Francitas Homes

Home of William F. Schwind


A. Z. Almon


Levi Bailey


Lubben home at right
Photo courtesy of Vernon Hunt

Bailey Home
Picture taken when residence of Mrs. Ada Joines


A. B. "Bud" Bowers


William Baruth


Believed to be the home of Alexander C. Joines, co-owner of Joines Store


A. T. Kellogg and later Louis Funk



George Papineau


J. L. Stall


U. C. Street


William Baker


W. E. Dillard

F. T. Dimick

J. W. Dismukes


C. E. Fisher

W. E. Fisher


C. W. Gibson


Maud Corey Godfrey

F. G. Hayes


W. S. Hewitt
S. C. Holton
J. B. Houts

G. R. Joines

W. C. H. Marshall

C. P. Mung

H. H. Philpott
Geo. Swarts

J. M. Young


Ralph C. Young

Robert E. Young

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Copyright 2015 - Present by Carol Sue Gibbs
All rights reserved

Oct. 5, 2015
Oct. 9, 2015