Caney Newspaper Columns


Caney Cullings.

By Paul Pry

J. A. Barnett visited the county capital Tuesday.

A. S. Carter, Sundayed in Bay City, returning Monday morning.

R. V. Matthews visited Bay City one day during the past week.

More rain again this week! Fine for the rice farmers, but a little tough on others.

Albert Benedict spent Sunday in Bay City and reports having a good time with the boys.

F. S. Scherrer was over from Buck’s bayou Tuesday, teaching us the art of harvesting broom corn.

J. G. Dennis came over via Caney Valley and dodged us, but we found out he was in the vicinity. Come again John.

Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Collins and Mrs. W. I. Wallace of Bay City spent Wednesday of last week on Caney, visiting friends and relatives.

Mrs. Jno. Matthews returned from Matagorda Saturday, where she has been to visit her daughter, Mrs. E. L. Lawson who has a very sick child.

Your correspondent erred last week in stating that all of the Misses Webb had returned home. Miss Grace Webb is still here, visiting her friend, Miss Winnie Waddell.

The many friends here of Hon. G. C. Duncan extend their sincere sympathy to himself and family in the loss of his estimable wife at Galveston Friday morning. The remains came down on the Caney Valley, Saturday, accompanied by a large concourse of sorrowing friends and relatives and were laid to rest in the family burying ground at Bowie’s Saturday evening.

Matagorda County Tribune, August 7, 1903

Caney Cullings

By Paul Pry.

Light showers visited us again Sunday and Tuesday.

Uncle Jack Dietrich is suffering from a severe cold this week.

Mr. Stahl was in from the rice farm Monday, hunting his milch cow.

Mrs. Susie Green of Columbus arrived Monday on a visit to her grandfather, J. A. Green.

Mrs. S. J. Bates is recovering from a week’s spell of sickness. Dr. Myers attended her.

John A. Green, D. A. Treadway, R. H. Hunt, R. A. Carter and several others visited the county capital during the week.

Boll weevil damaging cotton some, but not enough to stop the drummers from coming around. Picking will commence soon.

Chas. Longuet has quit grading on the Colorado Canal and returned to Bay City to shape up his rice camp and get ready for the harvest.

J. L. Waddell and family and Miss Webb of Caney and J. G. Dennis of Bay City returned Friday from a week’s outing at the mouth of Caney.

The peach crop for the season is about exhausted, a good many of them falling off the trees since the late rains. Watermelons are plentiful and cheap.

Your correspondent lent his assistance in improving the public roads hereabouts the greater part of last week and failed to get in the items from this place.

Guy Borden, the San Antonio cow buyer, was here Monday en route to Van Vleck with a bunch of market cattle purchased from the Hawkins estate.

The rain Tuesday was accomplished by a pretty stiff blow for a few minutes, which took a few limbs off the China trees in the neighborhood and blew down some corn. No other damage reported.

Manager Walters and Lineman Oliver were over from Bay City, Saturday, and installed a phone in John Matthew’s residence. We are now equipped with both the long distance and the Bay City exchange phones and we can talk till we are tired.

Caney has lots of land supposed to be first class oil land, and if Bay City has a surplus of drillers, send us over one and he can find a place to pierce the earth for a bountiful supply of the oily fluid. John Matthews desires to interest some of the drillers in this regard.

Matagorda County Tribune, August 21, 1903

Caney Cullings.

By Paul Pry.

Cotton picking is beginning.

Rain again the first of the week.

R. V. Matthews is slightly indisposed this week.

J. G. Dennis visited Caney again the first of the week.

Geo. Kilbride is plying the paint brush in Bay City this week.

Dr. Bouldin was called to Caney on a professional visit Saturday.

R. T. Chinn’s smiling countenance was seen in our burg last Saturday.

Elwood Smith and Mr. Pyle were transacting business here Wednesday.

Mrs. John Sloan and son, Percy, visited friends on Caney during the week.

E. J. Kilbride was in Monday, buying market cattle from John Matthews.

Mr. Gillmore was buying corn from Mr. Waddell one or two days last week.

Mrs. J. L. Wadell has been very sick during the past week but is recovering.

Hanna, “the Oxidine man,” was in the burg last week, advertising and taking orders.

Misses Dennis and Gillmore of Bay City, spent a few days at Mr. Waddell’s place last week.

Miss Bertha Wallace of Bay City is here visiting her sister, Mrs. W. A. Matthews, this week.

Mr. Wm. Miller and wife are spending a week on Caney, the guests of Geo. Kilbride and family.

Mesdames John and W. A. Matthews visited Van Vleck Tuesday to meet relatives coming in on the evening train.

Mrs. K. L. Sojourner, of Bay City, and Mrs. M. O’Connell, of Van Vleck, were calling in this burg one day last week.

Grocery, drug, tobacco and flour drummers worked the burg during the week—various drummers from various places.

Mrs. E. L. Lawson and sons, Harry and Sam, of Matagorda, are visiting relatives here. E. L. stayed at home to keep up with oil development at Big Hill.

F. S. Scherrer moved over his broom corn thresher and press from Buck’s bayou the first of the week, and is preparing John Matthew’s crop for market.

D. A. Treadway, our rustling corn farmer, is kept busy gathering and selling corn these days. Think Dan just use his rabbit foot when it comes to making a corn crop and disposing of it.

Mrs. Mayfield and Tom Peareson and wife of Richmond are visiting their son and daughter, Jas. Mayfield, of Tanglewylde, who has been sick during the past week, but who, we learn, is recovering.

The postmaster here has been notified by the Washington authorities to receive the effects of the Coulterville post office, stating that same will be discontinued on the 31st. This leaves the people between Caney and Cedar Lake without a post office. I am informed that Mr. Zipprian will move back to Matagorda and could get no one else to act as postmaster in his stead.

Matagorda County Tribune, August 29, 1903

Caney Cullings.

By Paul Pry.

D. A. Treadaway visited Bay City Monday.

Mr. Dudley bought corn from Mr. Waddell Friday.

J. A. Barnett visited the county capital during the week.

R. A. Carter spent Sunday in Bay City with the home folks.

Geo. Kilbride spent Sunday at home, returning to Bay City in the evening.

Prof. Fount Winston visited friends on Caney a few days during the past week.

R. H. Hunt has been hauling corn out of the bottoms during the past two weeks.

Messrs. Hugh Phillips and S. S. Moore were hauling corn from Caney last week.

Mrs. Susie Green returned to her home in Columbus Sunday, after a week’s visit to her grandfather.

Mr. Bryan, of the Markham Mercantile Co., stopped in the burg a few hours Tuesday, enroute to Velasco.

Mesdames Kilbride and Miller accompanied Albert Benedict on his last trip with the mail to Coulterville Monday.

Hon. A. Currie and wife came up from the old place Saturday and remained the guests of Mrs. Jno. Matthews until Sunday evening.

Jno. Andrews was very sick the first of the week. Dr. Bouldin was called to attend him and we are glad to note that he is improving rapidly.

Jno. Thompson and J. G. Dennis moved their teams from here Thursday and carried them to the rice fields to get ready for the harvest.

Messrs. Crockett, of the Bay City Iron Works, came over the first of the week and repaired the Rugeley ginning machinery for F. P. Vaughn.

Frank Kingsley came up from Coulterville Tuesday to bring up a part of the effects of the post office and get the mail for some of his neighbors.

Matagorda County Tribune, September 4, 1903

Caney Cullings.

By Paul Pry.

Geo. Johnson of Van Vleck was in this burg Friday.

Jno. Matthews is making hay while the sun shines this week.

Joe Bates attended Justice Shelton’s court at Van Vleck Tuesday.

Judge A. Currie is reported quite sick at his home. Nothing serious, we hope.

Harry Hamilton and Early Campbell paid Edna a short business visit last week.

Jno. L. Waddell paid Eagle Lake a two days visit Saturday and Sunday, returning Monday.

C. Zipprian was up from Coulterville Friday, straightening up the affairs of the discontinued post office.

E. B. Campbell, Jno. A. Green and several other Caneyites transacted business in Bay City during the week.

Capt. Wm. Dunbar and Frank Bruce came out from Matagorda last week and erected a power wind mill for Ed. Kilbride.

Our corn farmers are supplying Bay City with lots of corn, and our wood haulers are busy hauling stove wood to town these days.

A. Drey, Ed. Moczygemba, Stern, Hendricks, Mooreland, Hirsch and other Knights of the grip worked this territory during the week.

Caney is improving some with the balance of the county. We note from last week’s TRIBUNE that we will have a public school in the near future.

Mrs. W. A. Matthews and daughter are spending a ten days vacation with relatives in Bay City. W. A. went over and spent the day with them Sunday.

Mrs. J. W. Waddell and children returned from their two weeks sojourn at Eagle Lake Tuesday, much improved in health and J. L. is wearing a broad smile again.

Mrs. E. L. Lawson and two sons have returned to Matagorda from a week’s visit to relatives here. We trust they enjoyed their stay among us as much as we enjoyed having them with us.

Will Showaker, Van Vleck’s efficient constable was here Saturday to arrest one of our Caney negroes for using a fence rail on the head of another son of Ham, and summoning witnesses in the case.

Matagorda County Tribune, September 11, 1903

Caney Cullings.

By Paul Pry.

D. A. Treadaway visited Bay City Saturday.

G. C. Duncan was down from Egypt Thursday.

R. H. Hunt visited Bay City Monday, on business.

E. P. Rugeley was hauling corn from here Thursday.

S. J. Bates paid Bay City a short business visit Monday.

Joe Bates paid the old Van Dorn ranch a business visit Sunday.

V. H. Harding was over from Bay City Tuesday, looking for a mail carrier.

Miss Beulah Grover of Bay City visited relatives on Caney during the week.

Messrs. Cochran, Bates, Childers and other drummers were selling goods here during the week.

Mrs. R. A. Carter and Mrs. J. A. Barnett came over from Bay City Tuesday. Mrs. Carter returned same day.

Ben Sivley, representing the Chattanooga Medicine Co., was advertising his wares here during the past week.

W. A. Matthews visited Bay City Sunday, returning in the evening and bringing Mrs. Matthews and daughter with him.

Mrs. S. J. Bates and Miss Annie Hamilton were on the sick list the first of the week, but are convalescing, we are glad to note.

Mr. Caldwell and bride of San Antonio passed through the burg Sunday en route to Dr. C. E. Williams’s place at Rotherwood Lake.

Col. Holt and wife returned Thursday from an extended summer’s outing in California and other Western points, and they look as if they spent a pleasant time.

R. V. Matthews and family and Mrs. Jno. Matthews visited Mr. and Mrs. A. Currie, Thursday, and found Mr. Currie somewhat improved from his malarial attack.

Albert Benedict, one of Bay City’s coming young men, is now hopping ____ in John Matthews’s general merchandise emporium, where he will be glad to meet all his old friends.

Otto, the seven-year-old son of Robert Loos, died of congestion at his parents’ home on Buck bayou Sunday night, and his remains were interred in the Caney cemetery Tuesday morning. Drs. Byars of Bay City and Myers of Van Vleck attended him during his last illness. We extend our sincerest sympathy to the bereaved parents in their sad affliction.

There has been considerable talk of prospecting for oil on Caney for some time past, and it seems that things are about to reach a climax at last. We learn from a reliable source that Col. Holt and Cashier Goode of the First National Bank of Bay City had an experienced driller on the ground Sunday prospecting the new territory, and will in the near future begin drilling on the Chas. Morris tract. The deal was not completed, so our informant states, but prospects are bright for its consummation.

Matagorda County Tribune, September 18, 1903

Caney Cullings.

By Paul Pry.

Ed Dugas was in from the rice farm Wednesday.

The pecan crop promises a shorter yield than last year.

We are glad to note that all our sick neighbors are improving.

S. J. Coulter came up from Coulterville for the mail Tuesday.

R. V. Matthews and Geo. Kilbride were repairing windmills the first of the week.

Dr. Gresham has been prescribing for some of our boys with sore hands during the week.

R. C. Johnson of Van Vleck was here Saturday and purchased a horse from Jno. Matthews.

Jno. and Joe Andrews were engaged in delivering corn to M. O’Connell of Van Vleck Saturday.

R. A. Carter is busy pulling his entire corn crop and will haul same to Bay City while the roads are good.

Mrs. W. A. Matthews was called to Bay City Wednesday by the illness of relatives, who, we hope, are improving.

John Mittendorpp brought in the first load of new cotton for the season, Monday. Jno. Matthews bought same at a fancy figure.

Rice cutting and threshing is now the order of the day. We can hear the steam whistles of the threshers and the Bay City mill daily.

Army worms have cleaned off most of the cotton and we can form a better estimate of the yield than formerly, and are now figuring on one-eighth bale per acre.

What’s the matter with the Rice Belt railroad coming by us on her way across the county? We hope to see some road cross the county in this direction ere long.

Cochran Willis, formerly in the employ of the Bay City Grocery Co., paid Caney his first visit Wednesday in the capacity of salesman for the Wharton Wholesale Grocery Company.

W. H. Harmon, an expert machinist of Bryan, has arrived on Caney, and is at work repairing John Matthews’s ginning machinery, which he will run through the season. Welcome to you, Will.

A regular pork Norther struck us on the evening of the 16th and continued cooling our overheated nerves for a week. Hope we will not have to exert ourselves and become overheated again this season.

Dr. A. F. Box and family passed through here Thursday, en route for Bay City. The doctor returned next day without his family. We suppose he took the train for some other point, but were not informed.

A petition is being circulated for signers here to request the commissioners court to grade the road from Bay City east via Caney to the county line at Lynnville Bayou. Hope same will meet with the approval of the court and give us a good road to the county capital.

Matagorda County Tribune, September 25, 1903

Caney Cullings.

By Paul Pry.

Z. E. Scofield was on Caney Tuesday.

A light shower visited us Wednesday morning.

Sol. Levy was supplying our merchants with hardware Friday.

Mr. Washburne was in from the rice fields Wednesday morning.

Mr. Cox of central Texas is here on a visit to J. Hamilton and family.

W. A. Matthews visited Mrs. Matthews and daughter at Bay City Sunday.

E. A. Gibson was up from the Hawkins ranch after the mail one day last week.

John Mittendorpp brought in a second load of cotton from the bayou Tuesday.

S. W. Bell is again on Caney, gathering his crop, after an absence of several months.

Sam Franz was in from the rice farm Monday, buying groceries for his threshing camp.

Tom Howard visited Caney unintentionally Tuesday evening on his way home from Van Vleck.

Cochran Willis was in to see us again Tuesday, accompanied by Mr. Taylor, a soap and lard salesman.

J. C. Carrington and party passed through the burg Friday en route to lower Caney to do some surveying.

Jno. L. Waddell visited Bay City Sunday to meet some Eagle Lake friends who were to come and join him on a deer hunt.

Tom Hamilton returned last week from a month’s sojourn among friends and relatives in western Texas, and he has already left again for the rice fields near Arnim.

Judge Currie passed through Wednesday, en route home from Bay City, where he had been attending a special term of commissioners court.

An informal ice cream reception was tendered Albert Benedict Tuesday night by Mesdames Kilbride and Miller, in honor of his eighteenth birthday.

Matagorda County Tribune, October 2, 1903

Caney Cullings.

By Paul Pry.

S. J. Bates is on the sick list again this week.

Wm. Stahl was in from the rice farm Wednesday.

Geo. Johnson was down from Van Vleck Monday.

Frank Vaughn was delivering corn in Bay City Tuesday.

J. L. Waddell visited Bay City Sunday and again Wednesday.

Dave Kaack was hauling cane from Caney to Bucks bayou Thursday.

D. A. Treadway is using his teams in the rice field this week, hauling.

J. L. Waddell is busy now-a-days shipping wood from the Duncan farm.

Mrs. Annie Treadaway visited Mr. Barnett’s family at Bay City Tuesday.

Joe Bates visited Bay City on business Tuesday, and Van Vleck Wednesday.

Jas Miller and mother visited friends and relatives on Caney during the week.

Judge Jesse Matthews spent two days on Caney, the first of the week, chasing doggies.

R. H. Hurst has gone to New Orleans this week with a car of cattle for D. P. Moore.

A. G. Moore returned to Wharton Thursday from a week’s visit to Mr. and Mrs. A. Currie.

Ike Towell was over from Bay City during the week looking over the old stamping grounds.

H. W. Bowie passes by often now en route to and from his Caney plantation and rice farm.

R. V. Matthews visited Van Vleck to receive some new wagons for Jno. Matthews Wednesday.

J. M. Hamby and brother are here twice during the week buying cattle from Jno. Matthews for the Bay City market.

Mrs. Wm. Miller was slightly indisposed, first of week, but we are glad to note that she is improving at this writing.

E. L. Lawson was up from the Stewart canal Wednesday of last week, looking for more teams to use in threshing rice.

D. P. Moore came over from Bay City Friday to look after several car loads of fat steers which he was shipping to market.

Ed. Dugas was down from the Bay City Irrigation Co’s. fields during the past few days and reports a large rice yield in that section.

Gus. Summers, the advance agent of Gentry Bros.’ show was in our village Monday posting bills for the show at Bay City on the 15th.

R. V. Matthews received a severe kick on the leg Sunday from his family buggy horse, which has lamed him for the week. Nothing serious, however.

The bridge across the Colorado Canal Co’s. lateral, near Holt’s camp, has a part of the flooring torn off and is in a very dangerous condition. We also learn that this company has constructed its canal across the Caney-Matagorda road in the G pasture, and that no bridge has been put up, forcing all wagon and buggy travel to go some distance around. Guess it’s about time someone was looking after such things but it seems there is no one interested enough to make a start.

…the past week, but none of them were heavy enough to stop the dust from blowing on us, and the rice men still rejoice.

Brandon, the crockery man; Harris, the snuff man; Childers, the grocery man; Dixon, the vinegar man; and other drummers worked the trade here during the week.

Mrs. W. A. Matthews and daughters returned Sunday evening from a ten days’ visit to Bay City relatives. W. A. went over in the morning and accompanied them home.

Matagorda County Tribune, October 9, 1903

Caney Cullings.

By Paul Pry.

Mrs. Annie Treadaway visited Bay City relatives Wednesday.

Mr. Dudley was over from Bay City Sunday looking for a horse trade.

S. J. Bates and family enjoyed an outing on Peyton’s creek during the week.

Mr. Short, representing the Armstrong Mfg. Co., supplied us with sweets Friday.

J. M. Hamby was buying beef cattle in our burg Wednesday for the Bay City market.

W. H. Harman and A. M. Benedict paid Van Vleck a business visit Thursday evening.

Miss Mary L. Bates was on the sick list Tuesday, but we are glad to note she has recovered.

Matthews’ gin has several bales of cotton in the house and will be running last of the week.

Some of the “Baw-ling” boys enjoyed a “Harmon-ious” time once or twice during the week.

Judge A. Currie was up from the ranch Wednesday of last week and paid Van Vleck a short visit.

Messrs. Cochran and Bates were here during the week and supplied our merchants with groceries.

Jno. Matthews has had some new shingles put on his dwelling during the week, to prepare for the winter.

Miss Bertha Wallace came over from Bay City Sunday morning and spent the day with her sister, Mrs. W. A. Matthews.

Messrs. Gaston and French sold spectacles and tobacco, and Aaron Drey and Hendricks were taking orders for furnishing goods here during the week.

We learn that Marshal Williams and City Attorney Holman and several other Bay Cityians spent several days on Lynnville deer hunting, during the week.

Our telephone line was out of repair several days during last week, but was put in working order again Tuesday and has been kept busy ever since.

Sheriff Sims came over from Bay City the first of the week to levy on some cattle belonging to Wat. Edison, to satisfy a judgment held by J. G. Smith & Bro. of Brazoria.

Judge Jesse Matthews brought his daughter, Mollie Belle, over from Bay City Sunday to spend a few days with her grandparents, and came over again Wednesday to carry her home, and took Marguerite and Madge Matthews over to visit Mollie Belle a few days and attend the Gentry show.

Matagorda County Tribune, October 16, 1903

Caney Cullings.

By Paul Pry.

C. C. Gresham visited Van Vleck Sunday.

Jim Miller is spending a few days on Caney again this week.

Judge Jesse Matthews was attending to business in this burg again Wednesday.

Jno. L. Waddell visited the county capital on business during the past week.

Tom Rainey was down from Van Vleck Tuesday, trying to buy some fat cattle for the city markets.

John Matthews visited the Lynnville section Sunday, looking after his farming interests there.

W. A. Matthews and wife visited Bay City relatives Sunday and brought Master Hamilton Wallace home to spend the week on Caney.

J. Hamilton took the train at Van Vleck Tuesday for points north and expected to return the latter part of the week.

J. B. Caverly was over from Bay City Tuesday, looking after Uncle Sam’s interest in the cotton ginning.

Judge Currie and wife stopped a few hours in our burg Friday, en route home from Bay City, where they had been to take in the show and lecture.

Quite a number of Caneyites attended the Gentry show in Bay City last week and all report a fine time except those who remained for the night show and had their enthusiasm dampened.

Dr. E. C. King paid us a visit Tuesday, en route from Van Vleck to lower Caney, and he informs us that he now has charge of the Van Vleck drug store and is permanently located at that place.

R. L. Bobo, who formerly was a resident of this section, but left here about four years ago, returned to our burg from Genoa Monday and has entered the employ of John Matthews. Paul Pry is glad to see such energetic young men stopping in our midst and extends a warm welcome to him.

A severe hail, rain and wind storm visited us Thursday night, blowing down a few trees, the smokestack on the Matthews gin and a considerable amount of sugar cane. The squall only lasted for a short time and just dampened the ground enough for us to plant a turnip patch.

Matagorda County Tribune, October 23, 1903

Caney Cullings.

By Paul Pry.

John Andrews paid Matagorda a visit Saturday.

Jas. Miller returned to Bay City Sunday evening.

Frank Carothers was peddling beef here Tuesday.

Wesley Stahl was in from the rice farm Tuesday.

John Walker was down from Van Vleck Monday.

Jno. Waddell paid Bay City a business visit Tuesday.

Mr. McNeal was over from Brazoria Wednesday on business.

Judge Currie was up from home Saturday, accompanied by the madam.

R. P. Breeden is again in this territory in the interest of Gust Heye & Co.

Albert Benedict visited Bay City on business Friday and again Monday.

Mr. Bryan passed through Wednesday en route to Velasco from Markham.

Mr. Cox came in from the rice fields Sunday, returning Monday morning.

The Rugeley and Matthews gins are both cutting the fleecy staple this week.

V. L. LeTulle spent Sunday on Caney, looking after affairs at the old homestead.

Messrs. Clayton and Childers sold dry goods and groceries in our burg Monday.

Mr. Borden, the cow buyer, was here the first of the week looking for marked cattle.

A. W. Bowie has been up from his Caney plantation several times during the week.

W. H. Harmon paid Van Vleck a visit Sunday to have Dr. King treat a defective eye.

C. W. Lee was over from Bay City Tuesday, buying cord wood from J. L. Waddell.

Messrs. Hamby and Sutton were buying corn and trading horses on Caney Wednesday.

S. F. Bates has been quite sick during the past week, but is improving at this writing.

Deputy Sheriff Smith was on Caney during the week summoning jurors for county court.

Dr. Parker and several ladies were enjoying some sport shooting squirrels on Caney Wednesday.

Drummer Varnadore called on our merchants Friday in the interest of La Prelle Williams Shoe Co.

Edgar Hawkins and M. LeTulle passed through Tuesday en route to Bay City with a load of corn.

Geo. Bartholomew, one of the old time drummers, was in our neck of the woods Wednesday, in the interest of a flour mill.

D. A. Treadaway came in from the rice fields Friday and has been laid up for a few days. He visited Bay City Monday to consult a doctor.

J. Hamilton returned from Allie, Texas, Monday, bringing with him Mrs. Tom Hamilton and children who have been visiting relatives there for some time.

Some of our neighbors report seeing some frost Sunday morning, but as Paul was not very energetic that morning, he railed to arise in time to corroborate this testimony.

F. P. Vaughn was in to see us a short while Saturday, while en route to Bay City, and informed us that he would start his cane mill some time this week and is ready for orders for new syrup.

Mrs. W. A. Matthews, accompanied by Miss Bell Bates, paid Bay City a flying visit on Thursday of last week, and carried Master Hamilton Wallace home from a few days visit to relatives here.

A large party of what we supposed to be wild goat hunters were in the Caney and Lynnville territories the first of the week, having a chase after these nimble animals. We learn they were from Bay City.

H. B. Duncan came in from Burnett Monday to remain on the plantation for some time and assist his manager in grinding and marketing this season’s cane crop. Cutting began Monday and the mill was started Wednesday.

The Rice Belt rail road surveying corps reached this county Sunday and are camped for the present on Lynnville Bayou, and we understand they will run to Buckner’s prairie and thence to Bay City. Of course they will pass Caney en route.

The telephone line from Bay City to this place has been out of repair for several days caused by a break in the wire in Col. Holt’s pasture. Arthur Matthews went out Sunday evening and stuck the ends of the broken wire into the ground which helps us out some.

Matagorda County Tribune, October 30, 1903

Caney Cullings.

By Paul Pry.

Mr. Freeson, book agent, was doing Caney the first of the week.

Messrs. Willis and Gibson, two knights of the grip, were talking to our Caney merchants this week.

A. W. Benedict was called to Bay City Thursday to see his father, who was reported very sick, but last accounts he was improving and now A. W. himself is quite sick.

F. P. Vaughn and wife passed through our burg Monday en route home from Bay City.

A. S. Collins and wife were visiting relatives on Caney Sunday.

Messrs. Reed and Barnes, drummers, were on Caney Wednesday.

R. P. Breeding, representing Gust Heye & Co. of Galveston, was on Caney Wednesday. The Blum Hardware Co’s agent was also a caller. In fact there were too many to try to mention all of them.

H. M. Bowie was in from the rice field Tuesday.

Mrs. R. M. Matthews has been on the sick list this week but is improving at this writing.

H. B. Duncan, our rustling syrup man, and J. L. Waddell both visited Bay City during the week.

Judge Currie and his estimable wife were callers at Caney Monday.

Mrs. W. I. Wallace and daughter, Miss Fannie, accompanied by Oscar Ziegenhals were pleasant callers on Caney Tuesday night.

Matagorda County Tribune, November 6, 1903


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