Ashwood Newspaper Columns



Mr. J. P. Chastun and daughter, Margaret, went to Bay City Saturday.

Mr. F. C. Gernand and family arrived at this place Sunday. Mr. Gernand is employed by the Valley View Farm.

Mrs. M. D. Hanson went to Wharton on business Monday.

Mrs. J. F. Smith went to Brazoria Monday on business.

Mrs. Lysle Allidice went to Brazoria on Monday.

Mr. G. Walker went to Van Vleck Tuesday on business.

The farmers are very busy preparing to plant their spring potatoes.

The Valley View Farm made a fin__ of fancy vegetables, Monday.

Matagorda County Tribune, January 23, 1914


Robt. and Jas. Walker went to Van Vleck Saturday.

Jas. H. Chastun and T. C. Gernand went to Bay City on business Monday.

Walter Brown of Sugar Valley was at this place Tuesday.

Mr. Faickney of Van Vleck was at this place, buying stock Wednesday.

Potatoes are making their appearance over the patches. Some farmers have corn ready for cultivating.

The Valley View Farm has beans up and peas blooming; also some mushmelons are up and look nice.

Matagorda County Tribune, March 17, 1914


Miss Sealy Weeks of Midfield was visiting at this place Wednesday.

Miss Minnie Harper visited her mother, Mrs. A. C. Harper in Bay City, Friday and Saturday.

Mrs. L. Stafford and Mrs. M. D. Hanson went to Pledger Saturday.

J. P. Chastun and daughter, Agnes, went to Bay City on business Saturday.

Rev. Father Montreuil arrived at this place Monday and held mass Tuesday at 8 a. m. There were seven for Holy Communion and sixteen people present. All had a merry good time and at 9 o’clock all departed very happy. Again we have the promise of regular mass here; also the promise of a new Catholic Church which all the people will be proud to learn of. Rev. Father Montreuil left this place on the evening train for Bay City.

George Walker went to Van Vleck Saturday.

Little Mary Agnes Gernand was baptized by Rev. Father Montreuil. This adds another Catholic to our list.

Matagorda County Tribune, April 10, 1914

Ashwood Locals

Mr. C. Z. Smith and daughter are spending the week in Bay City.

Mr. Wm. Cash, of Bay City, was out in this community on business last Friday.

Little Master Jesse Jarrell, who has been dangerously ill, is reported improving the last day or two.

Our teacher, Miss Toups, spent Saturday and Sunday at her home in Bay City, returning Monday morning.

Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Smith are the happy parents of a ten pound girl, who arrived at their home Monday morning.

Matagorda County and Midcoast Farmer, October 30, 1914



Miss Izoria Toups visited her parents Saturday and Sunday.


Mrs. L. Stafford of Sugar Valley was here Saturday.


Messrs. J. P. and J. H. Chastun went to Bay City on business Saturday.


Messrs. John McCrosky, B. Curry?, and LeCompte of the Pierce estate were gathering cattle in these parts the past week.


Prof. W. C. Gray, county superintendent of public instruction, was here inspecting the school buildings and locations Wednesday.


Mr. Mike O'Connor of Van Vleck passed through our city Wednesday.


Mrs. M. D. Hanson spent Tuesday night with her mother, Mrs. N. J. Chastun.


Mrs. C. L. Smith has been on the sick list this week.


The recent rains have stopped the grading of the roads in this section.


Quite a heavy rain fell in this part of the county Tuesday night.


Walter Brown of Sugar Valley was at this place Wednesday.


Matagorda County Tribune, December 4, 1914


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