Collegeport Articles

1975 - 1976

Collegeport News

Snow flurries were seen in Collegeport Sunday afternoon from 5-5:30 and folk woke up Monday morning with the thermometer at 24 degrees.

Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Bryan of Houston came in Friday afternoon to spend the weekend with Alex Franzen and other members of the family.

Franzen Family Reunion Sunday. A family dinner was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dean Merck Sunday at noon. Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Bryan, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Franzen, G. W., Derril, Terri and Wesley; Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Wells, Mrs. Buddy Lenz, Traylor and Garrett; Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Wells, Jr. and Meloni and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Dowdle of Waco.

Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Dowdle spent Saturday night with her brother and family, the Gerald Wells Jr. family in Palacios and Sunday night with Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Wells Sr.

Mrs. M. A. Ellis, recently hospitalized at Matagorda General Hospital, Bay City, returned to her home Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Corporon had dinner for a group of hunters Saturday, among them were their son, Roy Corporon and grandsons Deith and Dale of Victoria.

Congratulations to G. W. Franzen named “Student of the Month.” G. W. is a senior at Palacios Senior High School.

Good to see Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Penland home again. Mr. Penland had recent surgery at Wagner General Hospital in Palacios.

Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Kovar of Palacios visited Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Wells Sunday evening.

Palacios Beacon, January 16, 1975

Collegeport News

The Collegeport Area Volunteer Fire Department elected the following officers last week: Fire chief, Mason Holsworth; asst. chief, Gus Franzen; secretary, Russell Corporon; treasurer, Chester Corporon; and trustee, Carl Ackerman.

Mmes. Russell Corporon, R. L. Corporon, Gus Franzen and Dean Merck attended the Golden Crescent/Coastal Bend Regional meeting at the Woodlawn Presbyterian Church in Corpus last Tuesday.

Mrs. Ben Standley and daughters, Lea and Julia, visited Mrs. Buddy Lenz Wednesday afternoon. They were from Angleton.

Mrs. M. S. Holsworth’s mother, Mrs. R. T. Sirmon, was honored Saturday, on her 88th birthday with a family get-to-gether hosted by the Rev. and Mrs. Bill Hodge of Katy. Members of the family who attended from Collegeport were: Mrs. M. S. Holsworth, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Holsworth, Edwin and John Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. Mason Holsworth, Jay, Jan, Amy and Suzette.

Mrs. C. J. Williams has returned home after an extended visit with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Angelo.

Mrs. Gus Franzen attended a 4-H Club Leadership meeting in Wharton Saturday.

Ira Corporon is spending a few days in the Veteran’s Hospital in Houston.

Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Ellis spent Friday night with their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dowell of Magnolia Beach.

Mrs. L. C. Smith and Mrs. Earl Hill went to West Columbia Sunday afternoon to attend Baptismal services at the First Baptist Church for Mrs. Hill’s great-granddaughter, Lacy Lee Blackwell.

Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Williams recently returned from a trip to the Valley.

Palacios Beacon, February 6, 1975

Collegeport News

Among the Collegeport Volunteer Firemen who took the eight hour advanced First Aid Course sponsored by the Palacios VFD were: Mason Holsworth, Gus Franzen, Duane Corporon, Russell Corporon, Allen Corporon and Dean Merck.

Mr. and Mrs. George Peterson of Iowa were guests in the Gus Franzen home. They also visited Alex Franzen, the Gerald Wells and Dean Mercks. Mrs. Peterson was the late Mrs. Gus Franzen’s cousin.

Recent weekend guests in the R. L. Corporon home were their sons and families, the Roy Corporons of Victoria and the Weldon Corporons of Point Comfort.

Mr. and Mrs. Mike Jenkins are the proud parents of a baby daughter, Michelle Lynn, born Feb. 10.

Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Olson and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Olson of Tecumseh, Neb., were Alex Franzen's house guests this past weekend. While here they were dinner guests in their cousins’ homes, the Gus Franzens, the Gerald Wells and the Dean Mercks.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Roesler recently returned from a vacation trip to Florida.

Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Wells, Jr. have returned to their home in Palacios. While Bettye was a patient in the Diagnostic Center Hospital in Houston the past two weeks some of her friends from Collegeport area visiting her were: Mr. and Mrs. Mason Holsworth, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Corporon and Mrs. Bruce

Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Dowdle of Waco were weekend guests In her parents' home, the Gerald Wells.

Hollis Lund of Houston spent a few days fishing in our area. The Lunds have recently restored the old Liggett home.

Mrs. D. N. Tate went to Little Rock to help her aunt, Ora Thomas celebrate her 87th birthday.

John Milam Merck of Bay City spent Friday night with his grandmother, Mrs. John Merck.

Palacios Beacon, February 27, 1975

Collegeport News

Mr. and Mrs. John Rucker spent a few days in Houston visiting with their daughter and family.

Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Wells returned Sunday from a camping trip to Lake Somerville.

Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Dowdle of Waco and Alan Fitzpatrick of Lolita, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Wells.

Mrs. John Merck accompanied her granddaughter, Mrs. Crayden Dennard to Columbus one day last week.

Dean F. and Russell Merck of League City came down Saturday to help Dean Merck Sr. survey levees and plant rice.

Little Miss Amy Holsworth who was six years old March 16, celebrated her birthday Saturday afternoon when a host of her friends joined her to wish her a happy birthday.

Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Ellis visited their son Douglas who had surgery in Houston last Monday.

Mrs. Don Fowler went to New Mexico to be at the bedside of her nephew who is critically ill.

Palacios Beacon, March 20, 1975

Collegeport News

Mr. and Mrs. Doan Merck, Mark, Russell and Galen of League City had Sunday dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Dean Merck. In the afternoon they visited with Mr. and Mrs. R L. Wells.

Lea and Julia Standley visited Traylor and Garrett Lenz Friday afternoon. The Standley's are now living in Angleton.

Mrs. T. C, Smith and Luby Christmas are patients in Wagner General Hospital. We wish them a speedy recovery.

Mr. .and Mrs. Marvin Sturhenberg and Jamie visited the Gerald Wells.

The Russell Corporons entertained the Mason Holsworths, Glenn Jureks, and Gerald Wells Jr.’s In their home Saturday night with a barbecue supper.

Mr. and Mrs. R, L, Wells returned from a camping trip at Lake Somerville.

Derril Franzen was a member of the Judging Team, Palacios FFA, attending Texas A & M University Saturday.

Mrs. John Merck accompanied Mrs. Charlotte Merck and John Milam on a shopping trip to Houston Saturday.

Palacios Beacon, April 17, 1975

Collegeport News

Mrs. Duane Corporon accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Corporon to Biloxi, Miss. where they were visiting Mrs. Duane Corporon’s mother, Mrs. Jack Ussery, who is seriously ill.

Mr. and Mrs. Dean Merck visited Mrs. Merck’s “other mother” Mrs. W. C. Foulks, and Mr. and Mrs. Billy Bryan while they were in Houston Friday afternoon.

Mrs. C. H. Wilson, Wilford and Helen Wilson had Mother’s Day dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Gus Franzen and family.

The R. L. Corporon family enjoyed having their children home during the Mother’s Day weekend. Among them were Mr. and Mrs. Roy Corporon and children of Victoria, Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Corporon and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Keszler and daughters, from Point Comfort and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Corporon, Kim and Tod from Citrus Grove.

Mrs. John Merck split her Mother’s day by visiting Mrs. Charlotte Merck in Bay City and Mr. and Mrs. John Maurice Merck in El Campo.

Mr. and Mrs. Austin Jenkins spent last week visiting relatives in Collegeport. Mrs. Clyde Ware accompanied them on their return Centerville.

Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Wells hosted a dinner for their daughters and families Sunday at noon. Attending were Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Rhymes and Stefani of Bay City, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Merck and sons and Miss Wanda Collins of League City.

Mr. and Mrs. Dean F. Merck, Mark Russell and Galen and Miss Wanda Collins had supper with Mr. and Mrs. Dean Merck Sunday night.

Robin, Karen and Deborah Law of Bay City spent Saturday night with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Law.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Law joined their children, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Law and family, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Law and family at a Mother’s Day dinner hosted by Mr. and Mrs. Fred Huitt of Palacios Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Wells, Jr. and Meloni of Palacios, Mrs. Buddy Lenz, Traylor and Garrett had Mother’s Day dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Wells, Sr.

Mrs. L. C. Smith left for Conroe Sunday afternoon to attend her sister-in-law’s funeral.

Mrs. Buddy Lenz is acting postmaster while Mrs. Smith is out of town.

Palacios Beacon, May 15, 1975

Woman’s Club makes plans for Collegeport Day

The Woman’s Club of Collegeport met Thursday night to make plans for Collegeport Day which will be celebrated the last Saturday in May, May 31st.

The meeting was called to order by the president, Mrs. L. C. Smith. Mrs. Dean Merck read the minutes of the previous meeting and Mrs. M. S. Holsworth gave the treasurer’s report.

The secretary was instructed to write letters of appreciation to our county commissioner, G. L. Harrison, who had a sign “Mopac House, Collegeport, Texas, Collegeport Day, May 31” made and put on the lawn in front of the Mopac House and to Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Wells, Jr. who donated to the library.

Mrs. W. L. Ellis was elected vice-president of the Woman’s Club.

It was announced that the meat donors for the Collegeport Day dinner are Mrs. Aaron Penland of Bay City and Mr. and Mrs. Dean Merck. After some discussion, the group decided that there would be no meat sales after the dinner. Committee chairmen were appointed.

W. L. Ellis and Dean Merck, also, Mrs. M. S. Holsworth, members of the Mopac House Foundation, concurred with the club that it was necessary to have the Mopac House and library building exterminated for termites. They voted to let the contract to Texas Pest Control.

Palacios Beacon, May 15, 1975

Collegeport News

Family and friends gathered at the Gerald Wells home May 14 to honor Alex Franzen on his birthday. His sisters, Mrs. Wells and Mrs. Dean Merck and sister-in-law, Mrs. Gus Franzen, served birthday cake decorated with a boat pulling a can of sardines (his favorite food) with candles surrounding Happy Birthday, sandwiches, cinnamon rolls and coffee. While the guests were still seated at the table Alex opened his cards and gifts. Present for this gala affair were the honored guest and Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Corporon, Mrs. V. L. Bowers, Mrs. John Merck, Traylor Lenz, Gerald Wells, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Gus Franzen, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Merck, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Wells.

Mrs. M. S. Holsworth spent a few days in Katy visiting her mother, Mrs. Sirmon, and her daughter and son-in-law, Rev. and Mrs. Bill Hodge.

Mrs. Duane Corporon who is in Biloxi, Miss., reported that her mother, Mrs. Jack Ussery, is out of the Intensive Care Unit.

Thursday afternoon Dean Merck’s relatives paid him a surprise visit, including his 92-year old aunt, Mrs. T. P. Jordan of Custer, Okla., her son, Tapley Jordan of Hawaii and grandson, Theodore Jordan of San Francisco, also his sisters, Mrs. J. F. Kilpatrick and Mrs. C. E. Wilson of Dallas, sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Legg of Bay City. The family enjoyed hearing Theodore Jordan, a member of the Symphony Orchestra in San Francisco, play the violin. Before leaving for their respective homes, Mrs. Merck served supper.

Mr. and Mrs. Buddy Lenz, Traylor and Garrett enjoyed a trip to Livingston’s Indian Reservation a week ago Saturday.

Mrs. C. H. Wilson of Deutschburg spent a few days with her daughter and family, the Gus Franzens.

Mrs. Roy Sjoquist of Houston, Burton D. Hurd’s niece, plans to print some more copies of Mrs. Hurd’s History of Collegeport which will be distributed Collegeport Day, Saturday, May 31st.

The deer are destroying the ladies’ garden in Collegeport.

Mrs. Earl Hill is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Milton Morehead in Cotulla, Texas.

Mrs. D. N. Tate has returned from Kansas City where she visited relatives..

Mrs. and Mrs. Lawrence Smith, Jr. and family were Mother’s Day guests in his mother’s home, Mrs. L. C. Smith. Other guests were the Royce Brune family and Cullen Smith.

Palacios Beacon, May 29, 1975

Weather Clears Up On Collegeport Day

Collegeport observed the 66th homecoming at Mopac house Saturday, May 31st, with friends and former residents coming from as far away as Oklahoma. The attendance was in the neighborhood of 300.

Many, some who returned after years of absence, remarked "I believe this is one of the best homecomings we have ever had.

The day was beautiful, following the terrible storm Friday afternoon, and the people seemed to have more time for visiting, enjoying the delicious covered dish dinner and the historical display in the library, which was very interesting.

Mr. and Mrs. Roy Sjoquist of Houston brought more copies of the the "History of Collegeport" by Mrs. Burton D. Hurd, "M. A. Travis' Autobiography" and "The History of Collegeport Woman's Club," which were given in loving memory of Mrs. Sjoquist's uncle, Burton D. Hurd.

If anyone in the area who was unable to attend the homecoming Saturday when the copies were distributed and would like to have copies, call Mrs. Dean Merck, club secretary, who has some extra copies.

The Woman's Club president, Mrs. L. C. Smith, welcomed the guests and the Rev. Leslie E. Webb gave the invocation.

While the guests were seated at the tables, Dean Merck acting as master of ceremonies, expressed appreciation to the club members for all the work they did to promote the wonderful day of fellowship; to all the community people who pitched in to help; to the local men who barbecued the beef; the meat donors; Mrs. Aaron Penland of Bay City and the Dean Mercks of Collegeport; Billy Boeker of Bay City for P. A. System; Glen Adams for welding the covers for the barbecue pit; to anonymous donors; to our county commissioner Billy Harrison who had a sign "Mopac House, Collegeport, Texas, Collegeport Day, May 31st" placed on the Mopac lawn and for the firewood.

At the close, Mr. Merck remarked "With your help, we'll try to have even a greater day in 1976." The Holsworth family volunteered to furnish the meat in 1976, Ira and Chester Corporon and Sanford Crabill in 1977.

Palacios Beacon, June 5, 1975

Collegeport News

Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Wells spent a few days in Houston visiting with Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Bryan and while there Mr. Wells had a medical check up.

Mr. and Mrs. Mason Holsworth and Mrs. M. S. Holsworth were marooned in Houston early last week.

Amy and Suzanne Holsworth attended their Uncle Bill’s Methodist Church Bible School in Katy last week.

Mark Merck, who is spending the summer working on the rice farm with his grandfather, Dean Merck, spent the weekend with his family in League City.

Mr. and Mrs. James Franzen and sons of Gretna, La., spent last weekend with his brother Alex and they had dinners with Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Wells, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Franzen and Mr. and Mrs. Dean Merck. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Woodall of San Antonio came to visit with her father, James Franzen, and her uncles, aunts and cousins.

All of the Gerald Wells children were home for Father’s Day dinner including Mrs. Clyde Dowdle of Waco, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Wells, Jr., of Palacios, Mr. and Mrs. Buddy Lenz of Collegeport, also their grandchildren, Allen Fitzpatrick, Meloni Wells, Traylor and Garrett Lenz.

Father’s Day guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Ellis were Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Ellis, Beverly and John, Mr. and Mrs. Chipper Dowell and children of Houston, Mr. Gwin of Palacios, the Walter Dowell family of Port Lavaca. Mrs. M. A. Ellis returned with her son and family to visit Hardy Mizzell in Conroe and a sister in Cleveland.

Palacios Beacon, June 19, 1975

Collegeport News

Dean Merck attended the Hawley Cemetery Directors’ Meeting held at the Blessing Community House June 19. The group discussed the care of the cemetery and made plans, also, the Association raised the grave reservations from $10.00 to $50.00.

Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Corporon and sons of Point Comfort spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Corporon. Also visiting the Corporons are their grandsons, Keith and Dale Corporon of Victoria.

Monday morning three of our recent graduates, Allen Corporon, Carl Corporon and G. W. Franzen, went to Wharton Junior College to register for the fall semester.

Congratulations to Terri Franzen, who won a blue ribbon and to Kim Corporon who won a red ribbon, awarded by the 4-H Dress Review held in Bay City (for the dresses they made and modeled).

Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Wells and Mr. and Mrs. Dean Merck went to League City Sunday after for a triple celebration, Father’s Day and Galen and Mark’s birthdays.

The Russell Corporon family attended the Schimek family reunion Sunday.

The L. C. Smith, Jr. were weekend guests of their mother Mrs. L. C. Smith.

Palacios Beacon, June 26, 1975

Collegeport News

Kim Corporon and Jan Romine who won awards on their project books, spent a few days last week at the 4-H Club Center in Brownwood.

Mrs. John Merck returned home Thursday and reported that she really had a wonderful trip with her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Lowery, Jr., of Baycliff. They visited their aunt in Birmingham and took in many sites going and coming.

Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Murry and Jim Bob Murry visited Mrs. Ben Mowery and family in Alvin Wednesday.

Ben R. Mowery, former resident of Collegeport, passed away in an Alvin Hospital June 24. Among the folk attending his memorial services at the Froberg Funeral Home on Thursday were; Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Ellis, Gus Franzen, Mason Holsworth, Mrs. M. S. Holsworth, Mrs. Dean Merck, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Wells, Sr., also Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Bowers of Palacios.

Mrs. Wade Blackwell spent Thursday in Alvin, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Adams.

Mark Merck has returned from League City where he spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dean F. Merck and family.

Mrs. Buddy Lenz has been acting postmaster while Mrs. L. C. Smith has been in the Diagnostic Center Hospital in Houston.

Kim Corporon was honored with a slumber party on her tenth birthday. Attending the party in the Russell Corporon home were: Sarah Jurek, Kelly and Angie Coale, Terri Franzen, Jan Romlne and Meloni Wells.

Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Corporon enjoyed a few days last week at their camp at Thunderbird Lake and a visit with the Eugene Corporons at Kingsland.

Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Wells, Jr., and Meloni and Mrs. Buddy Lenz honored their mother, Mrs. Gerald Wells, Sr., with a dinner Sunday in the Gerald Wells, Jr., home. Also attending were Gerald Wells, Sr., with coffee and birthday cake. Among those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Gus Franzen, G. W., Derril, Terri and Wesley; Mrs. Buddy Lenz, Traylor and Garrett and Mr. and Mrs. Dean Merck.

Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Kovar spent Sunday evening with the Gerald Wells.

Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bob Murry and sons Paul and Robert, are spending the summer In Collegeport in the Arthur Morris residence.

Mr. and Mrs. Baker Wright of Cyprus-Fairbanks spent the weekend in their Collegeport Cottage.

Palacios Beacon, July 3, 1975

Collegeport News

Mrs. C. W. Rhymes and Stefani of Bay City, Mr. and Mrs. Dean F. Merck and sons, Russell and Galen of League City visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Wells and Mr. and Mrs. Dean Merck Saturday afternoon.

Mrs. Buddy Lenz, Traylor and Garrett went to Van Vleck Saturday afternoon to attend Lea Stanley’s birthday party.

Mr. and Mrs. Duane Corporon are stopping to gather rocks enroute to Snyder, Texas, where they will visit their daughter and family, the Chip Nitsches.

Mr. and Mrs. Russell Corporon spent the weekend at their deer lease with Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Jurek and Mr. and Mrs. George Hejtmanek.

Mr. and Mrs. Gene Smith of Cleveland visited his mother, Mrs. L. C. Smith over the weekend.

Mrs. Zelphia Hill and Mrs. L. C. Smith attended the ordination service of Richard Sanders on Sunday morning at the First Baptist Church of Palacios.

If you have news of local interest call 972-9981 or 972-2396.

Palacios Beacon, September 25, 1975

Collegeport News

Among the ribbon winners at the Rice Dish Round-Up in Bay City were Kim Corporon, blue ribbon, rosette and rice cooker for dessert; Terri Franzen, blue ribbons, rosette and rice cooker for main dish,
side dish and dessert; Derril Franzen, blue ribbons for side dish and dessert; Wesley Franzen, red ribbon for side dish; Mrs. Gustave Franzen, blue ribbons, rosette and rice cooker for dessert and main dish, red ribbon for side dish.

Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Wells, Sr. have returned from Beardstown, Ill. where they visited his family this past week. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Dowdle and son Alan of Waco were weekend visitors of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Wells, Sr.

Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Williams of Fulton visited the Ellis, Hill, Tate and Smith families, in Collegeport Sunday afternoon, also Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pittman and Mrs. C. D. Sanders in Palacios.

Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Ellis visited their daughter and family in Port Lavaca this week.

Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Blackwell of Bremond and Middleton Morehead of Alpine were visitors of Mrs. Earl Hill this past week.

Mrs. Margaret Tate and Mrs. Grace Smith were in Houston Friday where Mrs. Smith attended a postal meeting and Mrs. Tate visited her sons, James and Bill Tate.

Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Corporon, Mrs. Earl Hill, Mrs. Margaret Tate and Mrs. Grace Smith attended the birthday dinner at the Service Center Monday evening honoring AARP members.

Rev. and Mrs. Bill Hodge and family of Katy were weekend visitors of her mother, Mrs. M, S. Holsworth.

Mrs. Hazel Merck had as her guest Sunday afternoon Carol Lynne Chambless of Bay City.

Garrett Lenz celebrated his 2nd birthday Sunday evening at his home on the bayshore. Those attending were grandmothers, Mrs. Ernest Lenz of Palacios and Mrs. Gerald Wells, Sr. of Collegeport, Mrs. Clyde Dowdle of Waco, Mrs. Marvin Stuhrenberg and son, Meloni Wells and Mrs.
Evelyn Dunn and daughter of Palacios.

Mr. and Mrs. Rhineheart of South Houston have rented the Bullington home for the fall hunting and fishing season. We welcome them to our community.

Mrs. Dean Merck attended the Rice Festival luncheon in Bay City Friday.

Mrs. Don Fowler honored her son with a birthday party Saturday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Penland had as their guest over the weekend their son Glen Penland of Channelview.

Palacios Beacon, October 2, 1975

Collegeport News

Our best wishes for a speedy recovery to M. A. Ellis, a patient In Matagorda General Hospital, Gerald Wells, In the Diagnostic Center Hospital, Houston and Mrs. P. V. Corporon, in Matagorda General Hospital.

Mr. and Mrs. Ira Corporon flew to California last week to visit their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ackerman.

Mrs. Dean Merck accompanied Mrs. Buddy Lenz and sons to Houston Sunday to visit Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Wells in the Diagnostic Center.

Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Norris of Selma, Ala., Mrs. Roy Gresham of Cleveland are visiting friends and relatives In Collegeport and Palacios.

Mrs. Zelphia Hill, Mrs. C. D. Sanders, Mrs. Margaret Tate Nolois Gresham, Grace Smith attended Grand Chapter of O.E.S. In Dallas last week. Grace Smith serving as Grand Page and also elected
as a member of Grand Chapter for the ensuing year. Enroute home they visited overnight with the W. T. Blackwells in Bremond, Texas. Mrs. Hill remained for a longer visit.

 Mr. and Mrs. Fred King accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Tom Eubanks to Premont this past week on a hunting trip.

Mrs. Hazel Merck, Margaret Tate and Grace Smith attended the dinner party and play - "Fiddler on the Roof" at the Royal Coach Inn in Houston on Tuesday evening along with a host of friends from Palacios and Bay City.

Mrs. Buddy Lenz and Mrs. M. A. Ellis served as acting postmaster while Mrs. Smith attended the O.E.S. Grand Chapter In Dallas.

Those attending the Sunday luncheon at the home of Mrs. Margaret Lawson honoring Mrs. Williams, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Ellis birthdays were Mrs. Zelphia Hill, Roy Greshams, Margaret Tate, Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Morris arid grandchildren Pat Jason and Garvy, Mrs. M. A. Ellis.

Palacios Beacon, October 23, 1975

News From Collegeport

Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Morris of Selma, Ala. have returned to their home after a short visit with relatives here and in Palacios. Their daughter and family, Lt. Col. and Mrs. Michael Semmingson of San Antonio, brother, J. P. Ellis of San Marcos met them here for a family get-together.

Rev. M. D. Morehead of Yorktown was a visitor this week of Mrs. Earl Hill.

Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Roller on the arrival of a baby daughter who will answer to Mandy Jean. Mrs. Roller will be remembered as Larri Lin Smith.

Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Ellis, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sanders attended the re-union of the 36thDivision in Austin this past weekend.

Visitors in the M. A. Ellis home were their daughters, Mrs. J. D. Lewis of Cleveland, Mrs. Walter Dowell and daughter of Port Lavaca, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dowell of Houston and Mrs. Arthur Janek.

Sharon Penland of Austin visited her grandparents, the A. A. Penlands over the weekend.

Wesley Franzen was honored with a party Friday afternoon after school when a group of his friends helped him celebrate his 10th birthday in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Franzen.

Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Dowdle of Waco and Alan Fitzpatrick of Lolita were weekend guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Wells. On Sunday afternoon they were joined by Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Wells, Jr., of Palacios.

Mrs. Dean Merck attended the Matagorda Historical Society meeting held in the Luther Hotel Saturday and attended Open House at the Clayton Lee residence on the bayshore.

Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Corporon and sons of Point Comfort were house guests of the R. L. Corporons.

Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Wells and Mr. and Mrs. Dean Merck went to League City Sunday to attend the birthday supper given by Mr. and Mrs. Dean F. Merck honoring Mrs. Wells and Russell Merck.

Clifford Franzen of Lone Oak, Texas and Mrs. B. B. Bryan of Houston visited their brothers and sisters, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Wells, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Franzen, Alex Franzen and the Dean Mercks, during the week.

Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Collins named their baby boy Cody Charles. The Collins, who reside on the Runnell’s Ranch, are proud of their first child.

Mark Merck returned from League City Monday morning.

Palacios Beacon, November 6, 1975

Collegeport News

Mr. and Mrs. Williams of Edna were Sunday guests of Mrs. Ellis, Mrs. Tate and Mrs. Smith.

Mrs. M. S. Holsworth attended a bridal shower in Palacios Saturday honoring her granddaughter Phyllis Ann Hodge.

George English, son-in-law of Rev. Bill Edwards, was a guest for the morning service at the Baptist Church Sunday morning.

Welcome to Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Brown who moved into the community this past week. Mr. Brown is with Brown and Root and is working at the nuclear plant.

We are sorry to lose Mike and Mabel Jenkins and daughter who moved their trailer to Bay City this past week.

Steve and Alan Fitzpatrick had Sunday dinner with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Wells.

Dean F. and Russell Merck of League City spent Saturday in Collegeport.

Mr. and Mrs. Roy Corporon and family of Victoria, Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Corporon and sons of Point Comfort were weekend guests in the R. L. Corporon home.

Mrs. John Merck visited Mrs. Ben R. Mowery in Alvin Thursday.

Mrs. Mavis Richards is visiting her aunt, Mrs. C. J. Williams.

Palacios Beacon, November 13, 1975

Collegeport News

G. W. and Derril Franzen went hunting on their grandmother, Mrs. C. H. Wilson’s farm during the Thanksgiving holidays and each bagged an eight point deer.

Alan Fitzpatrick visited his grandparents, the Gerald Wells, during the Thanksgiving holidays. He enjoyed some goose hunting while here.

Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Wells hosted a Thanksgiving dinner for their daughters and families, the Dean F. Mercks of League City and the C. W. Rhymes of Bay City.

Mrs. John Merck spent Thanksgiving day with her son, and family, Mr. and Mrs. John Merck Jr. in El Campo.

Mrs. Earl Hill returned Saturday from Bremond where she had spent the holidays with her daughter and family, the W. T. Blackwells.

Mrs. J. D. Lewis, Jr., Mrs. Tom Walker of Cleveland, Mrs. Walter Dowell of Port Lavaca were guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Ellis on Monday.

Holiday guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Ellis were Jerry Ellis and family of Victoria.

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dowell, Mrs. Arthur Janek and daughter of Port Lavaca, Mr. and Mrs. Buddy Dowell of Houston were Thanksgiving guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Ellis.

Mrs. Earl Hill, Mrs. Margaret Tate and Mrs. Grace Smith attended a birthday party Monday afternoon honoring Jason Brune on his 3rd birthday. The party was given by his parents Mr. and Mrs. Royce Brune at their home in Palacios.

Palacios Beacon, December 11, 1975

Collegeport News

Mrs. Dean Merck attended the County Historical meeting Saturday at the Richard Dawdy Ranch north of Blessing.

Mrs. Margaret Tate returned from Little Rock last Wednesday only to receive word of the death of her brothers-in-law, Gene Tate, a former resident of Palacios. He passed away in Kansas City where he had been living with his brother, Bob Tate. Interment was in Mountain Home, Ark.

Leonard Almquist and his friend, Mr. Siderberg of Essex, Iowa, dropped in to visit the Franzen family during the weekend. They left for Harlingen, Texas Monday where they will spend a winter.

Palacios Beacon, December 18, 1975

Collegeport News

Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Pyles of Pilot, Va. were holiday guests of her mother, Mrs. Earl Hill.

Mr. and Mrs. Dean Merck, Jr. and family of League City were holiday guests of their parents, the Dean Mercks and R. L. Wells.

Mrs. Margaret Tate has returned from Houston where she spent Christmas with her sons, James A. Tate and G. W. (Bill) Tate and their families.

Mr. and Mrs. Bill Smith, son Mark and Mrs. Doris Hegwood of Cleveland, Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Smith, Jr. and sons, Norman and Andy, Mrs. Ted Roller and children Mandy and Morgan of Houston, Mr. and Mrs. Royce Brune and Jason Cullen Smith of Palacios were home with their mother, Mrs. L. C. Smith, for Christmas dinner on Sunday, Dec. 21st.

Mr. and Mrs. Gus Franzen and family, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Merck were Christmas eve guests of their brother, Alex Franzen.

Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Ellis spent the holidays with their daughters and families, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Lewis, Jr. in Cleveland, the Walter Dowells in Port Lavaca, also with their son, M. D. Ellis and family in Houston.

Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Ellis had their sons, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Ellis and son, Jesse Jr. of Port Lavaca, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Ellis and children of Palacios, also Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Ellis and Mrs. L. C. Smith of Collegeport for a six o'clock dinner on Christmas day.

Mrs. Earl Hill had Christmas dinner with her granddaughter and family, the Curtis Brothers in Port Lavaca. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Pyles of Pilot, Va.

Mr. and Mrs. Jim Semingson of Little Rock, Ark. were guests of their uncles and aunts, Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Ellis, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Ellis, the Hills, Tates and Smiths on Sunday. They were enroute home from San Antonio where they had spent Christmas with his parents, Lt. Col. and Mrs. Mike Semingson.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Corporon and daughter of Wichita Falls were holiday guests of his parents, the Chester Corporons.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Law were holiday guests of their sons, the Fredrick and Russell Laws in Bay City.

Gerald Wells returned from Diagnosis Hospital in Houston on Saturday and is feeling much better we are happy to report.

Palacios Beacon, January 1, 1976


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