THURSDAY, OCT. 29, 1914     Number 7

Courtesy of Mark and Cathy Merck

Lest you forget, election day is next Tuesday, November 3rd.

And still the fishing seems to bring very satisfactory results.


Harry Norris was a business visitor to Bay City Wednesday.


M. D. Hester brought the editor a fine mess of fish last Friday. Many thanks.

Don't forget to pay your taxes to the collector next Saturday, while he is in Collegeport.

Peter Johnson, of south of Citrusgrove, has been having trouble with an affection on his face.

Matt Pierce left Tuesday morning for Houston to meet Mrs. Pierce on her way home from Iowa.

J. E. Patton and family, of La Plata, Mo., arrive last Saturday to make their home in this locality.

W. M. Bushnell's family arrived Monday and have moved into Mr. Merck's cottage on North street.

To secure concessions at the Community Fair see J. W. Heemer, chairman of committee on privileges.

Buy all your magazines of us. We can give you three magazines one year with the New Era for only $1.75.

Mrs. O. B. Kone and daughter, Evelin, who have been visiting in the East for some time, came home Wednesday.

The Ward Cattle Company is having another silo erected in the DeMoss district to put more feed for their cattle.

Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Nelson are the proud parents of a baby girl, which arrived at their home on Wednesday, October 28th.

Mrs. E. W. Leach, who has been taking medical treatment at Hot Springs, Ark. for some time, came home Saturday.

Be careful you don't overlook the big club of magazines which we are sending our subscribers this year. Read our ad on page 4.

E. W. Whitten, who has been living south of town, shipped his goods and left with his family this morning for Okla Union, this state.

H. A. Clapp left Wednesday morning on a trip down to Bloomington district in the interest of the Midcoast Development Association.

A report from Matagorda says that a very heavy rain fell there on Friday night and Saturday. The rainfall for 24 hours was estimated at 16 inches.

W. E. Green, of the Excelsior Nursery of Palacios together with his brother, J. G. Green, and C. C. Hood, were Collegeport visitors Wednesday.

It has been suggested that we have a baby show in connection with the Community fair, and we believe this would be the proper thing to do if the management can be persuaded to add this feature.

Mr. and Mrs. Durward Sage, who have been visiting relatives here for the past couple weeks, left the fore part of the week for Bay City, where Mr. Sage has secured employment. Mrs. Sage is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Sparks.

The merchants of Palacios have united in a big war-time-sale which is billed for Saturday, but we are glad to note that the Collegeport people will not need to go so far, as we are advised by local merchants that the same goods can be bought right at home for the same money, and save the boat fare.

What is supposed to be the heaviest rain in three years fell here last Friday and Saturday, many claiming that a total of 14 inches of water fell in the two days, but we have no authentic record to that effect. The weather has been ideal, however, since Sunday, and the surplus water has nearly all disappeared.


Attention Ladies!

Everybody in Collegeport and the surrounding country is earnestly solicited to co-operate with the Art Committee of the Community Fair that it may get the blue ribbon. Bring your heirlooms, relics, or anything you have that will be of interest. Bring your rare coins--we want to show a collection of those. And lastly, bring yourself, and come for a day of pleasure and profit at the First Church of Collegeport, November 21st.



Citrusgrove Department


Ray Ross was in town Wednesday on business.

Jack Reeves left for Dallas Wednesday.

E. R. Fowler, J. A. James and Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Reeves went to Bay City and returned Wednesday.

Miss Mae Johnson returned from Danbury last week.

Frank King and Mr. James were in town on business Wednesday.

S. G. Cobb received a carload of oats last week.

M. A. Travis and Mr. Co_e of Collegeport were in town on Wednesday.

Mr. and Mrs. George Hill's little boy has been very sick for several days. Dr. Wagner of Palacios is attending him.

Will Turknett, who has been up in the northern part of the state looking for work, says things are in far better shape in this part of the country than they are up there.

John Schmitz left last week for Farmersville, Texas, to look for a location.

The rain we had has stopped road work at Simpsonville for a few days.

A. G. Hunt went to Bay City Wednesday.

Lots of good things to eat at A. F. Johnson's store.

Mrs. P. D. Wangermann of Simpsonville was in town Wednesday.

The ducks had better fly high as Wm. Erickson is looking for them with a new gun.


Mrs. L. G. Cobb returned from Blessing last week with her two grandchildren.

Ira Moore passed through our town Wednesday.



Copyright 2004 - Present by Carol Sue Gibbs
All rights reserved

Dec. 17, 2004
May 10, 2007