Collegeport Columns

July - October  1911


I want to congratulate Ivan Ellwood, on his remarkable success in his emigration work in so short a time. Ivan accompanied his first excursion party to Collegeport, Tex., on Tuesday, June 20, and among the party were Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Thomas, of Red Oak, whom we are pleased to state purchased land of the Burton D. Hurd Land Co., with the intention of making their future home at Collegeport as soon as they can make arrangements to move.

This record for Mr. Ellwood, will certainly make the old time real estate men wonder where his success lays, but it is all in a nut shell, he talks his own proposition and lets the other fellow do the knocking.

Yet we are unable to tie up acreage tracts in bunches and sell them out like radishes through correspondence to old time friends. We sell to men here at home whom you meet most every day and who will verify our statements.

Remember our next big excursion date to Collegeport, Texas, is Tuesday, July 18th. Don’t fail to consult me about rates.

For further information call or phone me. Office opposite postoffice.

Matt Pierce, Red Oak, Ia.

Red Oak Express, July 7, 1911


Mrs. Fey of Hot Springs, Ark., is spending the summer in Collegeport.

Mrs. and Mrs. John Logan moved to Blessing Thursday. Mr. Logan will take charge of Logan & Son's interests there.

Rev. John Sloane held Episcopal services in Collegeport Sunday. The new chapel will soon be ready for dedication.

Mrs. J. B. McCain is sick at her parents' home in Houston.

Houston Post, July 9, 1911

Mr. Burton D. Hurd Coming.

We are pleased to announce that Mr. Burton D. Hurd, president of the Burton D. Hurd Land Co., of Collegeport, Texas, will be with us on Saturday, and probably remain until Tuesday, July 18th, which is our next excursion date to Collegeport, Texas. Mr. Hurd will be pleased to meet his old friends or any one else desiring information regarding our Collegeport development. Office opposite postoffice.

Matt Pierce, Red Oak, Ia.

Red Oak Express, July 14, 1911

Farmers Read This
An Opportunity Presents Itself For Good Money In a Fall Potato Crop

The extended hot and dry period in the states from which the potato supply as expected has practically ruined the prospect for a crop there and unless some steps are taken this country faces an extended potato famine.

This threatened famine presents an opportunity to the farmers of this section to step in and help to fill the gap with a good profit for themselves. A fall crop of potatoes properly planted and handles issue of a market at high prices if the reports of failure are true as they come to us.

We strongly recommend that every farmer read carefully the article below clipped from the Bay City Tribune and after considering the probability of good sense in the suggestion, get busy for there is no time to lose in getting ground in shape and securing seed:

Frequently within the past month the Tribune has called the attention of its readers to the scarcity of spuds, the consequent high price they are commanding and the excellent chance our farmers have of making good money by planting this fall.

Potatoes in Nebraska and all the northern and northwestern states are commanding the unprecedented price of $3.00 per bushel, with none in sight and only the South Texas crop to look to. South Texas can plant and mature a fall crop. The northern and northwestern states cannot plant and harvest another crop this year. It is, therefore, up to South Texas to make the money held out through the possibilities of a crop of spuds this fall.

To emphasize the correctness of the foregoing remarks we need only quote a portion of a letter received by the local officer of the Hurd Land Company from one of the company’s agents in Ashland, Nebraska.

The following paragraph in a lengthy and interesting letter says: Weather here has been around 100 for the past two weeks. Crops burning up and no rain for nearly four weeks, with no prospects for any. Wheat was cut before the drouth struck it and is about fifty per cent of a yield, but of good quality. Potatoes $3.00 per bushel and no new crop in sight nearer than South Texas. Tell all the settlers (farmers) to put in an early crop of potatoes and make some money. There will not be enough potatoes raised here this year to make a showing. The same is true all through Kansas, Missouri, Iowa, Illinois and Minnesota. The hot winds are burning the corn in most sections of the state and the crop is injured fully seventy-five per cent.

So much for the foregoing information—will you profit thereby? Will the merchant insist upon the farmer to plant a few acres, if not a few acres, one acre of spuds. It is a crop that cannot fail you and the price is extraordinary. Perhaps not within another generation will you have the opportunity of making a better cleanup on so small an investment.

There are thousands of acres of land in Matagorda county which should be planted to potatoes this fall and the crop is an easy one. Good money can be made. Do we want to make it? It is strictly up to us.—Collegeport Chronicle

Palacios Beacon, Friday, July 21, 1911

Collegeport Chroniclings.

Judge Jones has finished his cottage and the men are now busy on the garage.

Dances will be held at the Collegeport pavilion twice a week during the Midsummer season.

S. H. Hudgins, of Velasco, was in the city on Tuesday with the party surveying the bay and channel.

Vote for a dry Texas so that the citizens of other states may be convinced that no mistake will be made in bringing their families here to make a home.

O. P. Ludlow has a fine field of Mexican June corn growing. It is growing like an evil report according to Mr. Ludlow and these showers give it the fine promise of being a good crop.

Another farm worthy of notice is that of C. B. Rose on the Robbins tract. Beginning only last spring he has plowed deep a second time and his crops tell the story. Cow peas also are quite prominent on this farm.

Late advices received report heavy rains and considerable rise on the Colorado in the vicinity of Austin . It looks as if the dry spell up state were well broken and that there will be little danger of a water shortage from now on.

Mr. O. B. Kone treated the guests at Hotel Collegeport to a 45 pound watermelon on Monday. It was much appreciated and created much admiration for the Collegeport product in the minds of visitors from other cities who were present.

J. M. Hughes has some fine crops on his farm at the head of the bay. He says he is surprised at the way things do grow in this country the first season. Mr. Hughes' has very sensibly put some of his land in to cow peas which are very heavy. The pea crop as well as the effect on the soil will make this a good investment.

A force of carpenters are busy finishing the interior of the First church building this week, and it is expected that it will be ready for dedication in a short time. It  [appears] like Collegeport is to have two dedications near the same time as the Episcopalian chapel is rapidly nearing completion They are both stucco buildings of attractive design and decided ornaments to the town.

The Ionia , Kansas , people held a picnic on Wednesday and renewed old acquaintances. This is a good idea and might well be taken up by other groups of old time neighbors. What's the matter with Kansas getting up a picnic? Right here is a challenge from the Illinoisans for a base ball game any old day they want to get it up. Or if the Kansas people do not care to lead let some other state take it up. Illinois comes next in settlers according to our census.

The Palacios Beacon, Friday, July 21, 1911

Off for Collegeport, Texas.

Matt Pierce left Tuesday with another excursion party of landseekers from Red Oak and vicinity for Collegeport, Texas.

Mr. Pierce will be back in time to conduct another excursion party to Collegeport, on Tuesday, August 1st. Those desiring to join the party on the above named date call on him for further information and regarding low rates. There are a number already reported going. Don’t forget the date, Tuesday, August 1st.

Call at office opposite postoffice.

Both phones. Red Oak, Iowa.

Red Oak Express, July 21, 1911

Message Received.

Matt Pierce writes from Collegeport, Texas as follows:

Monday, July 24.

“Sales good. Rice, corn, cotton will make fine crop. Plenty of rain and everyone feeling happy.”

Remember our next excursion date to Collegeport, Texas, is Tuesday, August 1st. There are a number reported already going with us on that date. For further information regarding excursion and low rates, call on Matt Pierce, office opposite postoffice, Red Oak, Iowa.

Red Oak Express, July 28, 1911

Colorado's Rise Aided Rice

Collegeport, Texas, July 27.--The anxiety of the farmers and canal men of this section on account of low river and high tides has been dispelled by a four foot rise in the Colorado river, and not both of the mammoth pumps on the Collegeport canal, having a capacity of 150,000 gallons per minute, are busy and the canal is filled. This puts the early rice on a safety basis, while the smaller acreage of late planting will easily be taken care of by storage in event of low water again. Twenty-five hundred acres of rice is watered by the Collegeport canal.

Houston Post, July 30, 1911

Goes Quite Often.

Matt Pierce left last Tuesday with another excursion party of landseekers from Red Oak and vicinity for Collegeport, Texas.

Look for the announcement and particulars in the next week’s paper for our next big excursion on Tuesday, August 15th. It will be worth your while to investigate.

Write or phone, Matt Pierce, office opposite postoffice, Red Oak. Iowa.

Red Oak Express, August 4, 1911


Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Livers went to Arcadia Wednesday to visit an old fried who is very sick.

Mrs. Perry Fields and two daughters from Cherokee, Okla., are spending the summer in Collegeport at the home of W. F. Odom.

Miss Marie Soekland spent a week visiting friends in Blessing.

A number of B. Y. P. U. encampment visitors are making Collegeport their headquarters.

Houston Post, August 6, 1911


Grace Chapel of St. Mary's Mission will be used for the first time the 9th Sunday after Trinity, August 13, 1911 .

The services will be in charge of the Rev. Dr. Sloane, of Bay City , and will be as follows: Morning prayer and sermon, 11. a.m.; evening song and sermon, 7.00 p.m.

The citizens of Collegeport and Palacios are invited to be present.

The Palacios Beacon, August 11, 1911


The people of Collegeport and vicinity are attending the B.Y.P.U. encampment in quite large numbers. Those who attend speak very highly of the character of the meetings which are of benefit to people of every persuasion, as the dogmatic, sectarian element is not at all prominent in the addresses. If any have not yet attended the sessions we recommend that they do so, as not every community enjoys the privilege of so high class an institution so near our very door.

Morning and evening sessions will continue every day including next Wednesday, and a large attendance cannot but be beneficial to our community.--Collegeport Chronicle

Reprinted in The Palacios Beacon, August 11, 1911

Red Oak Express, Red Oak, Iowa, August 11, 1911

Will Open New Chapel

Bay City, Texas, August 12.--Rev. John Sloan of the St. Mark's Episcopal church of Bay City will tomorrow open the Grace chapel, St. Mary's mission, is Collegeport.

Assisting Rev. Mr. Sloan from this city will be Mrs. Sloan and Misses Nettie and Zalie Austin.

The Grace chapel is said to be one of the prettiest in this diocese.

Houston Post, August 13, 1911

A New Agricultural Industry in the Collegeport Country.

Mr. Joseph Walter has on his 10 acre tract just north of town, also on his farm 4 miles southeast, sights that elicit the interest of all who pass by and which are worthy of investigation by Chronicle readers.

Those vines strung high on wires with their great gourd-like fruit hanging from them are called "Cucumis Loofah Texana," but called Loofah for short. Mr. Walter read a pamphlet describing the plant last winter and hied himself to Houston to investigate, returning with a good supply of high priced seed. The Loofah grows similar to the gourd or cucumber only larger vines and the fruit when ripe is filled with a fibre which is manufactured into both brushes, insoles, sandals, bath shores, nail brushes, etc. Germany has the principal factories and imports the raw material from warmer climates. Samples from the vicinity of Houston have been pronounced the very best by the German manufacturers who are prepared to handle as immense crop, if it can be raised. Mr. Walters has had the best results both as to coarseness of fibre, which is important, as to yield and is now investigating methods of marketing, shipping, etc.

Mr. Walter's daughter, a young lady takes the responsibility of caring for the Loofah crop and is very much interested in her work. This has a suggestion for other young ladies who may be pining for old friends and scenes, as the Walter family came here direct from Long Island City , N.Y. , and the young folks of this family have no desire to return to city life.

Mr. Walter and his two sons are also raising rice, corn and cotton on the larger farm, while the smaller tract is set out to orange and other fruit trees and strawberries, which area all showing good growth.

Mr. Walter is one of those who, coming here from the city is making good. He is a natural investigator and when he hears of a product within reasonable distance, gets on the train and goes to look it up. We will watch with interest this Loofah business as one more of the possibilities of this country of wide variety.--Collegeport Chronicle

Reprinted in The Palacios Beacon, August 18, 1911

Palacios 5 Collegeport 8

The baseball game played on Thursday between Palacios Business College and the Collegeport team resulted in another victory for our boys. It looked like it was lost to us for at the end of the eighth inning the score stood 5 to 4 in favor of the visitors, but the home fellows took a fresh breath and lined up four scores in the last inning. A practice game will be played on Saturday and manager Haney urges every body to be on hand and encourage the sport. –Collegeport Chronicle

Palacios Beacon, August 18, 1911

Various Articles

The first bundle of rice raised on the Collegeport canal was brought to the Hurd Land Co., office on last Friday. It is a fair sample and the crop is a good average yield.

Mrs. H. M. Yeamans, who bought the Oneth store building and lots is building another store room adjoining the buildings on the east, which will be occupied as a meat market by Mr. A. B. Luce as soon as completed.

Reports come to us that fields of rice growing on the Collegeport canal will make 20 barrels per acre. The market price for good rice is $3.10 to $3.50—a barrel of rice is 162 pounds as it comes from the threshing machine.

Miss Margaret Van Fleet, of Waco, addressed the ladies and some gentlemen friends of the Woman’s Club on Thursday afternoon, the 9th, on the subject of “settlement work.” Her remarks were very instructive and interesting.

Chas. Oneil, who has been assisting Mr. Abbott Kone at the pavilion for several weeks, left Friday to spend a few days with his parents at Portsmouth before returning to Houston to take his old position with the Levy Bros. Dry Goods Co.

The hottest season experienced since Collegeport was laid out has been the past week. The mercury has registered 93 several days and the lowest has been 78. The always delightful breeze has made even this torrid weather very pleasant.

H. A. Clapp, secretary of the Mid Coast Industrial Congress, returned home on Saturday from El Campo, where he closed a contract for space in the Allied Publication amounting to $1387. He visited Port O’Connor during his absence and was present in the perfecting of plans for the quarterly meeting there on the 7th and 8th of September.

Good crowds of our citizens have been in attendance at most of the sessions of the assembly of the B. Y. P. U. at Palacios during the time since it commenced and have enjoyed the program in its fullness and rejoice to know that we have such a great privilege brought so near our homes, and our city has been benefitted thereby.

The people of the First Church took advantage of the speakers at the B. Y. P. U. encampment and secured them for addresses here. In addition to Miss Van Fleet’s address on Thursday, Rev. and Mrs. E. W. Sallee who spent 8 years in China as missionaries, gave inspiring addresses to a large congregation at the church. The addresses were of a high character and much appreciated.

Palacios Beacon, August 18, 1911

A Tennessee Man's Opinion

Mr. R. A. Cates, who is spending his vacation in Palacios at the home of his daughter, Mrs. John T. Price, and, who has also visited the Collegeport section, made some comparisons recently that are interesting to the man who is studying this part of the Midcoast country. Mr. Cates is a farmer near Tiptonville, Tenn., one of the richest counties in this country, and the farthest north for cotton. This section has only one crop since 1874, having a record of 1350 pounds of cotton per acre for an average during that period. The average farmer there figures on a bale to the acre and often goes beyond it. Coming thus from a cotton country of this class, Mr. Cates is qualified to speak concerning any country. When asked his opinion regarding our country he replied "I don't see anything to keep this country from raising the best of cotton. I would a heap rather risk this than Central Texas land and it makes better cotton besides. I never saw any better cotton anywhere, than the crop on the Estes place before the storm." The Estes place is directly north of Collegeport near the Trespalacios river.

Mr. Cates reiterated the opinion expressed by so many, that the secret of a sure crop is early planting. "I would list the land up in this section" he said. "In case of rain it is better and just as good in a dry season, anyway we plow deep in preparation." When asked to explain the fact of better cotton at the end of the rows where the ground is packed, he attributed the fact not to shallow cultivation, but better ventilation. "I plant my cotton in rows 4 feet apart and three feet apart in the row, the prettiest I ever raised was planted thus."

Speaking of corn Mr. Cates continued "I have seen as fine here as in any corn state in the Union. The [paper torn in fold\ would do credit to Illinois or any state. The black land in my opinion is better for corn, but it is all good. It is just like the Greenville black land and you cannot buy that at any reasonable price.

Mr. Cates affirms that a very few years of good farming will put this country to the front. He has unlimited faith in its resources the men who live here will intelligently and energetically bring out what the soil is capable of producing.--Collegeport Chronicle.

Palacios Beacon, August 18, 1911

Collegeport Chroniclings.

There were two car loads of immigrant goods set out at this station Tuesday to unload.

Flounder fishermen can be seen these nights all along up and down the bay. The catch is good.

Earl Ford, of Palacios, was here this week looking after the plumbing of Judge F. H. Jones residence.

Blessing ball team had to go some in the game last Saturday. It was a 13 inning game and full of interest.

Henry Hartung is getting material on the ground to build on his 5 acre tract near the freight dock north of town.

E. C. Everson is building a residence and barn on his tract northeast of town. Henry Hartung is the contractor.

Everything is moving along fine at the pumping plant. The river has a good stage of water and the canal is brim full.

There is an abundance of water in this section at present. The canal company is irrigating pastures, roads and everything irrigable. Better get in line and use some of it to prepare your land for a fall crop.

Prof. W. H. Travis, president of the Gulf Coast University, of Collegeport, left on Tuesday with the car "Land" for a trip north in the interest of the school. He goes to Waterloo, Ia., and other points in that locality and will be absent until the 11th of September.

W. W. Wilkerson, wife and baby, departed Wednesday for a visit to their former home in Barnesville, Ohio, and he will look after some immigration work in Illinois, Indiana and Ohio for the Hurd Land Co.--along the line reached by the Frisco Railway.

Chas. W. Rutherford brought into the land office Monday a bunch of Blue Grass grown on his five acre tract just north of the townsite on black hog wallow raw soil that measures before heading out 22 to 24 inches in heighth and a very fine specimen as to quality.

Gypsy is gone. The donkey which has furnished so much sport for the young people around the Collegeport Hotel was shipped to Little Rock, Ark., last Saturday and cricket and the children are lonesome now. Frank Fee bought Gypsie of Evelyn Kone, so our sorrow is their joy.

Everything possible is being done to make the next session of the Mid Coast Congress at Port O'Connor on the 7-8th of September a grand success. There should be a large delegation go from here to this meeting. The trip can be made by boat and the expense will be small. Go if you can and show your interest.

The launch, Dena H., Manuel Glaros master, has been thoroughly overhauled and improved until it is the best boat on the bay in this part of the country. It was used for the trip to Portsmouth on Sunday with the land excursion party and made a fine record for herself and her master. She is in the trade for private parties and any who want a safe trip should inspect her.

R. C. Woodhouse, El Reno, Okla., was here this week and took the three days trip of inspection of our country and says he is convinced this is a great cotton, rice and potato country. He saw some corn grown on raw prairie sod ground, but he was not certain about corn yet but could see no reason why it should not be a great corn country too. He wants to keep in touch with this country, so became a subscriber for the Chronicle.

The Palacios Beacon, August 25, 1911

About Orange Planting
, Texas
Collegeport , Texas


In recent correspondence I notice that you say there will be considerable orchard plantings this coming season at Collegeport. With this in mind I desire to relate to you a very happy situation. As you are aware we experienced some unusual conditions that to the minds of a few at the time it was considered that the orchard business in South Texas had received a set back that only time would eliminate its effect. The true aspect would have been serious for the time being except for the fact that  the Stockwell Nursery Co., demonstrated at Alvin conclusively that it is not only possible to save every tree but the fruit as well at the time of these unusual conditions. The trees in our orchard at Alvin not only have a very healthy look but are laden with about one half of a fruit crop; this demonstration had the pleasing effect of proving to the few Doubting Thomases that the Satsuma oranges and Magnolia figs are the most dependable of any variety of fruits being the most prolific, the surest and always bring good prices. The situation is today that there is not only a renewed but a greater confidence in the orchard business in South Texas . It is being looked upon as so safe that large conservative business interests are entering the field for the purpose of securing safe and remunerative investments. For example we have recently closed a bona fide contract with Mr. C. S. Woods of Houston who is President of a pool of capitalists who desire a large commercial orchard as a permanent holding, this order calls for 31500 No. 3 balled Satsuma orange trees and also 31500 3 foot in height Magnolia fig trees, the consideration being about $30,000, the largest single order in dollars ever received for fruit trees by any institution. We have received in small orders up to August 1st, approximately $25,000 in value. Another pleasing phase of the situation is that the demand is for the best trees showing that the prospective orchardists  have at last come to our slogan of "Better trees even if less in quantity." An orange or fig orchard is so valuable at maturity if high grade trees are used in planting and proper care is given that the planter can well afford to plant only high grade trees. The returns will be in accordance to the grade and style of trees used and care given. It is often asserted that there are two kinds of Satsuma orange trees. This is not true but there are two kinds of propagators, the nurseryman that is indifferent about the root system and buds used for propagating using too small a stock for roots and using buds from young or inferior trees is really criminal, for it has developed that trees of this class are not only weak vitally but the fruit is small and raggy and the flavor is not up to the standard; there is as much in propagation of plant life as in animal life.

Yours truly,

Stockwell Nursery Company,

W. H Gammill, Sec'y.

Collegeport Chronicle

Reprinted in The Palacios Beacon, August 25, 1911


W. T. Williamson and Miss Bess Loader of Bay City were in town Monday.

Miss Elsie Buchen returned to Collegeport after an eight months' visit with her grandparents in Wisconsin.

Mrs. George Windle of Houston is spending the summer at Hotel Collegeport.

Houston Post, August 27, 1911

Ho, For Texas.

A free trip to Collegeport, Texas to all who will make the trip on Tuesday, Sept. 5th:

If I fail to prove to you that there are Iowa farmers at Collegeport, Texas, who are raising a crop of rice this year that will amount to as many dollars as they paid for their land. This land was bought about one and a half years ago and at the price of not less than $50.00 per acre. This statement should dismiss from our mind all the knocking that you have heard from “old has-been real estate men,” who are trying to mislead the public. I am here to stay and have put before the people but one proposition and our settlers have made good. Can you think of anyone else that can compete with this record?

Our country is settled with a high class of northern people and we have no inferior class of people to contend with, therefore, we are proud to say we have no cheap labor. Our settlers can leave their wives and children alone at home and feel satisfied that they will not be molested.

Go with us on Tuesday, September 5, and give me a chance to prove all statements. Office opposite postoffice. Both pones.

Matt Pierce, Red Oak, Ia.

Red Oak Express, September 1, 1911

About Orange Planting

Alvin, Texas, 8-6, 1911

Collegeport Chronicle, Collegeport, Texas.


In recent correspondence I notice that you say there will be considerable orchard plantings this coming season at Collegeport With this in mind I desire to relate to you a very happy situation. As you are aware we experienced some unusual conditions that to the minds of a few at the time it was considered that the orchard business in South Texas had received a set back that only time would eliminate its effect. The true aspect would have been serious for the time being except for the fact that the Stockwell Nursery Co., demonstrated in Alvin conclusively that it is not only possible to save every tree but the fruit as well at the time of unusual conditions. The trees in our orchard at Alvin not only have a very healthy look but are laden with about one half of a fruit crop; this demonstration had the pleasing effect of proving to the few Doubting Thomases that the Satsuma oranges and Magnolia figs are the most dependable of any variety of fruits being the most prolific, the surest and always bring good prices. The situation is today that there is not only a renewed but a greater confidence in the orchard business in South Texas, it is being looked upon as so safe that large conservative business interests are entering the field for the purpose of securing safe and remunerative investments. For example we have recently closed a bona fide contract with Mr. C. S. Woods of Houston who is President of a pool of capitalists who desire a large commercial orchard as a permanent holding, this order calls for 31500 No. 3 balled Satsuma orange trees and also 31500 3 foot in height Magnolia fig trees the consideration being about $30,000, the largest single order in dollars ever received for fruit trees by any institution. We have received in small orders up to August 1st, approximately $25,000 in value. Another pleasing phase of the situation is that the demand is for the best trees showing that the prospective orchardists have at last come to our slogan of "Better trees even if less in quantity." An orange or fig orchard is so valuable at maturity if high grade trees are used in planting and proper care is given that the planter can well afford to plant only high grade trees. The returns will be in accordance to the grade and style of trees used and care given. It is often asserted that there are two kinds of Satsuma orange trees. This is not true but there are two kinds of propagators, the nurseryman that is indifferent about the root system and buds used for propagating using too small a stock for roots and using buds from young or inferior trees is really criminal, for it has developed that trees of this class are not only weak vitally but the fruit is small and raggy and the flavor not up to the standard; there is as much in propagation of plant life as in animal life.

Yours truly Stockwell Nursery Company, W. H. Gammill, Sec'y.--Collegeport Chronicle

Palacios Beacon, September 8, 1911

Gone Again.

Matt Pierce, left Tuesday with another nice party of landseekers from Red Oak and vicinity for Collegeport, Texas. He will be back in time to conduct another excursion party on Tuesday, September 19th, at which time we expect another large party. Don’t forget the date, Tuesday, September 19th.

For further information call or phone. Office opposite postoffice.

Matt Pierce, Red Oak, Ia.

Red Oak Express, September 8, 1911

Charles Anderson left here Tuesday afternoon for Collegeport, Tex., to care for his rice crop.

Red Oak Express, September 8, 1911


Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Anderson arrived from Beaver City, Neb., last week and will make this their home.

Miss Leslie Hair left on Tuesday for her home in Dexter, N. M.

Mrs. D. C. Everson arrived from Los Angeles Monday and will reside here.

Miss Edith Thompson of Harrington, Kan., is visiting her friend, Miss Grace Smith, for a few weeks.

Houston Post, September 10, 1911


Our next excursion date to Collegeport, Tex., is Tuesday, September 19, at which time we are going to have another large party from Red Oak and vicinity.

For further information regarding the trip and low rates, call or phone. Office opposite postoffice.

Matt Pierce, Red Oak, Ia.

Red Oak Express, September 15, 1911

From the Collegeport Chronicle.

Col. Sol. Cleveland, of Bay City , was a business visitor here on Monday; came in an auto.

G. M. Magill was here on Monday for a few hours of business, coming and going by automobile.

Mr. McCain's many friends will be glad to hear that he expects to be home next week. He is unable to see with the injured eye as yet, but hopes to do so as it grows stronger. All join in hoping he may do so.

Rice harvesting is still going on and there are some heavy yields being secured, which will go as high as 25 barrels to the acre. Rice is a winner and should be grown on new land as a first year crop especially.

Reprinted in The Matagorda County Tribune, September 29, 1911

Collegeport Locals.

From Collegeport Chronicle.

L. E. Liggett is covering his orange grove surface with decomposed shell believing it will prove a great fertilizer.

The mercury has ranged the past week from 76 to 80 with a good breeze prevailing from the southeast 95 percent of the time.

About twenty-five ladies and gentlemen from Palacios were in attendance at the Christian Endeavor social Tuesday evening.

Ed Leach is building a cottage on Third street near Avenue I. It will be a frame structure with a concrete foundation all around.

The launch Dena H was at our dock Saturday with a party of base ball players and fans. They were given a little practice game and they departed early having had a good deal of sport out of it.

Rev. John Sloane, of Bay City, will be in Collegeport on Sunday, October 8th and will conduct the exercises at the Grace Chapel in the morning; and at 7:30 p. m., will be evening song service.

W. A. Stockwell came in on the afternoon train Monday to look over the progress made on his nursery and orange grove both of which have made a fine showing this season under the care of Mr. Geo. F. Martin.

An inspection of the orange budding which has been done this season reveals the fact that the year has been one of good success and that a very large percentage of the buds has been quite intense and the season an unusually dry one.

The showers since last issue have been damaging to the cotton in the field and rice in the shock. The other crops here have been benefited and are making a fine showing. The raw prairie heavy sod is not yet in condition for breaking, yet much of the light soil is now being broke up.

The base ball game between the Princes of Jonathan and Palacios High school on Saturday was a sad affair. But for a sense of duty we would desist to mention it. Lest we offend we forbear to say more. The score? Well, they wa’n’t no score so far as the Princes were concerned. They’ll do better next game, no doubt.

Tax collector C. M. Steger will be in Collegeport October 27-28 at which time our citizens can pay their taxes and secure poll tax receipts and exemption certificates. Attention being given to this notice will save annoyance and expense. Persons only with receipts or certificates are permitted to vote at all elections during the year 1912.

The trains on the Collegeport division of the Frisco railroad adopted a new schedule for the operating of trains out and into Collegeport. The train leaves Collegeport in the morning at 9 a. m., and runs through to Bay City arriving there at 10:30 a. m., returning leaving Bay City at 2:30 p. m., arriving at Collegeport at 4:35 p. m. The train crew will remain in Collegeport over night.

G. P. Ludlow has raised, harvested and threshed his first crop of rice. He is well pleased with the result, and reports that his yield is 20 sacks per acre. The value of the quality he has is now quoted at $3.35 per barrel and he has been offered $3.15 per barrel. Figuring his yield on the average weight of a sack his yield per acre is about 22 barrels or $71.50 per acre gross. He paid $65 per acre for the land. The cost for seed, water and threshing is about $15 to $18 per acre.

The biggest bag of ducks of the season was brought in by D. H. Morris, our popular grocer, accompanied by Chas. T. Thew and Mr. Bigelow, of Bay City. There were 35 of them, the result of a few hours hunt. We fear that in the future these erstwhile faithful business men of the hub will develop habits that will make business irksome. They had best make headquarters here where they can get up a breakfast appetite or settle their supper without losing any time from business.

Bulletin No. 54 issued by the Federal Agriculture Department says, “Meadowlarks live on 63 per cent insect or animal food and 27 per cent vegetable food, principally weed seeds. Quail, 14 per cent insect or animal food, such as the potato beetle and cotton boll weevil and 63 per cent weed seed.” As scarce as are the birds in this section it surely should be a crime to kill them and their protection should be given with an act of the Legislature and the rigid enforcement under heavy penalties for violation.

H. A. Clapp, secretary Mid-Coast Industrial Congress, left Tuesday for Houston and Texas City. He will be absent all week on business connected with the Allied Publication which is soon to go to press. This publication will do more toward placing the agricultural, horticultural, industrial and educational facts enjoyed in the Mid-Coast counties of Texas before the people of the United States than any other effort ever before attempted. Copies may be had on application to the Chronicle and sent as soon as off the press.

Palacios Beacon, October 6, 1911

Rice Harvest at Collegeport

Special to the News.

Collegeport, Tex. Oct. 5.--Farmers are thrashing their rice now. One, seventy-acre piece yielded twenty bags to the acre and one of forty acres rewarded its owner with twenty-five bags to the acre. Home fields that were counted lost on account of the drouth a few weeks ago have recovered after sufficient water was secured and are yielding twelve to sixteen bags to the acre.

Galveston Daily News, October 6, 1911

Convenient Schedule

Collegeport, Tex., Oct. 3.--The change that took effect this week on this branch enables one to leave Collegeport at 9 in the morning and reach Bay City at 10:30 without change of cars at Buckeye, as heretofore. Returning, the train leaves Bay City at 2:30 p. m., arriving at Collegeport at 4:35. This gives the Collegeport people a round trip between 9 a. m. and 4:35 p. m. with more than four hours in Bay City for business.

Galveston Daily News, October 6, 1911

Had Another Party.

Matt Pierce left for Collegeport, Texas, with another party of landseekers from Red Oak and vicinity.

Those desiring to join our next excursion party on Tuesday, Oct. 17th, or wish further information regarding rates, etc., call or phone.

Office opposite Postoffice.

Matt Pierce, Red Oak, Iowa.

Red Oak Express, October 6, 1911

Collegeport Items.

From this week's Chronicle.

The Gulf Coast University is refitting the dormitory throughout with improved metal beds and springs.

The Episcopal services at the Grace Chapel were well attended both morning and evening, Rev. Sloane officiating.

Luther Peters, a land owner hear DeMoss, returned from Iowa Friday last with a bride. The Chronicle extends congratulations.

The Rally Day services at the United Brethren church at Citrusgrove was well attended and a good meeting enjoyed on last Sabbath day.

T. B. Waite, conductor; C. Heck, engineer and H. G. Loyd, fireman, the train crew of the Frisco have their quarters at the Hotel Collegeport.

Judge T. L. Jones, a rice farmer near Citrusgrove, who spent several weeks here looking after his crop returned to Ladd , Illinois , on Tuesday.

Mrs. Edger A. Valient [Valiant], Waterloo , Ia. , a niece of Mrs. W. H. Travis, spent a few days in Collegeport coming and going with the excursion party.

Mr. Ward Clemons, of Marshall , Mo. , came in with the land party last Friday. He will be identified with the faculty of the University the present college year.

Warren Hoyt, Baraboo , Wis. , drove into Houston by auto, arrived here Friday and will become a student at the Gulf Coast University for the current year.

Pres. W. B. Travis, of the Gulf Coast University , left Tuesday for Waterloo and other Iowa points in the interest of the University, to be absent several weeks.

Mr. and Mrs. Chas. E. Duller, cashier Blessing State Bank, were here from Saturday until Monday and were guests on the excursion to Portsmouth with the land party.

[illegible entry covered with tape]

The Hurd Land Co. private car arrived on Friday with eighteen people and after taking in all the different drives and excursion to Portsmouth departed on Tuesday morning for the north.

Mrs. Wm. Pfeiffer on last Friday received the sad intelligence of the death of her mother, Mrs. James Dyke, at Centralia , Penn. . The Chronicle extends consolations in her bereavement.

Dr. G. Edwin Lipsitt, our genial and popular druggist, has sold the City Pharmacy to Mr. F. D. Everson, who takes possession November 1st. It is rumored that the Doctor will engage in the drug trade in Blessing.

Mr. Amos Markham and family are expected to arrive in Collegeport this week from Edmund , Kans. , with a carload of household goods, horses, farm implements, etc. Mr. Markham owns a fine farm at Dunbar .

Mr. O. J. White and daughter Anna Elizabeth, arrived Friday and will make their home here. They have an orange tract just east of the depot and will occupy their new home just recently completed thereon.

Mr. T. L. Thoman, who spent two weeks looking after the improvement of his orange orchard and arranging to build a residence, left Tuesday for his home in Freeport , Illinois . He intends to return in November for the winter.

The pumping plant of the Collegeport canal has finished pumping for this season. All told it has been a quite satisfactory season. The plant and canal will undergo further improvement and extension and will water a much larger acreage next year.

The tax collector, C. M. Steger, says he will be in Collegeport on Oct. 27th after 1:30 p.m. until Oct. 28th, 9 a.m. for the purpose of collecting taxes and issuing poll tax receipts and exemption certificates. All voters and tax payers should take notice and be saved the expenses of a trip to the county seat.

The first Norther of the season swooped down upon us Saturday night and continued until Tuesday. The mercury went down to 64, the tide went out about two feet and Tuesday morning it was raining. Monday was a cloudy dreary day with a stiff wind from the north and everyone was seen with extra wraps.

A merry contest is being waged between the married men's class and the Princes of Jonathan, the young men's class of the First Church , The older men issued the challenge and of course the young men could not pass up so good an opportunity. The class that shows the highest average attendance from now until January 1st will be the winner, and the contest will close with a great game supper, the losers to act as caterers.

Reprinted in the Palacios Beacon, October 13, 1911

Collegeport News Notes.

Special to the News.

Collegeport, Tex., Oct. 13--J. B. McCain, cashier of the Collegeport Bank, who had his eye put out by a particle of steel while fixing an automobile a few days ago, returned from Houston Monday last and spent a few days here, but has returned to Houston for further attention to his eye.

Rev. John Sloan of Bay City preached in the Episcopal Church of Collegeport Sunday.

W. A. Stockwell arrived at Collegeport Monday and inspected the Stockwell County nursery and orange grove here. He reports that both have made a fine showing this season under the management of George F. Martin.

H. A. Clapp, secretary of the Midcoast Industrial Congress, left for Houston and Texas City. He will be absent all week on business connected with the allied publication which is soon to go to press.

There is good promise of a two-story brick business block in Collegeport in the near future.

Galveston Daily News, October 13, 1911

Mr. and Mrs. Guy Spry returned last week from Collegeport, Texas, where they have spent several weeks looking over the land and visiting relatives.

Red Oak Express, October 20, 1911

Collegeport Items.

From the Chronicle.

The new school room for the 2nd and 3rd grades is nearing completion.

M. F. Bonner, wife and baby spent Sunday with his parents in Palacios.

A. B. Pierce of Blessing, was here Wednesday attending Bank Directors meeting.

Mayor Ruthven, of Palacios, was here Wednesday by auto and dined at Hotel Collegeport.

J. H. Roach Jr. was in Blessing a few days last week returning Sunday evening via Palacios.

Judge J. Mathews, of Glen Flora, was here Tuesday hunting for mules to buy. He left Wednesday via Frisco at 9 a.m.

The P. of J's. are to cross bats with the Baptist College team from Palacios on Saturday at 2:30 p.m. on the Collegeport grounds.

Business is looking up-five commercial men came in by special launch Tuesday morning, worked the town and departed via the Frisco at 9 a.m.

Miss Christina Walters, of Long Island , New York , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Walters, arrived here Sunday and will make this her future home.

Robt. L. Price, wife and baby returned Tuesday from a visit to their old home in Stephenville, and will have rooms at Hotel Collegeport until their new residence is completed.

Regular trains on the Collegeport branch of the Frisco, leave Collegeport at 9 a.m. arrive Bay City 10:30 and leave Bay City at 2:50 and arrive in Collegeport 4:35 p.m. daily except Sunday.

The new schedule in force on the Collegeport line of the Frisco is proving a great convenience for county seat visitors. Our Bay City merchants will do well to take note of this change and try for our trade.

The P. of J's. played ball last Saturday with High school team of Palacios on the grounds. The score was 18 to 5 in favor of Palacios. A return game is announced for Saturday, October 28th, on the Collegeport grounds.

Cyrus Harter, a rice farmer on the Pybus ranch near Dunbar , reports his rice crop for this year as follows: 100 acres in rice 186,375 barrels, sold at $2.95 per barrel with a total expense of $1550 or net $3,948.01. He paid $30 per acre for this land.

The daily average attendance of the public schools is more than the scholastic census, and yet there are a number of children of school age who do not attend. Though we have lost some scholars by removal from the district we have gained a great number.

Our postmaster, J. H. Adams, received a telegram on last Friday announcing the sad intelligence of the death of his mother, whose home is in Des Moines , Iowa . The Chronicle and his many friends in Collegeport extend sympathy and consolations in his hour of bereavement.

The copious rains of late here moistened up the prairie so that sod breaking can now be done. Now residents should see that they have their hog wallow land broken now. Breakers are charging from $3 to $5 per acre according to the depth plowed, and the kind of soil to be broken. This is for acreage property, not small town lots.

J. H. Elliott, vice president of Frisco Ry., and C. B. Rogers, general manager; John D. Finnigen, supt; Wm. Doherty, general traffic manager and O. H. Nance, auditor, all of the St. Louis, Brownsville & Mexico railway, came into Collegeport over the Frisco Monday evening, by special train, on a tour of inspecting of the extension of the railroad to the bay shore, preparatory to its immediate construction. They were here but an hour, leaving for Kingsville at 7 p.m.

Sportsmen G. A. Lake and W. L. Green donned the garbs of the real hunter and hied themselves away last Friday to Mad Island lake and in an hour's time they had a bag of 23 teal duck when night drove them in. It is not known what liquid refreshment they indulged in on this trip--but they saw millions of duck. They only reported 23 taken because of the fact that game warden Judin is a determined protector of the game in our midst, and believes in rigid enforcement of law.

Reprinted in The Palacios Beacon, October 20, 1911

Marriage licenses were issued this week to Minor Thos. Palmer of Griswold and Marcia Irene Brown of Oakland, and to John Arthur Larson of Collegeport, Texas, and Jennie G. Peters of Red Oak.

Red Oak Express, October 27, 1911

From the Collegeport Chronicle.

Geo. D. Ross and wife were visitors to Bay City Monday of this week.

J. W. Vest who was in Bay City for two or three days last week returned Sunday.

Judge F. H. Jones and wife were in Bay City Monday, going and coming on the new schedule of the Frisco.

G. M. Magill came over from Bay City Monday evening with the officials of the Frisco and returned Tuesday a.m.

R. M. Wynne, president of the Bay City Grocery Co., and his son Robert spent a day with our merchants on Friday.

C. S. Eidman book-keeper for the Land Co., has resigned his position and will make his home with his family in Bay City , where his many interests demand his whole time and attention.

The new schedule in force on the Collegeport line of the Frisco is proving a great convenience for county seat visitors. Our Bay City merchants will do well to take note of this change and try for our trade.

  Reprinted in the Matagorda County Tribune, October 27, 1911

Fire at Collegeport

Collegeport, Tex., Oct. 25.—Fire destroyed the beautiful little bungalow of J. E. Barnard on the bay shore. The bungalow was erected by J. A. Kling, and Mr. Barnard and family of seven had just moved in on Saturday last. The family barely escaped with their lives, the little baby’s hair being singed. Nothing was saved. No insurance.

Matagorda County Tribune, October 27, 1911

Red Oak Express, Red Oak, Iowa, October 27, 1911




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