![]() Palacios Beacon, October 11, 1919 |
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A new cotton gin is talked of for Collegeport this season in time for the crop next summer and fall. It will occupy a site near the rice warehouse and be available for shipment of cotton by water or rail.
It was understood until recently that about 300 bales of cotton would comprise the crop of cotton for this section but recent reports show that 450 or 500 bales will be ginned. Officers of the Gulf Coast Lines visiting this section last week pronounced it them most productive they have seen in the vicinity. They declared that a cotton gin must be built immediately and backed their statement with encouraging propositions.
Matagorda County Tribune, August 21, 1925 |
THOUGHTS WHILE GOING TO THE GIN By Harry Austin Clapp The gin is a great place for gossip. Men waiting their turn discuss crops, government aid, bankers aid, and have a great time.
Got my bale ginned. It weighed 580 pounds and graded middling. Was offered 10.20 for it middling basis. At this price it would take $4.69 for half of it to equal the expense of picking, cartage, ginning, and this leaves nothing for seed or labor or planting or cultivating. Guess I will buy a mattress.
Mary Louise helped to pick the cotton so she went along to see it ginned.
Matagorda County Tribune, November 19, 1926
Collegeport, March 27. Collegeport needs a gin to handle the cotton which will be picked from the 2200 acres now planted. Some of the acreage will be replanted because of poor stand, but a large percentage is coming on in good shape. Feedstuffs and corn are up to a good stand. Pastures are in splendid condition and cattle are fat. Considerable truck is being planted and all garden stuff is in fine condition.
The Daily Tribune, Wednesday, March
28, 1928 |
League Wants New Gin For Collegeport League meeting was held at the home of Ben Mowery last Thursday night. During the business session the matter of a gin for Collegeport was discussed. The sentiment of the group was that a gin is needed for the benefit of cotton growers here. Considerable acreage is under cultivation this season with prospects for more next year. The secretary is willing to correspond with anyone interested in bringing a gin to the Collegeport community. At the close of the meeting Mrs. Mowery served refreshments which were greatly enjoyed by the large number present.
Palacios Beacon, June 7, 1928 |
THOUGHTS By Harry Austin Clapp Gus Franzen, chairman of the League Committee to make a survey of the cotton acreage, reported Thursday night that 2,000 acres of cotton was up to a stand and he estimates a crop of 1,000 bales. Collegeport needs a gin to handle this crop and the Industrial League will be glad to hear from men who are seeking a gin location. The gin we need is no kin to "Old Tom Gin." "Old Tom" is a genial old soul and I would not mind renewing his acquaintances.
The Daily
Tribune, June 11, 1928 |
Copyright 2015 -
Present by Carol Sue Gibbs |
Created Sep. 8, 2015 |
Updated Sep. 8, 2015 |