Regular Business Meeting April 10, 1949
April 24, 1949
Regular Conference - May 8, 1949 Called Conference - May 29, 1949 - Motion to buy 150 song books carried; Motion to have three signs put up carried.
Called Conference - June 5, 1949
Called Conference June 19, 1949
Vacation Bible School was held June 26 July 8
2:30 5:00 p.m.
Intermediates: Rev. Jake Setser
Four periods: Assembly, Bible Study, Hand work
and Recreation, as well as Refreshments
Regular Conference - July 10, 1949 Regular Conference August 14, 1949 - New janitor needed; Motion that carried to set business meetings to the second Saturday night instead of the second Sunday night; Mrs. Otha Lee Bona and Mrs. W. B. Williams were added to the Church August 28, 1949 by Baptism.
Called Business Meeting - September 11, 1949
Regular Business Meeting September 18,
Called Business Meeting October 2, 1949 Associational Letter October 11, 1949
Regular Business Meeting October 15, 1949
Business Meeting November 13, 1949
Called Business Meeting November 27, 1949 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING INCORPORATION TO BE SIGNED BY MODERATOR AND CLERK AND PASTED IN CHURCH MINUTE BOOK. BE IT RESOLVED by the members of First Baptist Church, College Port, Texas, on conference assembled: SECTION I: That J. C. Slone, J. R. Murry, and Ira Corporon are hereby authorized and directed to apply to the Secretary of State of Texas for a charter for this association as a religious corporation, as provided by law. SECTION II: All members of this church as now constituted shall be members of the incorporated church upon the granting of said charter, and said corporation shall succeed to all the property rights of every kind and character now possessed by this church. PASSED at a conference of said church assembled on the 7th day of January, A. D. 1950.
Rev. Jake Setser, Moderator [Articles of Incorporation in back of book damaged by water.] Business Conference December 18, 1949 - Voted on a new plan for the church building; Building Committee recommended that $6,000 worth of bonds be drawn up; Voted to buy a stove.
Regular Business Meeting January 8, 1950 Special Business Meeting January 21, 1950 - Voted to issue $6,000 in bonds Regular Meeting February 11, 1950 - Letters granted: Mrs. R. L., Martha Jean and Wayne Brinkly; Voted that treasurer send Mr. J. S. Brocewell Bonds No. 1-5 in the amount of $250.00; Voted to have revival April 15-25 with week of prayer the week before; Bobbye Ware to play piano and James Slone to lead singing for revival; Letters granted: Mr. & Mrs. Ted Slone and Bro. Lewis Greenwood
Regular Business Meeting September 9, 1950
Matagorda Mission Revival August 6-20
Business Meeting October 7, 1950 New Officers elected for the Year 1950-1951
Church Officers:
Sunday School Officers:
Training Union Officers:
Budget Committee: Building & Grounds Committee: J. C. Slone chairman, C. M. Corporon, J. R. Murry, Ira Corporon, Mrs. W. B. Williams, Mrs. A. Penland Officers Committee: C. M. Corporon, chairman, Mrs. L. S. Greenwood, Mrs. J. R. Murry Social Committee: Mrs. Ira Corporon, chairman, Bobbye Ware, Anna Nell Penland, Mrs. Clyde Ware Benevolence Committee: Mrs. J. C. Slone, chairman; Mrs. C. M. Corporon, Mrs. Robert Blackwell, Mrs. Mamie Pennington Mission Committee: Ira Corporon, chairman; Mrs. J. C. Slone, Mrs. Penland Young People Committee: Mrs. W. B. Williams, chairman; Ann Ware, James Slone Ushers Committee: Ira Corporon, chairman, Paul Penland, Norman Marish Deacons: J. C. Slone, chairman, J. R. Murry, Ira Corporon Fellowship Committee: J. C. Slone, chairman, J. R. Murry Young People Sponsor: C. M. Corporon
Special Conference October 8, 1950
10 Sunday School classes; 74 pupils; 10 teachers Letters granted: Miss Wanda Corporon Second Baptist Church, Corpus Christi, Texas
Regular Business Session November 11, 1950
Voted to: Regular Business Session December 9, 1950
Voted to: Called Conference January 6, 1951 - Voted that a team from Corpus Christi University lead a revival
Regular Business Session January 13, 1951
Business Meeting February 11, 1951
Voted to: Business Session March 11, 1951
Voted to:
Elected new officers:
Business Session April 21, 1951 Regular Business Meeting May 12, 1951 - Letters granted: Mrs. B. L. Williams to Second Baptist Church, Channelview, Texas
Regular Business Conference June 16,
Voted to:
Collegeport June 24 July 3, 1951
Matagorda July 6 15th, 1951
Business Conference July 15, 1951 Regular Business Meeting August 11, 1951 - Letter granted: Shirley Harvey, Calvary Baptist Church, Bay City
Regular Business Conference September 9,
Sunday School Officers and Teachers:
Training Union Officers and Teachers:
Regular Business Conference October 13, 1951
Regular Conference January 12, 1952
Revival report
Decisions: Called Conference - March 8, 1952 - Letter granted: James Slone, Jr. to Southmore Baptist Church, Pasadena, Texas Business Meeting March 16, 1952 - Matagorda Mission letters granted to First Baptist Church, Bay City
April 6, 1952
Regular Conference April 12, 1952
Regular Conference June 6, 1952
Regular Conference September 20, 1952 Letter granted: James Penland to First Baptist Church, Shreveport, Louisiana
New Officers elected for 1952-1953
Called Conference October 1, 1952
Associational letter read and approved Regular Conference January 10, 1953 - Budget presented and approved: $4040.00 Regular Business Conference February 7, 1953 - Voted to buy flooring for the educational part of the church building
Regular Conference March 8, 1953 Mrs. J. C. Slone suggested goal for Annie Armstrong Offering for Home Missions Called Conference May 3, 1953 - Mr. & Mrs. Slone nominated as messengers to Southern Baptist Convention at Houston, May 6 May 10, 1953
Revival report Decisions: 2 coming baptisms, one trusting Christ for Salvation & several other decisions June 29, 1953 - Baptism Mrs. James Penland, Marshall Ray Rogers; Mrs. Fondon trusting Christ Called Conference June 28, 1953 - Letter of resignation from Bro. Grayson Glass Called Conference July 1, 1953 - Deacons elected as pulpit committee; J. C. Slone elected church moderator Regular Conference July 11, 1953 - Discussed filling position of pastor Called Conference July 12, 1953 - Voted to call Bro. J. D. Alexander as pastor Regular Conference August 8, 1953 - Voted to hold ordination for new pastor on August 23, 1953 Called Meeting August 29, 1953 - Elected Stewardship and Finance Committee: J. C. Slone, Jimmie Murry and Lee Mize
Regular Conference September 12, 1953
Officers for the Coming Year Discussed steam heating system for the church & check the price of the stoves at the school-house Called Conference September 30, 1953 - Voted to have a young married couples Sunday School class & keep Bro. Alexander as pastor. Associational letter for 1953 was read Wednesday, October 7, 1953 Regular Conference October 10, 1953 - Voted to buy Dearborn Heaters from Kelly Butane Company Four messengers were elected for the Annual Associational Meeting in El Campo, October 13, 1953: Bro. & Mrs. J. D. Alexander, Mr. & Mrs. Slone; alternates Mr. & Mrs. Ira Corporon Regular Conference November 7, 1953 - Budget committee elected: Bro. Lee Mize, Bro. J. O. Frick & Chester Corporon Called Conference November 15, 1953 - Approved $50.00 to help bury Mr. Andes. Voted to serve Lords Supper the first month of each quarter on the second Sunday. Regular Conference December 12, 1953 - Voted to see Mr. Kelly about buying Bro. Alexanders butane tank back Called Conference December 13, 1953 - Revival dates set for first two weeks of February, 1954
Regular Conference January 9, 1954 -
Revival report February 13, 1954 - Bro. J. D. Alexander turned in his resignation as pastor. Called Conference February 14, 1954 - Pulpit Committee nominated: Lee Mize, Jimmie Murry & Chester Corporon; Letters granted: Bro. & Mrs. J. D. Alexander & son, Jerry Called Conference February 28, 1954 - Voted to call Bro. Billy Meeker as pastor Called Conference March 6, 1954 - Bro. Billy Meeker accepted his call Regular Conference March 13, 1954 - Memorial offering of $31.00 for Grandmother Slone placed in building fund Regular Conference April 10, 1954
[book water damaged] |
11 Dec 1954 Billy Meeker resigned effective 13 Dec 1954 05 Jan 1955 Voted to have Bro. Crouch as preacher for awhile 27 Feb 1955 Voted to call Norman Fry as pastor 6 Apr 1955 Voted to install one restroom & get info on buying a piano in Memory of Bro. Tom Fulcher 08 Jun 1955 paid bill for piano tuning, but didnt say if it was the new one 17 Jul 1955 Voted to call Bro. Kirk Neely as pastor 17 Sep 1955 Voted for the church members to install the restrooms; Calvary BC of Cuero offered their old baptistery and voted to accept 12 Nov 1955 voted to buy 6 chairs for SS classroom for $2.49 each 10 Dec 1955 committee to secure info on new pulpit furniture and new pews 07 Jan 1956 Kirk Neely resigned effective Jan 15, 1956; church voted to wait until 15th to grant resignation in hope the pastor would reconsider 15 Jan 1956 pastor decided to stay 11 Feb 1956 authorized payment for two new church doors from auditorium into educational dept. 26 Feb 1956 pastor presented resignation due to wifes ill health. Accepted to be effective immediately 10 Mar 1956 bought door for nursery 18 Mar 1956 voted to call U. A. Richardson as pastor 06 Apr 1956 discussed buying a new pulpit and communion table; church to pay for pulpit and communion table from memorial fund for Mr. Tom Fulcher. Mrs. Duffy expressed the desire to pay the difference in the price. Table $50, fund had $30, copper plate for Mr. Fulchers name $5, Mrs. Duffy paid $25. 20 Jun 1956 voted to ordain pastor first Sunday in July 21 Nov 1956 Bro. Richardson asked to have a special meeting to burn the church mortgage on Dec 2nd at 3:00. 06 Jan 1957 approved purchase of lumber and materials needed to finish bathrooms; decided to keep old piano for the Sunday School rooms; voted to have the piano tuned and buy a light to keep out dampness; 06 Mar 1957 pd. $8.00 for piano tuning, $10 for light and $500.00 to U. E. Smith for piano 28 May 1957 Bro. V. A. submitted resignation as pastor to become effective after Bible School. Accepted 03 Jul 1957 - voted to have pulpit comm.. to serve on house project for out future pastor, either to locate and rent a place or build one. 04 Sep 1957 voted to call Dr. Hyat as interim pastor 29 Sep 1957 voted to call Bro. Geo. Of Clute as pastor 03 Nov 1957 voted to buy 50 new Broadman hymnals using $31.50 song book fund and balance from treasury 04 Dec 1957 voted to send old song books to a mission in El Campo designated by Bro. Crouch 12 Mar 1958 granted church letters for Rev. and Mrs. Geo. Who resigned to take the Second BC in Old Ocean; voted to get a plumber and carpenter to finish the inside of the church 16 Apr 1958 voted to call Bro. Gillum 23 Apr 1958 Bro. Gillum declined call; voted to see the Presbyterian people about combining the Bible school; sign painter in Bay City offered to repaint the church sign free if church would furnish materials. 30 Apr 1958 voted to call Bro. Riley as pastor, would live in El Campo and attend prayer service whenever possible. 04 Jun 1958 voted to buy one sign 07 Sep 1958 voted to license James Clay Slone, Jr. to the ministry; voted to purchase a piece of plywood to make sign and finish it to have ready to letter 11 Jan 1959 voted to buy best pews available at $1900.00; also chairs and tables for the Beginners, Primaries and Juniors; 34 folding chairs for the educational dept., also one chair screen; offering of $467.00 was taken at morning service as down payment on the pews
15 Feb 1959 Bro. Riley presented his
resignation to leave on or by March 1st. |
17 Feb 1959 voted to call Bro. George Merriman as supply pastor 25 Feb 1959 voted each week after prayer service members would work on the interior of the church varnishing the woodwork in the auditorium and painting class rooms to get ready for the new church furniture. 12 Mar 1959 voted to buy choir screen 25 Mar 1959 earlier minutes indicated this as the delivery date for the new pews 29 Mar 1959 acted on old pews and pulpit having a party from El Campo who wanted to purchase them. Voted to sell pews at $3.00 each for the pews; $2.00 for primary tables & bench; $15.00 for pulpit 19 Apr 1959 voted to give sink and stove to the community house at Citrus Grove; voted to use shingles on hand to finish the north end of the educational dept. 03 May 1959 voted to buy paint to finish the class rooms, also outside white for the windows and marine plywood for the church sign 17 May 1959 voted to call Bro. Gleaton F. Rickenbaker as interim pastor 30 Aug 1959 voted to call Bro. Rickenbaker as regular pastor 1960 missing 24 May 1961 Bro. Gleaton Rickenbaker submitted resignation as he was leaving at the end of the month for Charlotte, SC to enter the seminary 23 Jul 1961- voted to call Rev. R. E. Bob McKinney of Bay City 06 Aug 1961 pastor asked to have his ordination service at FBC, Bay City 08 Oct 1961 voted to have the carpenter (Mr. Moore) install the doors; voted to have stoves repaired 11 Oct 1961 insurance company agreed to pay $1500 on the building, $895 on the two pianos; church asked an additional $500 for paint; voted to have Mr. James A. Johnson of El Campo repair the Wurlitzer piano and the piano in the educational dept. be turned over to the insurance co. to dispose of as they desire; voted to change insurance companies after the settlement. 25 Oct 1961 voted to have Mr. Moore, carpenter, to level the building and make repairs on front and ceiling, hang the doors in Auditorium, replace nursery floor, repair the floor in the educational building. 09 Nov 1961 met to decide on method to heat the water in the baptistry; voted to contact Jackson Electric about electrodes to heat the water 19 Nov 1961 considered stainless steel and copper electrodes and voted to buy the copper for $60.85; voted to buy paint for the wainscoting in the auditorium 15 Nov 1961 voted to pay the bill to Bay City Material Co. for $448.50 for repairs; voted to write Sams to send a representative to look over church furniture to see what could be done in regard to repairs; voted to contact the Foy Floor Co. to get prices on refinishing the floors in the auditorium and educational building; Jackson Electric agreed to install 220 at no charge; 26 Nov 1961 voted to paint the metal chairs in the educational building with Rustoleum; voted to investigate prices and type of paneling for the choir loft; FBC Bay City sent check for $75.00 and Emanuel Baptist Church of Wharton for $43.38 to help with repairs 03 Dec 1961 voted to call Tommie Stiles of Palacios as music director and was accepted 06 Dec 1961 voted to take insurance with Farm Bureau--$8000.00 on building and $4500.00 on furnishings; authorized Doug Ellis and Bro. Bob to install wiring throughout the building, purchase necessary outlets for 220 in kitchen and 110 in auditorium and educational building 13 Dec 1961 report from Mr. Beasley, representative for [L. L.] Sams on repairing pews; furnish 42 new pew ends for $630.00 and send a workman for $150.00; voted to accept; work to start within the next 60 days 17 Jan 1962 voted to pay Bay City Bank & Trust the balance on the loan for the pews; voted to contact county commissioner to obtain enough tile to complete the front drive so we might fill in with __ and shell 14 Feb 1962 Tommy Stiles presented letter of resignation to accept a call at Trinity Baptist Church at Palacios, accepted 14 Mar 1962 voted to authorize pastor to purchase shrubs for the church from H.E.B. 09 May 1962 made final decision to have Sams install new pew ends, repair old pew bodys, include new book racks and molding to finish the pews 08 Jul 1962 voted to ask Mrs. Delgado and Mrs. Hernandez of BC to teach in VBS and pay them $15.00 each 11 Jul 1962 voted to shelve the business of a sidewalk [from street to church which was discussed previously] until after harvest 08 Aug 1962 voted to pay Mrs. Delgado and Mrs. Hernandez $10.0 each for working in VBS three days 0 5 Sep 1962 voted to secure prices for three tables for the educational dept. 10 Oct 1962 Mrs. Jeanice presented an electric range to the church from her mother Mrs. W. B. Williams; voted to buy a new water pump for $25.00 and switch for $7.00 07 Nov 1962 granted letter to Thermacities? Baptist Church Oroville, California in favor of Mrs. Ruby Lee Williams 05 Dec 1962 voted to take action on the sidewalk at the front entrance; authorized committee to select 3 tables for educational dept. 05 Feb 1963 voted to have Monday night as a work night to hang new doors; have clean up nite Thursday before revival 10 Apr 1963 voted to buy a new water pump; voted to make a gate in the fence by the water well to enter the fall field just back of the church. 8 May 1963 vote of appreciation to M. A. & Mike Ellis for repairing the pump and getting it in working condition 10 Jul 1963 Bro. Bob presented his resignation to become effective at once; Mrs. Donald (Pat) Lodewig as pianist
11 Aug 1963 voted to extend a call to Bro. Mills, pastor of First Church Glidden and ask him to be on the field on 1st of September 09 Oct 1963 discussed sidewalk; M. A. Ellis selected to see about materials and ready mix; voted to weather-strip doors and windows
03 Dec 1963 Christmas program to be Dec 21st. 15 Jan 1964 voted to have Mr. John W. Richards of Palacios, tune repair and tune piano for $18.50; voted to plant the Christmas tree 5 feet from the southeast corner of the church building. 05 Feb 1964 voted to purchase another tree like the Christmas tree to be planted on the northeast corner if it could be purchased for $5.00 08 Jul 1964 voted to buy a lock for the library door 07 Oct 1964 heaters repaired by Mr. Holman of Smiley, Texas 08 Nov 1964 report that the sidewalk would be ready by next business meeting; voted to investigate purchase of a 250 gallon butane tank; Mrs. Hill asked for the first chance to buy old tank at $77.00, approved 09 Dec 1964 voted to purchase butane tank from Hurley Butane for $112.00 and purchase would include a full tank 06 Jan 1965 sidewalk discussed, but still not finished; pastor asked Mr. Murry to make a list of repairs needed on the church 10 Feb 1965 decided to wait until better weather in March or April to do church repairs 10 Mar 1965 voted to purchase 25 new song books and committee appointed to decide on which book to buy 07 Apr 1965 church repairs postponed 08 Sep 1965 voted to get estimate for materials and paint to repair church building 08 Dec 1965 voted to have Christmas program on Sunday evening, December 19th, 6 pm; decided to buy fruit, candy and a tree; discussed future homecoming
06 Jan 1966 discussion of finishing the
painting inside of church; discussed tuning the piano |
07 Sep 1966 1st entry 07 Dec 1966 discussed Christmas program and scheduled for Dec 19th and would be a Christmas film also have tree, fruits, nuts and candy 10 May 1967 discussed fans for the educational dept. due to the closing of the south door 07 Dec 1967 voted to have the Christmas program on Dec 20 at 7:30; purchase tree and treats 06 Mar 1968 discussed tuning and poisoning the piano, accepted price of $18.50; discussed painting the inside windows of auditorium 21 Apr 1974 Bro. Mills placed his resignation for immediate action 09 Jun 1974 voted to donate $30.00 for one weeks groceries for young ministers who were holding beach services at Matagorda; voted to get estimate for new church roof; discussed selling the lots owned by the church 21 Jul 1974 shingles would be delivered to church as soon as they arrived; voted to call Bro. Edwards as pastor and was accepted 13 Oct 1974 discussed disposing of surplus shingles; discussed contacting someone to fix the leak in the steeple 10 Nov 1974 voted to join in Christmas greetings in the Daily Tribune 12 Jan 1975 voted to send $50.00 to assist a retired minister and wife who were ill, living in Wharton; voted to purchase a painting and drapes for the baptistry 09 Feb 1975 voted to only buy drapes for baptistry at time; material would be purchased and made by Mrs. Hill and Smith 09 Mar 1975 voted to have Mr. Jefferson clean and paint siding on church; suggested to get a guest book for the entrance of the church; Mrs. Edwards agreed to present the book if the church would supply the stand 01 May 1975 discussed church roof having lost shingles in the storm; check with Palacios Pest Control to check for termites 13 Jul 1975 roofing material on the ground and ready to begin job of repairing; voted to activate the memorial honoring Mr. and Mrs. V. Gallaher and appoint a committee to purchase carpet for the rostrum 10 Aug 1975 ladies asked to get carpet bids for the rostrum, aisles and front of the church 14 Dec 1975 memorial of $56.00 received for Wanda Hill Morehead?, decided to also use it on the carpet 11 Jan 1976 discussed roof on the educational building and stoop and new door on south side of auditorium; carpet had been ordered and would be installed soon 08 Feb 1976 Frank Hahn will inspect roof to see what was needed and give an estimate; pastor offered his resignation as he had been transferred to Marshall, Texas in his job as counselor with Texas Rehabilitation Center, effective Feb. 15th. 23 May 1976 discussed fans or air conditioners for the church
20 Jun 1976 discussed repair of roof for educational building 08 Aug 1976 Bro. 15 presented his resignation to become effective at the close of the service on August 15th. Accepted 29 August 1976 The Church was called into conference by our district [associational] Missionary Bro. Oral [Orville] Roberts to discuss the condition of the church. The church voted to faze out the church on vacation until Oct. 24, to see if the members will attend, support the church and really want one at which time he will return and asked for a definite decision on the future of the church. Motion and second to adjourn. 16 January 1977 Discussion to call Bro. Sidney Tenery as pastor approved and Bro. Tenery accepted 15 May 1977 The subject came up about the vacant lots, J. R. Murry stated he had been approached by a farmer to rent them for farming. This was voted on by the Church and passed with the restriction that Bro. Murry take care of it. 12 June 1977 Subject of Air Conditioners the Church advised Mrs. Murry to accept the air conditioners offered and the church pay for wire and installation. 31 July 1977 Voted to have a revival Oct 1-3 with Bro. Rick Scarborough to preach and music director Pat Patterson. Moved to hire an electrician to wire the church auditorium for 220. Voted to have Wednesday night service at 7:30 pm. 11 Aug 1977 Mrs. Tenery presented prices on a metal sink and cabinet of $175.00. Needed to check to see if it was rust resistant, if so also order a wall cabinet to match base in white to match our stove. 17 Aug 1977 voted to buy sink and cabinets 11 Set 1977 Dates for revival changed to Sep 30 Oct 2 06 Oct 1977 voted to pay bills including $323.25 to J. C. Penney for kitchen cabinets; discussed leak in educational building roof; decided to have a Halloween party at the home of Mrs. Little 02 Nov 1977 voted to have Harvey Smith of Markham repair the roof of the educational building and office; Mrs. Little asked to be substitute pianist in the absence of Mrs. Tate 10 Nov 1977 voted to have Sunday evening service at 7:30; voted to have a spring revival led by Bro. Dan Vestal, Ft. Worth. 07 Dec 1977 roof would be repaired as soon as possible; decided to have Christmas program and fellowship afterward 03 Mar 1978 Frank Quinn elected to the board of deacons
19 Mar 1978 Mrs. Murry asked about sheer
curtains for the windows & stated she would present 05 Apr 1978 voted to take a love offering for Bobby Watts who was recovering from a serious accident 02 April 1978 Ordination of Deacon Service Present: Bro. Sid Tenery, Bro. Sjolander; Belton Snider, Bro. Joe Ramsey, Harold Maroney, J. R. Murry and candidate Frank Quinn 10 May 1978 voted to buy 25 new song books; voted to buy 12 new glasses for Lords Supper 05 July 1978 Mrs. Quinns sister presented a gift of $400.00 to the church for air conditioners (previous minutes indicated that they were possibly purchased from FBC Markham) 09 September 1978 Mrs. Quinn voted as recreation director 04 Oct 1978 - voted to give the $400 (given by Mrs. Quinns sister) to Bro. Sid for his schooling 08 Nov 1978 set Lottie Moon goal at $100 06 Dec 1978 voted to have a covered dish supper on Wednesday at 6 oclock followed by Prayer Meeting and Christmas party; December 31st have Training Union at 8 pm, regular service 8-9 and watch party until midnight; voted that Adult class members bring a gift to take to the nursing home 10 Jan 1979 roof would be fixed as soon as weather permitted 07 Feb 1979 Mrs. Smith resigned as church clerk and Mrs. Frick elected; set date for ordination of Bro. Buzz on February 25; voted to have a Bible School 25 Feb 1979 Ordination of Deacon Service; Those present: Bro. Sid Tenery, Bro. Sholander, Bro. Quinn, Bro. Murrry, Bro. Ramsey, Bro. Harper, Bro. Madison, Bro. Snider and candidate Jacob Frick 07 Mar 1979 Discussion on a place to keep church records was brought up. Shirley Frick made motion that the church buy a filing cabinet for records. Approved; voted to purchase a mail box from Collegeport Post Office 04 April 1979 filing cabinet ordered at cost of $42.73; mail box number is 162; Neisig family donated a pig to the church, voted to have Harold Maroney bar-b-que it and have a fellowship and invite lost people 07 April 1979 voted to have a covered dish luncheon on Easter Sunday followed by an Easter egg hunt for the children; everyone bring 4 eggs 16 Jun 1979 voted to extend call to Mike Hill as pastor 09 September 1979 decided to buy 2 fans spending $20.00 each 10 Oct 1979 Linda Neisig gives 2 heaters to the church; voted to buy volleyball net and stem; voted to have a hay ride and wiener roast 07 Nov 1979 voted to have piano tuned; voted to have Thanksgiving dinner on Nov. 18th 05 Dec 1979 voted to buy amplifiers for $200.00 30 Dec 1979 Mike Hill resigned on 16 Dec 1979 and accepted; voted to call Bro. Charles Schaal as interim pastor
09 January 1980 reimbursed Bill for
microphones; voted to paint chairs tan; workday at 9:00 (started in
this register, but recopied into new register) |
09 January 1980 paid Joe Eddy $35.00 for piano tuning; reimbursed Bill for microphones; voted to paint chairs tan; workday at 9:00 Jan 12; Jan. 13th Lottie Moon offering day 20 Feb 1980 Ellis Little paid $30.00 for microphone; report that cost of roof repair would be $500; if men of church would provide labor, Joe Ramsey would assist for $5.00 an hour; Joe Ramsey suggested wait until hot weather to do a proper job; Cedar Lane men volunteered to help; work to be done in June; Bro. Charles Schaal recommends that pulpit search committee be appointed. 05 March 1980 Fish fry to be held at Jacob Fricks on Saturday, March 8 at 5 pm; Church and prospects urged to attend 09 April 1980 VBS set for June 9-13, 9-11:30; NOTE: Brother Carter resigns and Ronnie Pointer comes to preach. (We call him as our pastor.) 07 May 1980 Land Committee Report Mrs. Fred King owns land next to church; possible we could make a trade. Voted to ask Mrs. King if she would trade; Ronnie and Brenda Pointer join by letter 09 Jul 1980 Business meeting called to order by Jacob Frick, no more mention of Ronnie Pointer 08 Oct 1980 Business meeting called to order by Bro. Gideon our Pastor. Officers elected: Shirley Frick, clerk; J. R. Murry, treasurer; Mrs. Ackerman, church secretary; Jacob Frick, song leader; Roy Staggs, assistant song leader; Betty Little, piano player when available; Roy Staggs, Training Union Director 04 Mar 1981 voted to have a work day on March 11, 1981 to put new ceiling in office; voted for Jimmy Murry to get door and fixtures for side of building; voted to carpet nursery 08 Mar 1981 report that nursery is completed; wallpaper, carpet and walls were painted; new office ceiling has been replaced; decided to start with beginners room; checking on wallpaper 06 May 1981 discussed calling Joe Cox as pastor 10 Jun 1981 Business meeting called to order by Bro. Joe Cox; discussed air conditioners; VBS set for 1st week of August 6-8 pm; voted to have a work day June 15, 1981 to take care of air conditioners and door if possible 28 Jul 1981 discussed problem with loud speaker 12 Aug 1981 paid Boeker Radio & TV (probably for speaker repair or purchase); voted to get air conditioner fixed 30 Sep 1981 New officers: J. R. Murry, treasurer; Mrs. Ackerman, secretary; Shirley Frick, church clerk; Jacob Frick, song leader 04 Nov 1981 voted to find a heater for primary class; voted to ask Bro. Rankin to preach for montof of November 09 Dec 1981 voted to dismiss on Dec 27; voted to call Bro. Skinner to preach Dec 13, 20 and Jan. 3 24 Feb 1982 voted to give $25.00 a week for 6 weeks to a family due to unemployment 10 Mar 1982 voted to call Bro. Rector Walton as interim pastor; he accepted 21 Mar 1981 07 Apr 1982 voted to have Easter dinner at the Murrys; voted to open the church for a wedding on May 7, 1982 05 May 1982 Vicki Parton asked to serve as temporary church clerk NO MINUTES BETWEEN THESE TWO DATES 09 Oct 1983 voted to call Bro. Sid Tenery as pastor, accepted 12 Oct 1983 business meeting called to order by our pastor, Bro. Sid Tenery. 19 Oct 1983 voted that J. R. Murry buy starters and bulbs if needed for sanctuary lights and a gallon of paint for entrance door 09 Nov 1983 Officers elected: Shirley Frick, clerk; Barbara Tenery, asst. clerk; Frank Quinn, chairman of the deacons; Jim Murry, treasurer; Mrs. Ackerman, SS secretary; set Lottie Moon goal at $100.00; Thanksgiving dinner Nov. 20 at the church; voted to show the movie A Thief in the Night. 08 Feb 1984 Home mission offering goal set at $100 07 Mar 1984 VBS set for June 4-8 06 Jun 1984 Annie Armstrong offering sent to Baptist Executive Board, $171.35 01 Jul 1984 side door that was bought several years ago was hung; church was washed down and painted; work done by Bro. Sid Tenery, members of the church and the Raymond Brown family, friends of the Tenerys from Marshall, TX; Bro. Tenery had a church endorsement form from Southwestern Seminary that was read by Bro. Jim Murry and had to be approved by the Church, so he could be enrolled this fall. Voted to do so; motion that Birthday Offering be used to buy folding chairs and tables 05 Aug 1984 voted to pay seminary tuition for Bro. Sid Tenery 02 Sep 1984 set Mary Hill Davis offering goal at $100 07 Oct 1984 Bro. Sid Tenery resigned, moved 8 Oct 1984 to Marshall, TX, Memorial Church; Norene Murry elected to replace Barbara Tenery as church clerk 17 Oct 1984 voted to call Bro. C. J. Jinks as interim pastor; 21 Oct 1984 Bro and Mrs. C. J. Jinks joined the church by promise of letter from FBC Palacios 07 Nov 1984 Ann Moore elected church pianist 05 Dec 1984 Lottie Moon goal set at $100 09 Jan 1984 Lottie Moon offering total $187 06 Feb 1984 Bro. & Mrs. Jinks hurt in wreck in Feb unable to return to preaching. 06 Mar 1984 - C. P. Jinks resigned as pastor; church called Hubert Low from Wharton 24 Mar 1984 Rev. H. D. Low and Mrs. Low joined church by letter from College Heights BC, Wharton 10 Apr 1984 letter granted for Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Jinks to FBC Palacios 08 May 1985 voted to have Bro. Low contact piano tuner to get him to repair piano if possible 10 Jul 1985 Jim Murry to put some kind of barricade to keep foot ball and volley ball from going under church building; VBC July 15 19; 63 enrolled in VBS, 48 av. Attendance 28 Aug 1985 First Baptist Church had a call meeting because of the death of Mrs. Ackerman. Noreen Murry resigned as church clerk. Joyce McKinney elected as clerk Nov 1985 voted to buy 50 King James New Testament Bibles to be given to anyone that doesnt have one and to be given out when visiting in homes; voted to make up a church bulletin once a month 04 Dec 1985 Lottie Moon goal set at $150; voted to go Christmas caroling on Dec. 15, 1985. 05 Mar 1986 voted to authorize some one to price fans and florescent lights 09 April 1986 voted to buy two florescent lights for the back room; approved purchase of paint for the back room; Murrys bought molding for the back room
07 May 1986 voted to get door and the
hardware for the side entrance to the baptistry |
10 Sep 1986 - Jimmy made the motion for Norene to get two bundles of shingles and some nails so Adrain Pursewell could fix the church roof. 07 Jan 1987 - Norene made the motion for Mr. Quinn to contact Joe Ramsey Junior to give us two estimates on the church roof one for the south side of the auditorium and for patching the roof and taking the steeple off. 06 May 1987 - Norene made the motion that Jimmy and Curtis get some bids on the material for the roof. Norene made a motion for Jimmy to contact Joe Ramsey about doing the roof. 04 May 1988 - Norene made the motion for Curtis to get some bids on the roof of the church. 06 Jul 1988 - Norene made the motion for Jimmy to contact Joe Ramsey to see if he could do our roof or recommend someone else for the job. 08 Feb 1989 - Norene made the motion for Jan Rivera to buy new flags for the church and the church pay for the flags. 10 May 1989 - Curtis made a motion we get the steeple for the church. It is not to cost over $500. We might need to do something about the air conditioner this summer. 07 Jun 1989 - Norene made the motion for the church to reimburse Curtis Reece for phone calls made about the steeple for the church. All agreed and Curtis will try to find someone to put up the steeple. 09 Aug 1989 - We put up our steeple in June. 06 Sep 1989 - We will discuss getting some different pews for the church in the future. 04 Oct 1989 - Curtis made the motion for the church to pay William McKinney $10 an hour to put in new butane pipes under the church. Clara seconded the motion. Jimmy and Curtis will figure out how much material they would need and go buy it. Curtis made the motion that William check out the water pipes to see if they need to be replaced. 08 Nov 1989 - William McKinney and Jimmie got the butane pipes fixed. Norene made the motion we get a carpenter to fix the side door to the Sunday school class. We will fix the light fixture in the bathroom and fix the commode. 07 Feb 1990 - Clara made the motion we get our water pump fixed. 07 Mar 1990 - Jimmy took the water pump to the Harveys and they said it couldn't be fixed Jimmy put some JB Weld on it and put it back on the well. A new pump costs around $200. Clara made a motion that if the old pump doesn't work to give Jimmy permission to buy a new one. 06 Jun 1990 - Clara made the motion that Norene can nailed the door shut to the Sunday school classroom. (thats what it says!) 05 Sep 1990 - Joyce made the motion for Norene to call someone to work on the pump. 07 Nov 1990 - Our water well pump is fixed and it cost $400 to get it running again. 13 Feb 1991 - Jimmy made a motion for Norene to get in touch with Mr. Strreams to come look at our roof. 12 Jun 1991 - We discussed when we would get new door for the church. 10 Jul 1991 - We discussed Curtis Reece getting in touch with Brian Streams to bid on putting up four doors instead of his father. Norene made the motion to get in touch with a carpenter about the doors. 07 Aug 1991 -We discussed the bid of $1300.00 that Brian Streams made for putting up the church doors. 04 Sep 1991 - We discussed putting up the door and the water pipe situation. 01 Jan 1992 - Curtis will check with the Streams about putting up the doors. We discussed seeing into the prices of cushions for the first five rows of pews. 12 Feb 1992 - We discussed doing the pipes, talked about putting up the door and about cushions. 10 June 1992 - Shirley made the motion for Bro. David to get in touch with the plumber in El Campo. We discussed putting up the door. Shirley made a motion that Clara make a list of what we need to get done to get everything fixed up. Like new doors, new posts for the front porch and the floor to the Sunday school classroom. 24 Jun 1992 - Shirley is going to Bay City to get the air-conditioners. 15 Jul 1992 - We discussed the prices of air-conditioners. We're waiting on the bids for the doors. Brother David made the motion that we accept the bid of $350 to get the plumbing fixed. The church voted that we would fix it ourselves. We have water to the ladies bathroom now. Norene made the motion for Bro David to get in touch with David Rolen to see if the air conditioner could be recharged. 05 Aug 1992 - Bro David tried to reach David Rolen to have them look at the air conditioner. Norene made a motion that we wait until March of 1993 to get in touch with someone to check the air conditioner. We discussed the water situation. 14 Oct 1992 - Norene made a motion for Shirley to look into some insurance for our church building. Norene made the motion that we give a $50 gift to the PTO fire Department were using their truck to help clean the side of the church. Jimmy Murray made a motion that we get Lee Cook to do the work on the doors and the side rails on the church. 11 Nov 1992 - Norene made the motion we give Lee Cook a gift of $300 for the work he did on the church building. 02 Jun 1993 - Norene bought an air conditioner for the church. Jimmy gave a check to Kmart for $247 for the air conditioner. 07 Jul 1993 - We got the water well fixed for $210. 04 Aug 1993 - David said he will fix the light switch. __ Sep 1994 - Shirley made the motion to call Streams to get an estimate on the roof. 26 Oct 1994 - Norene made the motion for Shirley Cook to buy white sheets to make new kitchen curtains. 10 May 1995 - Lee Anne Shirley Cook gave her refrigerator and stove to the church. Lee Cook and Phil fixed the back steps. We discussed getting different curtains for the church. Norene made the motion the church give Shirley $100 to buy sheets to make curtains and to buy rods. 09 Jun 1995 - Norene made a motion that Bro David has permission to buy $50 worth of supplies to clean the church pews. 26 Jul 1995 - Clara Reece made a motion that Norene Murray by a new air conditioner for the church. Norene bought an air conditioner at Crafts for $595. 06 Sep 1995 - Norene made a motion for Shirley to call Gerald Streams to look at the roof. 17 Jan 1996 - Norene made the motion that the church buy a wooden door for the back door of the church and that Lee Cook put it up in the church pay him. 14 Feb 1996 - Norene made the motion the church pay Lee Cook $100 for putting up the door. 27 Mar 1996 - Shirley made a motion that we asked $780 for block three lots 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and bottom price of 680. This includes back rent for several years. 08 May 1996 - We discussed the church lots. We will give the Ledwigs the month of May to answer for their decision. Our air conditioner was stolen out of the church the weekend of May 19 05 Jun 1996 - Joyce made a motion that Shirley get in touch with Jay Ledwig to find out what decision is going to be about buying the church lots and back rent. 03 Jul 1996 - Shirley talked to but Bowers about the church lots. David Cruz and his brother looked at the roof. They said we needed new gutters. Shirley made a motion that she would call David Cruz's brother and ask him to fix the roof. 17 Jul 1996 - The church sold the six slots they own to Jay Ledwig. Norene Murray banked the $600 the church got the land. 07 Aug 1996 - We discussed the roof. 11 Sep 1996 - We discussed the brotherhood from Blessing might have time to clean and paint our church. 09 Oct 1996 - We discussed the brotherhood painting our church. 06 Nov 1996 - We discussed closing down the church after the first of the year. 04 Dec 1996 - We discussed getting the roof fixed. Clara made the motion we close the church December 29th 1996 Norene seconded the motion. Three carried. One didn't. Shirley and Clara are going to talk to brother Mitch Sauls about the Unity Baptist Church using our church building after we close down. Shirley and Clara are going to tell brother David Cruz that we're closing the church. Shirley is going to call brother Sellers and tell them we're closing down our church. 16 Apr 1997 - Norene Murray made a motion that Unity Baptist Church pay all of the utility bills and for supplies that they need. We discussed that if they clean the outside of the church and want to paint it that the first Baptist Church pay for the paint. Shirley Cook is going to talk to Brother Sellers about who was responsible for insurance on the church. 23 Sep 1997 - Norene Murray is going to call Mitch Sauls to see if he can meet with us. If he doesn't want to meet with us then Norene made the motion that Shirley Cook write a letter that we want his stuff out of the church in 30 days that they clean the church on leaving it in the same condition it was in. Norene Murray made a motion that brother Mitch Sauls move all the stuff out by November 2, 1998. 09 Oct 1998 - Norene Murray made the motion we call Max Pluss as our pastor. Max Pluss will start preaching on November 8, 1998. 15 Nov 1998 - we discussed fixing ceiling, putting in insulation, fixing windows and getting two window units. Shirley Cook made the motion we wait on central air conditioning. Beth made a motion that we wait on the two air conditioner units. Brother Max said our first three priorities are fixing the roof, putting in new windows, and window units. __ Dec 1998 -- made a motion that we put up the lights in front of the church. Mike made a motion for Max to check into a sound system for the church. 31 Jan 1999 - Shirley made a motion for Brother Max to find a used sound system for around $800. Penny plus made a motion to put up a light on the north side of the church. We discussed air-conditioners. Checking into prices on 2 20 units and five 110 units. Discussed putting new locks on the door. We decided to take care of picking up the shingles in back ourselves. Mike Blevins made the motion to combine the office and storage room into one room. Beth made a motion that we get 50 folding chairs. Max is going to look for chairs. Max made a motion that Penny and Beth fix up the baptistery Clara made a motion that we hire someone to mow and take care of the grounds. Also lighting and turning on AC and lights. Shirley made a motion that we pay someone $75 plus gas and string for weed eater and taxes being taken now. Joyce accepted the job for the six months. 28 Feb 1999 - discussed air-conditioner units or central air. We are going to get another bid on central air. Windows are paid for. Max looked for chairs, too expensive. Max found two speakers for $300. Use microphone at least three. Need amp and tape player. Put up light on north side of church. 28 Mar 1999 - discussed air conditioner. After a discussion of the various bids received it was decided to accept the bid by Frontz Elec. The decision was to have the entire building air-conditioned. Discussed paying $3500 on completion, the balance paid at the end of the year. Two of the new windows have been installed in the front of the church. Still need to install light on north side of the building. Ceiling and sanctuary. It was decided to use plywood covering which will be sprayed. The installation will be blown into the ceiling. 04 Apr, 1999 - Fran Callahan made a motion to pay $3700 on central air on completion. Mike made a motion to set $300 a month to pay on AC for one year. We discussed designating a special fund for anyone who wants to donate money towards the AC unit. Max made a motion to give the Blessing brotherhood $200 for helping us on the roof. 16 May 1999 - Air-conditioning almost finished, did nine windows, need to finish roof, need to put up cell light. Need 62 sheets of plywood $600 approved. Discussed windows for kitchen and fellowship hall. We need new field lines for septic tank. Shirley and Fred are going to check on septic tank. 06 Jul 1999 - Discussed finishing air-conditioning ducts, Windows are finished, curtains are up, painting done, cell light needs to be put up, need to do ceiling and insulation. Discussed the septic tank system have $1500 toward it. Paid $300 to check out field lines. Have two bids waiting on two more. 11 Jul 1999 - We still owe $2900 on AC unit. Cell light still needs to be put up. Septic tank is being completed and paid for. Roof needs to be finished. We need to help the boys with lunches and an offering for their work that they will be doing on the church. Shirley made a motion that we buy our paint and primer from James and Judy Nesbitt. Ronnie Callahan is going to get scaffold to use for scraping and painting the outside of the church its $120. 08 Aug 1999 - Air-conditioning is complete except for vents in office and storage. Completed on August 5, 1999. Have $100 saved towards payoff of $2900. Photocell light not installed yet. Ceiling and insulation. We'll look at bracing for sanctuary. We will use whatever money becomes available to fix up the church building. Joyce McKinney re-signed as church clerk. Clara made a motion for Fran Callahan to be the new church clerk.
End of register First Baptist Church Collegeport
for June 4, 1986 to August 8, 1999 |