Collegeport Articles



Mr. Glen Penland, who is second gunner’s mate on the U. S. S. Porter and Pearl Harbor, wrote his folks Dec. 15 that he was fine and not to worry about him. This was a Happy Christmas gift for the Penland family.

Lieut. A. B. Penland is stationed at Fort Benning, Georgia, and is attending Military School.

Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Liggett and Milford visited their son, Arthur, at Fort Crockett in Galveston last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Amos Johnson report that their own son, Francis, is attending the Naval Radio School at Los Angeles, California.

And Mr. and Mrs. Percy Corporon tells us that their son, Duane, has a position in a machinist’s shop making airplane parts in Van Nuys, California.

Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Merck of San Antonio spent Christmas week with the Dean Mercks.

Mr. B. V. Merck spent Christmas in Houston. Mr. T. J. Kilpatrick is now spending a few days with him.

Mr. and Mrs. John Merck spent Christmas in Vbana [Urbana?] with Mr. and Mrs. Lowry.

Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Franzen and daughter, Carole, spent Christmas in Collegeport.

Miss Margaret Holsworth, who has been home for the holidays, returned to Chicago.

Mr. and Mrs. Carl Boeker visited Mr. Boeker’s parents in San Antonio last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Crane of Wisconsin are visiting Mrs. Anna Crane and Mr. and Mrs. Dick Corporon.

Mr. and Mrs. Percy Corporon spent Christmas with relatives in Houston.

Misses Blandine Larrison and Ruth MacGregor went home for the Christmas holidays.

Mr. A. B. Smith spent the holidays with his folks in San Antonio.

Mr. and Mrs. Ted Crane of Houston spent Christmas with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Amos Johnson.

Miss Annette Johnson visited relatives and friends in Houston and Alvin last week.

Misses Ethel Nelson, Adda Bagley and Mr. Milford Liggett returned to their various colleges last week.

Mrs. Clapp is back from visiting her daughter.

Mrs. Jake Fields has been visiting her mother, Mrs. Henry Guyer.

Mr. and Mrs. Vic Gallegher spent Christmas in Houston.

Mr. Sam Crabill visited his folks in Houston, Christmas.

Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Jenkins and family went to Dilly to spend Christmas with Mr. Jenkins’ parents.

The Christmas program sponsored by the church and school was held Tuesday, Dec. 23. The program consisted of a pageant by the school children. Later, Santa Claus, assisted by Mrs. Dean Merck, distributed gifts and treats for the children.

The annual New Year’s dinner was held at the Community House Jan. 1. Out of town guests were Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Chapin of San Antonio, Mrs. Harbison and Ermine of Midfield, Mr. and Mrs. Crane of Wisconsin, Mrs. Della Braden, Russell and Freddie Matthes of Blessing, Mr. Gillespie and Ella Fields of Palacios.

The Woman’s Union met later. Mrs. Liggett led the program on Stewardship.

Mrs. Jerry Lashbrook was hostess at the Christmas party given the Woman’s Club, Dec. 30. Each member received a gift from the attractive Christmas tree. Later delicious refreshments of cake, sandwiches, and coffee were served.

The Daily Tribune, Thursday, January 8, 1942


We’re happy to see Melba Pierce back in school. Melba has been out of school for more than a month due to an appendicitis operation.

Mr. Callahan is here for a few days on business.

Mrs. Anna Crane and family, Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Crane and Mr. and Mrs. Dick Corporon and children were guests in the John Carrick home Sunday week.

Mrs. Roy Nelson was in Bay City last Wednesday for Red Cross sewing.

Bay City visitors Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Liggett, Mamie Murry, Ruth MacGregor and Annette Johnson.

Mr. and Mrs. J. Sewell Lawson were visitors in the Leo Duffy home.

Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Wells and family visited Mrs. Wells’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Virgie Harvey at Palacios Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Huitt and family visited Mr. Huitt’s father, Mr. F. Huitt, in Palacios.

The Junior Red Cross and the Girl Reserves are collecting old magazines and newspapers. These organizations would appreciate it if anyone in this community that has old magazines, would contribute them.

The Daily Tribune, Monday, January 19, 1942


The Collegeport P. T. A. met Friday night at the Community House. Mrs. Galen Savage, the president, resigned because of ill health. Miss Ruth MacGregor was elected the new president. Mr. Selkirk and Mr. Moore of Bay City made some very interesting talks on Defense. Hostesses were Mrs. Liggett, Mrs. Holloway and Annette Johnson.

The First Aid Class, conducted by Mr. Tom Hale, was held at the school house last Saturday night. About thirty people were present. The second class will be held next Saturday night at 7:30 at the Community House.

A large number of citizens were present at the mass Defense Meeting held at the Community House Sunday night. Mr. Selkirk and Mr. Moore helped organize a Defense Unit including Simpsonville, Citrus Grove, De Moss and Collegeport. Mr. Ira Corporon was elected chief air raid warden. Air raid wardens are Dean Merck for Collegeport; Ward Blackwell for Simpsonville; Percy Corporon for Citrus Grove; Arlie Brown and Leo Duffy for DeMoss.

The Junior and Senior departments in Christian Endeavor met with the young people in a program for Young People’s Day. Betty Lashbrook led the program, and a number of girls took part in a very effective candle light service.

Mr. and Mrs. Leo Duffy and Bobbie Ann spent the week end in Beeville.

Mrs. Amos Johnson returned home from Houston Sunday.

Mrs. L. E. Liggett attended the District Y. W. C. A. meeting and luncheon at the Baytex Hotel Saturday.

Misses Blandine Larrison and Annette Johnson attended a Girl Reserves sponsor’s meeting in Bay City Saturday.

Mrs. J. W. Shows visited her mother, Mrs. G. R. Hendrix, Sunday.

Mrs. E. M. Huitt gave Teddy Slone a birthday supper Friday night. A number of friends and relatives were present. Teddy will soon go to the army.

Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bowers and family of Simpsonville went to Houston Saturday on business.

The Daily Tribune, Thursday, Jan 21, 1942


The Girl Reserves entertained the Junior High boys and girls at a party given at the home of Mrs. Roy Nelson last Friday night.

Numerous games were played on the lawn ad indoors. Later, delicious refreshments of cookies, cocoa and coffee were served by Mrs. Nelson. About thirty guests were present.

Mrs. Fred Law honored her brother, C. R. Bell, with a birthday supper given at her home last Friday night. A number of friends and relatives were present.

The air raid wardens met at the community house Saturday night. Later, Mr. Tom Hale conducted the second First Aid class. Correct bandaging was the main subject for the evening.

About fifty members were present.

Miss Ruth MacGregor visited her family in Corpus Christi last week end.

Misses Beulah, Maud and Jean Lashbrook visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Lashbrook, Sunday.

Miss Adda Bagley, of Houston, was home this week end. Her family took her back to Houston Sunday evening.

The Henry Guyers have moved back to Collegeport.

The George Corporons of California have also moved back. We’re very glad to have both of these families back with us again.

Mrs. Ina Howell of California is visiting her brothers, Ira, Dick and Percy Corporon.

Other visitors in the Corporon family are Mrs. Bert Hunt, Yvonne Hunt, and Mrs. Raymond Hunt of Rosharon; Misses Margaret Ellen and Pauline Fox of Freeport.

Mrs. Francis Barton and children and Miss Crane are visiting Mrs. Barton’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank King.

The Daily Tribune, February 5, 1942


Mr. and Mrs. Frank Patten of Chicago, Illinois, and Mr. and Mrs. Joel Jenkins of Madison County, are visiting friends and relatives here.

A reunion of the Jenkins family was held in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Frank Jenkins. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Patten, Mr. and Mrs. Joel Jenkins, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Corporon, Mr. and Mrs. Pat Jenkins and children, Mrs. W. B. Williams and children, Bobbie Ruth Ware, and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Frank Jenkins and children.

Miss Mary Sojak of Houston visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sojak, last week end.

Mr. Tom Green and Tom Cannon of Madisonville visited Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Ware last week.

We’re glad to hear that Annie Belle Ware is rapidly recovering from a severe case of pneumonia.

Mrs. Amos Johnson spent last week in Houston visiting her daughter, Mrs. Theodore Crone.

Mrs. Bob Thompson and children have moved to Markham. We surely hate for them to leave our community.

Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Shows and son were week end visitors of Mrs. G. R. Hendrix and family.

Miss Blandine Larrison visited her family in Huntsville week end before last.

Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Crone of Houston spent the week end with the Amos Johnson family.

A number of families from here attended the Fat Stock Show in Houston last week. Among those who went were Mr. and Mrs. Percy Corporon and Dick Corporon, Mr. and Mrs. Wade Blackwell and children, Mr. and Mrs. Galen Savage and children.

Miss Ruth MacGregor’s mother and sister spent Sunday with her. She returned to Corpus Christi with them for a short visit.

Mr. and Mrs. Jack Holsworth and sons were business visitors in Houston Friday.

Miss Babe Bullington was a Houston visitor last week.

The Daily Tribune, February 19, 1942


Mr. Milford Liggett and Ransom Douglas visited Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Liggett Sunday week.

Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Murry were visitors in our community last week end.

Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Wells have moved to Palacios. We’re sorry to have them leave our community.

The Woman’s Union sponsored a Jitney Supper Saturday, February 21, in place of the usual Washington Banquet. A large number of out-of-town guests as well as those from our own community were present.

The Woman’s Club met Wednesday night at the home of Mrs. Liggett. An interesting program on Y. W. C. A. was given by several ladies. Delicious cookies and hot chocolate were later served.

The P. T. A. met Friday night at the Community House. An interesting program was given by Misses Larrison, McGregor, and Johnson, after the song, “Kentucky Babe,” by the smaller school children. Miss McGregor’s room received the banner for having the most parents present.

Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Warster and children of Goose Creek are spending several days with Mrs. M. W. Kopecky and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ackerman.

We’re glad to welcome little Dorothy, Thomas and Elmer Dorris to our school. We hope they like it here. Illness due to chicken pox and mumps have caused a marked decrease in school attendance the past week.

Miss Maud Lashbrook of Bay City visited her family last week end.

The Daily Tribune, Wednesday, March 4, 1942


Mrs. Francis Barton is in Longview where her husband is in the hospital suffering from injuries received in an automobile accident. He is reported to be doing nicely.

Mr. Arthur Liggett and his wife of Fort Crockett spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Liggett. Mrs. Arthur Liggett is the former Miss May Conklin of Galveston.

Mrs. MacGregor and daughter of Corpus Christi visited her older daughter, Miss Ruth MacGregor, this week end.

The Austin Jenkins family have moved back to Collegeport. We’re especially glad to have them with us, again.

Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Huitt of Palacios visited Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Huitt and family last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Ladell and children of Corpus Christi spent Sunday with the T. A. Mize family.

Rev. T. Gillespie had Sunday dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Wells.

Mr. A. B. Smith resigned as principal of the Collegeport school last week. Another principal has not yet been selected.


Friends and relatives mourn the death of one of the oldest settlers of Collegeport, Mr. V. R. Haisley. Mr. Haisley, who was almost 89 years of age, died at his home Wednesday night, March 4th.

Funeral services were held Friday evening at the Community House, and were conducted by Rev. Gillespie of Palacios. The burial was in the cemetery at Palacios.

Relatives who were present were Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Kundinger of Collegeport, Mrs. J. L. Wolfe of Kansas, Mr. Haisley Mills of Collegeport, and a niece and her husband of Aransas Pass.

The Daily Tribune, Thursday, March 12, 1942


Miss Truitt of Bay City has been elected principal of the Collegeport School. We’re glad she’ll be with us the rest of the year.

Miss Blandine Larrison has spent the last week at her home in Huntsville, due to illness.

Miss Ruth MacGregor spent the week end at her home in Corpus Christi.

Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Crone of Houston spent the week end with the Amos Johnson family. Mrs. Crone extended her visit for the rest of the week.

A number of ladies attended the Federation at Markham. Mrs. Guyer, Mrs. Roy Nelson, Mrs. L. E. Liggett, Mrs. Wright, Mrs. Franzen were among those who went from here.

Mr. and Mrs. Ted Dobek [Doubek?] have moved to San Antonio.

All of the school children and teachers have been given smallpox vaccinations the past week.

A large number of school children have also been absent due to the chicken pox and mumps.

Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Boeker have moved to Caranchua, where Mr. Boeker is farming.

The last lesson in First Aid was given last Saturday night by Mr. Hale, assisted by Mr. Posey. We took our tests and are now hoping for First Aid Certificates. We wish to express our sincere appreciation to Mr. Hale for making it possible for us all to take this course.

The Daily Tribune, Saturday, March 21, 1942


Mr. and Mrs. Wade Blackwell and family spent several days in San Antonio last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Olsen and children of LaWard were visitors in the E. M. Huitt home.

Mr. Roy Smith spent last week end in Houston on business.

Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ethredge visited the J. E. Dorris family.

Mr. and Mrs. Galen Savage were in Hungerford Friday on business.

Mrs. Pollard of Bay City substituted for Miss Larrison in school for several days.

Mrs. Amos Johnson and Annette Johnson were in Houston last week end visiting Mr. and Mrs. Crane and friends.

The school went to Cedar Lane last Friday to play baseball. The Collegeport boys won, and returned home reporting a grand game. Cedar Lane is invited to play another game next Friday at Collegeport.

Miss Ruth MacGregor spent the week end with her family in Corpus Christi.

Visitors in the Floyd Mize home last week end included Otha Lee and Mava Nee, Muriel, Vernelda and Dorzal Harvey of Van Vleck.

The Daily Tribune, Friday, March 27, 1942

392 In Matagorda County Take First Aid Courses

In a report to Colonel W. O. Selkirk, commanding officer of the Matagorda County Civilian Protective Unit, Tom Hale pointed out this week that he had taught ten classes, one of them being a 10-hour air raid warden class and the other nine being full twenty hours or more.

Classes have been conducted in
Prairie Center , Bay City , Markham , Matagorda, Collegeport, Palacios, and Blessing. There has been a total enrollment of 392 people. Of these approximately 300 have completed the standard course.

The following people have taken first aid courses:

Collegeport: Hester Hendrix, Mr. Ash, Thomas Hale, Leah Holloway, Ruth McGregor, Mrs. Smith, Jack Holsworth, Mr. Jenkins, Mrs. Nelson, Dean Merck, Mr. Savage, Gust Franzen, A. A. Brown, G. L. Holloway, L. E. Liggett, A. A. Penland, L. A. Duffy, Mrs. Lashbrook, Daisy Thompson, Mrs. William Slone, J. S. Wright, Blandine Larrison, Mr. Smith, Ray Bowers, Mrs. I. Corporan, Mrs. P. Corporon, Jerry Well, Mrs. A. Brown, Mrs. Huitt, Mrs. C. Ackerman, E. J. Wendell, Mrs. Penland, Luby Christmas, Joe Bagley, Betty Lashbrook, Annette Johnson, Mrs. L. E. Liggett, A. B. Smith, Roddin Purswell, Mrs. Holsworth, Mrs. Jenkins, I. Corporan, P. Corporan, Mrs. Leo Duffy, Mrs. G. E. Corporon, Mrs. D. Merck, R. L. Corporan, A. W. Blackwell, Katherine Bowers, H. S. Crabill, J. H. Carpenter.

The Herald,
Bay City , Texas , Thursday, April 16, 1942


The Home Demonstration Club met at the home of Mrs. Vern Bowers on April 22nd at 2 p. m.

The President, Mrs. Crane, called the meeting to order and then turned the meeting over to our agent Mrs. Hale. The demonstration was on new methods of canning. She canned English peas and apples. She too gave a basic recipe for biscuits and made some biscuits. One lady said that they were grand but not big enough.

The meeting was turned back to the president. The secretary called the roll and each woman answered by saying that she had a Victory garden and she tried to feed her family by the Texas Food Standard.

The meeting adjourned to meet with Mrs. Law on May 11, with an all day meeting to test cookers and learn to make hats. Bring a covered dish.

The hostess Mrs. Vern Bowers and co-hostess, Mrs. Ray Bowers, served delicious refreshments to the following ladies.

Mesdames Carl Ackerman, D. L. Bullington, F. Brown, R. L. Corporon, P. V. Corporon, Ira Corporon, Anna Corporon, Anna Crane, Franzen, Guyer, Huitt, Holloway, Holsworth, F. L. Jenkins, J. F. Jenkins, Johnson, Law, Dean Merck, John Merck, Nelson, Penland, Pierce, W. Williams, M. M. Wells, R. L. Wells and Gerald Wells.

The Reverend Crouch of the Baptist Church of Palacios came over and discussed the Daily Vacation Bible School. We agreed to meet after the first of June.

Reporter, Mrs. G. Wells

Daily Tribune, May 6, 1942

The Collegeport Church Holds First Family Day

Rev. George Gillespie

At the suggestion of the Superintendent of the Bible School, Mrs. Dorothy Merck, Children’s Day and Father’s Day were combined, called Family Day, and observed in the Collegeport Church on last Sabbath morning, June 21st. The ladies of the Church and of the district were asked to bring lunch and we had a “picnic dinner” after the Worship Service. There were about 100 present at both services. The children of the Sunday School were specially trained by some of the ladies—using the program furnished by the Presbyterian Church (U. S. A.). The first hour was given over entirely to their program. We had special music, a violin and horn played by Mr. and Mrs. Corporon, accompanied by Mrs. Holloway. There was also a junior choir. All remained for the Worship Service which was opened by the singing of “America.” The Pastor read the message from Gen. Douglas MacArthur who was chosen “Outstanding American Father of 1942.” The latter part of Gen. McArthur’s message which breathed loyalty and common sense reads as follows: “My hope is that my son, when I am gone, will remember me not from the battlefield but in the home repeating with him our simple daily prayer, ‘Our Father who art in heaven’.”

The responsive reading, which was connected with the sermon subject, was from Romans, ch. 5, vv. 1011, and was joined in heartily by the congregation. The Pastor took his text from St. Peter’s 2nd Epistle, ch. 1, v. 5—“Add to our faith virtue and knowledge and self-control and patience and godliness and brotherly kindness and love”—asking attention especially to the first part of the verse: “Add to your faith virtue or courage.”

We need faith and courage in these times that try men’s souls—faith that God is living and that He governs the world and has a purpose for it, that Jesus Christ came to reveal the character and the will of God, that it matters whether we are true and righteous and loving in our homes and in the community in which we live. Courage is not the highest virtue because it is often found in the dissolute and the vicious.

The courage or manliness mentioned here, comes to us spiritually, and is the foundation of many other Christian virtues. It is written that David “encouraged himself in the Lord his God.” According to the meaning that underlies the picturesque word “add” in the original Greek faith supplies these virtues and is responsible for their development and deficiency. True bravery is shown in choosing the more honorable way. The preacher quoted some illustrations from history from a little book called “The Manliness of Christ,” by Thomas Hughes who wrote “Tom Brown’s Schooldays”—these illustrated courage in action and in repose, and also its motive.

Also some illustrations were read from a copy of Time, June 1, 1942. The heading of this was “The march of the 400.” The article was about the courage and endurance of General Stiwell and the other men and women in the midst of innumerable dangers and hardships—for three exhausting weeks in their retreat from Burma to India.

The article dwells on the bravery of a medical missionary, born in Burma, Major Gordon Seagrave and some Burmese girl nurses who by their courage and knowledge and skill helped in many ways to keep alive the ofttimes drooping morale—among these the singing of Christian hymns. It is a story to stir the heart of everyone and keep alive our faith in God and His purpose for the world that some day faith and righteousness and freedom and brotherhood will prevail throughout the whole earth (St. Matthew, ch. 28, vv. 19-20). We have never doubted the outcome of the war, and we all long for the time when “The Kingdoms of this world shall have become the Kingdom of our God and of His Christ.”

“Right is right since God is God,
And right the day must win,
To doubt would be disloyalty,
To falter would be sin.”

All who were present partook of lunch in the main room of the building, and enjoyed the fellowship. Collegeport has always been noted for its community spirit, and this Sabbath will linger long in our memories.

--George F. Gillespie, Pastor.

Herald, June 25, 1942


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