THURSDAY, JAN. 7,, 1915   Number 17.

O. J. White was courting in Bay City this week.

The editor was a business visitor to Palacios Monday.

J. T. Pierce of Palacios, was over on business Monday.

Mr. Powell was over from Palacios Monday on business.

W. W. Wilkinson was a Bay City visitor Monday to attend court.

Lytle Hull went up to Houston last week on business, returning this evening.

J. G. Stockton, of Bay City , was a Collegeport visitor one day last week.

C. W. Rutherford went to Bay City Monday in response to a summons as juror.

E. E. Dawdy, of Blessing, came down Tuesday to assist Mr. Luce with the Ward cattle.

O. L. Sifford, of up on Cash Creek, was over on business on Saturday and on Wednesday.

J. W. Heemer went to Bay City Tuesday to attend court. He returned the same evening.

Mrs. F. E. Tice, of Wadsworth , visited with Mr. and Mrs. A. Weborg and sisters over New Years.

Theo, Smith is able to be up in town this week after being confined to the house for nearly a month.

Dr. George Boody came home Sunday from Nevada , where he has been to look after his mining interests.

Mrs. A. B. Luce and daughter Ora spent part of last week visiting at the home of D. H. Morris and family.

W. T. Burks, of Kingsville , has ...

____ Elda Jacobson returned to Wadsworth Saturday morning to resume her school duties, after [att]ending two weeks here.

Mrs. J. B. McCain returned home Wednesday from Houston , where she has been visiting with relatives for a couple of weeks.

___ Frazier, who has been visiting for some weeks with the family of his daughter, Mrs. I. C. Patton, left Wednesday for Sapulpa , Oklahoma .

R. A. Wagner, of Houston , representing the Underwood Typewriter people, was in town Wednesday. We acknowledge a short call.

A good crowd went from here to Bay City Monday to attend [cou]rt. Among the crown were W. W. Wilkinson, George Wainner, A. E. Soekland, B. V. Merck, __ W. Rutherford , D. Sarchet, and Pete Johnson.

The King’s Daughters held a very interesting meeting at the class room on Monday evening, in which the following officers for the year were elected: President, Mrs. L. E. Liggett; Vice-President, Miss Lucy Yerxa; Secretary, Mrs. A. D. Pfeiffer; Treasurer, Miss Hattie Haisley.

J. B. McCain informs us that he has a bunch of about seventy-five head of fine pure-bred red hogs which he offers to sell to patrons of the bank who desire to get started in the hog business on terms that will allow the hogs to pay for themselves through ____ increase, and thus leave the hog raiser a good start in this very profitable industry.

Mr. McCain is a firm believer in “diversified farming” and he also thinks that “hogs” is one of the most important and renumerable crops that the farmer can handle. We join with him in saying “plant hogs.”

The next Home School meeting will be held Thursday afternoon, January 14th, at 4:00 o’clock , at the reading room. The program will be in charge of Mrs. M. A. Travis. Subject, education, books, reading, and recreation. Every mother is cordially invited to attend.

A news article in the Palacios Beacon informs us of the marriage of Dec. 31st of Dr. J. R. Wagner to Dr. Harriet B. Jennings, both practicing physicians of that city. Dr. J. R. Wagner has a large number of friends here, that he has made through his professional services among our people, all of whom have nothing but best wishes for himself and newly made bride.

A card received by Mr. Clark the fore part of the week from Mr. and Mrs. Joe Buzatte states that their little son, Tim, passed to the bright beyond at 4:15 on New Year’s day, but gives no particulars.

Mr. and Mrs. Buzatte will be remembered as among the first settlers of Collegeport country by many of our readers, whose sympathy goes out to them in their hour of affliction.

A meeting of the various committees of the Community Fair is called for Saturday, January 16th at 2:30 at the First Church . This meeting is for the purpose of receiving reports of the committees and close the business of the past year and also to consider making the organization permanent, and the community fair an annual event. All committees are urged to be present and an invitation is extended to all interested.

H. C. [B]oyd, who has just moved his business in the room occupied formerly by Mr. Smith, second door west of postoffice, where he is fitted up nicely for his business, and has a nice assortment of his line of goods. He is also well equipped to do all kinds of repair work.

At the meeting held at the school house Friday those interested in the diversified farming and marketing movement took the necessary action to organize a local association, and elect the following officers for the ensueing year: L. E. Liggett, President; F. L. Hoffman, Vice-President; Verne Batchelder, Secretary. Those present at this meeting from out of town were W. C. Gray, Oscar Barber, and Mr. Gilbert, all of Bay City .

Miss Margaret Holsworth entertained at “500” on Monday night, at which eighteen guests were present, filling four tables. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Matt Pierce, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Logan, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Lake, Misses Lena Corse, Lucy and Leone Yerxa, Susie Hoffman, Evelyn Kone, and Francis Brown, Messrs. J. H. Adams, Leo Hoffman, Edward Morris, Orland and Roswald Cary, Victor Yeamans, and Jack Holsworth. During the evening the hostess served light refreshments, and the occasion was much enjoyed by all present.


Copyright 2004 - Present by Carol Sue Gibbs
All rights reserved

Dec. 17, 2004
May 10, 2007