Ackerman, Carl |
Ackerman, Edith |
Blessing, Tex |
1926 |
Ackerman, Emilie |
Anderson, Mrs. B. W., Janet & Jonna |
Sinton |
Bagley, Joe |
Batchelder, Thelma |
Palacios |
1910 |
Benbow, Mr. Alex |
Yoakum, Tex. |
Benbow, Mrs. Alex |
Yoakum, Tex. |
1948 |
Blackwell, Neil |
Bland, Clara M. |
Los Angeles, Calif.
(Sister of H. I. White) |
Bliss, Karen |
Boeker, W. H. Sr. |
Boeker, Mrs. W. H. |
Bay City |
Bowers, Arthur |
Palacios |
1948 |
Bowers, Butch |
Palacios |
Bowers, Mr. & Mrs. Hubert Bowers, Kim & Terri |
Victoria, Texas |
1940 |
Bowers, Ray |
Bowers, Mrs. Ray |
Palacios |
1910 |
Bowers, V. L. |
Brannon, Jack |
Bay City, Texas |
1949 |
Brannon, Kathy |
Bay City, Texas |
1958 |
Bunge, William |
610 Heights, El Campo |
1929 |
Byrne, B. B. |
3220 Tangley, Houston |
1961 |
Byrne, Mary |
3220 Tangley, Houston |
1961 |
Chaplin, Charles A. & Adda |
Palacios |
Chaplin, Jerry |
Christmas, Billy |
Van Vleck |
Christmas, Ida |
Christmas, Luby |
1931 |
Chumbley, Frank |
San Antonio, Texas |
Cohn, Marty |
Houston, Texas |
Corporon, Allen Neal |
1957 |
Corporon, Bonnie Carolyn |
1950 |
Corporon, Carl |
Corporon, Carrie |
Collegeport, Tex. |
1919 |
Corporon, Dorothy |
Corporon, Mr. & Mrs. Duane |
Corporon, Ira M. |
Collegeport |
1909 |
Corporon, Janice & Kim |
Corporon, Kenneth |
Corporon, P. V. |
Corporon, Mrs. P. V. |
Corporon, R. L. |
Citrus Grove |
1909 |
Corporon, Robert W. |
Conroe, Tex |
Corporon, Russell |
Corporon, Victor |
Crabill, H. S. |
Palacios |
1910 |
Dabelgott, Sandra |
Derrick, Jesse |
Waco |
1959 |
Derrick, Mrs. Jesse |
Waco, Texas |
1969 |
Derrick, John Allen |
Waco |
1966 |
Duncan, Johnny |
Duncan. Leslie |
Ellis, Jerry |
Ellis, Rosalie |
Ellis, W. L. |
Fief, Fred |
Fief, Jessie |
Danbury, Texas |
1909 |
Fitzpatrick, Alan |
Victoria |
Fitzpatrick, Mary |
Victoria |
Fitzpatrick, Stephen |
Flewellen, Rocky |
Bellaire, Texas |
Flewellen, Stuart |
Bellaire, Texas |
Frank, Clifton |
Frank, Mary Beth (Kuchar) |
Rt. 2, Angleton, Texas |
Franzen, Derril |
Franzen, G. W. |
Franzen, Goose |
Collegeport, Texas |
Franzen, Mrs. Gustave |
Collegeport |
Franzen, Terri |
Franzen, Wesley Earl |
Gallaher, Mrs. Victor |
Goff, Mr. & Mrs. H. F. |
1207 Missouri, Houston, Tex. |
1929 |
Halfen, Jack |
Collegeport |
Halfen, Mrs. Jack |
1966 |
Harrison, Billy |
Palacios |
Hart, Ethel |
Sundance, Wyo.
(Sister of H. I. White) |
Hejtmanek, Billy |
Hejtmanek, Ronnie |
Holloway, Leah |
Palacios |
1929 |
Holsworth, Edwin |
Holsworth, Ethel |
Holsworth, Linette (2 children) |
1967 |
Holsworth, Mason |
Holsworth, Thomas |
Huitt, Hilma S. |
Bay City |
1937 |
Hutson, Ester |
1928 |
Hutson, Glen |
Tin Top |
1940 |
Jenkins, Betty |
Port Lavaca |
Jenkins, Joe Frank |
Jenkins, Jr. Joe Frank |
1919 |
Jenkins, Lillian |
1940 |
Jenkins, Robert A. |
Port Lavaca |
1943 |
Johnson, Francis |
Katzer, Alvin |
Kilpatrick, Jessie |
Dallas, Texas |
1909 |
King, Mr. & Mrs. Fred |
King, Rhoda |
Bay City |
1913 |
Landers, Mrs. Sterling |
Blessing |
1908 |
Law, Fred |
1931 |
Law, Mrs. Fred |
1931 |
Ledwig, Jay |
Ledwig, Mr. & Mrs. Joe & Judy |
1967 |
Ledwig, Julius |
Ledwig, Mrs. Vlasta |
Leftwich, Lyn |
Bay City |
Legg, R. Kay |
1909 |
Legg, Viola Merck |
Bay City |
1909 |
Lenz, Buddy |
Madison, Bobby (Red barn) |
Palacios |
Mamie, Wells |
Matthes, Mrs. Ruth |
Merck, Dean & Dorothy |
1909 |
Merck, Hazel |
Mize, Nell & Lee, Wayne, Roger, Arona & Gary |
Cuero, Texas |
Mize, Pam |
Cuero, Texas |
Morrison, Mr. & Mrs. Bob |
Arizona |
Murry, Jim |
Nance, J. H. |
Nelson, Mrs. Roy |
1909 |
Penland, A. A. |
Penland, Mrs. A. A. |
Penland, A. B. |
Bay City |
1931 |
Penland, Aaron Brown |
Penland, Mrs. Aaron Brown & Baby |
Penland, Denise |
Palacios, Texas |
Penland, Keith |
Palacios, Texas |
Penland, Paul Jr. |
Palacios, Texas |
Penland, Mrs. Ruby |
Palacios, Texas |
Penland, Sharon |
Palacios, Texas |
1955 |
Price, Mr. & Mrs. W. Herbert (Reba) |
Freeport, Tex. |
Richards, Vera |
Corpus Christi |
Richman, Kevin P. |
El Campo, Tex. |
Richman, Lillian Mrs. |
Palacios, Tex |
1930 |
Richman, Pat N. |
El Campo, Tex. |
Richman, Phill |
El Campo, Tex. |
Richman, Mrs. Phil |
El Campo, Tex. |
Richman, Priscilla |
Robins, Mr. & Mrs. Palmer |
Bay City, Tex. |
1900 |
Sarah Jenkins & Shannon |
1965 |
Savage, Diana |
Savage, Francis “Bill” |
1930 |
Savage, Mrs. Frances |
1930 |
Schimek, Martha Jane |
Schimek, Ottmar |
Schimek, Ottmar Jr. |
Schimek, Sylvia |
Slone, Tom |
Palacios |
Smith, Mr. & Mrs. Harry (Lizzie Will) |
Bay City |
1909 |
Smith, Mrs. L. C. |
Smith, Patty, Larri & Cullen |
Smith, Mr. & Mrs. R. E. “Bob” |
Houston, Texas |
1947 |
Soli, Keri H. |
Bay City, Tex. |
Springstead, Faith Crabill |
Tomball |
1910 |
Underwood, Angeline Bonneau |
2003 Mistletoe, Victoria, Tex. |
1910 |
Vaydak, Charles |
Victoria |
Waters, Mrs. Louise |
Corpus Christi, Texas |
1910 |
Wells, Gerald Jr. |
Wells, Lynda |
Wells, Mamie |
Wells, Meloni |
Welsby, G. D. |
San Antonio, Texas |
1910 |
Welsby, Mrs. G. D. |
San Antonio, Texas |
White, Mr. & Mrs. H. I. |
Williams, Ethel N. |
Bay City, Texas |
1923 |
Williams, Lynda Kaye |
Bay City, Tex. |
1949 |
Williams, Royce |
Bay City, Tex. |
Williams, Ruby Lee |
Oroville, Calif |
Williams, Willard |
Oroville, Calif. |
1929 |
Wilson, Mrs. Bessie |
Dallas, Texas |
1909 |
Wooley, Geneva |
Bay City |
Yeamans, Chas. V. |
Box 886, Bay City |
1894 |