Collegeport Articles


For Sale -- Sandwich Shop and established beer trade, building, deep freeze, beer box, counter fixtures, large butane system, and juke box. Also bed room in the back all reasonably priced. At Collegeport, Texas. Selling on account of illness. Contact Fred Roesler.

Palacios Beacon, February 9, 1950

Robert B. Brannon Guest Pastor At Collegeport Sunday

AUSTIN, March 15--Guest pastor at the Presbyterian Church of Collegeport Sunday will be Robert B. Brannon of the Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary.

He is a graduate of East Texas State College, where he was president of the Religious Council and a member of Alpha Chi, honorary scholastic fraternity.

A resident of Marshall, he served last summer as student pastor of the Presbyterian Church of Wake Village, Texas.

Brannon is seeking the Bachelor of Divinity degree at Austin Seminary, where he is classified as a middler or second-year student.

Palacios Beacon, March 16, 1950

Mr. & Mrs. F. J. Jenkins Celebrate Fiftieth Wedding Anniversary

Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Jenkins, highly respected citizens of Collegeport, celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary Sunday, March 19, with a dinner attended by 86 relatives and friends.

"Open House" was held during the afternoon and many neighbors and friends called to congratulate the couple and wish them many more celebrations of their wedding days.

Attending the dinner were the couple's eight children, their 30 grandchildren, 10 great grandchildren, four sons-in-law, and four daughters-in-law.

Mr. and Mrs. Jenkins moved to Collegeport 30 years ago from Madisonville and have continued to make their home in that section of Matagorda County.

Palacios Beacon, March 30, 1950

Collegeport's 41st Birthday Party Is Today

Collegeport has scheduled its 41st birthday celebration today. Old settlers and residents of the Collegeport area are invited to attend and bring their own dinner to the Mopac House at noon.

Founded in 1909, Collegeport is noted for its rich farm lands and beautiful bayfront homes.

Once a thriving town of about 1,500 persons, the bayshore town now shares the fate of many another like it. Present population is about 200.

Each year many of the original settlers attend the celebration and relive the historical events that are becoming a rich part of the heritage of that section of Matagorda County.

Palacios Beacon, May 25, 1950

Mrs. Anna Corporon Honored With Party On 83rd Birthday

Mrs. Anna Corporon was honored on her 83rd birthday with a birthday dinner and family reunion in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ira Corporon of Collegeport on May 21.

Floral arrangements of roses and gladioli were used as room decorations.

Included among the fifty guests present were seven of her nine children, P. V. Corporon, Gaines Corporon and R. L. Corporon, of Citrus Grove, I. M. Corporon of Collegeport, G. E. Corporon of Lake Jackson, Mrs. A. G. Hunt of Rosharon and Mrs. Reba Fox of Freeport.

Mother Corporon was given many gifts, and she enjoyed being with her children and friends.

Palacios Beacon, June 16, 1950

Collegeport School

Primary - Mrs. Leah Holloway

Palacios Beacon, August 17, 1950

Rhoda Ellen King, Collegeport Teacher, Receives B. S. Degree

Rhoda Ellen King, elementary school teacher from Collegeport, recently received a bachelor of science degree at University of Houston commencement exercises.

As a member of the largest summer graduating class in the history of the University, she was one of the University, she was one of 866 students to be awarded degrees in the outdoor ceremonies on the campus.

Palacios Beacon, September 28, 1950


Collegeport Articles


Collegeport Bonehead Club Are Hosts To Ladies With Big ‘Feed’

“Well, I’ve lived here over 40 years and I have never been to anything as grand as this in Collegeport,” said one of our pioneer women after attending the supper at the Mopac Monday night, June 10.

This supper has a story behind it. The first of the year the Sunday School classes of the Presbyterian Church entered into an attendance contest. The losing class was to prepare and serve a supper to the winning class.

In the meantime, the Men’s Adult Class organized a Bonehead Club which meets the first Monday night of each month. This organization was not limited to the men of the church.

When the men realized that they had the lowest attendance percentage they started planning the supper. It was at the Bonehead Club meetings that committees were appointed to plan, prepare and serve the meal.

Monday afternoon 18 Boneheads met at the Mopac to prepare the supper which will never be forgotten by those who were present. The old saying “That too many cooks spoil the broth” was not true in this case.

At eight o’clock over a hundred people were seated in the large hall at beautifully arranged tables. The classes were seated at tables which had their attendance percentage written above the.

In just minutes it seemed, the men had brought in over a hundred plates without a collision. It was interesting to see the expressions on the women’s faces and to hear the “oh’s” and “ah’s” when they were served their plates on which were a one-half barbecued chicken, a huge serving of potato salad, peas, olives, pickles and stuffed celery. Coffee and ice-tea were poured without a mishap.

While the men were clearing the tables everyone joined in singing. Then came another surprise—dessert. The men brought huge servings of ice cream.

The women, while they had no part in planning or serving, worried a great deal about the meal because they could not find out what the menu was and how it was to be prepared. They had no opportunity to give any advice.

You Collegeport men may have lost your attendance contest but we want you to know that you have won our esteem because this was positively the grandest supper ever given in our town.

--One of your guests

Palacios Beacon, June 21, 1951

Collegeport Baptist Church Grows With Rev. Jake Setser

Jake Setser and the Collegeport Baptist Church are another example of how the University of Corpus Christi helps in building churches in South Texas.

On April 18, 1943, Jake Setser was called as pastor for half-time of the Collegeport Baptist Mission which was sponsored by the First Baptist Church of Palacios. In August of that year the Mission went to full-time preaching and on April 3, 1949, the Mission was organized into a church with Jake as their pastor, with 44 charter members.

In August of that year, the Collegeport Church organized a Mission at Matagorda with Travis Holland, another U. C. C. student, as pastor. At this time the Mission had 37 members with 23 of these having come by baptism.

In 1949, the Collegeport Church baptized 23 and had two additions by letter. In 1950 they baptized 28 and had 19 additions by letter. In 1949 they raised through the budget $2,000 and in 1950 $2,900. The budget is $3,300 for 1951. In addition to their budget needs they have built and paid for a nice church building. The auditorium seats 150 people and there are six Sunday school classrooms and a kitchen and banquet hall.

The Sunday School has an average attendance of 42 and the Training Union an average attendance of 37. Twenty-two young people have surrendered for special service, to preach or for mission work. The church has licensed three to preach with two of them in U. C. C. They also have a young woman volunteer for mission work in U. C. C. The church sponsors a radio program each Sunday morning over KIOX of Bay City. The present membership of the church is 73 with 37 in the Mission making a total of 110.

Jake Setser has been graduated from U. C. C. and is now in the Seminary at Fort Worth. He commutes back to Collegeport each week-end. He is a strong supporter of U. C. C. as his record reveals.

--U. C. C. Announcer

Palacios Beacon, June 28, 1951

360-Pound Alligator Killed On Collegeport Canal Friday P. M.

Irvin Hebel was showing a huge alligator around town last Friday night. He shot the huge reptile Friday afternoon on the irrigation canal near Collegeport.

The alligator weighed 360 pounds and measured 11 and one-half feet in length.

Palacios Beacon, October 19, 1951


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