Francitas, Jackson County, Texas

Volume 1 #40    7 Sep 1911

School Opens Monday  

Francitas district school will open Monday with Professor Rufus Kingham at the head. The school board will construct a temporary school house this week which will be used until the new building is completed

When the school census was taken some time ago there were 49 children of school age in the district but at this time there are many more than that number here.

 Francitas has had its first circus and everybody is happy. The aggregation traveled under the name of the "Morrow Show" and played here to a crowded tent Saturday night. The show opened with a dog fight not on the program and closed with a clever little skit, in which the head of the family had an opportunity to demonstrate that he is a pretty good black face comedian. The act in which the children walked the rope and the work of the orchestra were both entertaining. This was the first entertainment of the kind ever given in the town and practically every body attended.

The box social at La Ward Friday night was well attended and everyone had a most delightful time. J. F. Willis was the auctioneer and the various lunch boxes brought a total of $36, which will be applied on the purchase of an organ for the church at that place. From here Miss Sylvia Holton, George Joines, J. F. Willis and Frank Holton attended. One box sold contained an onion, a potato, a piece of candy and a piece of chewing gum. Upon the bottom was written: “Sorry for you old man, but if you expect to eat with a young lady you will have buy another box.” The purchaser, though paying $1.75 for the bogus lunch, bought another to the joy of the crowd.

John P. Pierce and H. L. Montandon of Palacios was here a few hours Tuesday.

George R. Butlin? of Palacios was here Tuesday, stopping at the Francitas House.

Miss Lula Williams of Palacios was the guest of Miss Ruth Papineau from Saturday until Monday afternoon.


Volume 1 # 41  September 14, 1911

Contract Let

The school trustees let the contract for the new school house Saturday afternoon to Messrs. Keihl and Pfeiffer at Collegeport. Only three rooms and a library will be constructed at this time, the price to be $4,000. The building is to be of brick, 1 story, and the plans call for one of the most original, well ventilated and well lighted buildings in the county.

Work will be started at once and it is expected the building will be finished within sixty or seventy-five days.

 Tract For Cemetery

 Messrs. Schwind and Maher have notified G. J. Phelps their resident manager to set aside a five acre tract of land in the northwest part of the territory for a cemetery. This land the company donates to the city the deed to pass just as soon as a board is selected in who[se] name it shall be issued. The board is then to survey the tract into lots and place them for sale, the money thus derived to be used in clearing off some under brush on the land and taking out what trees it is necessary to remove and in fencing it.

There are several graves already on the tract, it having been the old Jordan burying ground.

When the cemetery board is selected there will doubtless be little trouble in selling lots to raise money to beautify the place as many persons would prefer to buy their lots now and secure choice locations rather than wait until necessity drives them into buying.

Among the new residents this week are James Papineau  and wife of Rhylander , Wis. who have moved in with their car of household goods and expect to make this their home. Mr. Papineau is a brother of our George Papineau, than whom there is no better citizen anywhere, and the recently bought 20 acres west of town from Schwind and Maher. He will at once begin the development of this tract and put up a dwelling. Mr. Papineau is a thorough business man and he will make a success of Francitas. The Bee on behalf of the community extends him a welcome.

 George Joines was in LaWard Tuesday.

Fair Francitas

(Anniversary Ode by F. E. Hale)

New hopes arose when thou wert born,

Fair Francitas;

And now we celebrate that morn,

Fair Francitas;

New homes, where love and peace shall bide,

While ebbs and flows the human tide,

And plenty smiles on every side,

Fair Francitas.

Thy soft winds from the sunlit bay,

Fair Francitas;

Thy fertile fields where sunbeams play,

Fair Francitas;

Thy radiant skies of bluest sheen,

They fragrant gardens, ever green,

A fairer land was never seen,

Fair Francitas.

Let faith and hope and love prevail,

Fair Francitas;

Let not the serpent's art avail,

Fair Francitas;

A brotherhood they people be,

So kind and true, so strong and free,

United in all to honor thee,

Fair Francitas.


Volume 1 #42  September 21, 1911

  Block 66

 School Board Will Change Location of School to Get It Away From Businesses

...located on Lincoln Avenue , a block from the church.

Another New Family

J. B. Wilkins and family of Strawn , Texas , are among the new arrivals this week. They will make their home on the place bought by Mr. Ferrier through F. L. McLendon recently, known as the Bayne's place, northeast of town.

Mr. Wilkins and family drove through from Strawn about 400 miles, and were about three weeks on the road. They lost one horse, but otherwise fared all right.

“I found the best crops and the best grass after we got along the Navidad” said Mr. Wilkins “of any place along the entire road. This country looks mighty good to me and it certainly looks better and greener than north Texas . I am very well pleased with what I have seen.

  Mr. Wilkins will remain in town several days before going to his farm.

 Ice Cream Soda at the Francitas Pharmacy

  Buy your school books at the Francitas Pharmacy

 The laundry basket will be sent from the Nebraska Inn on Monday after hereafter instead of Tuesday, so those who have laundry to send will govern themselves accordingly.


Volume 1 #43   September 28, 1911

J. W. Dismukes of the Bee has bought the William Hempstead place from James Papineau and is now building a residence thereon. Mr. Hempstead has the place well improved with a chicken house, a one room dwelling and trees and flowers. Mr. Dismukes is building a nice residence to which the one room will be joined, and when completed he will be well located. This is one of the best lots in town. He already has some twenty chickens on the place and he expects to raise poultry on a big scale. Mr. Dismukes has been here since July and in that time he had been convinced that Francitas is the coming town.