Collegeport Day 2012

2012 Collegeport Newsletter


2011 Pictures


About the Portrait
Painted by
Jeanette Angelo
(red shirt)

Photos courtesy of Anthony Doubek

Shane Cornett & Russell Corporon

Amanda Corporon & Russell Corporon

Tommy Ellis,  Shane Cornett and Anthony Nelson (far right)

Tom Franzen, Wesley Franzen & Ray Rusk

April & Ricky McKinney & James Ash

G. W. Franzen & Allen Corporon

Roy Corporon, Dorothy Ann Corporon & Jennifer? Corporon

Sandy Miller & Phil Richman


George & Donna Harrison
Ona Lea Pierce, Shirley & Butch Brown

_____ Frank, Clifton Frank & Ted Pennington

Shane Cornett & Mason Holsworth

Shane Cornett & Mason Holsworth

Kenneth Corporon, Nicole Corporon & Brett Corporon


Front row: Ted Pennington, Pat Jenkins, Betty Hodges, Lynette Randall
Back row: Mike Jenkins, Bill Randall, Roland Jenkins, Mike Jenkins?,  Harold Jenkins



Copyright 2018 - Present by Carol Sue Gibbs
All rights reserved

Jul 3, 2018
Jul 3, 2018