NC
Jacob Lassiter, NC
Johann Peter
Leichleiter, MD
John Lewis LeMay, VA
William McClanahan, VA
James McCrosky, VA
David McKnight, NC
John Morgan, VA
Reuben Morgan,
Joseph Morton, VA
Uriah Howard
Nanney, VA
John Paine SR, VA
Robert Paine
Lewis Peebles, SC
Samuel Pickerell,
Jr. VA
Thomas Prather, MD
Thomas Rankin, TN
John Robuck, Sr., SC
Samuel Rogers, NC
Shadrack Rowe,
William Russell, VA
Josiah Stanford, MD
Matthew Tanner, Sr., VA
John Tindal, MD
John Torrey, NC
Evetts Townley
David Trimble, KY
David Vance, VA
Benjamin Wightman, NY
Henry Winfree,
Isaac Workman, OH
Daniel Yeamans,
Society Daughters of the American Revolution
Society Daughters of the American Revolution