Blessing Elementary

1942 - 43


Photos courtesy of
Ida Mae Wilson


Blessing students saying the pledge of allegiance using the Bellamy salute which was originally an ancient Roman salute.
When the Italian Fascists and German Nazis began using a similar salute, the United States Flag code was revised on December 22, 1942.
The raised arm salute was changed to placing the right hand on the heart. This picture was possibly taken in the fall of 1942 before the change.


Julia Alaniz Lupe Alaniz Mary Ellen Balusek
Lucas Barron Lucia "Lucy" Barron Martha Bredecka

Dorothy Henkes Willie Henkes Kermit Hermansen
Walter Herreth Lawrence Hickl Larry Horecka
Jodie James Mamie James Emma Jean Junek
Mary Jane Junek Betty Fern Morton Ben Murphy

Jean Nelson Leo Neuszer J. B. Nicholson
Mary Purvis Gilbert Saha Irene Seaman
Wilma Swinky Jimmy Trojak Nola Weaver


1943 Fourth and Sixth Grades - Teacher, Ida Mae Wilson

Front l to r: Willie Henkes, Dorothy Henkes, Mamie James, Lucy Barron, Wilma Swinky, Emma Jean Junek, Mary Ellen Balusek, J. B. Nicholson, Mary Jane Junek, Bobby Tharp.

Second row: Mary Purvis, Nola Weaver, Jean Nelson, Betty Fern Morton, Irene Seaman, Lupe Barron, Kermit Hermansen, Gilbert Saha, Leo Neuszer.

Back row: Eliga Sliva, Vernon Hunt, Jodie James, Walter Herreth, unknown, Jimmy Trojak, Larry Horecka, Ben Murphy, Doris Bunge, Martha Bredecka.


Copyright 2019 - Present by Carol Sue Gibbs
All rights reserved

Feb. 27, 2019
Feb. 27, 2019