93rd Collegeport Day Celebration 2001


93rd Annual Collegeport Day Held Saturday

The 93rd annual Collegeport Day celebration will be held Saturday (May 26) at the Mopac House in Collegeport.

The celebration, sponsored by the Woman's Club, marks the anniversary of the founding of Collegeport. It provides the opportunity for current and former residents of the Collegeport area to gather with family and friends.

The event will begin at 12 noon with a BBQ beef meal. Those attending are encouraged to bring a side dish, salad or dessert.

Anyone wishing to make a financial donation to help underwrite the 'homecoming dinner' should contact Woman's Club president Ida Mae Franzen, 972-2790.

Collegeport Historian, Dorothy Franzen Merck




Newsletter courtesy of Alex Franzen


Copyright 2020 - Present by Carol Sue Gibbs
All rights reserved

Mar. 6, 2020
Apr. 14, 2021