Collegeport Area Photos

Courtesy of Chris Murat, relative of Hugo Kundinger

Additional photos of the Kundingers and the Collegeport Pharmacy

Early picture of Oyster Lake Road Business at Turnerville c 1910 - 1925
1 Matagorda Bay Warehouse & Commission Company founded by F. D. Yott & C. G.Mapes with 2 railroad boxcar on the siding.
3 Store and hardware business operated by Vern Batchelder in later years.
4 Possibly A. G. Hunt blacksmith shop.
5 Collegeport Pharmacy owned by Hugo and Hattie Haisley Kundinger, moved to this location from Central Street c 1922.


Trespalacios River near Collegeport, Tex. - Launch Ben Hur

Trespalacios River - Launch Lucy Lee - Palacios

Hunters posing in front of the Collegeport Pharmacy.

Unknown man

Unknown people outside of the home of Burton D. and Dena Soekland Hurd.

Collegeport "Pagoda" Pavilion and boardwalk.



Copyright 2011 - Present by Carol Sue Gibbs
All rights reserved

April 23, 2011
April 23, 2011