Number 23

Ads from this issue


   C. Henry and S. A. Harrington were business visitors in Bay City Monday.

   We carry all kinds of fencing material.  Jno. T. Price Lumber Co.

   Come in and see our new fire and burglar proof safe deposit boxes.  Collegeport State Bank.

   Mr. H. A. Wall captured an armadillo on Tuesday, weighing about 12 pounds.

   W. D. Wagner, Des Moines , IA. , was in our city on business interests on Tuesday.

   J. B. McCain is now occupying the new residence recently built by Mrs. Hodden on E ave.

   Albert S. Gunn and family are occupying the residence of C. V. Rutherford in his absence.

   Arthur T. Morris has charge of the launch, “Dena H” during the illness of Master N. C. Sweet.

   C. E. Sterling has rented the home formerly owned by Mr. Fred Rice, and moved in this week.          

   Miss Hazel Kendrick, a teacher in the University for the past school year, departed Monday for her home in Waco .

   When you spend your money for lumber you want the best. That is the kind we carry.  Jno. T. Price Lumber Co.

   Protect your valuables against fire and loss by renting a box in our fire and burglar proof vault.  Collegeport State Bank.

   S. G. Anderson’s bay front dwelling is progressing rapidly and when completed will be one of the finest homes in our city.

   Thos. M. Clark has bought an interest in the Sterling grocery store. The new firm name is Clark-Sterling Grocery Co.

   Y. Paul Watanbe, since the close of school year of the University, has accepted a position at the home of Mrs. B. D. Hurd.

   Theo. Smith & Son have had a new sign painted this week on the roof of their lumber shed, which can be read a mile distant.

   Irving N. Glasser is putting down an artesian well on his fruit tract south of the depot site. Liggett & Knight have the contract.

   The new Commercial hotel is soon to be finished, and its need is very great for the summer season promises good crowds here for the next four months.

   Col. John N. Simpson, Buckeye, and Miss Beadle and Miss Hope, of Simpsonville, were visitors in our city on Tuesday and dined at Hotel Collegeport.

   S. G. Anderson and family are spending a few weeks among friends in El Campo, awaiting the completion of their new dwelling on ave A. and ...

   ...reported to arrive here about June 15th. Quarters have already been reserved at Hotel Collegeport.

   Wm. Pfeiffer, our cement contractor, is building a home on ave. D, and Fourth street . His family, as soon as the dwelling is finished, will become residents of Collegeport.

   Mrs. Gillespie and daughter, Gertrude, of Houston , wife and daughter of Mr. John Gillespie, foreman for the Collegeport canal grading contractor, spent Sunday at Hotel Collegeport.

   Hargis Brothers have shipped one of their large traction engines to the end of the Buckeye spur, where it will be unloaded and used on their steam plow at the Collegeport canal.--Blessing News.

   Col. Simpson states that the grading on the Cliff Drive Boulevard is about finished and we understand that the boulevard along the city front to connect with the cliff drive is to be begun very soon.

   Mr. Robt. L. Price, who was taken sick over two months ago with typhoid, is now out and is at his home in Collegeport once more, having returned from his brothers’ home in Palacios on last Sunday.

   Mr. Jno. D. Evans is planting a good acreage to peanuts, to prepare the sod ground for the planting of oranges and other fruit trees this next fall. There is nothing better for a thorough preparation of the soil.

   Drop in at the drug store and sign the petition for having the range stock removed from this section. The stock have no right here and it is very annoying and expensive to our citizens to have to have them run at large. It is hoped everyone in the community will put his name on this petition very soon.

   Mr. N. C. Sweet, the genial Master of the launch, “Dena H,” has been quite ill the past week and was confined to his room two or three days. His condition is favorable now and he will be out again in a few days.

   Unless a stormy morning prevents, church services will be held at the pavilion next Sunday morning because of the uncomfortable condition of the university chapel this warm weather. Some special music is promised for this service.

   E. M. Knight has done some special handiwork in making of some ladies work baskets from native woods in which the guisache is a most prominent feature. They are works of art and skill and especially attractive as a work of the jack knife.

   The artesian well at the home of Burton D. Hurd is complete. Its depth is 602 ft. and reached through 31 feet of sand and gravel stratum and a fine flow of soft water was obtained. The water will flow out the top of a pipe 15 feet above the surface of the ground.

   We are informed that the steel for use in the switch yards at the various stations between here and Buckeye on our Collegeport branch has arrived at Buckeye. The heavier steel for the mail line is yet to arrive, and it is daily looked for. The question of laying the rails is only a matter of about two weeks work after the steel comes. The grading is practically done.

   There has been some very active work done toward building the bridges over the Collegeport canal during the past week. The main canal is 100 feet wide and there is a lot of work to build a bridge of this size, as they are well elevated so as to permit passage of freight boats and launches beneath them. The Haisley bridge will be completed by Friday or Saturday.

   The hay maker and baler, W. L. Platt, who put up a large tonnage of hay in this section last season, is now camped just north of the livery barn of John L. Logan & Son, of Collegeport, and have begun work. Already the prairie hay is in fine condition and any who have not the time or implements to make hay, possibly will be glad to know of this chance to have it done for them.

   The Boosters went to Collegeport Wednesday and played a game in the afternoon with the team at that place, losing in a score of 6 to 18. The boys inform us that they lost all interest in the game and were discouraged thru the decisions of the umpire who did not understand the game. They had a good time however.--Blessing News. Poor umpire, he only had 6 years in the Nebraska league, that’s all.

   Mr. Murphy, who has been doing a lot of grading on the roads northeast of town, has moved his outfit to town and has commenced work on the boulevard leading out south from the Hurd residence and will follow the bay shore nearly to the Pilkington channel and then turning east following the channel to the site of the new freight docks, thence north to the south street boulevard near the Homecroft fruit orchard of Mr. H. A. Clapp.

   June is our hot month and this is a sample of what we may expect soon. Already many would be visitors of this resort, are making their bookings for rooms and our hotels are anticipating their comforts by making extensions and addition to their service. The Hotel Collegeport is now adding a large cold storage and has been trimming up and adorning its premises to make the ...

   Mr. Geo. D. Ross is heading a party to make a jack rabbit hunt; a number of Citrus City folk are much interested also, and it is hoped that this move to clean out the jacks from this, the section between the Colorado river and the Tres Palacios river and bay, may succeed. There has been a large acreage of orange and other kinds of trees planted this spring and the rabbit is a great pest when the winter time comes upon us. This hunt will not only dispose of hundreds of the miscreants, but will furnish some high class sport as well. Let us get it up and let everyone take an interest in the work.

Watermelon Meeting

            The association met at Hotel Collegeport on Saturday night last, and some important matters were agreed upon. The label which every melon produced in the Collegeport country will bear on leaving here, the “Sweetheart of Collegeport” was adopted and a large order made for an ample supply.

            An inspector of indisputable record, to attend to the loading, counting and certifying to count, quality and condition, was agreed upon and a contract authorized to be made in accordance therewith.

            The subject of prorating the receipts from the sales was agreed to, to be done once a month, so that profits and losses, if any shall be borne by all who may have melons in the shipments of the month which the prorating will embrace. This plan was agreed to by every one. The hearty co-operation of its members is a striking feature of this association, all seemingly having a warm interest in the success or a helpfulness of each other. This means much for the success of the association.


Copyright 2004 - Present by Carol Sue Gibbs
All rights reserved

Dec. 17, 2004
May 10, 2007