Francitas Hotels

The Nebraska Inn


The Nebraska Inn - Francitas, Tex.

Colony Enjoys Wild Turkey Dinner, Home Grown Vegetables and June Weather

The climax of the day was the Christmas dinner served at the Nebraska Inn. Mrs. L. B. Parkins, the popular and very efficient manager of this most delightful hostelery, had with her assistants tastefully decorated the dining room and the office with loads of mistletoe and holly gathered from the farms of Francitas lands. The meal served could not have been excelled by any served in the best homes in Nebraska , where wealth grows on trees and trees are scarce. The main item on a most bountiful bill of fare was wild turkey, which fell to the prowess of Hon. Will Clark, the mighty hunter of Francitas, who presented the colony with the birds which others had so long hunted unsuccessfully. And with the turkey there are served all the trimming, too delicate and delicious to mention by just an ordinary newspaper reporter. Among the surprises to the people of the north who were guests at the feast, were young onions gathered in the garden which is the delight of the country side around; radishes and lettuce taken from the same garden; turnips that grew along side the onions and the lettuce and the radishes. Then of course there was oyster soup full of oysters taken from Matagorda bay , which adjoins Francitas lands; then there were cranberries and plum pudding and mince pies and giblet gravy and many another dishes that pleased and was most satisfying.—Francitas Bee, December 29, 1910

Francitas Bee, December 29, 1910

Moore Takes Hotel
Man From Angleton Takes Over Nebraska Inn. Mrs. Parkins Goes to Palacios

Mrs. L. B. Parkins who has been in charge of the Nebraska Inn since its establishment turned over the management of the hotel to George Moore of Angleton the first of the month and has gone to Palacios where she will have charge of the large hotel there.

Mr. and Mrs. Moore arrived from Angleton Tuesday where they have been in charge of the business of the Valley Fruit Farm and Garden Company and assumed active management of the hotel the next day. These people are from Nebraska and are well known to the citizens of Francitas who extend to them a warm welcome. Success has marked every undertaking of Mr. Moore and that he will conduct the Nebraska Inn satisfactorily goes without question.

Mrs. Parkins assumed the management of the Nebraska Inn in the frontier days here and she can recall the time when wild turkey was not an unusual dish for the table. Mrs. Parkins has won the hearts of the people of Francitas and especially those whose good fortune it has been to board at the Inn. Her reputation as a "good feeder" extended all along the gulf coast and many parties from other towns spent their Sundays here to sit at her table. When it was announced that she was to leave the Nebraska Inn many other towns made her offers, but at this time she has decided to go to Palacios.—Francitas Bee, February 2, 1911

The Nebraska Inn served 300 meals last Sunday and had enough supplies left over to have cared for 75 or 100 more people. If here is any hotel in the world in a town two months old that could meet an emergency like this hotel, The Bee would like to hear about it. --Francitas Bee, February 16, 1911

The Nebraska Inn under construction


The Nebraska Inn

George Moore

George Moore--We could use some more like him--is the proprietor of the Nebraska Inn, which has proven such a good advertisement for the town, being the only $2.00 a day house here. Mr. Moore is some hunter as is shown by the picture wherein he killed a deer, and let some of his friends get in the picture. Mr. Phelps however who is in teh prty, and who, the night the photograph was taken, dreamed he killed buck, finally brought down his meat a few days later. Mr. and Mrs. Moore came through from Prosser in their automobile and they still have the automobile to prove it and also to demonstrate that running a good hotel in Francitas pays.

Francitas Bee, November 23, 1911

Francitas Fire Razes 4 Buildings

Francitas, Feb. 11.--A hotel, store, garage, and barn were destroyed by fire here.

The blaze, of undetermined origin, started in the W. H. Wingart store at 4 a. m., destroying it. Sparks carried by a high wind ignited the roof of the Nebraska Inn, and the hotel burned to the ground.

A garage and barn at the home of Francisco Escalante also were ignited by sparks and destroyed.--Houston Post.

Palacios Beacon, February 16, 1939

The Bell House

Bell Hotel, Francitas Texas

W. W. Bell is starting on his rooming house which will be large enough to accommodate many guests. When this is completed he intends to furnish it nicely. Every room will be thoroughly ventilated and the structure will in every respect be first class and up to date. The lower floor will be used for other purposes. Mr. Bell's daughter is expected down shortly to take charge of the building.--Francitas Bee, December 22, 1910

W. W. Bell has his large rooming house well under way and it will be modern in every respect, well ventilated, lighted and comfortable. On the rear of the same lot he has built a large carpenter shop for his own use, for Mr. Bell expects to build another house shortly.--Francitas Bee, December 29, 1910

The Bell rooming house is going to be a credit to the town. It is 24x60 feet and is being built in a most substantial way. It will have both a lower and an upper gallery constructed along the lines of the Nebraska Inn. Each room will have plenty of ventilation both through windows and transom. This building is nearing completion and Mr. Bell is rushing the work on it. Mr. Bell expected to have it finished some time ago but the delay in getting lumber postponed the time when he could move into it. --Francitas Bee, March 9, 1911

Bell House Hop

The Bell House was received in polite society Friday night and given a royal send off on the occasion of its dedication to the work it is to do, by a dance at which were present a large number of people from this and neighboring towns. This new hotel has 22 rooms and two broad galleries and is owned and managed by W. W. Bell an experienced hotel  man who expects to grow up with the city.

Refreshments were served during the evening and a most delightful time was had by all present.--Francitas Bee, May 18, 1911

Nervy Bell

When W. W. Bell reached Francitas, he realized after a few attempts to get something to eat, that another hotel was needed, so without aid or consent of any one, he built it. It has 22 rooms and at last accounts every room was full. This expenditure of several thousand dollars by Mr. Bell required some nerve, in the early days of a new town, but those who are here know that the gentleman from Wauneta knew what he was about. --Francitas Bee, November 23, 1911

Francitas House

Francitas Bee, November 23, 1911

Francitas Bee, February 9, 1911

Francitas Bee, February 9, 1911

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