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     Judge J. H. Roach came in from Kansas City on Friday with a company of men remaining over Sunday.

Col. John H. Simpson of Dallas spent Sunday at Hotel Collegeport.

J. H. Staggs and E. D. Long of Avon, Ill. have been looking over Collegeport country for a few days.

Mr. Jos. Walter returned from his trip to Germany on Monday. They say he looks hale and hearty but Chronicle failed to meet him before publication. We may tell more about his impressions next week. We are glad to have him with us again.

H. A. Clapp wants all kinds of Produce, consisting of rice, corn, feed produce, and truck for the land show in Chicago in November. It is his plan to have fresh vegetables shipped them daily from Collegeport and vicinity to be shown at the Collegeport booth in the Coliseum. Each man’s name will be attached to his exhibit thus giving him advertising.

M. A. Nelson recently got his thumb too close to the edgeing saw and was laid up from active work a number of days as a result.

The Chronicle last week omitted mentioning the departure of ...for a visit with relatives and friends at her old home near Fairfax , Mo. She accompanied Mr. E. H. White who visited his son, O. J. the week previous.

The new warehouse will be enclosed by the last of this week. The painter is getting busy and the building will be ready for business in a few days.

The proprietors Messrs. Yott and Mapes are planning to give the people of this section a rousing house warming on Saturday night.

Miss Ronalda Peltier left for Victoria Texas to resume her studies in Nazareth Convent on Tuesday of last week.

Catholic services were held on Wednesday of this week at the home of J. Peltier. Father Francis of Victoria had charge of the service.

Mrs. W. S. Elmer who has been away from Collegeport for a few months while her husband worked in Navasota returned to Collegeport on Monday and will reside in her own home here in the future.

A cordial welcome was evident on the part of all who welcomed Mrs. Elmer back as she is one of the people whom a community regret to lose, but she boosted for Collegeport all the time she was away. Mr. Elmer is in Houston for the present.

Ralph Jones left for Cleveland Ohio on Monday to enter the freshman year of Western Reserve University having completed his high school course at Norwalk , Ohio , last June. Ralph thus honors his father’s Alma Mater. Judge Jones being an alumnus of that institution.

Senator J. W. Peck of Westboro , Mo. has been investigating the attraction of the Collegeport Country coming with Mr. J. W. Kirkpatrick of the Burton D. Hurd Company. The Senator says we have a great country with a good future and have begun right with our development.

L. S. Minard of the Gal[veston?] News was in Collegeport T...day of last week.

Three car loads of stock will be shipped out of Collegeport on Friday by Mr. Sutherland.

Mr. and Mrs. Theo Smith and daughter Mrs. Grace are enjoying an outing on Matagorda Bay for a few days the guests of Captain Wright on board the Monarch.

F. W. Bowers of Des Moines , Ia. Has been a visitor in Collegeport for a few days.

F. C. Penney visited Collegeport on Saturday, coming from Houston .

If the baby has the croup, if the small boy breaks his arm, if you need a rush order of groceries, if you want the price on some necessary articles, if you want to know if the merchant has the goods you want, if any emergency arises a telephone is not a luxury but a necessity. See M. A. Nelson about installing one in your home.

Mrs. Evelyn Kone left on Thursday morning for Little Rock Ark. Where she will attend school for the year. She will reside with her sister, Mrs. Fee who visited in Collegeport a year ago. Miss Evelyn visited with Mrs. Cockrell as far as Houston .

Z. M. Duckworth of Dallas, Editor of the Lone Star Workman with wife and baby visited his brother G. A. Duckworth from Monday evening until Wednesday morning.

The machinery for Hull Bros. canning factory has arrived and will be put in to place as soon as a building can be built and the machinery installed. The manager expects to be able to handle the later figs and other fall crops and will be in fine shape for a good spring crop.

Mr. John W. Hansel who has been on a visit to Chicago for two months returned home ?Friday. [While away he at]tended the Lake Geneva Conference and other occasions of note. Mrs. Hansel will return later.

Here to Build.

Mr. Julius Tower who with Mrs. Tower spent last winter in Collegeport has returned to improve his property on the south Boulevard drive between the Holsworth house and the channel. Mr. Tower has a choice property overlooking the bay at is widest part and has plans to make the place blossom into a winter home. He has a force on the ground erecting a large barn, also a cottage which the family will occupy for the winter. Later he plans to build a handsome residence on the property. Mr. Tower will return to Nebraska soon and will return for the winter with his family. It is quite probable that his son will also come to Collegeport and develop their farm on the Robbins tract. We welcome them.

Captain Hobbs is having constructed a new boat for his business between Collegeport and Palacios, the new boat will be 11x38 ft., much larger than the one now on the run. The new one will be equipped with full deck passenger space seated with chairs and protected by canvas. The Captain is giving good service which the people here appreciate. He plans to extend some of his runs to Bay Park as soon as the business will warrant it.

Sunday September 8th being the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the anniversary of St. Mary’s Mission at Collegeport was the proper time for the annual meeting of that Mission but on account of the unavoidable absence of the Lay reader the observance of the Church festival was postponed until Sunday September 15th at which time the regular morning prayer and Lay reading will be used. The reading for the day will be in keeping with the festival. Every one is invited to attend.


On Thursday evening, Sept. 5th Mrs. Burton D. Hurd gave a farewell party in honor of her son Vernon who leaves next Monday for school in Essex Falls, N. J.

Sixty guests accepted invitations all from Collegeport vicinity and an enjoyable evening was passed, the chief amusement of the occasion being dancing. Punch was served the guests during the evening and all were treated to ice cream before departing.

This will be Vernon ’s last year at this school as he expects to graduate in June.

Ben Soakland had the misfortune to have his thumb severely jammed in a cog wheel of the auto the first of the week.

Every family in and around Collegeport wants something in Groceries nearly every day. D. H. Morris is in his store every day to attend to the wants of his many customers. If by chance there is a person who has not yet tried this house we solicit a trial order. Besides staple and fanc[y] grocercies I handle fresh fruit, receiving a new supply every few days. And don’t forget the other counter where shoes, gent’s furnishings, etc., are kept.

Drop in and see what I have whether you intend to buy or not.  D. H. Morris.


Copyright 2004 - Present by Carol Sue Gibbs
All rights reserved

Dec. 17, 2004
May 10, 2007