Collegeport Columns and Articles


Splendid Meeting At Collegeport
Matagorda County Red Cross Hold Executive Session

The Executive Committee of the Matagorda County Chapter of the Red Cross had a most enjoyable meeting in Collegeport a few days ago.

The meeting was an open one with about 60 present and the chapter chairman, Mrs. Mayfield, was introduced by Mrs. Clark, chairman of the Collegeport auxiliary. Important business was transacted. Mrs. Clapp ably acting as secretary in the absence of Miss Bouldin, chapter secretary.

In a few well chosen words Mrs. Sholl, vice-chairman of the Collegeport auxiliary, expressed her appreciation of the meeting, following which a most tempting luncheon was served in the Federated church.

A much appreciated donation of $56 was turned over to the chapter by the Collegeport school children, to add to the fund for the relief of the Belgium and French children.

Collegeport’s cordial reception was enjoyed by Mesdames Mayfield, Hy Rugeley, Savage and Mr. Carroll M. Gaines of Bay City; Mesdames Karnes, Salisbury and Elliott of Palacios.

Daily Tribune, January 10, 1918

Mr. Burton D. Hurd has moved his office fixtures from Collegeport to Bay City, and when in the city can be found at the Tribune building.

Matagorda County Tribune, January 11, 1918


I beg to announce our return home to Matagorda county after an absence in the north of about two years.

During our absence I had many opportunities to become permanently connected in a profitable way, but our home is here and we feel that we have many friends here; besides we believe that Matagorda county and the mid coast country of Texas is the best country to live in and has greater possibilities, more undiscovered and undeveloped resources than any other portion of the United States.

We have returned with the desire and full expectations of spending the balance of our days here and in order that we may be able to account for them as having been well spent we want to devote ourselves to the upbuilding and betterment of the country as a whole, in all respects anf in every impossible way. We are ready to lend ourselves to any and every worthy cause and undertaking which will serve in any way to make the country a better place in which to live, to increase the prosperity of all those now here, who are willing to try, and to attract and induce others to come and locate among us who will be benefitted and who will benefit us by doing so.

It goes without saying that the greatest need of our country is more farmers and better farming. Greater agricultural development and increased production, and it is my desire to devote myself to assisting in supplying this great need by being broadly unselfish and co-operative in all my efforts and plans. I hope to be of service to every one by assisting in creating a greater spirit of co-operation and by inspiring greater efforts to make the most wonderful possibilities we possess, which are already fully demonstrated and proven, and by helping to develop and bring out the further and greater possibilities of which we have knowledge, but which as yet remain dormant and undeveloped and I hope especially to be of benefit to the country as a whole by assisting in inducing and placing good farmers on the thousands of acres of fine, but at present, non-productive lands, all about us which are fairly groaning with undiscovered wealth.

Burton D. Hurd

Daily Tribune, January 11, 1918

Geo. Smaha came Monday from Sidney for a short visit with his son, Fred Smaha. He will leave the latter part of the week for Collegeport, Tex., for an indefinite visit with his daughter, Mrs. Matt Pierce.

Red Oak Sun, Jan 11, 1918

Palacios Beacon, January 18, 1918

At Right
Palacios Beacon, February 15, 1918



R. M. Morrison of Lawrence, Kans., is spending the week here visiting Mr. Hazley [Haisley?] and looking after his property interests.

J. J. Rodebaugh, who is employed at the Bay City Tribune office spent Sunday with his family here.

Arnold Livers returned Thursday after spending about a week taking treatment in the Sealy hospital at Galveston

Mr. Smaha of Red Oak, Iowa, came in last week to spend a few weeks visiting his daughter here, Mrs. Matt Pierce.

Ernest Sweet was a business visitor in Bay City Monday.

Burton D. Hurd returned this week after spending about a week looking after business interests in Dallas.

John D. Evans was among those that attended the court in Bay City Monday.

Matt Pierce and family and Mr. Smaha, Mrs. Pierce's father, were visitors in Blessing Sunday.

T. C. Morris made a business trip to Citrusgrove Monday.

Jacob Cline and family and G. Werner and family made a drive to Bay City Tuesday in Mr. Cline's car.

Miss Francis Braun has been elected to take Miss Marguerite [Margaret] Holsworth's place as primary teacher in the Markham school, while Miss Marguerite was elected as principal in the place of Mr. McNeal, who resigned just before Christmas. They began their new duties there Monday, the school having been closed since the vacancy occurred.

T. C. Morris was a business visitor to Bay City Tuesday.

H. N. Sholl and family, who are among the oldest residents of Collegeport, are preparing to leave this week for New Mexico. They have bought property interests there where they expect to make their home.

Mr. Clemmons, who has been employed for some time at Mr. Clarke's grocery store at Bay City, is this week moving his household goods from here to that place, where he will make his home.

Jacob Cline made a drive in his car to Markham Sunday, taking Misses Francis Braun and Margurite Holsworth to their school at their place.

Chas. Yeamans, who is in the army service, returned to Citrusgrove to spend a few days with home folk after undergoing an operation in the hospital at New York City.

Sam Primm was in Bay City on business Saturday.

W. W. Wilkinson was among those that attended court at Bay City Tuesday.

Co. Supt. W. F. Pack was here Tuesday afternoon on his usual round of visiting the schools.

Mrs. Liggett entertained the King's Daughters Sunday school class Wednesday at her residence with an afternoon social and dinner.

Palacios Beacon, January 18, 1918

Daily Tribune, March 26, 1918

Jas W. Rugeley yesterday bought the bankrupt stock, furniture and fixtures and accounts of the Blessing Drug Company. The store will reopen at once with Mr. Hoffman, and experienced druggist of Collegeport in charge.

Matagorda County Tribune, March 29, 1918

Mr. C. H. Lee and daughter, Miss Marjorie, who have been spending the winter at their beautiful home at Collegeport, left today for their home and Mrs. Lee’s place of business, Baraboo, Wisconsin. Mr. Lee delights in his winter visits to Collegeport and stated to us today that his greatest desire was that he wished it were possible for him to remain in Collegeport. He is a great believer in the coast country and its future and is well pleased with his holdings here.

Matagorda County Tribune, May 3, 1918

Dr. C. W. Kelly of San Francisco, Cal., was in town a few hours Saturday with Mr. Burton D. Hurd, returning to Collegeport for the week-end in the Hurd home, and where he delivered the address on Mothers’ Day at the Federated Church. The service, as led by the pastor, Rev. M. A. Travis, was made more impressive by the beautiful tributes paid to the 31 sons of mothers of Collegeport now in the service, to the last young man, Elmer Pine, who goes this week, all volunteers. Dr. Kelly’s address was an able portrayal of the different stages of motherhood as an artist would picture the years of service and sacrifice. The King’s Daughters gave the musical numbers, readings and decorations which were banked about the pulpit.

Daily Tribune, May 13, 1918

Collegeport To Have Red Cross Barbecue

The people of Collegeport will give a big barbecue Saturday, May 25, for the benefit of the Red Cross second war fund drive.

Besides a barbecue dinner there will be horse and foot races, patriotic speaking, bronco riding, airplane flights (if possible), auction sale and a dance at the pavilion at night.

A splendid time is assured everybody and everybody is invited.

Daily Tribune, May 23, 1918

Markham People Buy Gin
Increase in Cotton Acreage Cause of Progressive Move

Owing to the vast increase in cotton acreage and the flattering prospects of a splendid crop in the vicinity of Markham, the progressive citizens of that place met yesterday and bought the Collegeport gin property, which will be moved to Markham immediately…

Daily Tribune, May 23, 1918


The Collegeport public school held its closing exercises in the First Church last night. A varied program of music, patriotic drills, tableaux and speaking under the direction of Miss Benedict was presented. Mrs. Burton D. Hurd gave an excellent address on "Education and the War." Judge John F. Perry and Mr. Wm. Cash of Bay City represented the Red Cross. Judge Perry made a convincing address on "The Red Cross an American Opportunity for World Service." Prof. J. W. Kilpatrick and Miss Benedict were heartily congratulated for their successful year's work. There was good attendance and the encores were generous.

Matagorda County Tribune, May 24, 1918

Mr. and Mrs. George Smaha, of Ravenna, Nebr., who have been visiting in Collegeport, Tex., stopped here Wednesday for a few days visit with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smaha.

Red Oak Sun, May 24, 1918


(By H. A. Clapp)

Collegeport , Texas , May 27.--Collegeport has gone over the top in the Red Cross drive with a good surplus. Saturday night with all returns not in more than $600 had been raised. The town's quota was $200. Saturday being the 25th of May it also was Collegeport's birthday and as has been the custom for nine years has been a day of sports, feasts and speeches, but this time in addition to the usual sports the day was devoted to the Red Cross and every cent realized from all sources went to that cause. One of the features was an auction sale of donated articles. Among those was a hen which brought $7 and just before the hen was sold, she laid an egg which sold for the sum of $8.00. Probably six hundred people visited the town during the day. The festivities closed with a dance which was largely attended.

Monday night Miss Pearl Corse, daughter of Judge S. M. Corse will be married to Lieut. Putnam. The wedding will be a military affair. The young couple will spend a few days in Houston and then go to El Paso where Lieut. Putnam is stationed.

Crops while backward are looking good. Corn will begin to produce roasting ears in a few days. Some cotton has not been chopped, but looks good. Much feedstuff has been planted.

The town needs a doctor and offers a splendid opportunity for practice and the running of a drug store.

abstracted from Matagorda County Tribune, May 31, 1918

Davwin Ellett left Wednesday for his home in Collegeport, Texas, after a few days’ visit here in the home of his aunt, Mrs. B. A. Shaver.

Red Oak Express, June 21, 1918

Interesting Dairy Item
Collegeport Man Makes Good With Few Cows

An example of what can be done by perseverance, application and diligence is to be found in what has been accomplished by Mr. W. S. Wright of Collegeport, who moved to this section of Texas from St. Clairsville, Ohio, in January, 1910.

Mr. Wright had taught school for 20 years and is hampered by the loss of a leg. When he arrived in Collegeport he had $1,000.00, and used $600.00 of that to make his first payment on 50 acres of ground. He was not able to make the necessary improvement so rented a piece of ground and used the balance of his money for the purchase of five cows. He had no experience in either farming or dairying. Besides his health as well as that of Mrs. Wright was impaired.

With the five cows originally purchased Mr. Wright has built up a herd of 80 head, which he would not sell for $3500.00. He has sold $7,500.00 in dairy products and over $1,500.00 worth of cattle and hogs and has paid out less than $2,500.00 for help, feed and all that he has bought.

This strikes us as a remarkable record and should prove what can be done on humble beginnings if a man determines to win. It also shows the money in dairying when properly managed.

Daily Tribune, June 22, 1918

Grapes Do Well In The Coast Country

A bunch of fine Malaya grapes brought to this office by Mrs. Burton D. Hurd today proves the claim made by many that the Gulf Coast is an ideal grape country.

These grapes were grown at the Hurd home in Collegeport and are very fine in spite of the poor attention they received during the absence of Mr. and Mrs. Hurd. They also have produced some very fine Concord grapes.

Daily Tribune, June 26, 1918


447 Young Men Now at Front Battling For Democracy
Names Overlooked Must Be Reported to Mrs. Wm. Cash

Merrill L. Heisey, Collegeport

Walter Leo Hoffman, Collegeport

Mason S. Holsworth, Collegeport

Russell Hull, Collegeport

Vernon King Hurd, Collegeport

Seymour Guy Hutchinson, Collegeport
Haisley Rufus Mills, Collegeport
Edward L. Morris, Collegeport
Austin Oberwetter, Collegeport
Charles Pines, Collegeport
Julius Maurice Porche, Collegeport
Louis E. Powers, Collegeport

The Matagorda County Tribune, Friday, July 12, 1918

American Red Cross Matagorda County Chapter

The following is a detailed report of seven months’ work of the organized branches and auxiliaries to the Matagorda County chapter, A. R. C.:

Collegeport Auxiliary – 6,955 Surgical.
Hospital and Refugee Garments—Twenty-four pajamas, 24 chemise, 20 bed shirts, 12 comfort pillows, 1 wash cloth.

Wood Articles—Twenty-eight sweaters, 15 pairs socks, 3 wristlets, 20 helmets.

Matagorda County Tribune, July 12, 1918


The Daily Tribune, July 16, 1918

Eliseer Price, Collegeport
______ Couch, Collegeport

Mr. Murray A. Travis, of Collegeport was in the city today on business and while here spent a few moments with the Tribune. He states that the crops were very good around Collegeport, and that there are some 2,000 acres in cotton, some of which is exceptionally fine. He referred particularly to a diversified crop belonging to Mr. Louis Walters, an Austrian farmer, which he says is a veritable eye-opener. Mr. Walters has corn, cotton, milo maize, feterita and many other things on his farm which Mr. Travis says is as good as any one could wish to see. He told us that the crop is worth seeing and that everyone who is interested in the agricultural development of Matagorda County should take the trouble of a visit to the farm.

Daily Tribune, July 16, 1918


Young Men of Age Since June 5, 1917, to Camps

The Daily Tribune, September 4, 1918

William Earl Dorris, Collegeport

Matagorda Co. Over The Top

Collegeport, under the fine leadership of Mrs. B. D. Hurd, was first to report, at Wednesday noon, October 16, the full raising of its quota and was, therefore, the first honor flag community of Matagorda County.

Matagorda County, October 25, 1918

Mr. Sam Primm of Collegeport visited in Bay City yesterday. Mr. Primm is developing a large acreage in that part if the county for dry farming. He had built a number of first-class tenant houses and a splendid school house for the accommodation of his tenants. He will increase the cotton and corn acreage in that section several hundred acres next year.

Matagorda County Tribune, December 6, 1918


A few days ago The Patriot commented upon action taken at a conference in Ohio looking towards a federation of the churches in rural regions. Down in Collegeport, Texas, on the bay shore, this has been actually worked out, and it is interesting to note the results. This church has a membership made up of at least twelve denominations their comrades formerly belonged to, so little is said about such things.

Most noteworthy is the fact that fully three-fourths of the population of the town and surrounding country are members of this church. It was started in 1910 and so has had an opportunity to develop into a practical organization. So far it has not been able to pay its minister a large salary, but he is paid cash promptly each month. Another feature of this church that may seem surprising to these familiar with churchgoers as a rule is the fact that there are usually more men than women at the services.

The men and boys have an organization called the Princes of Jonathan, the business of which is to look after the sick and those out of work or discouraged in any way. The Woman’s Union is a combination affair taking the place of both the usual aid and missionary societies. The meetings are well attended, and it is said that programs are given which it would be worth going miles to see and hear. There is a committee on social life whose members welcome and introduce strangers and look after all social matters, but who are not allowed to help with the financial work. The Sunday service is I thre parts, the first devotional, the second preaching, and the last a half hour of Bible study. It is also stated that the church building is used as the real social center of the town life, and when it is put to strictly temporal use, cards bearing the following are placed upon the doors: “The fact that this building is used for the benefit of men makes it no less the house of God.”

And we might add that there is no less of religion in and around Collegeport because the religiously inclined have buried denominational differences and united to serve God and their fellow men in harmony.

Patriot, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, December 16, 1918

New “Y” Secretary Most Popular With The Men
Bay City Minister Now Engaged in Y Religious Work at Penn Field

Past middle age and still young, is the striking feature of the new Y secretary, M. A. Travis. He has already made himself in great favor with the boys.

Travis comes from Collegeport, near Bay City, Texas, where he has had a long and varied experience as a minister. He is a big exponent of the community church idea, having successfully started that movement in different localities.

Being a man of great originality, he is a fitting man to head the religious work of the Y in this field. He was at Camp Mabry for a short while engaged in this work.

Besides being a good mixer and creating lots of fun for the men in and out of the building, Travis has been much appreciated for his work among the sick boys in the hospital. He takes writing materials and reading matter to them daily.—Radio, Austin, Texas.

Matagorda County Tribune, December 20, 1918



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