1912 - 1914

Parties, showers, socials, etc.




Invitation courtesy of
Deean Griffith and Louis Kopnicky



Mrs. A. D. Thompson complimented her charming guests, Mesdames Leitch and Reid, with a delightful reception yesterday afternoon. The house needed no other adornment that the beautiful paintings, the work of the talented hostess, but American Beauty roses lent additional charm to the surroundings.

The guests were greeted at the door by Mrs. I. L. Pitluk and cards were received by little Misses Marguerite Leitch and Clo Reid. Entering the parlor Mrs. E. L. Perry introduced the guests to the house party, which included Mesdames A. D. Thompson, J. V. Leitch, J. W. Reid, Hy. Rugeley, J. W. Gaines, A. R. Carter, and Misses Mamie Thompson, Emma Lewis and Marguerite Hamilton. After the introductions, Miss Janie Hawkins ushered the guests to the dining room where Misses Helen Kilbride, Lizzie Hawkins and Shirley Carter served refreshing punch and delicious angel food and mahogany cake. The visitors were then directed by Mrs. Edgar Hawkins to another room where adieux were said. Receiving here were Mesdames McClave, John Reynolds, O. J. Doubek and Louis LeTulle. Here the guests lingered, loath to leave such charming company.

During receiving hours, lovely music was furnished by Messrs. Zeddler, Mohler and Ellingwood with flute, violin and piano, which greatly assisted in making this one of the most enjoyable social functions ever given in Bay City. This affair was beautifully planned, and from entrance to exit the guests enjoyed every moment of the time.

Cards were left by a hundred callers, each one charmed with Mrs. Thompson’s hospitality.

The Matagorda County Tribune, Friday, July 12, 1912


Mrs. Louis LeTulle was the charming hostess of the Priscilla Club yesterday afternoon. Everyone seemed to be in holiday humor—one could not imagine a happier crowd.

After an hour or so spent by some in embroidering, but by the majority in talking, the visitors were favored with a recitation by Miss Mary Rugeley, who acquitted herself most creditably indeed.

After this, delicious refreshments were served in two courses, consisting of tomatoes with mayonnaise, pressed chicken sandwiches, wafers and iced tea followed by peach ice cream and cake that Mrs. LeTulle knows so well how to make. The tables were lovely with many drawn-work covers, and nasturtiums added a touch of color.

Besides the Priscillas present, Mrs. LeTulle had the following guests: Mesames A. D. Thompson, J. V. Leitch, J. W. Reid, P. G. Huston, A. A. Moore, Thos. Lewis, Baker, O. J. Doubek, A. Highbarger, and Misses Essie Bell and Mary Rugeley.

Everyone enjoyed this hospitality. The hour of leaving came all too soon and the Priscillas adjourned to meet next with Mrs. Amos Lee.

The Matagorda County Tribune, Friday, July 12, 1912


A jolly surprise was given Merlin Vogelsang Saturday night when a crowd of the younger set came in upon him.

Progressive conversation, clapp in and clapp out and numerous other games were played throughout the evening.

Dainty refreshments were served by Stinnetts.

Those present were Misses Grace Benge, Mary Rugeley, Thelma Moore, Mabel Sweeny, Ethel Miller, Laurilia Moore, and Messrs. Merlin Vogelsang, Lane Holman, Donald Moore, John Hill, Dick Gaines, Percy Hamel, Hamilton Wallace, James Predy.

The Matagorda County Tribune, Friday, July 12, 1912


One of the most enjoyable sailing parties of the summer was given last Thursday afternoon by the young men of the town, on Capt. Frank Duffy’s “Star” sail boat. The party started about three o’clock and reached the peninsular wharf just when the sun seemed hottest, but no one appeared the least daunted by its hot rays, and in the face of a delightful breeze fresh from the gulf, started on the mile walk to the gulf beach. After reaching the Ben Hur, most of the party doned bathing suits and spent about an hour riding, jumping and being ridden-down by the high waves. About eight o’clock the march back across the peninsular was begun and upon reaching the boat a sumptuous picnic lunch was enjoyed. The sail home was grand, the moonlight adding to the pleasure. Those who are indebted to the young men for this good time are Misses Lula and Myrtle Duffie, Joe Sergeant, Carrie and Lula Belle Salley, Georgia and Robbie Stewart of El Paso, Lyla Berg, Virgie Greer of Beaumont, Reba Rugeley, Pauline Thornhill, Muta Serrill, Gertrude, Elizabeth and Helen Gilbert. The young men were Sambo Rugeley, Stewart Burkhart, John M. and Darwin Williams, Tas Thornhill, Ruge Serrill, Warner Stewart, Scott Phillips, Whitney Marquez, Arthur Gottschalk, Maynard Rugeley and Phillip Gilbert. Mesdames Thornhill and C. Rugeley and Mr. Salley also contributed to the enjoyment of the party.  Reporter.

The Matagorda News, Friday, August 22, 1912


Monday evening the young men of Matagorda announced another sail for the beach in order, and Capt. Frank Duffy’s “Star” was again chartered. This time the boat had a pretty full passenger list, even forty persons besides her captain and Whitney Marquez assisting at the wheel. The Star sailed from the wharf here at 5:30 and on favorable wind dropped anchor at the peninsular at 6:40. After an hour in the surf and a splendid basket dinner spread by the ladies, the Ben Hur dining room was cleared and the dancing enjoyed, with music furnished by Amos Duffy and Scott Phillips who were skilled in the use of the harp. The sail home was most enjoyable in the cool breeze laden with the delightful salt tang of the gulf. When the starlight succeeded moonlight and the lustre of certain bright eyes caused the Star to miss the western channel, and have to turn back for the Tiger Island channel, it seemed for awhile we were “lost at sea.” The sailor boys, however, safe mariners they are, knew “where we were at,” and after finding the Tiger Island channel had a smooth sail home, dropping anchor at the pavilion wharf at exactly 1 o’clock.

The party were Misses Carrie and Lula Belle Salley, Fannie and Bertha Lee Nolte, Reba Rugeley, Elizabeth and Helen Gilbert, Imogene Inglehart, Joe Sergeant, Lyla Berg, Myrtle Duffy, Georgia and Robbie Stewart of El Paso, Virgie Greer of Beaumont, Mrs. C. Rugeley and children and Mrs. Thornhill and daughter; Messrs. Amos Duffy, Bowie Ryamn, Tas Thornhill, Sambo Rugeley, Scott Phillips, John May and Darwin Williams, Warner Stewart, Arthur Hill, Ruge and Joe Serrill, J. C. Taylor and Lem Blair of Bay City, Capt. Salley Harlie Swagerty of Throckmorton, Arthur Gottschalk, W. C. Thornhill, and C. E. Gilbert. The party in separating unanimously voted it a most enjoyable trip.

The Matagorda News
, Friday, August 22, 1912


On Monday afternoon Captain Whitney Marquez of that splendid sailing vessel, the Fearless, was host of a gladsome sailing party to the beach. The Feerless set sail at 2:30, and those aboard were Mrs. John Duffy, Misses Lula Duffy, Nellie Murdock, Bertha Lee Nolte, Beth Phillips, Vera Burke, Forest Zepprain, Myrtle Duffy, Inez Kain, Elizabeth and Helen Gilbert, and

Messrs. Centre board Swagerty,

Arthur Hill,                 } Who fought

Harold Swagerty      } the duel

Karo and John Bull Serrill,

Handsome Blair,

Uncle Sam Duffy,

Stuffy Rugeley

Little Captain Marquet,

Heartsmasher Phillips.

The trip was one greatly enjoyed from start to finish, with rapidly succeeding events nicknaming the boys, who took the jokes goodnaturedly. Mr. Harlie Swagerty caused a good deal of fun by undertaking to fill the centreboard with buckets of water on being told it was necessary to make the boat go faster. Then, too, Mr. Hill and Mrs. Harold Swagerty challenged each other to a duel at 4:30, the cause being a certain brunette on board; and from the amount of medicine Stuffy was fining for Mr. Hill we conclude Mr. Swagerty was victorious.

After reaching the Ben Hur, most of the crowd spent some time bathing in the limpid waters of the gulf, while rest found other amusements. Then came the excellent lunch, which was greatly enjoyed, and followed by water fights and face-washings. Here dining room was cleared and the dancing begun, Heart-smasher, Uncle Sam and Centreboard rendering dancing music on harps, and all kinds of dancing was indulged in, even the square dance led by Uncle Sam. Dancing was hard on Stuffy who had tried to hide the many chicken bones from which he had devoured the meat while at supper in his shoes, now found pricking bones interfered with the usual graceful step. I wonder who Beth was saving the candy for.

The ride back home was most delightful, the moon giving its share of the pleasure. The Fearless sailed into the wharf here at about 11 o’clock and all declared Captain Marquez a dandy host and the Fearless a splendid boat.

The Matagorda News
, Friday, August 29, 1912


Misses Leone and Lucy Yerxa entertained a number of friends Thursday evening, the happy occasion being Miss Lucy’s eighteenth birthday. The rooms were decorated with the feathery plumes of crimson Prince’s feather and asparagus vines. “Puzzle post” occupied the earlier part of the evening, and prizes were awarded to Miss Thomas, Miss Powers and Mrs. Walker and Messrs. Bond and Hall. Refreshments were served in the dining room at the conclusion of the games. The guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Yerxa, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Walker, Mrs. Fisher of Markham, Misses Murphrees of Dallas, Isham of Beadle, Powers, Jones, Thomas, Yerxa and Lucy Yerxa; Messrs. Bond of Ashby, Jenal of Oklahoma City, Lewis of Markham, Laraway, Erle Laraway, Eyers, Matteson, Spence, Hall and Harrison.                       

The Matagorda County Tribune
, October 11, 1912


Last Saturday being the fourteenth birthday of Miss Rose Sterne, her mother invited a number of her friends to surprise Miss Rose that night. Although the weather was very inclement there were quite a number present and a most enjoyable time had. The evening was spent in playing blind forty-two after which the prizes were awarded: Miss Minnie Dea Coffin, a hand-painted dish; Edward Rugeley, a tie clasp, and to Lamar George went the booby, a bright yellow lemon. Mrs. Sterne here served the young folks to delicious cream and cake, then the birthday cake bearing fourteen candles was cut and the following all received a bounteous slice. Misses Forrest Zippiran, Belle Smith, Ollie George, Minnie Dea Coffin, Reba Rugeley and Fannie Nolte and Messrs. Eric Culver, Maynard Sambo and Edward Rugeley, Lamar George, Warner Stewart, Stewart Burkhart, and Frank Smith.

The Matagorda News
, Friday, December 27, 1912


The ninth annual ball of the Benedict Club of Bay City, which occurred Friday evening last, was the final hospitality of the holiday season. The spacious district court room, with its dainty and attractive elaboration of the ever delightful pink chrysanthemums, with the Christmas tide suggestion of bells and holly, mistletoe and palms, forming a picturesque setting for this handsomely appointed ball tendered the younger friends of Bay City’s married contingent. Festoon upon festoon, garland upon garland of fluffy pink chrysanthemums adorned the walls of the ball room, hanging in graceful fashion from the corners of the room to the center, where pendant was a huge red bell, interspersed here and there with Southern smilax, making a most attractive central point in the decorative scheme. Substituting the doorways, were arches of the same lovely pink flowers, while over the alcoves afforded by the architectural design of the room, were groups of arches in three, where cozy corners, comfortably appointed in settees, palms and ferns, found high favor with those present. Accentuating the stairway to the balcony, where supper was served, and which lent itself most attractively to the grouping of the tete-a-tete tables, and to the comfort and artistic effect of the position of the orchestra, was yet another archway of lovely pink and green, which held a string of lovely lights, in dainty tones, that seemed to fairly radiate good cheer and hospitality, and beckon one on most invitingly to come up and partake of the good things above.

Palms and ferns lined the walls and cozy spots, and were grouped most effectively wherever space permitted, while the holiday note was further emphasized by four arches of red and green, hung with tiny red bells, that marked the line of the grand march, at the four points of the room, and forming a most beautiful and “Christmasey” pathway of holiday pleasure for the seventy-five couples participating in the grand march, which was so effectively led by Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Eidman, at the conclusion of which little Miss Mary LeTulle Rugeley and Miss Arnold, gave to each dancer a program showing blue and white embossing, disclosing twenty-four regular dances and six extras, which carried the program, together with the much called for “off the program dances” far into the early hours of a new day. Truly, the large ball-room presented a beautiful sight, in its featurings of pink and white, and Christmas tide suggestions and accessories, the many and handsome gowns of the ladies forming an almost kaleidoscopic color effect, the evening dress of the men making the desired background for so brilliant a setting. No greater social triumph has come to mark the history of Bay City’s Benedict Club than this beautiful ball, given in honor of their friends of the younger set, for no pains were spared, no thing left undone to add to lovely decorative effect, and personal comfort of each guest, while the gracious reception tendered their guests, made very moment from the hour of the initial dance to the lovely strains of the concluding “home Sweet Home” most harmonious, pleasant and congenial. Genial good-fellowship permeated the atmosphere, and made all feel in accord with the holiday spirit. In compliment to our hosts, we can only delightfully anticipate the coming of another of their annual balls.

Among the out of town visitors for this elaborately appointed hospitality were: Messrs. and Mesdames A. H. Yerxa, Buckeye; Dr. and Mrs. Curtis, Blessing; C. E. Duller, D. A. Wheeler, Law, Blessing; J. H. Vaughan, Buckeye; Roy Jones, Wharton; R. G. Talcott, Van Vleck; Annie Byars, Matagorda; Mrs. March Clmore, Houston; Vance Duncan, Egypt; Mrs. R. L. Autrey, Houston; Jim Ingelhart, Matagorda; Mrs. March Culmore, Houston; Winnie Jeff Huston, Wharton; Leone and Lucy Yerxa, Buckeye; Vivian Roach, Edna Woodruff, Yeager, Blessing; Grace Smith, Collegeport; Jerusha Collins, Galveston; Mollie Belle Matthews, Glen Flora; Carmen Autrey, Houston; Messrs. Crimmins, Houston; Brahan Frazer, Lamar Huston, Wharton; Julian Inglehart, Jim Williams, Walter Cookenboo, Mataogrda; J. C. Lewis and George Ross Burke, Markham; L. M. Matteson, Earl Laraway, Heary Laraway, Buckeye; Walworth, Roy and John Roach, Lewis Woodruff, Reiffert Ward, Blessing; Sam and Keenan Gregory, Van Vleck.

The Daily Tribune, December 30, 1912


The Masquerade Ball, Oyster Roast, Dinings, and Personals

The Masked Ball given last Wednesday night at the hall by the young men was a decided success and will be long remembered by the maskers, other dancers, and the onlookers as the social affair of the winter. Soon after dark the maskers, such as clowns, old and young women, little Red Riding-hoods, and others begun to arrive and then the guessing also begun, for each spectator wondering who each masquerader was and what this friend and that one were representing. The grand march was formed and was led by Mr. George B. Culver, as a green ghost, and Mr. Amos Duffy, attired as a fair belle, and were followed by many masked couples. Several dances were then enjoyed and masks were ordered off too soon entirely. Dainty refreshments were served by the cemetery association and were greatly enjoyed and with the dreamy music rendered by the Mexican orchestra the dancers had such a good time “They didn’t go home ‘till morning.” Those who were masked are:

Mesdames Culver and Hawkins and Messrs. Culver, Sterne, Arthur and Walter Stewart all being dressed alike in green dominos, and all being about the same size had everyone guessing.

Mrs. Pope and Miss Inez Cain as Japanese girls.

Miss Louie Dunbar as Little Red Riding-hood.

Misses Reba Rugeley and Rose Sterne as Colonial dames.

Mrs. Lem Blair as a cow boy girl.

Mr. Vincent Culver of Wadsworth was dressed as a cow boy.

Miss Beth Phillips an elusive domino.

Minnie Phillips as a Ku Klux.

Belle Smith as Night.

Irene Burkhart as Folly.

Miss Callie Gove, Queen of Hearts.

Miss Viola Gove, Queen of Diamonds.

Mrs. Jim Inglehart as a nun.

Mrs. Treleor as an old woman.

Clowns were numerous and those playing well that part were Harold Swagerty, Jake Smith, Frank Smith and Lem Blair.


The young men honored the young ladies and school girls and boys with another dance Saturday night at the hall, the Mexican orchestra again furnishing the music. Although the weather was threatening, there was a good crowd out and all report a fine time. Those indebted to the young men for this good time are: Misses Muta Serrill, Reba Rugeley, Lila Berg, Vera Burke, Minnie Phillips, Belle Smith, Teresa Watkins, Myrtle Duffy, Louis and Callie Gove, Imogene Inglehart,, and Mary Gilmore.

The entertainers were: Norman Savage, Johnnie May Williams, Darwin Williams, Jake Smith, Rugeley Serrill, Luther Steusoff, Tas Thornhill, and Charlie Williams. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Middlebrook, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ellercamp, Mr. and Mrs. Green Savage, and Mr. and Mrs. Willie Williams were in attendance.


The college boys home for the holidays were most royally entertained last Wednesday night when Mesdames Culver and Hawkins gave them a six o’clock stag dinner at the Culver home. The dining table was a pretty sight with spotless linen and beautiful handwork while in the center of the table was a large vase of yellow nasturtiums. Mr. Culver was toast master and gave each boy some subject for discussion and we were sorry not to be able to get these interesting talks.

Around the table were seated Warner Stewart, Maynard, Sambo and Edward Rugeley, Pierce Hamilton, Harold Swagerty, Willie Berg Jr., Scott Phillips, Eric and Arthur Culver, Oscar and Lamar George. While college life and college girls and home girls were discussed Mesdames Culver and Hawkins served a three course dinner of oyster-cocktail, turkey, fried oysters, fairy fruit and potatoe salads, fresh peas, sweet and sour pickles, celery, hot chocolate, marshmallow pudding, chocolate and coconut cake. A most enjoyable time is reported and all the boys declared that no dormitory could serve such a grand dinner.


Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Moberly had a dining Sunday the occasion being a family reunion as the father and all three Moberly boys were together for the first time in several years. Mrs. Moberly prepared a scrumptious turkey dinner and those seated around the table were Mr. and Ms. W. E. McNabb, Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Moberly, Mr. and Mrs. Rucks Moberly, Mr. J. D. Moberly of St. Louis and the senior Moberly, and Misses Jessie May and Muta Serrill.


After preaching Monday night some of the young people gathered at the Rugeley home and enjoyed an oyster roast and all the fun that goes along with that sport. A big fire was made on the lawn and soon everybody was eating roasted oysters right out of the shell. Then all kinds of fireworks were displayed and later all gathered in the house where music was rendered by the young ladies of the crowd. Those who enjoyed this holiday occasion were Misses Francis and Katherine Poole of Bay City, Jessie May Serrill, Joe Sargent, Rose Sterne, Fannie Nolte, Allie George, Imogene Inglehart, Reba Rugeley, and Messrs. Harold Swagerty, Johnnie May Williams, Willie Berg, Warner Stewart, Scott Phillips, Arthur and Eric Culver, Lamar George, Stewart Burkhart, Perry Moore of Bay City, Maynard, Sambo and Edward Rugeley, Mrs. Sterne, Mr. Selfridge and Mr. and Mrs. Rugeley.

The Matagorda News, Friday, January 3, 1913


The Old Folks’ Grand Ball and Personals

The “Old Folk’s Dance” last Tuesday night was indeed voted a success by all who attended it, whether young or old, those who dance and those who don’t. The grand march was begun about eight o’clock and was lead by Mr. and Mrs. Culver and these were followed by a long line of couples. During the evening all kinds of dancing was enjoyed from all the old dances up to all the latest styles. The square dance was quite popular having been danced three different times during the evening and each time was called off by Mr. Culver. The Mexican orchestra furnished the music and played better than ever before. Just exactly at twelve o’clock, when 1912 was leaving and cannon crackers were exploding anvi’s firing kids shouting and every bell in town  was pealing forth with the town boys at the rope, ushering in the New Year with joy and bedlam, the ladies served coffee and cake to all the guests. Then the dancing started again and some danced until daylight. Some of the prettiest costumes were worn that have been displayed in Matagorda in sometime. The ladies dancing and their costumes are as follows:

      Mrs. G. B. Culver, brown silk with cream lace.

      Mrs. A. C. Stewart, red serge with cream lace trimmings.

      Mrs. Jim Hawkins, white lacey dress over canary.

      Mrs. Sterne, black silk lace over American beauty satin with train.

      Mrs. W. S. Stewart, brown and white silk.

      Mrs. Annie Byars, pink chiffon over pink charmeuse.

      Mrs. Ellercamp, blue and pink net over blue.

      Mrs. Kleaska, of Bay City, blue silk with lace trimmings.

      Mrs. Lem Blair, blue silk.

      Mrs. Green Savage, pink chiffon over pink silk.

      Mrs. Willie Williams, white dress trimmed in lace.

      Mrs. Jim Inglehart, blue silk with black velvet trimmings.

      Mrs. Trealor, white lacey dress.

      Miss Vera Burke, peach pink silk.

      Miss Lula Belle Salley, pink crepe de chine over pink charmeuse with pearl and chiffon roses as timmings with train.

      Miss Rose Sterne, white lacey dress over blue.

      Miss Muta Serrill, red chiffon draped over red silk.

      Miss Lilas Matthews of Wharton, pink chiffon over pink satin.

      Miss Reba Rugeley, yellow crepe de chine over yellow mesaline with gold lace trimmings.

      Miss Joe Sargent, white lacey dress over blue.

      Miss Jessie May serrill, white silk mull.

      Miss Myrtle Duffy, red silk with lace trimmings.

      Miss Lila Berg, white net over pink mesaline.

      Miss Imogene Inglehart, pink crepe with lace trimmings.

      Miss Louis Dunbar, blue silk.

The men and boys were: Messrs. Culver, Walter and Arthur Stewart, Charlie and Willie Williams, Sterne, Blair, Green Savage, Swagerty, Rugeley Serrill, Amos Duffy, Jake Smith, Johnnie May Williams, Sam Lawson, Frank Smith, Sherman Baker and Walter Cookenboo of Bay City, Sambo and Edward Rugeley, Scott Phillips, Henry Eidelbauch, Luther Stuesoff, and Norman Savage.

Mr. Culver who had charge of arrangements and is entitled to a very large share of the praise for the splendid success of the affair makes the following report of the financial part of it:

      Amount collected Old Folks Dance                $33.00

      Cakes left over and sold                                                   2.00


      Paid for Music                            $23.00

      W. H. W. & Son, Groc.,                  2.25

      Hall rent,                                          5.00

      Cook hire,                                       2.50

      Drayage,                                           .25

      Donated Cemetery Ass’n,            2.00             $35.00

The Matagorda News, Friday, January 3, 1913


The Home Missionary Society of the Methodist Church gave Aunt Hannah [Carr] quite a treat and surprise last Monday when they went to her house in a party and held prayer meeting with her. After the devotional program was over Mesdames Burke, Bedford and Culver slipped away to the Culver home and brought over trays of hot chocolate and cake and passed to Aunt Hannah and her guests. This indeed proved a treat to this poor blind Christian, Aunt Hannah is well known in Matagorda by all, young and old, and up until the past year has always been a faithful attendant to all church affairs up to the time she lost her sight, which has kept her from enjoying this part of her life. She is a member of the white church, and has been since the slavery days. Thos who showed Aunt Hannah this pleasant afternoon were Mesdames D. S. Burke, Will Burke, Culver, Hawkins, Baker, Bedford, Baxter, Will McNabb, W. H. Smith, Rugeley and Salley.

The Matagorda County News and Midcoast Farmer
, Friday, February 13, 1914


The Matagorda Ladies Aid Here And Took A Trip To The Gulf

Tuesday morning about eleven o’clock three Lane City cars driven by Messrs. C. J. Williams, James Cowie and W. L. Bohaman, brought the Ladies Aid Society of Lane City down to spend the day with the Ladies Aid of Matagorda for there is a strong tie that binds these two societies with brotherly love, both having the same pastor, Rev. D. S. Burke. This party was composed of Mesdames T. W. Lane, H. J. King, W. H. Plageman, O. Ryan, M. M. Griffin, Will Davault, D. P. Davault, E. L. Stone and E. T. Wolters, of Lane City, and Mrs. J. O. King of  Bay City. They were met at the parsonage by the Matagorda ladies and from there they went to the pavilion where a most enjoyable picnic dinner also the treat of the day, which was the fried fish. This proved to be most appreciated by the visitors who do not have the opportunity like Matagorda people of having fish whenever we want them. Immediately after dinner the visitors accompanied by Rev. and Mrs. Burke and Mesdames Culver, Morgan Smith, Will Burke, W. J. Phillips, Baker, Baxter, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Gilbert, and Misses Reba Rugeley, Thelma Baxter and Helen Gilbert aboard the Eagle with Mr. Ira Bell captain were soon landed on the peninsula shore. When the gulf was reached some went in bathing while others rested and gathered shells. Upon arriving back at the pavilion the guests were served to ice-cream and cake which had been prepared by Mesdames Berg and Rugeley and Misses Adelaide Smith and Minnie Dea Coffin. The visitors left about dusk and declared they had had a most enjoyable day and the home ladies too enjoyed it and hope to repeat the occasion in the near future.

The Matagorda News, Friday, May 2, 1913


The Misses Leone and Lucy Yerxa entertained the young folks of Buckeye Wednesday evening with the lively game of the progressive Bunco. Miss Elizabeth Yarborough and Mr. Wm. Riley were awarded the head prizes, while Miss Madeline Irving and Mr. Dave Brown were consoled with the booby prizes. Cakes and cream were served. Those present were Misses Agnes, Ethel and Anna Spence, Nellie Murfries, Louise Wortham, Lizzie and Vera Powers, Madaline Irving, Elizabeth Yarborough, Agnes Hardaman and Coe; Messrs. Francis Spence, Jim Powers, Erie Laraway, Chas. Knox, Dave and Reuben Brown, Odie Hodges, Wm. Riley, George and Dave Hardaman, Jack Eyers, Julian and Allen Spoor, Gray and Coe.    

The Daily Tribune
, May 23, 1913


In response to invitations sent out several days previous, Tuesday afternoon Mrs. Nye Ryman received in honor of her visiting sister, Mrs. C. B. Powell of Rusk, and Mrs. Carroll Ryman of this place. The day was ideal and the guests buoyant as they wended their way to the handsome home of the Jas. Nye Ryman’s. In her usual charming and graceful manner Mrs. Ryman welcomed them at the door and passed them on to the honorees after which Miss Jessie May Serrill took charge and presented them to the guests from Bay City, Misses McLendon, Walker and Hill, then they took seats in the double parlors. All were eager with expectancy and were rewarded when presently the hostess passed programs containing several musicale numbers. The programme was very unique in arrangement and as each number was rendered took the audience step by step from “Infancy to Old Age.” Miss Boyd was first to take her stand near the piano with Mrs. Ryman as accompanist and sweetly sang the song of In fancy—“A Winter Lullaby.” Master Robert Smith then sang in his pretty little way, the song of Childhood—“Apple Tree” which rendition was enjoyed greatly. School-days then followed by Mable Schindler, a little dark eyed lass who gave “Playing Games” as only a child could sing it. Miss Lila Berg then made everyone feel like patting their feet as she played the lively solo “College Days.” Miss McLendon held the closest attention of the audience with the song of Womanhood—“Could I” and with such a round of applause that she returned and charmed the guests still more with the encore “Good Night Little Girl.” When Miss Hill took her seat at the piano and, with much expression, struck up the beautiful wedding march from Lohengrin, the married ladies present looked thoughtful and some of the unmarried ones exclaimed “Oh! Doesen’t that sound good?” Owing to hoarseness Mrs. Ryman asked Mrs. Sterne to sing the song of Motherhood for her, “Sleep Baby Sleep.” None but a mother could croon this sweet song and give it the full expression, and many eyes welled with tears as Mrs. Sterne sang the words soft and low. Then Mrs. Sterne delighted the audience the second time with her vocal selection of Indian Summer “Mother Machree” and then Miss McLendon sang the song of Old Age oh, so sweetly “When You and I Were Young, Maggie.”

After this rare musicale, appreciated by all present, the hostess assisted by Miss Serrill and Mable Schindler regalled the guests with delicious refreshments of creamed potatoes, hot buns, Welsh rarebit and hot chocolate after which they departed thanking their hostess cordially for a most delightful and never to be forgotten afternoon. Those present were Mesdames Carrol Ryman, C. B. Powell, M. E. Lawson, W. E. Bedford, G. B. Culver, E. P. Layton, J.  H. Ellercamp, W. H. Smith, E. R. Inglehart, Goodwin Sterne, F. L. Rugeley, D. S. Burke, Amos Duffy, Morgan Smith, W. C. Berg, W. E. McNabb, F. P. Hamilton, E. C. Baker and J. B. Hawkins; and Misses Betty McLendon, Mamie Walker and Anital Hill of Bay City; Fannie Nolte, Bertha Boyd, Reba Rugeley, Irma, Merlie and Lila Berg, Loula Belle Salley, Marguerite Hamilton, Jessie May Serrill, Mable Schindler and Master Robert Smith.


The hostess for the social meeting of the Ladies Aid Society of the Methodist Church this month was Mrs. C. A. Davis, and Monday afternoon, the usual day, there were fourteen present to enjoy her charming hospitality. Not much sewing was done, but a great deal of chatting and “poking fun” at each other until presently Mrs. Davis and Mrs. Duffy passes a splendid salad course, the enjoyment of it evidenced by the empty plates that were taken away a little later. Those delighted with Mrs. Davis’ mode of entertaining were Mesdames W.  H. Smith, D. S. Burke, J. B. Hawkins, F. L. Rugeley, E. C. Baker, H. P. Baxter, W. E. Bedford, M. E. Lawson, J. M. Smith, G. B. Culver and W. C. Berg. The visitors were Mesdames Carrol Ryman, Amos Duffy and Miss Reba Rugeley.


Arthur Stewart, Nat Baxter, Robert Smith, Roy Trahan, Robert Ellis, Sterling Baxter, Lizzie Ellis, Loraine Bruce, Gussie Lee Walker, Emmie Parris, Velarie and Velma Smith, Marie Duke, Merle Trahan, Elmer Phillips, Lila Thornhill and Georgia Pope were the delighted little guests of Marvin and Dollie Schindler on their tenth and fifth birthdays, Monday afternoon. Out-door games were played until Mrs. Schindler served lots of goodies to them, after which the guests presented their little host and hostess with birthday tokens and then wishing them good-bye sped home. The News was remembered with birthday cake.

The Matagorda News & Midcoast Farmer, Friday, November 14, 1913


County Agent Person’s Big Corn Club Ready for Business

County Agent Persons has been very successful in organizing his boys’ corn clubs, having now enrolled some sixty members, including progressive boy farmers in nearly every section of the county, each one pledging himself to plant and cultivate one acre in corn under the especial directions they will receive. The club membership is as follows—and News Farmer regards it as a roll of honor:

     Gainesmore―Warren Powell, aged 12 years; Ford Powell, aged 11 years; Charlie Grace, aged 13 years; Jakey Grace, aged 10 years; Volney Curtis, aged 13 years; Frank Curtis, aged 17 years; Jewel Gartin, aged 13 years.

      Van Vleck―Olin Head, aged 12 years; Morris Hawkins, aged 10 years.

      Collegeport―Frank D. Travis, aged 12 years; Dwight H. Sholl, aged 12 years; William Copeland, aged 17 years; Homer Butler, aged 16 years; Ralph Sarchit, aged 13 years.

      Midfield―Milford Kuhn, aged 12 years; Gerard B. Garnett, aged 12 years; Edgar D. Weeks, aged 14 years; F. C. Cornelius, aged 13 years; Neil Barclay, aged 13 years; Harry Lund, aged 13 years, Victor Kuhn, aged 15 years.

      Markham―Walter Sanders, aged 12 years; Raymond Banstian, aged 12 years; Laymont Baustian, aged 12 years; Guss Eoff, aged 14 years.

      Matagorda―Alfred Cook, aged 14 years; Murray Watkins, aged 12 years.

      Blessing―Claude Reidgertt, aged 10 years; Earl Kimmil, aged 10 years; Leo Polifka, aged 10 years; Avon Hurter, aged 12 years; Jesse Cook, age 17 years; Guy Woodward, aged 17 years; King Patterson, aged 14 years; Johnnie Kemmel, aged 11 years; Lester Fox, aged 14 years; Knox Martin, aged 10 years; Simon Jackson, aged 12 years; Lewis Bynum, aged 16 years; Joel Bynum, aged 14 years; Roy Bynum, aged 13 years.

      Buckeye―Lewis Swett, aged 11 years; John Henderson, aged 16 years; Reuben Brown, aged 16 years; Mahlon Hodges, aged 15 years.

Matagorda County News & Midcoast Farmer, Friday, February 20, 1914

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